Traits of a True Believer, Part 1 (John 13:31-38)

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Open your Bible to John 13, where we encounter a truly distinctive section in the New Testament. The Gospels—Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John—offer a historical account of the life of Jesus, from His birth to His ascension and coronation in heaven. These texts primarily consist of narratives, recounting His story. Along the way, we also find some of the sermons He delivered. However, from John 13 through 17, we enter a unique passage. This entire segment takes place on just one night—the Thursday night of Passion Week.

On this night, Jesus shared the Passover meal with His disciples, a moment He would transform into the Lord’s Supper. It was also the night Judas betrayed Him, and He was arrested after praying in the garden. This pivotal night, just before His crucifixion, carries profound significance. John 13 through 17 stands out because it offers a powerful legacy from Jesus, not just to His immediate disciples but to all believers—past, present, and future.

In these chapters, Jesus provides promises to His followers, and in John 17, He prays for all who will believe in Him, extending His words to every generation. Everything He shared that night is a gift for us all.

This passage represents Jesus’ final will and testament, delivered to His followers. It all begins with the departure of Judas, signaling the start of His sacrificial journey. In John 13:27, after Jesus identifies Judas as the betrayer, Satan enters him, triggering the betrayal that would lead to the crucifixion at the precise moment the Passover lambs were being sacrificed. Jesus’ sacrifice, as the true Passover Lamb, was imminent.

After Judas leaves to complete his betrayal, Jesus addresses His disciples, offering final instructions that are meant not only for them but for all believers who would come after them. His first words are a declaration of His glorification and a new commandment: “Love one another as I have loved you” (John 13:34). This commandment will serve as a mark of His disciples. Jesus then forewarns Peter of his impending denial, highlighting the deep personal challenges that lie ahead.

These powerful teachings remind us of the importance of loyalty, love, and faith in our Christian walk. Symbols like the cross and other expressions of faith are valuable, but true discipleship is shown in how we live out Christ’s love toward others.

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