Dr. Bill Winston: Depth of Your Faith – Mystery of Meditation
Depth of Your Faith – Mystery of Meditation
Throughout the Bible, we are reminded that our thoughts greatly impact the fruit that is produced in our lives. This is why it is imperative that we meditate God’s Word. Practicing biblical meditation causes a heightened, spiritual experience with God and opens your mind to allow revelation knowledge to flow more freely!
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When we’re talking about meditation, we’re talking about transforming your belief in an accelerated manner using biblical meditation.
But thou shalt meditate there and they are not, they meditate means ponder.
It means think about it, read it and confess it now. That’s the way you’re gonna believe.
This is the way God planned for you to believe. What is impossible to believe.
What meditation does, it resets your boundary when your life is where it was 20 years ago.
And you know, there’s more for you.
I guarantee you we can come in and attack this thing in the area of meditating to work where the enemy has programmed us, weaken unprogramming, we can rewrite the script, we can transform and renew our minds.
I just told me to tell you get ready for the impossible dream.
It’s a dream again, dream, big dream, things about to happen to you.
What is the Sabbath day day of rest? See, it means God works and you rest.
See, listen, God never intended for you to wear yourself out in this life.
Hebrews chapter four verse 11.
Now let us labor therefore to enter into that rest, lest any man fall after the same example of what unbelief, unbelief caused them not to get in here.
And the atmosphere is surrounded with unbelief. So you’re gonna have to walk in a bubble.
You’re gonna have to walk with your mind on something else than what’s going on around you that.
All right. So wait, wait, wait, wait. No, not that verse.
So let us labor therefore to enter into that rest. So where am I going to labor?
I’m going to labor in this world. It is not how many scriptures I can memorize.
It is the depth of the scripture that is going to change the image inside of me.
That’s gonna bring me into my promises. Psalm 62 verse 11.
God has spoken once, twice. Have I heard this?
So the first time I heard it was information, got it.
And when I meditated it all of a sudden I got revelation. That’s God speaking to you.
And that’s what I wanna do. Why?
Because when I meditated and get revelation, revelation is now symbolic of my belief.
In other words, I am designed to believe what I see.
Somebody, see somebody breaking into somebody’s car or somebody seeing somebody helping somebody to whatever and they get in the courtroom and said, well, how do you know he did it?
I saw it, see God planned for you to see something other people can’t see and when you see something other people can’t see, he’s gonna give you this thing on a whole another level.
So you’re gonna be operating up here.
So you can be at peace because you see something different than somebody down here uh in chaos because they can’t see anything but what they see.
So Proverbs chapter four and verse 23 keep thy heart with all diligence for out of it are the what issues of life?
So if I could substitute the word issue, I could substitute it for the word with the word boundary or the word border.
So the borders of how far I can go are inside that is not the man, there’s not the man and the borders of where, how far you can go is your image.
It, it’s what you have built inside of you, Paul over in acts chapter 28 got by a Viper.
Watch this. And what did he do with the Viper? He shook him off in the fox.
Now, when the people saw him get bit, they said uh undoubtedly this man is a murderer and this is happening to him.
But then they saw no swelling, they saw Paul keep doing what he was doing and they said he must be a God.
Well, that’s you see his boundary was that no, no evil could affect him.
Isn’t this powerful?
This, this is how much meditation can do because your boundary is gonna come from the inside.
It’s not gonna come from what the man is trying to get you so forth is wrong.
All this stuff that’s been happening, all this so forth is wrong. All this is junk.
It is there because people don’t wanna acknowledge God.
And so they’re trying to make one group victims and the other group villains.
As long as we are going to be here, there’s going to be prejudice.
I didn’t get many amens on that.
But, but, but maybe you shouldn’t give me an amen cause we can cut it all out.
We can make this place like heaven. Come on, go on.
So I’ll take that back in the name of Jesus.
See this is your boundary and your boundary is, you’re setting it up, you’re setting it up based on what you believe is going to dictate how far you can go.
Same man. So people who don’t know God and don’t know God is in them, they set boundaries based on their own ability.
Well, I can’t do this. Well, it’s gonna take 50 years to get this done and all that.
That’s all that’s junk. All that’s a result of not meditating the word of God.
And when you don’t meditate the word of God, you never go from information to manifestation.
So we gotta take this thing and we’re gonna labor, where are we gonna labor in the word of God?
We’re gonna stay on this thing and my wife, remember when she was for a job, she put these scriptures on, on uh three by five cards and, and, and, and pasted them all over the house.
Everywhere she goes, she kept it in her eyes. Everywhere she goes. Kept in her mouth, my mouth.
Now what’s happening when she does that transformation?
I said transformation is taking place because that’s God’s way, that’s the way he set it up when your life is where it was 20 years ago.
And you know, there’s more for you.
I guarantee you we can come in and attack this thing in the area of meditating to work.
Well, I read devotion that is not meditation.
I, I’ve, I’ve got to pick out here, one or two words here that are gonna be seeds that when they hit my heart, not the ground inside of me is gonna start growing that seed.
Isn’t that something? I had a teaching called, how does your garden grow?
I had another teaching call. Who told you that?
See people are planting seeds that God didn’t say the.
So, so with the word, he say nothing about that and they got some of them got it from TV.
Yeah. And he got somebody. Well, look at this one.
Numbers chapter 14, 13 verse 33 watch this then watch him meditate this.
He says, and there we saw the giants, the sons of a which come with the giants which were in our own side.
As what grasshoppers? And so were we in their site? Ok. We all, we were like grasshoppers in their site.
And all the congregation is chapter 14 verse one, all the congregation lifted up their voice and cried and the people did what we, how long all night they took what some preacher spoke.
That was not true. Do you hear what I’m saying?
That was not true and meditated it. Watch this the opposite way.
They meditated a lot and they got it.
They died right there in that wilderness going on down in this verse.
Go, go on next, the next verse, verse two, it says, and all the Children of Israel murmured against Moses and against Aaron.
See now this is Moses and Aaron’s fault and the whole congregation said unto them, would God that we had died in the land of Egypt?
Would God that we had died in this what wilderness?
And where has the Lord brought us into this land? Now, see, they’re putting it on God. No.
And you, you got people at funerals. Well, now this young boy that got shot.
Well, the Lord knows and he, he probably took him on you, you know, all kinds of stuff.
And I’m not coming down on anybody.
I’m saying through my observation, I have seen that we have eaten some bad seed and, and, and meditated it.
And what I’m saying now is spit that up.
Get, get that, that, that, that’s, that’s some bad food.
Boy, you can’t eat that, that stuff will ruin your health.
There is, there is word when you get up high, when you breathe in the malls and stuff, there is, there are sermons you can’t afford to hear.
I’m just gonna, I’m just gonna let you know the truth because I, I, I did get down to so such, such and such a point and all of a sudden here comes some stuff I said, boy, he set him up.
All right. But anyways then he just so here is Jesus. He came preaching the truth.
In fact, John 14 verse six, he said he was the truth. Jesus said unto him.
I am the what way come on, the truth.
Come on and the life I’m the way I’m the truth and the life and they, they, those they did not want Jesus in there because Jesus was going to free the people.
Now I’m still on this thing because what meditation does, it resets your boundary.
Meditation also gives you knowledge that you can make a better decision.
So it will affect your boundary. How far you see yourself going?
It will affect your decisions, whether you’ll say yes, no, maybe and it will affect your personal recognition system so that you’ll be able to recognize things God has sent your way to help you out.
Folks, there are people who sabotage their own life.
What because of what they believe?
Let me show you another can I say on this? Just a minute here? The mystery of what?
Meditation. I’ll try it again. The mystery of what meditation. Because it’s a mystery.
How can me just saying that change me from broke to a millionaire. How, how can that happen? Come on.
Well, you’re going in there to take houses, those giants living in houses, they gotta be big.
Well, the giants are big. There’s no small bathroom. The bathroom has got three spray nozzle, nozzles.
It’s, it’s got, come on, it’s got shower head on both sides. It come on, I’m trying to help you.
Now with your thing to, I’m preaching on Sunday, all of that was built for me.
I’ll try that again. I’m preaching on Sunday that all that was built for me.
Thank you right here.
All right, let’s look at Matthews gospel chapter 12 and verse 35.
Well, let’s start in verse 33 because I’ve preached it before.
But we’re gonna stay on this for just a minute.
Say the mystery of meditation, say the law of meditation. Why?
Because it guarantees success every time, every time, every time.
Now, see, I’m planting new seeds in you tonight.
Ty says either make the tree good or is fruit good or else make the tree corrupt or fruit corrupt for a tree is known by his fruit.
So what does that mean? The foot of the fruit, the fruit of the outward expression or your belief?
System of what really is in your heart. Ok? Or your mind. Ok?
A lot of times the scripture says heart, it does not mean spirit, it means your soul, it means your soul because because um well, we’ll go into it as we’re going through this.
You mind if I get this because with this right here, I can take somebody who’s been broke for 40 years and turn their financial life completely around.
See, because in God’s eyes, he always already has seen you rich.
Come on, come on, come on, come on, dad. Who did it? Amen. Amen.
Hey, let me preach this thing down but he call God wants you rich. Oh no.
Come on, you gotta put it out of your mouth. Just make your mouth. Just make yourself say it.
God wants you rich. It’s a scripture.
Second Corinthian, we go to math, coming back to Matthew second Corinthians and chapter eight verse nine.
I’ve read it to you on Sunday. See some, if you go out of here, you’re surrounded by unbelief.
So unbelief’s job is to get you to reason what I said and that’s not the gospel, the God for you know, the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ that though he was rich yet for your sake, he became poor that you through his poverty might be say the word again.
So God’s plan is what to make you rich because Jesus died for you to be rich.
It’s all Right. No, no.
Look what I said in Hebrews chapter four, he said this foreign to us was the gospel preach as well as unto them.
But the word preach did not profit them, not being mixed with faith in them that hurt him.
The gospel pretty much to the natural mind is not reasonable.
The gospel to the natural mind is not reasonable.
He came and told a woman there’s good news.
Now you gonna have a baby? Yeah. She asked a very reasonable question.
How is this gonna happen to me? Seeing now?
They might not be able to ask, ask that question today. But how is this gonna be able to happen?
Happen to some people, some people, some people, how is this gonna happen to me?
And I’ve never had a man. Am I right about it?
That is a reasonable question.
The angel said, OK, let me answer that for you.
The holy ghost is gonna come on you and the holy thing that’s gonna be born from you is gonna be not just a baby, it’s going to be a deliverer of the world.
Here’s what sister Mary Mary, you know how you all say that?
She said this and Mary said, behold the handmaiden of the Lord.
What come on it on to me. Come on according to that word.
See, I’m not trying to reason out whether it’s possible because with and, and, and the angel give me the verse just before that please for with God.
Come on, come on, see, nothing shall be impossible. And God is his word.
If you got his word who you have God.
So with this word, nothing shall be impossible.
Am I right about this? Right?
The prophet said tomorrow, this is, this is second games chapter seven verse one tomorrow about this time.
See, now I’m talking about Mary having a baby and getting pregnant without a man.
So that’s one thing. But how about being going from rags to riches by tomorrow?
See, only thing you gotta do is believe I had that. That’s what I’m saying.
Another thing to church, the world can’t do this.
See, Mary said, well be it unto me.
Go on down to verse 44. If you will please.
He says talk, this is Elizabeth coming to Elizabeth’s house.
Now for lo as soon as that voice of thy salutation sounded in my ears.
The baby leaped in my womb for joy and blessed.
Is she that what believe? Come on for there shall be a performance of those things.
Come on which were told her come on from the Lord.
And this book contains what’s been told you from the Lord.
And if you believe it, it will release a virtue that will cause a performance of whatever was promised.
See when you believe it and act on it, it causes an anointing to be released.
Now let me show you of, of, of that right there. This is Mark chapter five verse 25.
This is a woman who had the issue of blood.
Now watch this, that a certain woman who had an issue of blood 12 years and had suffered many things and many physicians uh and had spent all that.
She had even and was nothing better.
But rather she grew what worse when she heard of Jesus came in the press behind and touched his what garment for?
She what say it four. She what?
Say it stop right there and give it to me in the amplified translation. Please watch this. He said four.
She what isn’t that a form of meditation before she kept saying if I can just touch his clothes, I shall be home getting up in the morning if I can just at noon time, washing the dishes, if I can at night time, if I can just before I go to bed, if I can just touch his clothes pretty soon, nothing built up inside of.
And the image of touching his clothes destroyed the image of growing worse.
Boy, you gotta get that, see whatever image is in you that the law didn’t plant.
He’s got plans to root it out if you’re still where you were last year, financially trying to fight it out and so forth.
Stop fighting with it. Go to work in the word of God.
I said go to work in the word of God man. I’m not fighting with this anymore.
I’m coming to a rush and I just don’t want something to help me. Just get by.
I want all that belongs to me. I want houses that I didn’t sell. Come on, I want real estate.
I want property. I want perfect health. Come on. I want a new kidney.
I want this and that all of it is in the book. Say it’s in the book.
Well, I trust that you were blessed by this word today.
Now, we’re talking about the mystery of meditation. Powerful topic. Here’s two points.
You wanna remember one that when you meditate the word of God, you go from information to revelation to manifestation because revelation will build faith, that’ll bring you to manifestation.
So that’s number one. Number two, meditation is designed to reset the boundaries in our lives.
Now, what do I mean by that when you are coming into a situation or circumstance, then you have certain thoughts about it, but maybe that circumstance is impossible.
So I need to do the impossible.
So my boundary is it’s a place where I cannot see myself doing that.
So I need to remove those boundaries.
And the way I do that is through meditation, it’ll give you new boundaries, it’ll have you make new decisions and you’ll even see things around you that can help you accomplish what you want to do.
Meditation is one of the most powerful things in the word of God. Praise God. Well, this is Bill Winston.
We thank you for watching and we love you and keep walking by faith.
When we’re talking about meditation, we’re talking about transforming your belief in an accelerated manner using biblical meditation.
But thou shalt meditate there. And they are not, they meditate means ponder.
It means think about it, read it and confess it. Now. That’s the way you’re gonna believe.
This is the way God planned for you to believe. What is impossible to believe?
What meditation does it resets your boundary when your life is where it was 20 years ago.
And you know, there’s more for you.
I guarantee you we can come in and attack this thing in the area of meditating to work at where the enemy has programmed us, weaken unprogramming, we can rewrite the script, we can transform and renew our minds.
I just told me to tell you get ready for the impossible dream.
He’s a dream again and dream.
Big dream to grab hold of the big dreams God has for you with Dr Winston’s the Mystery of Meditation Order, this four part series today on CD DVD or P three P four and receive each teaching in its entirety including a never before aired message want even more revelation order the Meditation Bundle and receive The Mystery of Meditation four part series along with Dr Winston’s breakthrough book, The Missing Link of Meditation in paperback or E book.
This book provides insight to why meditation is the most important ingredient for spiritual growth and good success.
Get this must have meditation bundle today.
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This is Bill Winston. I love you and keep walking by faith.
When we’re talking about meditation, we’re talking about transforming your belief in an accelerated manner using biblical meditation.
But thou shalt meditate there and they are not, they meditate means ponder.
It means think about it, read it and confess it now. That’s the way you’re gonna believe.
This is the way God planned for you to believe. What is impossible to believe.
What meditation does, it resets your boundary when your life is where it was 20 years ago.
And you know, there’s more for you.
I guarantee you we can come in and attack this thing in the area of meditating to work where the enemy has programmed us, weaken unprogramming, we can rewrite the script, we can transform and renew our minds.
I just told me to tell you get ready for the impossible dream.
It’s a dream again, dream, big dream, things about to happen to you.
What is the Sabbath day day of rest? See, it means God works and you rest.
See, listen, God never intended for you to wear yourself out in this life.
Hebrews chapter four verse 11.
Now let us labor therefore to enter into that rest, lest any man fall after the same example of what unbelief, unbelief caused them not to get in here.
And the atmosphere is surrounded with unbelief. So you’re gonna have to walk in a bubble.
You’re gonna have to walk with your mind on something else than what’s going on around you that.
All right. So wait, wait, wait, wait. No, not that verse.
So let us labor therefore to enter into that rest. So where am I going to labor?
I’m going to labor in this world. It is not how many scriptures I can memorize.
It is the depth of the scripture that is going to change the image inside of me.
That’s gonna bring me into my promises. Psalm 62 verse 11.
God has spoken once, twice. Have I heard this?
So the first time I heard it was information, got it.
And when I meditated it all of a sudden I got revelation. That’s God speaking to you.
And that’s what I wanna do. Why?
Because when I meditated and get revelation, revelation is now symbolic of my belief.
In other words, I am designed to believe what I see.
Somebody, see somebody breaking into somebody’s car or somebody seeing somebody helping somebody to whatever and they get in the courtroom and said, well, how do you know he did it?
I saw it, see God planned for you to see something other people can’t see and when you see something other people can’t see, he’s gonna give you this thing on a whole another level.
So you’re gonna be operating up here.
So you can be at peace because you see something different than somebody down here uh in chaos because they can’t see anything but what they see.
So Proverbs chapter four and verse 23 keep thy heart with all diligence for out of it are the what issues of life?
So if I could substitute the word issue, I could substitute it for the word with the word boundary or the word border.
So the borders of how far I can go are inside that is not the man, there’s not the man and the borders of where, how far you can go is your image.
It, it’s what you have built inside of you, Paul over in acts chapter 28 got by a Viper.
Watch this. And what did he do with the Viper? He shook him off in the fox.
Now, when the people saw him get bit, they said uh undoubtedly this man is a murderer and this is happening to him.
But then they saw no swelling, they saw Paul keep doing what he was doing and they said he must be a God.
Well, that’s you see his boundary was that no, no evil could affect him.
Isn’t this powerful?
This, this is how much meditation can do because your boundary is gonna come from the inside.
It’s not gonna come from what the man is trying to get you so forth is wrong.
All this stuff that’s been happening, all this so forth is wrong. All this is junk.
It is there because people don’t wanna acknowledge God.
And so they’re trying to make one group victims and the other group villains.
As long as we are going to be here, there’s going to be prejudice.
I didn’t get many amens on that.
But, but, but maybe you shouldn’t give me an amen cause we can cut it all out.
We can make this place like heaven. Come on, go on.
So I’ll take that back in the name of Jesus.
See this is your boundary and your boundary is, you’re setting it up, you’re setting it up based on what you believe is going to dictate how far you can go.
Same man. So people who don’t know God and don’t know God is in them, they set boundaries based on their own ability.
Well, I can’t do this. Well, it’s gonna take 50 years to get this done and all that.
That’s all that’s junk. All that’s a result of not meditating the word of God.
And when you don’t meditate the word of God, you never go from information to manifestation.
So we gotta take this thing and we’re gonna labor, where are we gonna labor in the word of God?
We’re gonna stay on this thing and my wife, remember when she was for a job, she put these scriptures on, on uh three by five cards and, and, and, and pasted them all over the house.
Everywhere she goes, she kept it in her eyes. Everywhere she goes. Kept in her mouth, my mouth.
Now what’s happening when she does that transformation?
I said transformation is taking place because that’s God’s way, that’s the way he set it up when your life is where it was 20 years ago.
And you know, there’s more for you.
I guarantee you we can come in and attack this thing in the area of meditating to work.
Well, I read devotion that is not meditation.
I, I’ve, I’ve got to pick out here, one or two words here that are gonna be seeds that when they hit my heart, not the ground inside of me is gonna start growing that seed.
Isn’t that something? I had a teaching called, how does your garden grow?
I had another teaching call. Who told you that?
See people are planting seeds that God didn’t say the.
So, so with the word, he say nothing about that and they got some of them got it from TV.
Yeah. And he got somebody. Well, look at this one.
Numbers chapter 14, 13 verse 33 watch this then watch him meditate this.
He says, and there we saw the giants, the sons of a which come with the giants which were in our own side.
As what grasshoppers? And so were we in their site? Ok. We all, we were like grasshoppers in their site.
And all the congregation is chapter 14 verse one, all the congregation lifted up their voice and cried and the people did what we, how long all night they took what some preacher spoke.
That was not true. Do you hear what I’m saying?
That was not true and meditated it. Watch this the opposite way.
They meditated a lot and they got it.
They died right there in that wilderness going on down in this verse.
Go, go on next, the next verse, verse two, it says, and all the Children of Israel murmured against Moses and against Aaron.
See now this is Moses and Aaron’s fault and the whole congregation said unto them, would God that we had died in the land of Egypt?
Would God that we had died in this what wilderness?
And where has the Lord brought us into this land? Now, see, they’re putting it on God. No.
And you, you got people at funerals. Well, now this young boy that got shot.
Well, the Lord knows and he, he probably took him on you, you know, all kinds of stuff.
And I’m not coming down on anybody.
I’m saying through my observation, I have seen that we have eaten some bad seed and, and, and meditated it.
And what I’m saying now is spit that up.
Get, get that, that, that, that’s, that’s some bad food.
Boy, you can’t eat that, that stuff will ruin your health.
There is, there is word when you get up high, when you breathe in the malls and stuff, there is, there are sermons you can’t afford to hear.
I’m just gonna, I’m just gonna let you know the truth because I, I, I did get down to so such, such and such a point and all of a sudden here comes some stuff I said, boy, he set him up.
All right. But anyways then he just so here is Jesus. He came preaching the truth.
In fact, John 14 verse six, he said he was the truth. Jesus said unto him.
I am the what way come on, the truth.
Come on and the life I’m the way I’m the truth and the life and they, they, those they did not want Jesus in there because Jesus was going to free the people.
Now I’m still on this thing because what meditation does, it resets your boundary.
Meditation also gives you knowledge that you can make a better decision.
So it will affect your boundary. How far you see yourself going?
It will affect your decisions, whether you’ll say yes, no, maybe and it will affect your personal recognition system so that you’ll be able to recognize things God has sent your way to help you out.
Folks, there are people who sabotage their own life.
What because of what they believe?
Let me show you another can I say on this? Just a minute here? The mystery of what?
Meditation. I’ll try it again. The mystery of what meditation. Because it’s a mystery.
How can me just saying that change me from broke to a millionaire. How, how can that happen? Come on.
Well, you’re going in there to take houses, those giants living in houses, they gotta be big.
Well, the giants are big. There’s no small bathroom. The bathroom has got three spray nozzle, nozzles.
It’s, it’s got, come on, it’s got shower head on both sides. It come on, I’m trying to help you.
Now with your thing to, I’m preaching on Sunday, all of that was built for me.
I’ll try that again. I’m preaching on Sunday that all that was built for me.
Thank you right here.
All right, let’s look at Matthews gospel chapter 12 and verse 35.
Well, let’s start in verse 33 because I’ve preached it before.
But we’re gonna stay on this for just a minute.
Say the mystery of meditation, say the law of meditation. Why?
Because it guarantees success every time, every time, every time.
Now, see, I’m planting new seeds in you tonight.
Ty says either make the tree good or is fruit good or else make the tree corrupt or fruit corrupt for a tree is known by his fruit.
So what does that mean? The foot of the fruit, the fruit of the outward expression or your belief?
System of what really is in your heart. Ok? Or your mind. Ok?
A lot of times the scripture says heart, it does not mean spirit, it means your soul, it means your soul because because um well, we’ll go into it as we’re going through this.
You mind if I get this because with this right here, I can take somebody who’s been broke for 40 years and turn their financial life completely around.
See, because in God’s eyes, he always already has seen you rich.
Come on, come on, come on, come on, dad. Who did it? Amen. Amen.
Hey, let me preach this thing down but he call God wants you rich. Oh no.
Come on, you gotta put it out of your mouth. Just make your mouth. Just make yourself say it.
God wants you rich. It’s a scripture.
Second Corinthian, we go to math, coming back to Matthew second Corinthians and chapter eight verse nine.
I’ve read it to you on Sunday. See some, if you go out of here, you’re surrounded by unbelief.
So unbelief’s job is to get you to reason what I said and that’s not the gospel, the God for you know, the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ that though he was rich yet for your sake, he became poor that you through his poverty might be say the word again.
So God’s plan is what to make you rich because Jesus died for you to be rich.
It’s all Right. No, no.
Look what I said in Hebrews chapter four, he said this foreign to us was the gospel preach as well as unto them.
But the word preach did not profit them, not being mixed with faith in them that hurt him.
The gospel pretty much to the natural mind is not reasonable.
The gospel to the natural mind is not reasonable.
He came and told a woman there’s good news.
Now you gonna have a baby? Yeah. She asked a very reasonable question.
How is this gonna happen to me? Seeing now?
They might not be able to ask, ask that question today. But how is this gonna be able to happen?
Happen to some people, some people, some people, how is this gonna happen to me?
And I’ve never had a man. Am I right about it?
That is a reasonable question.
The angel said, OK, let me answer that for you.
The holy ghost is gonna come on you and the holy thing that’s gonna be born from you is gonna be not just a baby, it’s going to be a deliverer of the world.
Here’s what sister Mary Mary, you know how you all say that?
She said this and Mary said, behold the handmaiden of the Lord.
What come on it on to me. Come on according to that word.
See, I’m not trying to reason out whether it’s possible because with and, and, and the angel give me the verse just before that please for with God.
Come on, come on, see, nothing shall be impossible. And God is his word.
If you got his word who you have God.
So with this word, nothing shall be impossible.
Am I right about this? Right?
The prophet said tomorrow, this is, this is second games chapter seven verse one tomorrow about this time.
See, now I’m talking about Mary having a baby and getting pregnant without a man.
So that’s one thing. But how about being going from rags to riches by tomorrow?
See, only thing you gotta do is believe I had that. That’s what I’m saying.
Another thing to church, the world can’t do this.
See, Mary said, well be it unto me.
Go on down to verse 44. If you will please.
He says talk, this is Elizabeth coming to Elizabeth’s house.
Now for lo as soon as that voice of thy salutation sounded in my ears.
The baby leaped in my womb for joy and blessed.
Is she that what believe? Come on for there shall be a performance of those things.
Come on which were told her come on from the Lord.
And this book contains what’s been told you from the Lord.
And if you believe it, it will release a virtue that will cause a performance of whatever was promised.
See when you believe it and act on it, it causes an anointing to be released.
Now let me show you of, of, of that right there. This is Mark chapter five verse 25.
This is a woman who had the issue of blood.
Now watch this, that a certain woman who had an issue of blood 12 years and had suffered many things and many physicians uh and had spent all that.
She had even and was nothing better.
But rather she grew what worse when she heard of Jesus came in the press behind and touched his what garment for?
She what say it four. She what?
Say it stop right there and give it to me in the amplified translation. Please watch this. He said four.
She what isn’t that a form of meditation before she kept saying if I can just touch his clothes, I shall be home getting up in the morning if I can just at noon time, washing the dishes, if I can at night time, if I can just before I go to bed, if I can just touch his clothes pretty soon, nothing built up inside of.
And the image of touching his clothes destroyed the image of growing worse.
Boy, you gotta get that, see whatever image is in you that the law didn’t plant.
He’s got plans to root it out if you’re still where you were last year, financially trying to fight it out and so forth.
Stop fighting with it. Go to work in the word of God.
I said go to work in the word of God man. I’m not fighting with this anymore.
I’m coming to a rush and I just don’t want something to help me. Just get by.
I want all that belongs to me. I want houses that I didn’t sell. Come on, I want real estate.
I want property. I want perfect health. Come on. I want a new kidney.
I want this and that all of it is in the book. Say it’s in the book.
Well, I trust that you were blessed by this word today.
Now, we’re talking about the mystery of meditation. Powerful topic. Here’s two points.
You wanna remember one that when you meditate the word of God, you go from information to revelation to manifestation because revelation will build faith, that’ll bring you to manifestation.
So that’s number one. Number two, meditation is designed to reset the boundaries in our lives.
Now, what do I mean by that when you are coming into a situation or circumstance, then you have certain thoughts about it, but maybe that circumstance is impossible.
So I need to do the impossible.
So my boundary is it’s a place where I cannot see myself doing that.
So I need to remove those boundaries.
And the way I do that is through meditation, it’ll give you new boundaries, it’ll have you make new decisions and you’ll even see things around you that can help you accomplish what you want to do.
Meditation is one of the most powerful things in the word of God. Praise God. Well, this is Bill Winston.
We thank you for watching and we love you and keep walking by faith.
When we’re talking about meditation, we’re talking about transforming your belief in an accelerated manner using biblical meditation.
But thou shalt meditate there. And they are not, they meditate means ponder.
It means think about it, read it and confess it. Now. That’s the way you’re gonna believe.
This is the way God planned for you to believe. What is impossible to believe?
What meditation does it resets your boundary when your life is where it was 20 years ago.
And you know, there’s more for you.
I guarantee you we can come in and attack this thing in the area of meditating to work at where the enemy has programmed us, weaken unprogramming, we can rewrite the script, we can transform and renew our minds.
I just told me to tell you get ready for the impossible dream.
He’s a dream again and dream.
Big dream to grab hold of the big dreams God has for you with Dr Winston’s the Mystery of Meditation Order, this four part series today on CD DVD or P three P four and receive each teaching in its entirety including a never before aired message want even more revelation order the Meditation Bundle and receive The Mystery of Meditation four part series along with Dr Winston’s breakthrough book, The Missing Link of Meditation in paperback or E book.
This book provides insight to why meditation is the most important ingredient for spiritual growth and good success.
Get this must have meditation bundle today.
Now, remember you need faith to get to your destiny.
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This is Bill Winston. I love you and keep walking by faith.
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