The Iranian Mystery: 12 End-Time Signs! | Jonathan Cahn Prophetic

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The Iranian Mystery: 12 End-Time Signs! | Jonathan Cahn Prophetic

Powerful revelations from Jonathan Cahn – behind the world events of our time – The striking down of the Iranian President – Ancient Principalities – the God of Israel – Ezekiel – Daniel – Moses – the Appointed Scripture – the blasphemer – & much more! Send this to your friends, believers and unbelievers!

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Jonathan Cahn has been called the prophetic voice of his generation and is known for unlocking the deep mysteries and revelations of God’s Word. He leads Hope of the World, a worldwide ministry of outreach of God’s Word to all nations, and His love and compassion to the world’s most needy.

I’m about to show you what CNN will never show you, what MSNBC will never say, what the media could never tell you.
The stunning secret behind what’s happening in our world. The president of Iran struck down.
Israel ezekiel’s prophecy, an ancient entity, the end of days.
We’re gonna pull away the veil and reveal the mystery.
More than one, we’re actually gonna reveal 12 mysteries, so I’m gonna go quick.
The mysteries are unfolding nonstop every day. They’re all different. Don’t miss any of them.
And wait for the 12th mystery at the end. This is Jonathan Khan.
I wanna give you what the news will not. The real prophetic story.
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1st, an update. The new coming book, The Dragon’s prophecy, Israel, the dark resurrection, and the end of days is coming out in 90 days.
Some of what I’m revealing is connected to the mysteries in the book, but it’s just a small part of a massive stunning and shocking revelation of what’s determining the world, the future, and your life.
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Now at the end, They’re gonna tell you how to get prophetic updates, free gifts from hope of the world.
An end time ministry you can be part of. Alright. Let’s go. We are living in prophetic times.
Prophetic events are unfolding without let up.
On May 19 2024, the president of Iran, Ebrahim Racy crashed into a mountain top.
Racy was the leader of Iran under the Ayatollah.
He wore a black turban claiming to be a descendant of Mohammed.
Many expected him to succeed the Ayatollah become the supreme leader.
He was the president of Iran, the secular leader of that nation.
He was the Iranian leader who empowered Hamas enabled it first direct attack on the land of Israel.
And on May 19th, he was struck down, killed. Was there more to the story? More than meets the eye.
Was it prophetic? Was it a manifestation of a spiritual event?
The unfolding of an ancient mystery that stretches back 1000 years.
First mystery, Ibrahim and the covenant. Ibrahim, The name comes from Abraham.
He was named after the father of the Jewish people, and yet he was an enemy of the Jewish people.
He bore the name of their father, the one who was promised a multitude of children and yet he sought to destroy them.
He has declared war on Abraham’s children whom he’s named after, but he was named after the one who was given a covenant.
The Abraham at covenant. In Genesis 12, god says to Abraham, he says, I will bless Those who bless you.
He who curses you, I will curse. Could this four thousand year old covenant lie behind what just happened?
In the mountains of Iran. What is that covenant?
If you bless Israel, you bless the Jewish people, you will be blessed.
But if you curse Israel, If you curse the Jewish people, you will be cursed.
A word of warning to every hater of Israel and all anti semites across the world.
And all you who are raging on college campuses. If you curse Israel, you will be cursed. That’s a law.
Further, it implies reciprocity. Whatever you do to Israel will be done back to you. We’ll come back.
Whatever you do to the Jewish people, it’s gonna come back to you. Bless them. You’ll be blessed curse them.
You’ll be cursed. Whatever you do. It’ll come back as you have done to them.
Now let me show you a quick example of the Abrahamic covenant in real time and space.
A recent example that I put up a little while back is from the Turkish parliament.
A man gets up and proceeds to curse Israel.
He concludes his speech by saying Israel will suffer, and it will not escape the wrath Ala.
Let’s show you. Jacks.
Now look what happened after he cursed Israel.
Jorge Jackson.
He was truck dead.
The covenant says those who curse you will be cursed. He cursed Israel literally Seconds later, he was cursed.
He was struck dead. Whatever you do to Israel will be done to you.
He called down the wrath of heaven on Israel but the wrath of heaven apparently fell upon him.
Could this ancient mystery lie behind what just happened to the president of Iran?
Ibrahim Racy was the secular head of Iran. Iran is the arch enemy of Israel.
Racy was a hater of Israel. Israeli leaders viewed him as the worst of Israel’s enemies.
Was there anything that he did in recent times that could have led to this?
Invoked it, invoked the Abrahamic covenant, what you do to Israel. He was killed in May.
It was just 1 month before that, that he presided over the striking of Israel, the launching of 350 missiles into the land of Israel.
The 1st Iranian leader ever to do so. And 1 month later, he struck down.
The Abraham in Covenant says you curse Israel.
You’ll be cursed, but also what you do to children of Israel will be done to you.
What did he do? He sent death and destruction through the air into the skies of Israel.
And what happened to him? 1 month later, death and destruction came to him through the air, through the skies.
The objects he sent into Israel were brought down by Israel’s defense.
So now the object in which he now flew through the sky was brought down by an unseen hand, or listen to this.
He sought to bring destruction and death to Israel how through airborne objects that would bring death and destruction by crashing into the earth.
So what happened to him? He’s now riding an airborne object, and it brought destruction to him by crashing into the earth.
He sought death by the crashing of an object, now death came to him by crashing into the earth.
Think about it. When has Iran ever directly attacked Israel?
When has the battle between Israel and Iran been so much the focus of world news virtually every day with actual acts of war direct.
And now in the midst of all that, the president of Iran who struck Israel was struck down of all people.
I will bless those who bless you. I will curse those who curse you.
4000 years later, the man bearing the name of Abraham, the father of the Jewish people of the Abrahamic covenant is struck down.
Second mystery, the curse. There was more. It wasn’t only the missile attack.
He did something else that was significant.
In the midst of everything else, it was foretold I will curse those who curse you, the president of Iran, cursed Israel.
In the midst of the war. It happened after Iran attacked Israel with the missiles.
Israel responded with a limited response on April 19th sent a restrain strike to deescalate the situation.
And yet even after that restrained strike. Racy decided to publicly curse Israel.
On April 23rd, Racy issued a threat to Israel.
He said if Israel does anything, there will be, quote, Nothing left of the Zion regime. Nothing left.
He was publicly threatening the destruction of Israel. He’s publicly declaring a threat to destroy Israel.
The Abrahamic covenant says what you do will come back. Racy threatened to end Israel 1 month later.
It was the end of Racy. 1 month after threatening destruction, to Israel, destruction came to Racy.
He threatened there’d be nothing left of Israel. 1 month later, there was virtually nothing left of him.
Israel had restrained its response, but Racy still threatened to destroy it.
Racy would be struck down exactly 1 month after Israel held back its response.
1 month to the day.
It’s been said that that speech threatening the destruction of Israel was Racy’s last public address. There’s a pattern.
Another enemy of Israel, Saddam Hussein, also sent missiles into Israel to bring destruction and would end up bringing destruction to Iraq.
And he would be destroyed. He’d be taken from power and killed.
As he stood on the gallows to be killed, he shouted defiance of Israel.
In his last words, Palestine is Arab, meaning Israel should be destroyed and then he was destroyed.
Saddam’s chant, by the way, has been shouted on American College campuses.
Adolf Hitler, hater of the Jews in his very last public address.
His last words were railing against the Jewish people. His very last word was the word Jew or Jewelry.
Joseph Stalin of the Soviet Union, another enemy of Israel was railing against the Jews Soon after, he was truck dead.
It’s not a wise thing to rage against Israel or the Jewish people. It doesn’t end well.
It’s a dangerous thing. The examples are nearly endless, but we have the latest example now, exhibit a Ebrahim Racy as his helicopter crashes on the mountains.
Mystery number 3, the hangman, a two and a half thousand year old mystery.
There was in the land of Persia, a man named Hammond, who rose to power under the Persian King Asueros.
Haman raged against the Jewish people.
He threatened and planned their destruction, but the hand of god turned everything around.
The Jewish people would be saved and destruction would come instead to Haven.
The holiday of Porham celebrates the salvation of the Jewish people from Hammond. What is Persia?
It all happened in Persia. In the 19 thirties, Persia changed its name to Iran.
Haman was a Persian or Iranian official who rose to power raged against the Jews.
Racy was a Persian Iranian official who rose to power and raged against the Jews.
Hammond threatened the destruction of the people of Israel. Racy threatened the destruction of the people of Israel.
Hammond was the number 2 official in Persia, second in command to the king.
Ray Z happened to be also the number 2 official in Persia, the second in command to the supreme leader.
Haman sought to destroy his enemies through hanging them on the gallows.
It’s written that Haymon actually built a gallows to hang his enemy Mordechai, a sign of his campaign to wipe out the Jewish people.
Could there be a connection with racing? Well, there is. Racy was called the butcher of Tehran.
He was a feared man, a hated man. He was responsible for the brutal repressing of Iranian dissidents.
He was a prominent judge on the Iranian death commission.
He sentenced and called for the execution without trial, thousands of innocent Iranians to go to their death.
There have been calls for prosecution against him for crimes against humanity.
Hammond built a gallows for those he viewed as his enemies.
How did Racy kill those he saw as his enemies? He killed them by hanging them on the gallows.
Racy sent multitudes to the gallows just as Hammond was seeking to do.
He was called the hanging judge Haman was the hanging anti semites, so was racing.
Haman was a Persian official number 2 who raged against Israel threatened its destruction linked to the hanging and the gallows.
Racy was a Persian official number 2 in the government who raged against Israel threatened the destruction of Israel and was linked to hanging and the gallows.
He may be the first person in the history of Persia to meet all those criteria of Haven, a Persian official.
Especially linked to the gallow and threatening the destruction of Israel.
On top of being the 1st president of Iran, to actually launch a strike against Israel.
You know what god said? He said he touches Israel touches the apple of my eye.
It is a dangerous thing to do what Racy did. So what was Hayman’s fate?
Hayman had threatened to destroy the Jewish people his instrument of destruction with the gallows so he was hung destroyed on his own gallows.
Racy was also linked to the gallows, but the weapon he used to bring destruction to Israel again was airborne, sent through the sky to crash into the soil of Israel.
So it was airborne. His death would come airborne through the sky crashing into Iranian soil.
That his life would be brought to an end. The overcoming of Hammond brought rejoicing to Israel.
When the news of Racy’s was known, though somewhere sad, there was rejoicing throughout Iran.
Fireworks and celebrations for the end of the butcher. And hangman of Tehran.
1 Iranian said it was the first crash in history where people were worried that there might be survivors.
4th mystery, Azik yields prophecy. Racy also has a connection to October 7th.
It was Iran’s support and funding and training of Hamas that brought Israel’s worst day since the Holocaust.
And Racy was the leader of Iran behind that day.
The prophet ezekiel foretold that in the last days when Israel is gathered back to the land, The nation called Parras in the Bible.
Parras is Persia. Persia is Iran, will come against Israel. Will be an enemy of Israel.
After Israel is gathered back in the land, It says that Piras or Persia or Iran will launch a military attack against it.
Now Iran has never launched a direct attack, military attack on Israel ever. But on April 14th, that all changed.
That’s just a little while ago. The Iranian attack on the land of Israel was a first.
First time Iran ever directly attack the land of Israel. All aligning with Ezekiel’s prophecy.
In fact, it was the first time that any of nations cited by ezekiel in that prophecy that are to attack Israel in the last days actually launched a direct attack on Israel.
How did Ezekiel know all that? God knew it.
It is not yet the fulfillment the the fullness of that prophecy, but it’s a gigantic step in line with that prophecy.
So Racy was the closest one In fulfilling Ezekiel’s prophecy and what happened to him, he crashed into the earth.
He crashed into a mountain. Now listen, In the prophecy of Ezekiel, what happens what does it say in Ezekiel 3839?
What will happen to the enemies of Israel? This is what it says. Listen closely.
Then I will strike your bow from your left hand and make your arrows drop from your right hand.
Well, The arrows and the missiles of Iran were struck down, uh, when they tried to attack Israel.
So 2 now was the leader was struck down. Now listen what it says.
I will bring you to the mountains. Ray C was brought to the mountains.
You will fall on the mountains. So Racy fell on the mountains. His helicopter fell on the mountains.
He came crashing down on the mountains. It says you and all your troops, they will fall on the mountains.
So the leader of Persia has fallen on the mountains.
Now on the day that this is fulfilled, according to the prophecy, they will be in Israel and fall on those mountains, but as Iran’s attack of Israel is a shadow of the attack that is coming, Racy fell on the mountains, a shadow of the coming fall.
Mystery number 5, the ancient entity, a mystery now from the book of Daniel.
To see the the full mystery and more on his equals prophecy check out what we posted the Persian mystery.
But now I’m gonna open up more and share what I did not share before.
But first to set the stage, the prophet Daniel is taken captive from Israel into exile into the court of Babylon.
While there, he receives revelation from god concerning Israel and the end and the last days.
In Daniel Tim, it says in the 3rd year of Cyrus King of Persia, Iran.
A message was revealed to Daniel, whose name was Beltez Azar.
The message was true, but appointed for a longer time or a later time.
And he understood the message and had understanding of the vision.
Now the 24th day of 1st month as I was by the side of the Great River, that is the Tigris.
I lifted a eyes and behold a certain man clothed in linen whose waist was girded with gold.
So Daniels at the side of the Tigris River, he sees an angelic being clothed in white, and that being has come to give him a revelation from god.
He says to him. Don’t fear, Daniel.
For from the first day, you set your heart to understand and humble yourself before your god.
Your words were heard, and I’ve come because of your word but the tsar, Malhut Piras, which stood me for 21 days.
Amazing thing. The angel of god is prevented from coming to Daniel because of another entity.
The angel calls him the Tsar Malhut Piras. The word SAR means prince head, chief captain, ruler.
Steward, lord, or master. The word Malhut means Kingdom, it refers to that kingdom. What kingdom?
The word is Piras. Same word used in Ezekiel 3839. It’s Persia.
So the czar Piras, who is the czar Piras? It’s a demonic entity.
Why did the czar Piras try to stop that angel? The angel was coming to give Daniel a revelation.
It says I will I’ve come to make you understand what will happen to your people in the last days for the vision refers to many days yet to come.
Though last days, it’s an end time prophecy, It’s your people. That’s Israel, the Jewish people.
The prophecy is gonna focus on the city of Jerusalem, the temple of Jerusalem. It has yet to be built.
It’s gonna link up with a book of Revelation, the Antichrist, the end of the age, the return of the Messiah.
So this demonic the tsar Piras is seeking to prevent all that.
He’s against end time prophecy being given. The end time purposes of god concerning Israel, the Jewish people.
In the last days, you’ve got an anti Israel demonic entity.
Happ to be linked to one specific nation, Persia, and Persia is Iran.
Dassault Peras can be translated as the ruler of Iran, a demonic spirit ruling leading Iran.
It’s the mystery behind all these things.
When Israel comes back into the world in the last days, this entity, the Sarpharas is gonna be especially active or activated.
That’s why Iran turned into the most anti Israel nation on earth. What Israel calls its archrival.
That’s why is not normal. That’s why Iran sponsored terrorism around the world, evil.
That’s why Iran was behind Hamas. Which orchestrated October 7th. Behind it all was a demonic spirit.
That’s why Iran is obsessed Israel and wants to destroy Israel.
That’s why Iran is obsessed with gating the powers of nuclear destruction.
It is driven by the Tsar Piras a demonic spirit.
The entity of Iran, which is obsessed with stopping the purposes of god that are going to come through the nation of Israel in the last days.
If it can destroy Israel it can stop the purposes of god.
That’s why the nations of this world are trot they try to control Iran, but they can’t.
Because you cannot control a demonic spirit with diplomacy.
And as demonic spirits seek to possess and control, So Iran seeks to bring other nations and powers under its control.
So it has a network of terror. Throughout the Middle East, Hezbollah and Lebanon, militias in Iraq and Yemen.
In Gaza, Hamas, And beyond all that, right now, Iran controls about 4 other nations of the Middle East.
The 6th mystery, the Iranian general.
The one man whose hands were especially responsible for the spreading of Iranian terror.
An anti Israel attacks was the Iranian general Zahedi.
He oversaw and empowered the anti Israel networks of terror throughout the region.
And those close to the Iranian government They hailed him.
They praised him as being the one behind October 7th, the invasion of Israel, the massacres.
Could he be a vessel of the SAR Piras, an instrument, an embodiment of this entity.
Could he be linked to the Sarpaross?
Well, I didn’t tell you last time, but the word SAR as in tsar Piras is also translated in the Bible as, listen, general.
Sarr Paras can be translated as the Iranian general. Sahadi was action a SARS.
An Iranian general undoubtedly led, motivated by the actual SARS So when Israel struck him down, the Iranian general, they were striking down a SAR Piras.
And that’s why when they struck him down, Iran went crazy and launched over 300 missiles into Israel.
Its first direct attack on Israel. Mystery number 7, the other SAR Piras, Well, there was another one.
There was another vessel, another agent, an instrument of the tsar Piras, this spirit, this demonic spirit.
What was his name? Abraham Racy. Ibrahim Racy was the president of Iran under the Ayatollah.
He was the ruler of Iran. Well, SAR Piras could be translated also as ruler of Iran.
Racy was also a SAR Piras. And he was over general Zahidi. He was behind general Zahidi.
He was behind the attack on Israel.
He was a dark agent a minister of death as demonic entities are linked to death and destruction.
So Racy’s own people call him the butcher.
And he was the one who threatened death and destruction to Israel.
The tsar Pirath is a spiritual being.
The apostle Paul said we war not against flesh and blood, but against powers, principalities, rulers, in the heavenly places.
The enemy is called the prince of the power of the air.
The see, the heavens or the sky is a symbol of the spiritual realm.
So Racy went up into the air into the heavenlies into the sky, and there was struck down to the ground.
I told you at the beginning, his first name Abraham comes from literally Abraham, the father of the people He’s tried to destroy and the center of the Abrahamic covenant, that he violated that he paid the price.
But what about his last name? Racy, It was shortened to Racy, but what does Racy mean?
Racy is a Persian word that comes from Arabic.
Now I told you the word SAR as in SAR Paras, the demonic entity means chief or ruler, and other things.
What does Racy mean. Racy means chief or ruler. In other words, SAR. And it’s in Persian.
So it’s the Persian chief or ruler, the SAR Piras, the lord of Persia, the president of Iran.
What was Racy? He was the ruler of Iran.
He was the other SAR Piras led by the actual Cyprus and he was struck down from the sky.
Mystery number 8, the Counter Strike.
You see behind world events, the movement of nations behind world news is a war of spirits, a war waged in the spiritual realm.
Now did you notice something? On the same day, the same exact day when the news came out that the leader of Iran was struck down, the World Court in the Hague in Europe sought to strike down the leader of Israel.
Of Israel’s prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu.
They declared him a criminal on the day and called for a warrant for his arrest.
Can you imagine that? They have never called for a warrant for, like, people like the the the dictator of North Korea with the the brutal bloody dictators of the world.
Or the leader of China and others who have killed 100 of 1000 or millions of their own people. Never.
That wasn’t a problem. But the leader of Israel And of on all days on the same exact day that the leader of Iran, Sarparas was struck down, A strike was launched by the leaders of the world on Israel’s leader.
When one leader is struck, the other leader, you know, Sark can mean leader.
So when one earthly czar leader of Persia struck down, when the news came out, the other earthly leader, leader of Israel, They launch a strike against him.
It’s the battle of 2 kingdoms playing out in real time on the news in the modern world.
It’s part of the world turning against Israel.
Just 2 days later, after that, 3 Western nations announced they are recognizing Palestine in defiance of Israel.
It’s all in alignment with what the Bible says.
This anti Israel rage all over the world also part spiritual war, and now on American campuses, all of it, all goes with what the Bible says.
That at the end of the age, all nations will come against Israel.
And when they come, so will Messiah Mystery number 9, Michael.
This brings us to the other entity.
The angel who speaks with a prophet Daniel tells him, the tsar Piras withstood me, but Mikhail, one of the chief princes came to help me.
Michayel. Who’s Michayel? In English, Michael. Who is he? Angel of god.
Chief angel of god called right here.
That’s where we we call him archangel because of what it says here and in Revelation.
Michael in this prophecy is also called SAR, a ruler, a general, a fighter, a prince.
And he fights against the other tsar, the tsar Piras, the tsar of Persia of Iran.
And then the angel calls him Mikhail says says he’s your prince, Daniel, your tsar, your angel, your meaning Israel.
He is the prince of your people in Daniel 12, he says, then Michael, the tsar, the prince, the ruler, the general, the angel, who stands for your people, which people Israel, will, at that time, of tribulations stand up for Israel.
So what CNN will never tell you on top of everything we just shared.
What MSNBC could never tell you The truth is there is more to the world than we see with our eyes.
Behind the nation of Persia, Iran is the Parras, a demonic entity bent on stopping the purposes of god and destroying the nation of Israel in the last days.
But behind the nation of Israel is another spiritual being another tsar Michael, the prince.
The czar of Israel. And so these two entities are at war. That’s right there in Daniel.
In the spiritual realm, So what would you expect to happen in the natural realm?
If these spiritual entities standing for each nation are at war, we would expect that the 2 nations they represent would become mortal enemies, so they have.
We’d expect the 2 nations be drawn to war against each other to battle so they have.
What happens on earth mirrors what happens in the heavenlies?
It is the spiritual realm that determines the physical realm. That’s why Iran is so obsessed with Israel.
Because its entity, its czar is obsessed with Israel and battling the tsar Israel. The prince of Israel.
That’s why Israel stands against Iran because it’s czar, it’s angel, wars against and stands against the tsar Piras.
That’s why Israel, without knowing, struck down an actual SAR and Iranian general, which is translated sapros.
That’s why Iran led by the sapros of demonic spirit sent missiles into the skies of Israel.
Now remember, the spiritual realm is linked to the heavenlies.
The heavens, the sky, it it’s a symbol of that realm.
So the czar Piras caused those missiles to enter the heavenly places, the skies of Israel.
But when the SAR Piras attacks Israel, Michael, defends Israel, strikes down the attack, so Of all those missiles, none caused any major harm.
They were all struck down from the sky of Israel.
But now look what happened to the Iranian leader, Racy.
The Iranian czar He was also in the heavenlies in the skies, and that’s when he was struck down.
As the Tsar Piras tried to bring death, Racy, the leader of Iran, I’m speaking of the the physical leaders, tried to bring death and destruction to Israel, through the crashing remember of airborne objects.
Death is brought to him through the same thing, and the skies are linked to angelic warfare.
The crash didn’t happen through any visible hands.
Could it be that Michael the angel of the Heavenes, protected Israel from the one who sought its destruction.
Mystery number 10, The Dragon.
Now this I’m gonna say the least about, there’s so much to say, we can’t go into it.
At the very end of the Bible, Michael makes his last appearance in scripture in the vision of the prophecy of Revelation 12 it is written, and war broke out in heaven.
Michael and his angels fought with a dragon. And the dragon and his angels.
The one who wars against the Sarparas, Michael, is now warring against the dragon and his angels, so he wars against the Sarparas and the dragon.
You see, the dragon and the Sarpharas, the ruler of Iran, are on the same side, and the dragon is Satan.
And so it’s on the same side, darkness, It says the dragon and his angels, one of the dragon’s angels, is the SARS, an angel of the dragon or a demon.
The ultimate war behind Israel and Iran, the attack on Israel is the war of the dragon, which is an ancient war.
It’s been going on for for ages. We’re seeing the laced the latest installment.
It’s waged against the children of Israel, and it’s also waged against the followers of Messiah.
The dragon is the enemy.
And any of you who hate Israel, you have no idea, but by doing so, you are allying yourself with the dragon, who is the enemy who is Satan and against god.
And the dragon will not only seek to destroy Israel. He will destroy all those.
He will destroy those who even fight for him.
This war of Iran and Israel just about a month ago from me doing this almost brought the region to war and the world to war.
Because the aim of these spirits, its destruction. Don’t join yourself with the dragon by hating Israel.
Don’t allow yourself with demonic spirits by hating the Jewish people. By hating god.
Because that’s in the end, you’re warned against god who is the god of Israel.
Mystery number 11, the striking of pharaoh. We’ve got another mystery here.
What was the first power of the 1st kingdom or nation to come against the nation of Israel?
It was Egypt. And what was the day that broke the power of Egypt that broke the power of pharaoh?
It was on this day that pharaoh’s house was struck, and it brought victory to the children of Israel.
What day was it? Passover. Passover is the 1st national victory of Israel over a power that sought to crush or destroy it.
Okay. Now listen. The president of Iran, Ibrahim Maracy, made his statement, his threat to annihilate Israel, on April 23rd.
Anything significant about that? April 23rd is Passover. It’s the 1st day of Passover.
He made his threat to annihilate the nation of Israel on the same day that mark the fall of the first power, the first enemy, pharaoh, that warned against Israel.
The striking of pharaoh. Racy threatened Israel on that day.
Could that, in and of itself, have portended the striking down, the end of racing.
Mystery number 12, the blasphemer. To threaten to destroy the nation of god, which is eternal, to bring god’s nation to an end, to threaten that is to defy the most high.
It is blasphemy. Racy committed an act of defiance against the most high, an act of blasphemy.
He declared the destruction of Israel and threatened to bring about the destruction of Israel.
He blasphemed the god of Israel.
Every Sabbath day, There is a scripture appointed to be read from the scrolls of Israel, the scrolls of the Jewish people.
The words are appointed from ages passed to be read on that day. Racy was killed on the weekend.
That weekend. Just before it happened, the day before, what was the appointed scripture?
Cause it was a Sabbath. That day before. What was the scripture chanted in synagogues all over the world?
It was from the book of Leviticus.
Racy had blasphemed god on the holy days of Israel. That’s even worse.
On the very first holy day, the holy gathering. The scripture proclaimed. That was passed over.
The scripture appointed for that day. Proclaim the holy days of Israel starting with Passover.
The holy days on which Racy had blasphemed god. It was there in that scripture.
Brings all the holy days. And the appointed word.
Conclus, listen, with the account of a man who’s in the midst of a fight against an Israelite, and he commits blasphemy.
Racy was in the midst of a war against Israel.
And in the midst of it, he committed blasphemy.
Racy was unique in the history of Iran as he actually struck Israel in that war, and then he committed blasphemy.
And then it says this, listen. Listen to what it says. Appointed.
This is the closing word of the appointed scripture of that of the day be it it was read the day before he was killed.
It says this. Whoever blasphemes the name of the lord shall surely be put to death.
Whoever blasphemes the name of the lord shall surely be put to death.
Does this just apply to the people of Israel? No. It says this. Listen.
The law will apply to the alien. The stranger as well.
When he blasphemes the name of the lord, he shall be put to death.
And then it says, as he has done, so it shall be done to him.
So as Racy had taken life, life would be taken, his life would be taken.
As Racy had sent death to Israel through the sky, through the sky, death would be sent to him.
As Racy had threatened the destruction and end of Israel, so would come the end and destruction of Racy.
As he said, there would be nothing left of a Zionist entity.
So there’d be virtually nothing left of his life.
And as it was written on that weekend, so he had done so it was done to him.
And then it goes on in the last words, it says you shall have the same law for the stranger, the alien, the non Israelite.
And then the very last, very last of the last words of that appointed scripture, record that the man who committed the blasphemy was taken outside and was put to death.
The day after that appointed scripture was proclaimed in Israel, and by the Jewish people throughout the world.
The blasphemer was taken outside.
He was outside when it happened, the outdoors, but The scripture says outside the camp that that the blasphemer is to be killed away from his people.
So Racy would be taken away from the people, his own people, to the very border of Iran, and there, the blasphemer would be put to death.
So what do the mysteries reveal? Well, there is more to this world than meets the eye.
What we think is determining the course of world events is not.
They’re being determined by what was given 1000 years ago.
The covenant, the entities, the spirits, the prophecies, the hand of god.
What it reveals is the Bible is actually the word of god.
It is the only book that accurately foretells events 1000 years before they have him.
Only that, which is the word of god, can do that.
Number 2, the Abrahamic covenant is an iron law of this world. Break it at your peril.
The latest example of that biblical law is the crashed helicopter of Ibrahim Racy.
It wasn’t the law of gravity that brought that helicopter down.
It was the law of the Abrahamic covenant that brought it down.
That law has determined human history for 1000 years. I will bless those who bless you.
I will curse those who curse you. It has been fulfilled. It is now being fulfilled. It will be fulfilled.
Those who bless Israel, the children of Abraham, the Jewish people, shall be blessed.
Those who curse Israel, the Jewish people will be cursed. Therefore, do you wanna be blessed and not cursed?
Then you need to get on the right side of this law and the right side of god.
Why would you want your life to be cursed?
Get out of the curse blessed Israel, bless the children of Abraham, and there will be blessings come upon your life, and the curse will be lifted.
It gives a stark revelation. In the end, it is a spiritual war.
We war against rulers in high places. The one called the enemy, the devil, is real.
The tsar Piras Israel. They are at work in our world and those who are seeking to destroy Israel like Hamas and Iran, are being led by these forces, and these forces are forces of evil.
We have to call evil evil.
We have to pray for everyone, but we have to call evil and stand against him.
They are linked to the SAR Piras and the dragon. What does it say?
We live in dark days, So we have to all the more live by the spirit.
And the only way you can overcome spiritual forces of darkness is by living by the spiritual force of light, which is the Rua Khakodesh, the spirit of god.
Get your life grounded all the more in the spirit of god. Be led by the spirit.
Let the spirit lead your life. Next, we are living in what the Bible calls the end of days.
What foretold is coming to pass. So how should we live? Well, we should live in a manner worthy, soberly.
Knowing that the days are short, make the most of your time.
Whatever you should be doing, don’t wait to do it. Do it now.
If you’re ever gonna live all out for god, do it now. What does this tell us?
It tells us it’s all real.
Evil is real, good is real, sin is real, the consequences of sin are real, judgment is real, god is even more real, and god’s mercy is real live according to these facts.
It reveals that the enemy is raging, doing everything he can to destroy the nation of Israel and oppress The followers of god.
Why? It must mean we’re getting closer to the kingdom, to messiah, to his coming.
The enemy wouldn’t waste his time.
Otherwise, the more the enemy rages, the more it tells you, you’re onto something. You’re on the right path.
You’re getting closer to the blessing. Don’t get discouraged when the enemy goes crazy against you.
If you’re following up, get encouraged. Keep going.
Go even more so than you did before For as much as the world, the flesh and the devil rage against Israel, it’s a sign that god has something great for Israel yet to come.
And what god has is even greater than all the raging.
And so in your life, the more the enemy comes against you, rejoice and be glad it’s a sign that got us something greater.
Just ahead. Israel can’t give up, and you can’t give up. Israel has to fight you have to fight.
Keep going. Keep standing. Keep fighting the good fight. And what does it tell you? Listen.
Iran is a powerful nation. With around 90,000,000 people, a massive army, massive arms, and dangerous.
Israel is about 1 10th, has about 1 10th of the amount of people, and it’s just a little sliver of the size.
But the 2nd most powerful man in that powerful nation his life was ended like that.
And that’s just the part of this war that we saw. It’s been happening through the ages.
And it’s because of that that the nation of Israel lives because of the hand of god.
That the nation of Israel lives against all odds, against all hell, against all probabilities, the nation of Israel still lives.
It shouldn’t be here, but it is. Because god is here. God is real.
It is written he who keeps Israel will neither slumber nor sleep. And you know what?
He who keeps Israel also happens to keep you.
If you follow the Jewish Messiah, Jesus, yeshuah, you follow the god of Israel.
And so as he said to Israel, No weapon formed against you shall prosper.
No curse shall land upon you.
The enemy may rage for a time, but You keep going, and you’ll win.
Because just as Israel will prevail in the end against all odds, so too will you.
Cause if you’re born again, you’re a child of Israel, in the spirit. You just keep going.
Fight your good fight. Fulfill your good calling. Finish your course.
For greater, much greater is he who is in you Then he, who’s in the world, then the Sarwaras, then the dragon, then all hell, then all the enemies of god.
The god of Israel is greater.
And those who are his who stand on his promise, who follow his ways, will prevail.
Okay. There are those in your life who need to hear this, those in your life who have no idea, those in your life who need to know that god is those in your life who may be against God.
Email them the link. Get this to them.
And before we go, you’ve gotten just a little east of a massive revelation and mystery of the dragon’s prophecy.
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Just go to Remember, our god is an awesome god, still on the throne, and he’s got no intention of getting off of it.
Until next time, this is Jonathan Khan. Be strong in the lord, and in the power of His might.
Shalom. Hi.
I’m Jonathan Khan, and I hope you were blessed with the video.
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