God’s Big Problem | Jack Hibbs Special
God’s Big Problem
God’s biggest problem is one that He would go to any lengths to solve. It involves bridging the gap between sinful man and His own holy nature. In this episode, Pastor Jack talks about the problem that God delights in solving because of His amazing love for us.
Well, hey, have you ever thought about the problems that you have in your life?
And the answer to that is, of course, you have as, as I, we all have problems.
But in today’s message, I’m going to introduce to you a thought it’s provoking.
In fact, if it’s taken out of context, it could even be damaging. What am I saying?
God’s got a big problem.
God’s got a big problem and he’s going to address that in the word of God with us today.
How so what is God’s big problem? Well, the fact is my friend, of course, God loves you.
God loves you, but you and I are sinners.
We’re gonna be looking at Romans chapter three and the Bible tells us clearly that you and I have sinned.
God is holy. God is just, but we are separated from God.
So if he loves us and he wants us with Him, if we are in fact condemned by our sin nature, he being holy.
How does God solve a problem?
Well, Hallelujah, God has a problem that he has solved and he’s the one that delights in solving it.
Well, we’re gonna hear a lot about this.
But listen, Leonard Ravenhill said in a great quote, Jesus did not come into the world to make bad men good.
He came into the world to make dead men live. And that’s the gospel of Jesus Christ.
So as we grab our Bibles and as we dive into the word of God, keep this very thing in mind.
God’s problem is that He loves you, but God solves his problem by sending us his son Jesus Christ.
So again, open up your Bibles. Let’s get ready. Let’s learn from the word of God.
The big problem is how does a holy righteous God who cannot have sin in his presence?
Get you and I into his presence for all time and eternity, there has to be a mediator.
There’s got to be blood. There’s gotta be a lamb but no animal blood and no animal could ever do such a thing.
And I think everybody, I think if you would have stopped the Jew going to the temple back in those days and said, you know, like men on the spot reported.
Do you for a moment? Do you really believe that the blood of this animal will take away your sins?
And that Jew would have probably said, no, it doesn’t really take away my sins, but God has required it Again.
Cain and Abel one brought an offering of blood and the other one brought an offering of no blood and one offering was accepted and the other was rejected.
Why? Because wherever there is sin and wherever there is wrong, there must be innocence that pays the price.
See, I don’t like that. I don’t either. But it’s tough. That’s the way that it is.
If anyone has ever sinned against you, isn’t it interesting that the person that sins against you is the one that winds up asking you to forgive them?
And the one listen, are you with me?
The one that is sinned against always has to pay the price for the sinner.
There’s nothing fair about it.
Did somebody hurt you? Did somebody come against you?
Did somebody defame you and slander you and they get caught and then they come to you and they say, I’m so sorry.
Will you forgive me? And you know what are human responses?
Which is a trap, by the way, boy, am I off my notes? We’ll never finish, will we?
The human trap is this, I will never give you the opportunity.
And the satisfaction of hearing me say I forgive you, don’t do that friend.
That’s the way the world teaches you about forgiveness.
God’s not like that and he didn’t give you an eye, the ability, listen.
He didn’t give forgiveness to in your mind. Grant to somebody for their benefit.
God gave you and I the ability to forgive people to set us free from the bitterness that chokes us because of what they did to us.
You flip it around 180° from what you’ve been thinking.
God gives you the ability to set yourself free by forgiving that individual. Why?
How oh, read the fine print because God in Christ forgave you the same way.
He was the one sinned against. He was the one that was offended. He’s the one that paid the price.
Remarkable. Romans chapter 15 verse four, Paul writes for whatever things were written beforehand.
Remember, that’s the old testimony is referring to, were written for our learning that we through the patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope.
That’s Genesis to Malachi. I’d love to get you to write something down as we go through this study today and it is the word, an old English word, impute or imputed.
We don’t use that word anymore.
If you look up in any modern dictionary, they always give you the negative definition of it.
The Bible says in a very powerful way that God not only imputed to us, the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus because of that sacrifice that He is to us.
But God also stops taking record of our sins.
Once we come to Christ, once we come to Messiah makes perfect sense.
If you think about it, the old English meaning is assigned designated or to point the Greek word is Allegra meaning charge to one’s account to impute imputed, to take away, watch this, to take away but not diminish.
And to place upon another with full effect or value.
In other words, watch God imparts to you righteousness without taking a part of his righteousness and being a little less righteous.
Are you with me? If God gave 10 people by faith, like Abraham, his righteousness, did God’s righteousness go down 10 points.
No, God impute and he’s the only one who is able to do that and you need to remember that.
And here’s a backup to this second Corinthians 5 18.
Now all things are of God who has reconciled us to himself through Jesus Christ, think of through the sacrifice.
How would lost man be reconciled from being alienated from God through the sacrifice.
The New Testament teaches that we are reconciled to God through the ultimate sacrifice.
Jesus Christ and has given us the Ministry of Reconciliation verse 19.
That is that God was in Christ, reconciling the world to himself, not imputing their trespasses to them and has committed to us the word of reconciliation.
That’s the believer’s life. What an amazing ongoing ministry life that you and I have that we don’t count any longer people’s offenses.
We go about pointing them to how their offenses can be remedied and removed.
First thing is this that you should be hearing freedom right now. Today’s your day, my friend.
If you are hearing God’s word to you about freedom. Here it is I told you last week, two words.
But now, but now puts chapter one to rest.
But now chapter two, but now much of chapter three.
But now the righteousness of God, apart from the law.
So outside the law, bypassing the law is revealed, being witnessed by the law and the prophets.
That’s an awesome statement. Listen, if you know your old Testament scriptures, the declaration is this the law, meaning Moses, we will, we can personalize personify the law in the man, Moses, Moses and the prophets.
According to Paul, the Jew is saying, Moses and the prophets spoke about the very thing I’m having you here right now, having you listen to right now is what the Apostle is saying.
And it should begin to stir your heart for freedom.
But now remarkable statement, these two little words are more powerful, then you can possibly imagine.
But now whatever is going on.
But now if you read Romans 12 and three and you’re just so lost and you are so sick to your stomach about how alienated you are from God, then read Romans 3 21.
But now it’s like a door swings open And fresh air in light and grace and mercy comes.
But now answers all of these indictments. But in that verse 21.
But now the righteousness of God apart from the law is revealed. This is such an incredible radical declaration.
If you think about what God is saying here, the righteousness of God can be imparted to you apart from the law And again, please listen, this predates Abraham God’s truth.
Never changes. He’s eternal. He can’t change his mind before it ever wound up on parchment or spoken.
Even to Abraham himself. It was eternal truth, the law and the prophets announced what would come?
That’s why I know this church. Many of you have come during COVID from other churches.
And you’ve told me many of you have told me that the church you came from never opened up the Old Testament, which I found interesting because I asked you immediately, didn’t, I, I asked you immediately this, if you didn’t open up the Old Testament.
Tell me, what’s your view on marriage? If you never opened up the Old Testament?
Tell me, what’s your view on abortion? Micah chapter six?
And if you’ve never opened up your old Testament, the church that you were going to tell me, what’s your view on the nation of Israel and God’s promises?
Because I got news for you friend.
If God doesn’t keep his promises to Israel, us gentiles ain’t got nothing and ain’t, is a Hebrew word.
By the way, you should know that.
Oh, it is God is faithful.
He said he will keep his promises to Israel.
The only time that he will ever break his promises to Israel is when the heavens cease to exist.
He’ll never break it and he’s never gonna break his promise to you.
The second thing we see here is that, do you hear the heart of God.
God wants you to experience freedom. There is a righteousness that’s apart from the law.
And do you hear the God’s heart?
He says that through faith in Jesus Christ to all and on all, what’s the qualifier? Who believe for?
There is no difference, no difference.
I have found in my own personal life that the more Jesus Christ takes hold of my life, the less difference I see myself with others now, don’t get me wrong.
If somebody is a flame throwing Satanist, there’s a big difference between us.
If someone is an atheist, there’s a big difference between us.
But if someone is poor, middle class or rich who loves Jesus, there’s no difference.
If someone is black or white or some color in between, there’s no difference.
The gospel of God is the greatest cure for the nation and for our state right now and for your heart, by the way, think about that.
Listen to the heart of God that he’s announcing that there’s no difference so that all could come to him through faith in Jesus Christ.
I read this, I wrote it as a note to myself, but I’ll share this with you personally and it’s means something to you.
It’s, it’s on the notes that are online regarding faith in Jesus Christ to all and upon all who believe.
How can this possibly be true that with God, there is no caste system.
What does he mean?
When he says there is no difference, no caste system like in India Where you can buy people today still were living in the 21st century.
Ladies and gentlemen, and we can go to India and by people in cages, young girls, young boys.
We don’t wanna hear about that stuff.
I would rather have pretend that it’s not real. I convinced human trafficking today.
Slavery today is probably more alive and better than it ever has been. It’s just cloaked and wrapped.
No. God says there’s no difference. No matter where you’re at.
In the world, you can escape the world that you’re in. Even if you’re in a cage.
God can set your spirit free. That’s what Jesus Christ does.
Hmm In Isaiah 53 verses six and 10. Isaiah says, all we like sheep have gone astray.
We have turned everyone to his own way and the Lord has laid on him.
Look at it all you want. It’s not an, it, it’s a Him. It’s, it’s a person.
Some will say it’s the nation Israel. No, it’s impossible.
Israel didn’t die for the sins of the world. All we like sheep have gone a straight question.
Do you go straight, prone to wander, prone to roam the hymn sings and the Lord.
Look at capital L O R D.
That’s that holy name that the Jewish community will, will now will not pronounce because of reverence.
I appreciate that. But the truth of the matter is L O R D is Yeah, that’s the name of God.
You know this. You all know this right? You’ve been coming here for a while, you know this.
Yeah. Has laid on him the iniquity of us all Verse 10.
Yet it pleased to bruise him. He has put him to grief.
When you make his soul an offering for sin, he shall see his seed. Did you hear the dialogue?
Church? He shall prolong his days and the pleasure of the Lord shall prosper in his hand.
Read that entire chapter later, it’ll bring you to your knees in gratitude and thanks to God.
God’s heart is for you.
By the way, this reality is better caught than taught as some of the old puritans used to say in John chapter six verse 27 starting there, there’s a whole narrative going on.
You can read it later. But in John chapter six verse 27 Jesus said, do not labor for the food which perishes, but for the food which endures to everlasting life which the son of man will give you.
Because God, the father has sent his seal on him verse 28.
Then they said to him, what isn’t this just human? What shall we do that?
We may work the works of God. Oh Jesus, this is great news.
Eternal life, tell us how to, how to work it, tell us how to get it.
And Jesus answered and said to them this is the work of God that you believe in Him, whom he sent That’s just dovetails to Isaiah 53 Beautifully.
And then thirdly in verse 23 is, do you hear the honesty of God, his honesty all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.
He’s quoting the prophet Isaiah, by the way, that’s right out of the book of Isaiah.
Paul is quoting them. So you say, well, wait, what, what does that mean? Really?
What God is just being so absolutely honest with us.
He announces to us that all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.
Does that look, first of all, if that offends you, I’m, if that offends you, that’s a good thing because that means it struck your heart good for you.
This is a good thing that means God is getting your attention. All have sinned question.
Don’t say anything allowed all of sin. If you ask the question, does that include you?
You should say yes, it does and falls short of the glory of God.
All fall short to God’s standard. What is God’s standard? Perfection.
J Vernon mcgee tells a great little story and I’m gonna steal it.
I guess it’s not stealing if I studied it in his book and then I give him the credit for it, right?
It’s research Dr mcgee used to say that this verse is a great verse to say, let’s all go down to Santa Monica Pier or we would go to Huntington Beach Pier and he said, run down the pier and jump off the end of the piers straight towards Catalina and whoever gets to Catalina wins.
So there might be some young people here today.
And you said, man, I got that, I can probably, I can probably leave.
I can go, I can probably go 50 ft off the end of that beer. You’re still gonna get wet.
I can’t go five ft off the end of the pier.
I’d just probably just slither off the end of the pier.
Do you understand that for the person who’s a legal ist who said I’m keeping all the rules and I’m doing all this right and I’m doing this and I do this and I do the other and I do this and the other.
Do you understand how short you’re coming up on perfection? No, no, it’s perfect.
But God only accepts perfect. This is God’s big problem.
I mean, it’s yours too, but God’s problem is he loves you. He’s perfect.
You can’t be in his presence unless you’re perfect.
Well, listen, you’re probably thinking, how in the world can I possibly get into the presence of God?
How do I get to heaven if I’m so imperfect, Pastor Jack, you have been teaching and telling us in this message that man is imperfect and it doesn’t take me to tell you that.
In fact, the Bible, the law, the scriptures announced that we are imperfect, that we need salvation.
And if you’re really honest with yourself, you know, that that’s true.
We just all need to get honest with ourselves and stop justifying our positions.
We live in a world right now that everybody’s trying to justify their position and how they’re the only one that’s got it right.
Listen, the only one that’s got it right is God.
And God says that He loves us, but we are sinners and we would agree with him.
Yes, Lord, we are sinners. So how does he rectify that?
He does that by that love factor that we’ve been speaking about.
God’s problem is He loves you, but he wants you and I with him in eternity forever.
The problem is we need to get washed of our sins. How do we experience that?
The atonement of Jesus Christ, the blood of Christ is the only way.
Listen for you and I to get dressed up for heaven is to be dressed in the righteousness of Jesus.
How many times in life have you been invited to something?
And you don’t have the wardrobe that is worthy of that event.
Maybe you’ve been invited to some big gala event and you or your wife will say, oh my goodness, I’ve got to go get something.
I don’t have what’s right for this event.
I’ve got to find something, well, in a religious context to go find something would be religion itself.
I’m gonna go find some rules and regulations that I can put on and thereby somehow look acceptable to the Grand Gala.
The great event, heaven, God says, no way God is not going to accept any type of wardrobe that you and I so ourselves by acts of righteousness, by being good enough by having some sincere commitment to some religious procedure, not at all all of that to God.
In fact, Isaiah says that God looks at that as filthy rags. Our righteousness is in Jesus Christ alone.
The Bible says in the Old Testament that the just that is the justified, forgiven shall live by faith.
And that faith is not faith in faith, that faith is in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.
So this is extremely important, what we’re talking about. It can determine your eternal destination based upon God’s word.
God loves you. But listen, have you experienced his forgiveness?
Do you love him back for all that he’s done for you?
Well, look, we’d love to share more teachings just like this with you.
You can find out more at Jack Hibbs dot com where we’ve got so much, so much there for you to learn to grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ.
So if you want to find out more love to visit with you right there at Jack Hibbs dot com, so God bless you.
Thank you. End times prophecy.
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Order. Now, welcome to Real Life Radio with Jack Hibbs.
God’s word never will return. Void God’s word is spirit, its power and it has its effect.
So I want to encourage you to grab your Bibles, open them up and get ready to learn from God’s word.
God did not give us Bible prophesy to scare us, but to prepare us.
But I think you’re gonna get a lot out of it.
And one of the great reasons you are the light of the world, Jesus said you are the salt of the earth.
How does that happen by the power of the Holy Spirit?
You’re gonna get excited about what Jesus Christ wants to do in and free you.
Jack Hibbs truly believes we are living in some of the most exciting days in history which brings some great opportunities to share with the world, a powerful no nonsense presentation of the gospel to this generation who are searching for answers and truth.
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