The Veiled Bride: You and The Bridegroom | Jonathan Cahn Sermon
The Veiled Bride: You and The Bridegroom
Jonathan Cahn shares about The Veiled Bride: You and The Bridegroom. From an ancient prophecy of Isaiah to a hilltop village in Israel, to the mystery of the Hebrew marriage – a beautiful revelation that will shed light on your relationship with God!
and so the voice of the hatan the bridegroom your bride is calling to you he’s calling to each of us calling to all he’s saying draw near to me and I will draw near to you Isaiah 7 which is where this is from which says the Virgin will be with child Isaiah 7 there now the situation here is one of where the northern Kingdom has joined an alliance with a foreign power to go against Judah the southern Kingdom God says it will not stand and he goes on he says for the head of Syria is Damascus and it shall be broken goes on
verse 10 and 11 moreover the Lord spoke again to Ahab said ask for a sign of the Lord your God ask in the depth or in the height above and then it says verse 12 ahaz the king says I won’t ask I won’t tempt the Lord verse 13 says listen you House of David is it a small thing for you to weary men that you’ll actually weary God in other words God saying ask for a sign ah says I will not do that and now God saying not God’s saying listen you’re you’re you’re you’re you’re you’re getting me here by saying
this I have told you ask for a sign now then it goes therefore here it is this is where it comes the Lord himself shall give you a sign Behold a virgin shall conceive and bear a son and shall call his name Emmanuel well that’s where it comes from now a virgin shall conceive and say is that talking about Jesus right okay but here’s the problem or here’s the challenge How could a birth 700 years later be assigned to ahaz who was long dead what does the Virgin birth in Bethlehem have to do with the northern
kingdom of Syria or the southern Kingdom how could it be a sign of promise that God’s going to protect them when the kingdom was long gone by the time of the birth of Jesus goes on verse 15 says butter and honey shall he eat the child that he may know to refuse the evil and choose the good for before the child knows to to refuse evil and choose good the land you uphor shall be deprived of both her Kings all right so he’s saying that before the child gets to this young age the the the whole attack’s going to be gone that the the
kings are going to be done with so the problem or the challenge is how would this apply to Bethlehem because of because of because this is much later how does it do that so how could it be that further when you read onward and I’m going to we’re going to answer this so don’t worry but here it is Isaiah 8 says it goes on moreover the Lord said to me take a large scroll and write on it with a man’s pen the words Mahar maharah hasb everybody so I yeah sounded just as good so I took a faithful witness recorded
and says so it says then then it says it it says I went into the propheus and she conceived and bore a son so there it is the the Virgin or the the woman conceives a son it says called the name of the child mahalah hashas because it goes on now and now now here’s the thing this is the one where it says this child before they get to a certain age it’s going to be a sign because God is going to take care of all these things okay so here is the the issue or the problem they’re saying well well Matthew just
took this out of context and used it but here’s the thing you can’t just take something on when the Bible without context there but there’s a greater context here the greater context here is that whole section of Isaiah from Isaiah 7 all the way to Isaiah 11 is called the Emanuel section because it’s talking ultimately about a child who will be born and who will be Messiah same chap same section that says For unto us a child is born now it talked about a child and it’s going be called God is
with us but now it says a child will be born and his name will be wonderful counselor Mighty God Everlasting father Prince of Peace and there will be no end to his government this is clearly the Messiah so how do you put together the ultimate context is that Messiah is going to be born so what’s the answer the answer is that many scriptures have double meaning or more than one meaning and or prophecies often have a an immediate fulfillment and an ultimate fulfillment the immediate fulfillment is a child is going to be born of a woman
who will be called Emanuel but he won’t be God with us but he’ll be given a name he’ll also be called that other name that I just said and be he’ll be an encouragement to tell Israel that God is with them okay but ultimately it’s a shadow of something greater that’s going to happen there’s four Shadows all over the Bible that there is one day going to come a child who’s going to actually be born of a an actual virgin virgin birth and he will be God With Us he won’t just be called God With Us he will be this is
- The Carob Pods | Jonathan Cahn SermonTháng 3 6, 2023