The Veiled One | Jonathan Cahn Sermon
The Veiled One | Jonathan Cahn
“over the long run, continuance, consistency, and perseverance overcome everything else. And the small upward steps, taken every day, will end up lifting you to the heights. God has called you not only to love, but to keep loving; not only to believe, but to press on in believing; and not only to do right, but to persevere in doing it. When you do that, then the power of your love, your faith, and your righteousness will be multiplied . . .”
― Jonathan Cahn, The Book of Mysteries
But going deeper into that word, it comes from a Hebrew root word which means to hide or to veil yourself.
And Alma back then is one who kept herself hidden in some way who is veiled because she often veiled herself to protect herself from men until the time of her wedding.
Remember Rebecca Rebecca when she’s on the camel and she is coming to Isaac sees him for the first time.
It says she veiled herself. And probably so you know, it kept herself hidden, not that she was afraid of him, but it was the it was the proper thing at that time.
So even the word, the other word for virgin Beulah comes from a root word that means separated.
So Alma means hidden, veiled all about private.
The though the the bride groom, he’s very different, he’s not protecting himself. He doesn’t keep himself separated.
He’s the one who pursues the woman.
Most of the time comes over to her house, journeys to her, approaches her.
And the time that the the woman, the Alma removes her veil is during the wedding, particularly actually, it’s when the bride and groom see each other after being separated.
They’ve been engaged for over a year.
They see each other for the first time, usually at night during the wedding celebration and the bride removes her veil and they stand face to face.
Why? To this day in an Orthodox Jewish wedding, there’s a special ceremony where the woman will unveil herself before the wedding or before the actual celebration or the the the joining.
Why? Because of Jacob, he got married and because of the veil, he married the wrong woman, he married Leah.
So it became a Jewish tradition as a safeguard, put a little safety check on it. Quality control.
The bride must first remove her veil to make sure you’re marrying the right one.
Interesting because even in non Jewish weddings, they remove the often there’s the removing of the veil for the kiss.
Interesting. So in the biblical marriage, long before the wedding, the bride groom make the journey to the bride’s house to ask the woman if she will marry him and to pledge himself and promise himself to her.
Joseph had to have done that.
It’s not recorded how he did, but he had to have done that in between the lines where he made a journey to Mary’s house.
And they both may have been a journey, might have been across the, across the street, across the town or across the land.
But he had to make the journey, he had to go there because it says she was betrothed to him.
That means that’s the first part of the Hebrew marriage.
He went there, they pledge each other to each other and then they are as good as married except it’s not consummate.
It’s a little bit more than engagement. Today. Engagement is I wanna be, I plan to be married. Here.
It is. You’re considered man and wife, but you are not joined yet.
They spend over a year getting ready for the marriage.
The woman getting ready to leave her house and the man and a new life, the man getting trying, he’s gotta have a place for her.
That’s how it goes. But in that, in between time between the first part of the wedding and the second part of the wedding, something happens and it says that Mary was found to be with child for an alma to be pregnant is a big problem because it would mean the alma is not an alma or the virgin is not a virgin.
The one who kept herself separate didn’t keep herself separate.
Joseph doesn’t understand what’s going on and we can’t blame him. There’s something deeper going on.
He wouldn’t know it. And he’s not understanding even though it says in the Bible that the virgin shall conceive.
He’s not thinking it’s her. It’s all gonna come to its ultimate fulfillment.
And he’s thinking, you know, he’s thinking of putting her away quietly because he’s merciful.
He doesn’t want her to have shame, puts her to that’s what he’s thinking.
And that’s when it I opened up with, that’s when the angel tells him and no, no, no, take her for what is in her is of God.
This is Messiah. Now, the Bible speaks about things in physical ways that are have spiritual meaning.
The the bride groom here is Joseph, but the ultimate bride groom is God.
The Bible says again and again, God is the bride groom.
The your scripture, Isaiah 54 or five. Your husband is your maker, Israel.
God is the your Israel.
Jeremiah 31 says I will and goes on and says, I, I will make a new covenant first time.
God says, I’ll make a new covenant. New covenant, New Testament with the house of Israel.
But he says it’s not like the first one, the first one I took them out of Egypt.
I was a husband to them, but they broke it.
And now, now, now he’s saying the covenant with God, a covenant is a marriage. So think about that.
That means that if the old covenant is a marriage between a bride, groom and bride, that means the new covenant is a marriage between a bride and a bride groom.
Hi, I’m Jonathan Kahn and I hope you are blessed with the video.
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