How to Nourish a Soul | Joel Osteen
How to Nourish a Soul
David said in Psalm 144, “Happy are the people whose God is the Lord.” Sometimes, when we look at our circumstances, there’s nothing to be happy about. We’re fighting cancer, going through a pandemic, having trouble at work. There’s nothing good about that. But the reason we can be happy is our God is on the throne. He controls the universe. He’s our provider, He’s our healer, He’s our vindicator, He’s our way-maker. We can be happy that the most powerful force in the universe is on our side. We can be happy that what was meant for harm He’s turning to our advantage. We can be happy that He promised to work out His plan for our lives.
We have this small plant in a pot on our back porch, and we were out of town for a couple of weeks and didn’t water it.
When we came back, the plant was all wilted over. Leads were brown, dried up. Looked like it was dead.
I was about to take it to the trash. Victoria said, no, Joy, it’s not dead.
Just put some water in it.
I thought, man, she has more faith than me because there’s nothing in this plant that looks alive.
I watered it the next morning the plant had stood up tall. I thought this is a miracle.
This is a resurrection. 2 days later, the leaves had turned green, a couple of weeks later, there were beautiful flowers.
The whole plant was blossoming, blooming, prettier than ever. I thought it was dead.
All it needed was some nourishment.
And the reason some people are wilted, not blossoming Not reaching their potential is their lacking nourishment.
They need someone to speak life into them. You have what they need.
If you’ll encourage them, let them know that you believe in them, call out their seeds of greatness, just like this plan, you’ll see them come to life.
Gifts will come out that they didn’t know they had. Their passion will come back.
Before long, they’ll be blossoming, blooming, stepping into new levels. It wasn’t something they could do on their own.
They needed what you have. Your kind words or nourishment to their soul.
And this is not something that’s complicated. Doesn’t take a lot of time.
In twenty seconds, you can give a compliment. You can send a text. I’m thinking about you.
I appreciate your friendship. You’re really amazing. You just nourish their soul.
You just lighten their load, made their life a little easier. You don’t know what people are going through.
They may smile on the outside. Everything seems fine, but on the inside, they’re hurting.
They’re trying to keep it together. One thing I’ve learned is everyone is fighting a battle.
Everyone is dealing with something. They may not show it, but there’s a load they’re carrying.
There are thoughts telling them how it’s not gonna work out.
They’re concerned about a child, worried about their health, struggling in their career, If they were sick and we had the medicine, we had the cure.
None of us would withhold it. We’d be quick to give it to them. We wanna see them get better.
What I’m saying is we have some medicine.
We have something that will not only nourish their soul, soothe their emotions, calm their fears, but our kind words bring healing to the body.
When you tell someone, it’s gonna be okay. It’s gonna work out.
God has you in the palm of his hand. That just made them stronger.
Their immune system will function better. Their cells will work more efficiently. Their blood pressure will improve.
All because you took time to be a healer. Proverbs says a word of encouragement works wonders.
We often pray for signs and wonders, and I believe in that.
But what if some of those wonders are in our kind words?
What if the miracle was in something simple, telling someone that they’re going to make it, telling your spouse every day, I love you.
Given your coworker, your friend, a compliment, encouraging them. Don’t discount the power of a kind word.
It can work wonders. My mother had polio as a child, and one of her legs is much smaller than the other.
She’s always walked with a limp. That used to really bother her.
She was self conscious about it, thinking people are looking at me, thinking what’s wrong with you, and she’d try to cover up the small leg.
We’re in longer dresses. One day, a minister friend was speaking for us at the old church.
He and my father were walking together and My mother was a few feet in front of them.
He saw my mother walking. He turned to my father and said, John, look at Doty.
She walks like a princess. My mother had never heard anything positive about how she walked.
But when she heard that, it changed her whole perspective. She stopped being embarrassed by.
She started walking with confidence, knowing that she made in the image of almighty god.
That was over 40 years ago, but she remembers it like it was yesterday.
One compliment, one kind word can have an impact for a lifetime.
I hope you enjoyed watching this clip. You can watch the full message here on our YouTube channel.
We’d love to hear your prayer request and how the ministry has impacted your life, you can leave a comment below.
Make sure to subscribe to our channel to stay inspired all throughout the week.
When we came back, the plant was all wilted over. Leads were brown, dried up. Looked like it was dead.
I was about to take it to the trash. Victoria said, no, Joy, it’s not dead.
Just put some water in it.
I thought, man, she has more faith than me because there’s nothing in this plant that looks alive.
I watered it the next morning the plant had stood up tall. I thought this is a miracle.
This is a resurrection. 2 days later, the leaves had turned green, a couple of weeks later, there were beautiful flowers.
The whole plant was blossoming, blooming, prettier than ever. I thought it was dead.
All it needed was some nourishment.
And the reason some people are wilted, not blossoming Not reaching their potential is their lacking nourishment.
They need someone to speak life into them. You have what they need.
If you’ll encourage them, let them know that you believe in them, call out their seeds of greatness, just like this plan, you’ll see them come to life.
Gifts will come out that they didn’t know they had. Their passion will come back.
Before long, they’ll be blossoming, blooming, stepping into new levels. It wasn’t something they could do on their own.
They needed what you have. Your kind words or nourishment to their soul.
And this is not something that’s complicated. Doesn’t take a lot of time.
In twenty seconds, you can give a compliment. You can send a text. I’m thinking about you.
I appreciate your friendship. You’re really amazing. You just nourish their soul.
You just lighten their load, made their life a little easier. You don’t know what people are going through.
They may smile on the outside. Everything seems fine, but on the inside, they’re hurting.
They’re trying to keep it together. One thing I’ve learned is everyone is fighting a battle.
Everyone is dealing with something. They may not show it, but there’s a load they’re carrying.
There are thoughts telling them how it’s not gonna work out.
They’re concerned about a child, worried about their health, struggling in their career, If they were sick and we had the medicine, we had the cure.
None of us would withhold it. We’d be quick to give it to them. We wanna see them get better.
What I’m saying is we have some medicine.
We have something that will not only nourish their soul, soothe their emotions, calm their fears, but our kind words bring healing to the body.
When you tell someone, it’s gonna be okay. It’s gonna work out.
God has you in the palm of his hand. That just made them stronger.
Their immune system will function better. Their cells will work more efficiently. Their blood pressure will improve.
All because you took time to be a healer. Proverbs says a word of encouragement works wonders.
We often pray for signs and wonders, and I believe in that.
But what if some of those wonders are in our kind words?
What if the miracle was in something simple, telling someone that they’re going to make it, telling your spouse every day, I love you.
Given your coworker, your friend, a compliment, encouraging them. Don’t discount the power of a kind word.
It can work wonders. My mother had polio as a child, and one of her legs is much smaller than the other.
She’s always walked with a limp. That used to really bother her.
She was self conscious about it, thinking people are looking at me, thinking what’s wrong with you, and she’d try to cover up the small leg.
We’re in longer dresses. One day, a minister friend was speaking for us at the old church.
He and my father were walking together and My mother was a few feet in front of them.
He saw my mother walking. He turned to my father and said, John, look at Doty.
She walks like a princess. My mother had never heard anything positive about how she walked.
But when she heard that, it changed her whole perspective. She stopped being embarrassed by.
She started walking with confidence, knowing that she made in the image of almighty god.
That was over 40 years ago, but she remembers it like it was yesterday.
One compliment, one kind word can have an impact for a lifetime.
I hope you enjoyed watching this clip. You can watch the full message here on our YouTube channel.
We’d love to hear your prayer request and how the ministry has impacted your life, you can leave a comment below.
Make sure to subscribe to our channel to stay inspired all throughout the week.
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