Underestimated | Joel Osteen
Underestimated | Joel Osteen
Don’t be discouraged when people underestimate you. God is going to defy the odds so that everyone sees His favor on your life.
The only tools the enemy has are deception and lies. There is no truth in him. You have to become skilled at dismissing his lies. He’ll try to talk you out of your destiny.
David understood this principle. I’m underestimated and that’s OK. Doesn’t hurt my feelings. I’m not offended.
They can’t see what’s in me. The odds may be against me. But I know God uses underestimated people.
This is setting me up for a new level of my destiny.
It’s great to be with you today and I hope you’ll stay connected with us during the week through our daily podcast, our youtube channel, social media.
We’ll keep you encouraged and inspired. I like to start with something funny.
And one day up in heaven, Satan and Jesus were having a contest to see who was better at computers.
After six hours of making spreadsheets designing web pages, a thunderstorm knocked the power out when they rebooted their computers.
Satan started screaming, it’s all lost.
All my material is gone while Jesus quietly walked over, printed his out, turned it in.
Satan complained it’s not fair. He must achieve how come he didn’t lose his material.
God smiled and said, Jesus says, say it like you mean it, this is my bible.
I am what it says I am.
I have what it says I have, I can do what it says I can do today.
I will be taught the word of God. I boldly confess, my mind is alert, my heart is receptive.
I will never be the same in Jesus name. God bless you.
I wanna talk to you today about underestimated we all face times when what we’re up against is too big for us.
The dream is too great. The problem, too strong, the opposition, too powerful people rule us out and think it’s never gonna happen.
You don’t have the resources. You don’t come from the right family. The medical report is not good.
All the facts say it’s impossible but God on purpose will have you underestimated when it seems the least likely.
That’s when he shows up the greatest. Don’t get discouraged when you’re underestimated. It’s a set up.
God put you in that position to show himself strong.
When you defy the odds, everyone will know his favor is on your life.
But when you’re outnumbered, outsized, out, educated, out trained, don’t be surprised if people discount you tell you you’re not talented enough, not tall enough, not strong enough, not experienced enough.
That may be true. But what they can’t see is what God put in you.
They’re just looking on the outside from a natural perspective, but you have something on the inside, the seed of Almighty God.
It will take you where you can’t go on your own, but sometimes doubt will whisper.
You don’t have what it takes. How could you accomplish that dream? Where you gonna get the funds?
How can you take your family to a new level? You’re barely making it each week.
How can you get the promotion? Your co worker is more qualified?
They have more training but deep down you can’t explain it or something tells you you can do it.
You were created for this. You know, it’s gonna happen. People look at you and think just the opposite.
You’re exactly where you’re supposed to be. God uses underestimated people.
When you look down on told it’s not gonna happen. Get ready.
God is about to show out in your life. It’s going to be uncommon.
People are going to be scratching their heads thinking how did he become that successful?
Do you know what neighborhood he was raised in? How did she marry that man? I don’t get it.
How did she beat the cancer? Did you see the report? How did he become the pastor of Lakewood?
He didn’t have the training. God loves to take the underestimated and do something awesome.
The reason He puts you in situations that are too big, too strong, too much is not to defeat you but to establish you.
When God turns it around, when you discover the greatness inside people will see you in a whole new light that’s moving you toward your God given purpose.
When you’re tempted to feel overwhelmed, outnumbered, not enough, instead of giving up, have a new perspective.
I’m underestimated and that’s ok. I know God is up to something I know favor is coming.
I know new doors are about to open.
I know healing is on the way God is going to defy the odds and do what only he can do.
Don’t be discouraged when you’re underestimated, embrace being underestimated.
God loves to take the underdog and cause them to shine when people don’t believe in you, they’re discounting you all the facts say it’s never going to happen.
You’re in perfect position for God to surprise you.
That’s when he’ll show up and do things that catapult you into your destiny. Think about David.
He had a history of being underestimated as a teenager.
He was out in the shepherd’s fields, taking care of his father’s sheep. His brothers were in the army.
They had a prestigious position. David was the youngest, the smallest.
He was discounted, sort of seen as the runt of the litter.
When the prophet Samuel came to his house to anoint one of his father’s sons as the next king of Israel.
His father, Jesse didn’t call him in from the shepherd’s fields. He thought there’s no way it’s.
David didn’t have the size, the strength, the talent, these other brothers are bigger, stronger, more experienced.
He saw David as less than not good enough. He didn’t have a chance yet.
When Samuel looked at the other brothers, he said it’s none of them.
What’s significant is the oldest son, Eli was tall, strong, muscular, attractive. He looked like a king.
He was a perfect choice, but God loves to choose the underdog. The least likely the one others write off.
Jesse told Samuel I have another son out in the Shepherd’s fields, but I’m sure it’s not him.
David came in. Samuel said, that’s the one I can imagine. Jesse nearly passed out.
Samuel said, Jesse, you look on the outside, but God looks on the inside.
You’re judging by appearance, height stature, but God looks at the heart.
David was anointed to be king, but he didn’t go to the palace.
He went back to the shepherd’s fields.
One day, his father asked him to take lunch to his brothers who were serving in the army in another city when he arrived.
Instead of thanking him, his oldest brother made fun of him in front of all the men.
What are you doing here, David?
And what did you do with those few sheep you’re supposed to be taking care of?
He belittled him, discounted him. Tried to make him feel small.
He didn’t think David would do anything significant like David’s father, he saw him is not up to par just a young boy.
Think about how easily David could have felt inadequate, inferior, been talked out of what God put in his heart so important that you don’t let how people treat you determine your value.
Don’t let what they say determine your self worth. They may not believe in you.
They see you as less than say things that try to push you down.
Don’t let those lives take root live inferior insecure, not pursue your dreams.
You have to do like David, let it go in one ear and out the other. They’re underestimating you.
But you know, this principle God uses underestimated people. It’s a set up.
He’s about to show out in your life as David was about to return home.
Goliath, the champion of the Philistine army came out on the mountainside and started taunting the Israelites shouting insults, daring them to come fight.
All the Israelite army ran in hid, they were afraid but something rose up in David.
He said, who is this man that he would defy the armies of the living.
God didn’t make sense to his mind but he had this passion, this knowing that he was gonna take care of Goliath.
He went to King Saul and told him that he wanted to fight Goliath.
You would think that Saul would be happy. None of his soldiers had the courage. They were all terrified.
Day after day, they shrunk back. Finally, someone stepped up.
But when King Saul saw how small David was, he said in verse 33 David don’t be ridiculous.
You’re just a boy. He’s the champion of their army. He’s incredibly skilled, strong and powerful.
You can imagine how David felt. He had all this passion, this enthusiasm.
He knew God called him to do something great, but nobody believed in Him, his father, his brother, King Saul, they all discounted him, tried to talk him out of it.
But David understood this principle. I’m underestimated and that’s ok. Doesn’t hurt my feelings. I’m not offended.
They can’t see what’s in me. The odds may be against me. But I know God uses underestimated people.
This is setting me up for a new level of my destiny.
David got his courage up, went out to face Goliath when Goliath saw how small David was, he began to make fun of David ridicule him.
He said, am I a dog that you’d come at me with a stick?
He was saying, is this the best you got?
This teenager, this young boy, he didn’t have the training, the size, the experience. He’s not even worth my time.
Look at how many opportunities David had to get discouraged. Feel inadequate, unqualified, his father, his brothers, King Saul.
Now even Goliath are all trying to reinforce these lies. David, you’re not enough. You can’t do this.
It’s too big to reach your destiny.
You have to tune out all the naysayers, the intimidations that can’t do it.
Thoughts you have to know on purpose.
God is causing you to be underestimated people not believing in you, discounting you feeling like you’re way over your head.
That’s a sign that you’re right where you’re supposed to be.
God is positioning you to do something that you’ve never seen to defy the odds to go where no one in your family has gone to break generational curses to bring down giants to set new standards.
Don’t get discouraged when people don’t believe in you try to talk you out of it.
It’s good to be underestimated. That means God’s about to catapult you to new levels.
Goliath stood over nine ft tall.
He was huge, muscular, not only powerful, but he was skilled in battle, smart, experienced agile.
You would think God would find the biggest Israeli soldier, the tallest, strongest, most skilled man to take on Goliath.
He’s God. He could have chosen anyone. He could have caused an Israeli man to be nine ft tall.
Stand eye to eye with Goliath. That makes more sense. But what did God do? He chose, David?
Some commentaries say David was less than five ft tall.
My brother Paul’s height, he was, he was very short, not even average height. Goliath was nine ft tall.
That means he was almost twice. David’s size. God was showing us this principle. He uses underestimated people.
You may be in a situation where what you’re up against seems impossible.
There are giants in your life in your finances doesn’t look like you’ll get ahead. Medical reports. Not good.
Maybe a child’s off course you’re still believing to meet someone. Nothing’s working out.
You’re right where David was, thoughts will tell you there’s no chance it’s too big too complicated.
You might as well turn around, quit expecting, quit believing. Don’t believe those lies.
God has let the odds be against you on purpose. He’s let you be underestimated.
So when he turns it around, when he defies the odds and you defeat that giant, you come out, promoted healthy, happy, married victorious.
Nobody will doubt the most high God is on your side.
Goliath was standing there in a full set of armor. He had a sword, a shield, the best protection.
The latest equipment, David had no armor, no helmet, no protection.
All he had was a slingshot and a few stones.
And when he looked at Goliath fully decked in all of his armor, he thought about how he had nothing but a slingshot.
He could have been intimidated. Afraid maybe this isn’t a good idea, but he knew that slingshot with the favor of God was more powerful than having the best equipment.
It’s not so much what you have.
It’s what do you think about what you have if you’re discounting your talent, discounting your height, discounting your ability, your nationality, your education, all I have is this slingshot.
I just went to high school. My family is just ordinary.
You’re going to miss the greatness God put in you. You don’t need great talent to do something great.
You don’t have to have great resources to leave your mark.
You don’t have to come from an influential family to make a big difference.
But if you live thinking, if I just had something better than this slingshot, I just had more talent, more experience, more personality, more courage that’s going to limit your life.
Here’s the key you have exactly what you need to fulfill your destiny may seem like it’s just a slingshot.
But that slingshot with the favor of God will take you from the shepherd’s fields to the palace.
It will cause a teenager with no training to defeat the most skilled warrior of that day.
Don’t discount what you have if you needed more. God would have given you more many times.
It’s not other people underestimating us. We’re underestimating who we are. It’s not the Goliaths holding us back.
It’s the lies we’re buying into. I’m too small. I’m too old, too shy, too clumsy.
I’m not wearing any armor. All I have is this slingshot.
Can I tell you that slingshot what you have in your hand is the ticket to the next level of your destiny.
Don’t discount what you have. God will take the little He’ll take what seems like not enough and breathe on it and it will become more than enough.
My question is, what do you think about what you have? Are you discounting what God has given you?
I don’t say this arrogantly but I realize I have the talent I need, I have the courage I need, I have the skills I need.
I have the height, the looks, the friends, the favor that I need.
Don’t go through life thinking that you’re at a disadvantage you’re lacking. You have everything you need.
Now, people may underestimate you. That’s a part of God’s plan. But don’t underestimate yourself. Don’t discount yourself.
Don’t talk yourself out of the greatness. God put in you, Joel. All I have is this slingshot.
All you need is a slingshot.
You’ll be amazed at where you can go with a little talent, a little courage, a little faith, a little determination.
This is where the Israelites missed it. 10 men went in to spy out the promised land.
They came back intimidated, afraid said Moses, the people are too big. We don’t have a chance.
We felt like grasshoppers compared to them. They didn’t understand this principle.
God will let the odds be against you on purpose. He’ll put you in situations where you’re the underdog.
Everyone counts you out. You don’t have the size, the training, the skill, the equipment.
If you stay focused on what you don’t have, you’ll talk yourself out of it.
The right approach is, yes, the people are big.
Yes, we felt like grasshoppers but God, we know you being for us is more than the world being against us.
We know you allow us to be underestimated so you can show your power in greater ways when God breathes on what you have like David and the slingshot, you will defeat enemies that are much bigger, overcome obstacles that look impossible.
You’ll go places that you’ve never dreamed.
Even in my own life when my father died, no one expected me to step up and pastor the church.
I didn’t have the training. I’ve never been to seminary. I was more quiet and reserved.
I liked being behind the scenes.
But when my father passed, I knew I was supposed to take this step of faith and plenty of people didn’t think I could do it.
A major newspaper wrote an article about how the worst thing that could happen was for one of the sons to take over.
I overheard a couple of people talking after a service saying he’s not as good as his father.
I don’t think he’ll make it.
But despite what they said, despite what my natural reasoning told me somehow, I believed that I had what it takes.
I wasn’t move all the naysayers. I didn’t let the giants intimidate me by the grace of God.
He’s caused me to go further than I ever imagined.
He’s brought gifts out that I didn’t know I had that same newspaper that talked about how I wasn’t qualified.
A few years later wrote another article was on the front page.
The headline was a force to be reckoned with. I thought to myself, look what God can do.
Take you from being underestimated. Look down on discounted to a force to be reckoned with.
Are you allowing people to talk you out of your dreams circumstances to convince you that you don’t have what it takes, get your fire back.
You underestimate it on purpose. It’s a set up.
God is about to do something that you’ve never seen, don’t discount what you have.
It may be small now. But when God breathes on it, it’s gonna multiply new doors are gonna open.
Giants are gonna come down when we acquired this place, the former Compact Center, a company filed a lawsuit to try to keep us from moving in and it wasn’t just any company.
It was the largest taxpayer in Texas.
A huge real estate company was literally David verse Goli, they had more funds, more influence, more connections, we could say like the Israelites, we felt like grasshoppers compared to them, they have billions of dollars of assets.
But when you’re underestimated God is setting you up, it’s a part of his plan, the bigger they are, the harder they’re going to fall, the more he’s going to get the credit.
Our attorneys told us that it could be tied up in the courts for up to 10 years, not to get our hopes up but a year and a half later without any warning, God supernaturally turned it around.
They not only dropped the lawsuit which gave us the building, they leased us 9000 covered parking spaces.
We didn’t have to build a garage. What am I saying?
When you’re underestimated God is up to something as you go through life, you’re gonna have these times where the odds are against you.
All the facts say there’s no way it’s gonna happen. Come on, man, they’re the biggest company in Texas.
Goliath is nine ft tall. You don’t have the funds, that sickness is permanent. It’s easy to get discouraged.
Give up on your dreams. Believe what people are saying, you know, have the right approach. I’m underestimated on purpose.
This means God is up to something he’s about to show out in my life in a new way.
There was a young boy that had a dream of playing professional football.
Nine years old, he drew a picture of himself and underneath, he wrote the caption best safety in the NFL.
The problem was he was very small, couldn’t make the team in high school.
He was only five ft tall and weighed £100.
The coaches were concerned for his safety and they kept telling him you’re too small, you’re going to get hurt.
Football is not for you. He’d go back again and again wanting to play so badly.
One day after practice, the coach on the field said to him very firmly.
Listen, son, we’ve taken all your measurements, we’ve studied you. You’re too small. You’re never going to play professional football.
The young man walked away so discouraged that night, he told his father the coaches took my measurements, my size, my height, my weight.
They say I don’t measure up. I can’t play football.
The father looked him in the eyes and said, son, did they measure your heart?
He was saying, they don’t know what’s in you.
They’re judging by the outside, but they can’t see the greatness that God put in you years later against all odds.
This young man, Bo Eason went on to play professional football. His second year in the league.
He was voted in all pro safety, one of the best players in that position when you’re underestimated, looked down on discounted.
That’s a sign that God is up to something big. People can’t stop your destiny.
What someone said about you or the odds being against you.
That’s God setting you up for something you’ve never seen and you have to do your part like David like Bo, keep believing, keep stretching, keep doing the right thing.
You’re gonna see unusual doors, open divine connections and favor that catapult you into your destiny.
We even see this in the life of Jesus.
He could have been born in a palace, born into royalty, born into wealth and influence.
Instead, he was born in a manger. He was wrapped in a blanket. They used for animals.
His mother was from a low income family. She didn’t have status or clout. Nobody knew her.
Jesus could have been raised in Rome, in a powerful city, but he grew up in Nazareth when he started doing miracles.
People were confused. They said can anything good come out of Nazareth. They were saying this doesn’t make sense.
Nobody significant lives here. Another time they ask, is this not the carpenter son? We know Jesus.
There’s nothing special about him. Don’t be offended if you’re underestimated. It’s all a part of God’s plan.
The key is, don’t let those lies get on the inside. They may try to devalue be little.
Not give you the time of day. That’s a test. You can get upset offended. You’re right.
I’m not that talented. I don’t have much of a future or you can say I’m underestimated and that’s ok.
God, you’re still on the throne. You’re in control of my life. I’m gonna keep honoring you.
I know you’ll cause me to defy the odds and go where I’ve never dreamed.
My father grew up very poor.
His family were farmers and they lost everything during the great depression and he had to drop out of high school to help on the farm.
They were the ones that received the Christmas basket that went to the poorest family.
He got a job selling popcorn in a movie theater in Fort Worth. He had no future to speak of.
No education, no money. But at 17 years old, he gave his life to Christ.
The first one in his family, God put a dream in his heart to become a minister.
He believed that one day he would have a church with thousands of people and that was unheard of back in the 19 thirties.
He told his parents that he was gonna go out and start ministering. They tried to discourage him.
Said John, all you know how to do is work on the farm. You’re gonna get out there and fail.
They meant well, they were trying to protect him but they underestimated him.
They didn’t think he could do something significant.
Nobody in our family had but look at how God works. My father went on to pastor great churches.
He founded Lakewood pastored here for nearly 40 years impacting the world. He was the least likely one.
He didn’t have any support. He had to hitchhike leaving the farm.
But God loves to take people who are underestimated when the odds are against you.
When others are telling you, it’s not gonna work out.
God will cause you to blossom, to bloom, to accomplish what seems impossible.
I mean, God could have chosen someone more qualified than my father.
Someone that had the credentials came from a prestigious family that had great skill and education.
Instead, he chose a popcorn salesman. He chose a young man with no religious upbringing.
God loves to defy the odds.
He’s gonna do things in your life that lead people scratching their heads thinking, how did that happen?
Can anything good come out of Fort Worth? Isn’t that Jack Osteen’s? So, aren’t they just poor farmers?
You may be underestimated. It’s a good thing. That’s a sign that God is up to something unusual.
You’re underestimated on purpose. The giants are way bigger on purpose. People are discounting you on purpose.
Your time is coming. God’s about to show out in your life. Don’t be offended, don’t get distracted.
Just keep doing the right thing. What they say doesn’t determine your destiny.
What they think about you doesn’t limit your future.
God uses underestimated people, I believe and declare like David, you’re about to defy the odds.
Giants that are much bigger are about to come down.
Gifts are going to come out of you in a greater way.
What God is about to do in your life will not only amaze you but other people will be scratching their heads in Jesus name.
And if you receive it, can you say amen?
I’d like to give you an opportunity to make Jesus the Lord of your life.
Would you pray with me? Just say Lord Jesus, I repent of my sins come into my heart.
I make you my Lord and Savior.
If you prayed that simple prayer, we believe you got born again, we’d love to send you some free information on your new walk with the Lord.
You can text the number on the screen or go to the website.
I hope you’ll get into a good Bible based church and keep God first place Victorian and I’ll be right back to speak a blessing over you.
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We also want to take a moment and thank you for all you do to support the ministry with your donations and offerings.
You help keep the ministry going. When you give, I believe God will open the windows of heaven.
You’ll see his favor in new ways in your life.
I know our best days are still up in front of us.
We love you and we’ll see you next time.
They can’t see what’s in me. The odds may be against me. But I know God uses underestimated people.
This is setting me up for a new level of my destiny.
It’s great to be with you today and I hope you’ll stay connected with us during the week through our daily podcast, our youtube channel, social media.
We’ll keep you encouraged and inspired. I like to start with something funny.
And one day up in heaven, Satan and Jesus were having a contest to see who was better at computers.
After six hours of making spreadsheets designing web pages, a thunderstorm knocked the power out when they rebooted their computers.
Satan started screaming, it’s all lost.
All my material is gone while Jesus quietly walked over, printed his out, turned it in.
Satan complained it’s not fair. He must achieve how come he didn’t lose his material.
God smiled and said, Jesus says, say it like you mean it, this is my bible.
I am what it says I am.
I have what it says I have, I can do what it says I can do today.
I will be taught the word of God. I boldly confess, my mind is alert, my heart is receptive.
I will never be the same in Jesus name. God bless you.
I wanna talk to you today about underestimated we all face times when what we’re up against is too big for us.
The dream is too great. The problem, too strong, the opposition, too powerful people rule us out and think it’s never gonna happen.
You don’t have the resources. You don’t come from the right family. The medical report is not good.
All the facts say it’s impossible but God on purpose will have you underestimated when it seems the least likely.
That’s when he shows up the greatest. Don’t get discouraged when you’re underestimated. It’s a set up.
God put you in that position to show himself strong.
When you defy the odds, everyone will know his favor is on your life.
But when you’re outnumbered, outsized, out, educated, out trained, don’t be surprised if people discount you tell you you’re not talented enough, not tall enough, not strong enough, not experienced enough.
That may be true. But what they can’t see is what God put in you.
They’re just looking on the outside from a natural perspective, but you have something on the inside, the seed of Almighty God.
It will take you where you can’t go on your own, but sometimes doubt will whisper.
You don’t have what it takes. How could you accomplish that dream? Where you gonna get the funds?
How can you take your family to a new level? You’re barely making it each week.
How can you get the promotion? Your co worker is more qualified?
They have more training but deep down you can’t explain it or something tells you you can do it.
You were created for this. You know, it’s gonna happen. People look at you and think just the opposite.
You’re exactly where you’re supposed to be. God uses underestimated people.
When you look down on told it’s not gonna happen. Get ready.
God is about to show out in your life. It’s going to be uncommon.
People are going to be scratching their heads thinking how did he become that successful?
Do you know what neighborhood he was raised in? How did she marry that man? I don’t get it.
How did she beat the cancer? Did you see the report? How did he become the pastor of Lakewood?
He didn’t have the training. God loves to take the underestimated and do something awesome.
The reason He puts you in situations that are too big, too strong, too much is not to defeat you but to establish you.
When God turns it around, when you discover the greatness inside people will see you in a whole new light that’s moving you toward your God given purpose.
When you’re tempted to feel overwhelmed, outnumbered, not enough, instead of giving up, have a new perspective.
I’m underestimated and that’s ok. I know God is up to something I know favor is coming.
I know new doors are about to open.
I know healing is on the way God is going to defy the odds and do what only he can do.
Don’t be discouraged when you’re underestimated, embrace being underestimated.
God loves to take the underdog and cause them to shine when people don’t believe in you, they’re discounting you all the facts say it’s never going to happen.
You’re in perfect position for God to surprise you.
That’s when he’ll show up and do things that catapult you into your destiny. Think about David.
He had a history of being underestimated as a teenager.
He was out in the shepherd’s fields, taking care of his father’s sheep. His brothers were in the army.
They had a prestigious position. David was the youngest, the smallest.
He was discounted, sort of seen as the runt of the litter.
When the prophet Samuel came to his house to anoint one of his father’s sons as the next king of Israel.
His father, Jesse didn’t call him in from the shepherd’s fields. He thought there’s no way it’s.
David didn’t have the size, the strength, the talent, these other brothers are bigger, stronger, more experienced.
He saw David as less than not good enough. He didn’t have a chance yet.
When Samuel looked at the other brothers, he said it’s none of them.
What’s significant is the oldest son, Eli was tall, strong, muscular, attractive. He looked like a king.
He was a perfect choice, but God loves to choose the underdog. The least likely the one others write off.
Jesse told Samuel I have another son out in the Shepherd’s fields, but I’m sure it’s not him.
David came in. Samuel said, that’s the one I can imagine. Jesse nearly passed out.
Samuel said, Jesse, you look on the outside, but God looks on the inside.
You’re judging by appearance, height stature, but God looks at the heart.
David was anointed to be king, but he didn’t go to the palace.
He went back to the shepherd’s fields.
One day, his father asked him to take lunch to his brothers who were serving in the army in another city when he arrived.
Instead of thanking him, his oldest brother made fun of him in front of all the men.
What are you doing here, David?
And what did you do with those few sheep you’re supposed to be taking care of?
He belittled him, discounted him. Tried to make him feel small.
He didn’t think David would do anything significant like David’s father, he saw him is not up to par just a young boy.
Think about how easily David could have felt inadequate, inferior, been talked out of what God put in his heart so important that you don’t let how people treat you determine your value.
Don’t let what they say determine your self worth. They may not believe in you.
They see you as less than say things that try to push you down.
Don’t let those lives take root live inferior insecure, not pursue your dreams.
You have to do like David, let it go in one ear and out the other. They’re underestimating you.
But you know, this principle God uses underestimated people. It’s a set up.
He’s about to show out in your life as David was about to return home.
Goliath, the champion of the Philistine army came out on the mountainside and started taunting the Israelites shouting insults, daring them to come fight.
All the Israelite army ran in hid, they were afraid but something rose up in David.
He said, who is this man that he would defy the armies of the living.
God didn’t make sense to his mind but he had this passion, this knowing that he was gonna take care of Goliath.
He went to King Saul and told him that he wanted to fight Goliath.
You would think that Saul would be happy. None of his soldiers had the courage. They were all terrified.
Day after day, they shrunk back. Finally, someone stepped up.
But when King Saul saw how small David was, he said in verse 33 David don’t be ridiculous.
You’re just a boy. He’s the champion of their army. He’s incredibly skilled, strong and powerful.
You can imagine how David felt. He had all this passion, this enthusiasm.
He knew God called him to do something great, but nobody believed in Him, his father, his brother, King Saul, they all discounted him, tried to talk him out of it.
But David understood this principle. I’m underestimated and that’s ok. Doesn’t hurt my feelings. I’m not offended.
They can’t see what’s in me. The odds may be against me. But I know God uses underestimated people.
This is setting me up for a new level of my destiny.
David got his courage up, went out to face Goliath when Goliath saw how small David was, he began to make fun of David ridicule him.
He said, am I a dog that you’d come at me with a stick?
He was saying, is this the best you got?
This teenager, this young boy, he didn’t have the training, the size, the experience. He’s not even worth my time.
Look at how many opportunities David had to get discouraged. Feel inadequate, unqualified, his father, his brothers, King Saul.
Now even Goliath are all trying to reinforce these lies. David, you’re not enough. You can’t do this.
It’s too big to reach your destiny.
You have to tune out all the naysayers, the intimidations that can’t do it.
Thoughts you have to know on purpose.
God is causing you to be underestimated people not believing in you, discounting you feeling like you’re way over your head.
That’s a sign that you’re right where you’re supposed to be.
God is positioning you to do something that you’ve never seen to defy the odds to go where no one in your family has gone to break generational curses to bring down giants to set new standards.
Don’t get discouraged when people don’t believe in you try to talk you out of it.
It’s good to be underestimated. That means God’s about to catapult you to new levels.
Goliath stood over nine ft tall.
He was huge, muscular, not only powerful, but he was skilled in battle, smart, experienced agile.
You would think God would find the biggest Israeli soldier, the tallest, strongest, most skilled man to take on Goliath.
He’s God. He could have chosen anyone. He could have caused an Israeli man to be nine ft tall.
Stand eye to eye with Goliath. That makes more sense. But what did God do? He chose, David?
Some commentaries say David was less than five ft tall.
My brother Paul’s height, he was, he was very short, not even average height. Goliath was nine ft tall.
That means he was almost twice. David’s size. God was showing us this principle. He uses underestimated people.
You may be in a situation where what you’re up against seems impossible.
There are giants in your life in your finances doesn’t look like you’ll get ahead. Medical reports. Not good.
Maybe a child’s off course you’re still believing to meet someone. Nothing’s working out.
You’re right where David was, thoughts will tell you there’s no chance it’s too big too complicated.
You might as well turn around, quit expecting, quit believing. Don’t believe those lies.
God has let the odds be against you on purpose. He’s let you be underestimated.
So when he turns it around, when he defies the odds and you defeat that giant, you come out, promoted healthy, happy, married victorious.
Nobody will doubt the most high God is on your side.
Goliath was standing there in a full set of armor. He had a sword, a shield, the best protection.
The latest equipment, David had no armor, no helmet, no protection.
All he had was a slingshot and a few stones.
And when he looked at Goliath fully decked in all of his armor, he thought about how he had nothing but a slingshot.
He could have been intimidated. Afraid maybe this isn’t a good idea, but he knew that slingshot with the favor of God was more powerful than having the best equipment.
It’s not so much what you have.
It’s what do you think about what you have if you’re discounting your talent, discounting your height, discounting your ability, your nationality, your education, all I have is this slingshot.
I just went to high school. My family is just ordinary.
You’re going to miss the greatness God put in you. You don’t need great talent to do something great.
You don’t have to have great resources to leave your mark.
You don’t have to come from an influential family to make a big difference.
But if you live thinking, if I just had something better than this slingshot, I just had more talent, more experience, more personality, more courage that’s going to limit your life.
Here’s the key you have exactly what you need to fulfill your destiny may seem like it’s just a slingshot.
But that slingshot with the favor of God will take you from the shepherd’s fields to the palace.
It will cause a teenager with no training to defeat the most skilled warrior of that day.
Don’t discount what you have if you needed more. God would have given you more many times.
It’s not other people underestimating us. We’re underestimating who we are. It’s not the Goliaths holding us back.
It’s the lies we’re buying into. I’m too small. I’m too old, too shy, too clumsy.
I’m not wearing any armor. All I have is this slingshot.
Can I tell you that slingshot what you have in your hand is the ticket to the next level of your destiny.
Don’t discount what you have. God will take the little He’ll take what seems like not enough and breathe on it and it will become more than enough.
My question is, what do you think about what you have? Are you discounting what God has given you?
I don’t say this arrogantly but I realize I have the talent I need, I have the courage I need, I have the skills I need.
I have the height, the looks, the friends, the favor that I need.
Don’t go through life thinking that you’re at a disadvantage you’re lacking. You have everything you need.
Now, people may underestimate you. That’s a part of God’s plan. But don’t underestimate yourself. Don’t discount yourself.
Don’t talk yourself out of the greatness. God put in you, Joel. All I have is this slingshot.
All you need is a slingshot.
You’ll be amazed at where you can go with a little talent, a little courage, a little faith, a little determination.
This is where the Israelites missed it. 10 men went in to spy out the promised land.
They came back intimidated, afraid said Moses, the people are too big. We don’t have a chance.
We felt like grasshoppers compared to them. They didn’t understand this principle.
God will let the odds be against you on purpose. He’ll put you in situations where you’re the underdog.
Everyone counts you out. You don’t have the size, the training, the skill, the equipment.
If you stay focused on what you don’t have, you’ll talk yourself out of it.
The right approach is, yes, the people are big.
Yes, we felt like grasshoppers but God, we know you being for us is more than the world being against us.
We know you allow us to be underestimated so you can show your power in greater ways when God breathes on what you have like David and the slingshot, you will defeat enemies that are much bigger, overcome obstacles that look impossible.
You’ll go places that you’ve never dreamed.
Even in my own life when my father died, no one expected me to step up and pastor the church.
I didn’t have the training. I’ve never been to seminary. I was more quiet and reserved.
I liked being behind the scenes.
But when my father passed, I knew I was supposed to take this step of faith and plenty of people didn’t think I could do it.
A major newspaper wrote an article about how the worst thing that could happen was for one of the sons to take over.
I overheard a couple of people talking after a service saying he’s not as good as his father.
I don’t think he’ll make it.
But despite what they said, despite what my natural reasoning told me somehow, I believed that I had what it takes.
I wasn’t move all the naysayers. I didn’t let the giants intimidate me by the grace of God.
He’s caused me to go further than I ever imagined.
He’s brought gifts out that I didn’t know I had that same newspaper that talked about how I wasn’t qualified.
A few years later wrote another article was on the front page.
The headline was a force to be reckoned with. I thought to myself, look what God can do.
Take you from being underestimated. Look down on discounted to a force to be reckoned with.
Are you allowing people to talk you out of your dreams circumstances to convince you that you don’t have what it takes, get your fire back.
You underestimate it on purpose. It’s a set up.
God is about to do something that you’ve never seen, don’t discount what you have.
It may be small now. But when God breathes on it, it’s gonna multiply new doors are gonna open.
Giants are gonna come down when we acquired this place, the former Compact Center, a company filed a lawsuit to try to keep us from moving in and it wasn’t just any company.
It was the largest taxpayer in Texas.
A huge real estate company was literally David verse Goli, they had more funds, more influence, more connections, we could say like the Israelites, we felt like grasshoppers compared to them, they have billions of dollars of assets.
But when you’re underestimated God is setting you up, it’s a part of his plan, the bigger they are, the harder they’re going to fall, the more he’s going to get the credit.
Our attorneys told us that it could be tied up in the courts for up to 10 years, not to get our hopes up but a year and a half later without any warning, God supernaturally turned it around.
They not only dropped the lawsuit which gave us the building, they leased us 9000 covered parking spaces.
We didn’t have to build a garage. What am I saying?
When you’re underestimated God is up to something as you go through life, you’re gonna have these times where the odds are against you.
All the facts say there’s no way it’s gonna happen. Come on, man, they’re the biggest company in Texas.
Goliath is nine ft tall. You don’t have the funds, that sickness is permanent. It’s easy to get discouraged.
Give up on your dreams. Believe what people are saying, you know, have the right approach. I’m underestimated on purpose.
This means God is up to something he’s about to show out in my life in a new way.
There was a young boy that had a dream of playing professional football.
Nine years old, he drew a picture of himself and underneath, he wrote the caption best safety in the NFL.
The problem was he was very small, couldn’t make the team in high school.
He was only five ft tall and weighed £100.
The coaches were concerned for his safety and they kept telling him you’re too small, you’re going to get hurt.
Football is not for you. He’d go back again and again wanting to play so badly.
One day after practice, the coach on the field said to him very firmly.
Listen, son, we’ve taken all your measurements, we’ve studied you. You’re too small. You’re never going to play professional football.
The young man walked away so discouraged that night, he told his father the coaches took my measurements, my size, my height, my weight.
They say I don’t measure up. I can’t play football.
The father looked him in the eyes and said, son, did they measure your heart?
He was saying, they don’t know what’s in you.
They’re judging by the outside, but they can’t see the greatness that God put in you years later against all odds.
This young man, Bo Eason went on to play professional football. His second year in the league.
He was voted in all pro safety, one of the best players in that position when you’re underestimated, looked down on discounted.
That’s a sign that God is up to something big. People can’t stop your destiny.
What someone said about you or the odds being against you.
That’s God setting you up for something you’ve never seen and you have to do your part like David like Bo, keep believing, keep stretching, keep doing the right thing.
You’re gonna see unusual doors, open divine connections and favor that catapult you into your destiny.
We even see this in the life of Jesus.
He could have been born in a palace, born into royalty, born into wealth and influence.
Instead, he was born in a manger. He was wrapped in a blanket. They used for animals.
His mother was from a low income family. She didn’t have status or clout. Nobody knew her.
Jesus could have been raised in Rome, in a powerful city, but he grew up in Nazareth when he started doing miracles.
People were confused. They said can anything good come out of Nazareth. They were saying this doesn’t make sense.
Nobody significant lives here. Another time they ask, is this not the carpenter son? We know Jesus.
There’s nothing special about him. Don’t be offended if you’re underestimated. It’s all a part of God’s plan.
The key is, don’t let those lies get on the inside. They may try to devalue be little.
Not give you the time of day. That’s a test. You can get upset offended. You’re right.
I’m not that talented. I don’t have much of a future or you can say I’m underestimated and that’s ok.
God, you’re still on the throne. You’re in control of my life. I’m gonna keep honoring you.
I know you’ll cause me to defy the odds and go where I’ve never dreamed.
My father grew up very poor.
His family were farmers and they lost everything during the great depression and he had to drop out of high school to help on the farm.
They were the ones that received the Christmas basket that went to the poorest family.
He got a job selling popcorn in a movie theater in Fort Worth. He had no future to speak of.
No education, no money. But at 17 years old, he gave his life to Christ.
The first one in his family, God put a dream in his heart to become a minister.
He believed that one day he would have a church with thousands of people and that was unheard of back in the 19 thirties.
He told his parents that he was gonna go out and start ministering. They tried to discourage him.
Said John, all you know how to do is work on the farm. You’re gonna get out there and fail.
They meant well, they were trying to protect him but they underestimated him.
They didn’t think he could do something significant.
Nobody in our family had but look at how God works. My father went on to pastor great churches.
He founded Lakewood pastored here for nearly 40 years impacting the world. He was the least likely one.
He didn’t have any support. He had to hitchhike leaving the farm.
But God loves to take people who are underestimated when the odds are against you.
When others are telling you, it’s not gonna work out.
God will cause you to blossom, to bloom, to accomplish what seems impossible.
I mean, God could have chosen someone more qualified than my father.
Someone that had the credentials came from a prestigious family that had great skill and education.
Instead, he chose a popcorn salesman. He chose a young man with no religious upbringing.
God loves to defy the odds.
He’s gonna do things in your life that lead people scratching their heads thinking, how did that happen?
Can anything good come out of Fort Worth? Isn’t that Jack Osteen’s? So, aren’t they just poor farmers?
You may be underestimated. It’s a good thing. That’s a sign that God is up to something unusual.
You’re underestimated on purpose. The giants are way bigger on purpose. People are discounting you on purpose.
Your time is coming. God’s about to show out in your life. Don’t be offended, don’t get distracted.
Just keep doing the right thing. What they say doesn’t determine your destiny.
What they think about you doesn’t limit your future.
God uses underestimated people, I believe and declare like David, you’re about to defy the odds.
Giants that are much bigger are about to come down.
Gifts are going to come out of you in a greater way.
What God is about to do in your life will not only amaze you but other people will be scratching their heads in Jesus name.
And if you receive it, can you say amen?
I’d like to give you an opportunity to make Jesus the Lord of your life.
Would you pray with me? Just say Lord Jesus, I repent of my sins come into my heart.
I make you my Lord and Savior.
If you prayed that simple prayer, we believe you got born again, we’d love to send you some free information on your new walk with the Lord.
You can text the number on the screen or go to the website.
I hope you’ll get into a good Bible based church and keep God first place Victorian and I’ll be right back to speak a blessing over you.
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You help keep the ministry going. When you give, I believe God will open the windows of heaven.
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I know our best days are still up in front of us.
We love you and we’ll see you next time.
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