The Holy Spirit’s Role in Your Salvation
The Holy Spirit’s Role in Your Salvation
Salvation is the greatest miracle, and the Holy Spirit is present in every moment of the salvation experience. In this livestream teaching, David Diga Hernandez reveals the Holy Spirit’s role in this miracle. When salvation is happening, the Holy Spirit is doing this.
Let’s talk about the Holy Spirit’s role in your salvation. ezekiel chapter 36 verse 26 says this.
and I will give you a new heart. And I will put a new spirit in you.
I will take out your stony stubborn heart and give you a tender, responsive heart verse 27.
And I will put my spirit in you.
so that you will follow my decrees and be careful to obey my regulations.
Here, we see a prophetic promise concerning the person of the Holy Spirit, god, the father, promising that he would put his spirit in you.
And when the holy spirit comes upon you, when the holy spirit takes up residence within you, Transformation begins.
He mounts stubborn hearts. He gives us new desires. He transforms the very nature within us.
This is the promise of the father.
The person of the Holy Spirit is the promise of the father, and he’s working on you.
I want you to write that in the comment section right now. Let that be your faith declaration.
He’s working on me. You trust the process. You trust that he’s not going to fail you.
If you trust that he’s not going to abandon you, even when you make mistakes, write that in the comment section.
He’s working. on me, or you can write, he’s working in me.
We’re all works in progress and the Holy Spirit is doing that amazing work within us.
Now let’s go to John chapter 16. I’m gonna read verses 12 to 15.
I have yet many things to say unto you. but ye cannot bear them now.
Help be it when he, the spirit of truth is come, he will guide you into all truth for He shall not speak of himself.
This is so key here. But whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak.
and he will show you things to come. Verse 14 of John 16. He shall glorify me.
This is Jesus speaking. He shall glorify me, for he shall receive a mine and shall show it unto you.
All things that the father hath are mine, therefore, said I, that he shall take of mine and shall show it unto you.
Here we see the ministry of the Holy Spirit, the primary focus of the Ministry of the Holy Spirit, and that is to point you to Jesus.
In every single one of our encounters services, I take the time to share the simple gospel message.
I talk about salvation through Christ Jesus. and it is the Holy Spirit who points us to Jesus.
It is the Holy Spirit who glorifies Jesus. It is the Holy Spirit who testifies of Jesus.
It is the Holy Spirit who makes Jesus our focus.
It’s by the Holy Spirit that we come to know Jesus.
So This is the role of the Holy Spirit to point us to Jesus. His primary work, really.
So ezekiel 362627 We see the promise of the father regarding the person of the Holy Spirit.
You can also take a look at Joel chapter 2.
The promise of the Father regarding the Holy Spirit not just that the holy spirit will come unto you, not just that the holy spirit will come near to you, but that the holy spirit will take up residence in you, that the holy spirit of god will live within you.
And it is the taking on of this new nature that really is the miracle of salvation.
So The Holy Spirit is promised by the father. The Holy Spirit points to Jesus. That is his primary work.
if ever you hear of the work of the Holy Spirit, you will hear of his pointing to Jesus.
He glorifies Jesus. He verifies the savior. He brings us into the reality of knowing Jesus.
That’s what he does. And so the Holy Spirit convicts.
This is part of that work that he does in salvation. John 16, 5 to 11.
Key portion of scripture here. But now I am going away to the one who sent me.
This is Jesus speaking again. And not one of you is asking where I am going.
Instead, you grieve because of what I’ve told you.
But in fact, it is best for you that I go away because if I don’t, the advocate won’t come.
If I do go away, then I will send him to you.
And when he comes, he will convict the world of its sin and of god’s righteousness and of the coming judgment.
the world’s sin is that it refuses to believe in me.
Righteousness is available because I go to the father. and you will see me no more.
Judgment will come because the ruler of this world has already been judged.
Now here we see there is a threefold element, if you will, to the conviction of the Holy Spirit.
verse 8, and when he comes, he will convict the world of what?
It’s sin and of god’s righteousness, and of the coming judgment. It lists 3 things here.
And often, though this isn’t necessarily a problem, often you’ll find that preachers primarily focused on the conviction of sin when they talk about the conviction of the Holy Spirit.
What is conviction? A conviction is a deeply held belief.
So when the holy spirit convicts you of something, he is convincing you of something.
When the holy spirit convicts you of something, He is forming within you a strong belief.
So when we say we’re being convicted of our sin, what we’re saying is that the Holy Spirit is doing a work in us that’s causing us to be convinced that sin is a violation of god’s holy standard or his nature itself.
The holy spirit convinces us the holy spirit convicts us of this sin. We know something is wrong.
We know that we’re not meeting that standard.
We know we’re violating the very nature of god’s holiness, and this is a work of the Holy Spirit.
So, yes, he convicts of sin, but watch this now and of god’s righteousness.
In other words, he convinces us of this holy standard that god has raised.
He doesn’t just point to the things that we ought not to do.
He points to the standard by which we ought to live.
He doesn’t just point to the things that we ought not to do.
He also points to the standard by which we should live. He shows us what’s available.
He calls us to hire places. He says this is sin, and he convinces you of that sin.
He convinces you of that wrongdoing and you feel that godly sorrow. Good.
And then he also points to god’s righteousness. He points to the standard for which we had been created.
And thirdly, we see he convicts of the coming judgment. He speaks of the coming judgment.
In other words, deep within the heart of every human being, there is this knowledge This inner witness, this knowing, though again, the Holy Spirit, or I should say the Holy Spirit, and let me make this clear, does not dwell in the unbeliever the way he dwells on the believer.
Just read Romans chapter 8 verse 9.
If you are not a born again believer, you don’t have the holy spirit.
And if you don’t have the Holy Spirit, you’re not a born again believer.
The Holy Spirit enters you becomes a part of your life at the very moment of Salvation.
We’ll talk about that in just a moment. But here we see he’s talking about the coming judgment.
Every human being knows that they’re gonna be held accountable for their wrongdoing.
Now as in the case of, for example, an atheist, this produces anger in them, this rebellion against god.
I mean, just ask them, would you follow the gospel or would you follow Jesus if it were true and many of them would probably say no.
Even if I believed it were true, I wouldn’t follow it. And that shows the stubbornness of heart.
But here we see that he’s convincing us of this reality to come.
He’s calling us to think from an eternal perspective, to see things from that place of judgment, to see things with the knowledge that we will be held accountable according to god’s holy standard.
So he convicts us what of the sin in our lives He convicts us of god’s righteousness and he convicts us of the coming judgment.
I’ll word it this way. He convinces us that our sin is wrong.
He convinces us that we ought to live righteously, and he convinces us that we will one day face a judgment.
Now how is this salvation received? Well, he’s why the preaching of the gospel works.
You see, as preachers of the gospel, We are called to present the gospel, and, really, it’s the Holy Spirit who persuades.
Now we can appreciate things like apologetics ministry, or Christian philosophers, think about the fact that Paul, the apostle himself reasoned with unbelievers trying to convince them with the gospel.
So To some degree, there is an element of persuasion that’s involved when presenting the gospel at least in intellectual forums.
But even though we can give our reason and the Bible does tell us to be ready to give a reason for the hope that is within us, even though we give our reasons for why we believe what we believe, ultimately, it’s a heart issue.
Ultimately, it’s going to be a work of the Holy Spirit for them to be persuaded to respond to the gospel.
So, yes, there is an element of some persuasion, though that’s not why people get saved, but, ultimately, it is a work of the Holy Spirit.
People respond to the gospel. Ultimately, because of the Holy Spirit.
And so he is why the preaching of the gospel works.
Now how does someone receive this salvation Ephesians chapter 2 verses 8 through 10.
And god saved you by his grace when you believed, and you can’t take credit for this.
It is a gift from god.
Verse 9, salvation is not a reward for the good things we have done.
so none of us can boast about it.
For we are god’s masterpiece, he has created us a new in Christ Jesus.
So so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.
Notice state that the good things that we do come about as a result of salvation And salvation doesn’t come about as a result of the good things that we do.
In other words, works are from salvation, not for salvation.
So we are saved according to scripture when we believe.
When we place our faith in the finished work of the cross, when we place our faith in Christ and Christ alone, god responds to that faith by giving us the miracle of salvation.
There’s an analogy I like to use that doesn’t fully illustrate the point, but I think it helps get us thinking in the right direction.
When you go in for an operation, you’re not the one performing the operation.
If you go in for a surgery, It’s the surgeon who performs the surgery.
All you’re supposed to do is yield yourself and allow him or her to do their work.
So in the same way, it’s not that we are saving ourselves. It’s not that we’re changing our own nature.
It’s not that we’re doing the work of salvation rather It’s that in having faith in that work that Christ has done, in placing our faith in god, we are in a sense getting onto the table, the operating table, and Jesus is the surgeon of the soul.
So you don’t get credit for the surgery. You don’t get credit for the operation.
but you do have to submit to the process so that the surgeon can do his work in the same way.
God will not violate our free will. And so he will give us the desire for salvation.
He will call us to salvation, but we must choose to respond to that desire that he gave to us.
So people will ask, well, is is it free will or predestination?
Well, the scripture’s clear that it’s both, and they can work together harmoniously as long as we’re not stubborn in the way we think and rigid in the way we think about both of these concepts, but they can flow harmoniously.
And, of course, the scripture illustrates this So salvation is received when I respond to that prompting of the Holy Spirit, I choose to respond to the prompting of the Holy Spirit by faith.
That’s that’s all that god requires is your faith. And so the Holy Spirit points to Jesus.
He convicts us of our wrongdoing. He convicts us of god’s righteousness. He convicts us of the coming judgment.
And then once we respond to his conviction, once we respond to his pointing to Jesus, that’s now when the miracle of salvation occurs.
I love healing miracles. I love to witness healing miracles.
I love to see people get delivered from addictions, demonic bondage.
These are wonderful things to and I’ve seen many miracles that god has done, and it’s been a joy to witness every single one of them.
But I’ll tell you this right now. The greatest miracle is not the healing of the body.
The greatest miracle is not deliverance. The greatest miracle is not an accurate prophetic word of knowledge.
The greatest miracle is salvation period. Well, think about it. you know, people talk about deliverance. Deliverance is wonderful.
But in heaven, there are no demons. You talk about healing. It’s wonderful.
But in heaven, there is no sickness. prophecy.
What a great gift given to the body of Christ.
But why do we need to see the future in eternity where time does not apply.
So these are wonderful expressions of god’s power.
These are wonderful demonstrations of his miraculous hand However, the greatest miracle is salvation because salvation is all that counts for eternity.
Salvation is the only thing that counts for eternity.
Titus chapter 3 verses 4 to 7 says this, but When god, our savior revealed his kindness and love, he saved us, not because of the righteous things we had done.
But because of his mercy, thank god for that.
Now whenever I talk about salvation, I always like to pause and clarify for anybody who might be misunderstanding, and I wouldn’t confuse anyone.
Uh, the Bible is quite clear that the believer should live holy.
So by no means, am I saying that you shouldn’t live holy or that you can live however you want?
You can’t just live however you want. You know why?
Because if you’ve truly been born again, the holy spirit gives you new desires.
If you’ve truly been born again, there’s at least the desire in you to become more and more like Christ Jesus.
He washed away continuing now with scripture. He washed away our sins.
giving us a new birth, watch this now, and new life through the Holy Spirit.
He generously port out his spirit upon us through Jesus Christ our savior.
Because of his grace, he made us right in his sight and gave us confidence, gave us confidence, that we will inherit eternal life.
That confidence is there because of the Holy Spirit.
Now of course, we understand that it was Christ Jesus who purchased on the cross with his blood, our salvation.
And because of what Jesus did on the cross, it enabled the Holy Spirit to do his work.
The work of the cross gave the Holy Spirit the legal right to work on you the way he does in terms of your salvation.
Let’s read verse 7 again.
Because of his grace, he made us right in his sight.
So when he looks at you, he sees when the father looks at you, he sees Christ’s perfection.
If you’re born again, believe her, And when he looks at the cross, he sees your sin.
That’s the great exchange. That’s what happens at salvation.
and gave us confidence that we will inherit eternal life. Now watch this. John 3528.
Jesus replied, I assure you no one can enter the kingdom of god without being born of water and the spirit.
humans can reproduce only human life, but the Holy Spirit gives birth to spiritual life.
So Don’t be surprised when I say you must be born again. The wind blows wherever it wants.
Just as you can hear the wind, but can’t tell where it comes from or where it is going, So you can’t explain how people are born of the spirit.
I love the way this is worded here.
You know, as I said a moment ago, salvation truly is a miracle.
It’s you placing your faith in Christ. and he takes it from there.
If it was any more complicated than that, we would mess it up.
It’s quite simple, and we already mess it up with things like legalism and the workspace gospel. No.
Just by placing your faith in him, now he begins that work.
So then the question arises, shall we go on sending that? We can live however we want.
not exactly because how you want to live will change.
The Holy Spirit’s Nature comes upon you, and he does live in you the moment you are saved.
The moment you are born again, The Holy Spirit is there, and it couldn’t be possible for you to be saved without the work of the Holy Spirit.
So the Holy Spirit is present at the very moment of Salvation. This, of course, raises the question.
Uh, well, then what is the baptism with the Holy Spirit? What is that receiving of the gift of tongues?
What are these extra things that we see in scripture, like in acts chapter 2, in acts chapter 4.
That’s a different lesson for a different time.
I have teachings here on the channel about the baptism with the Holy Spirit.
It is both a well and a river. It’s a continual state of being and experiences over and over again.
That’s a whole different thing we can get into.
But for now, I’ll just simply say that the moment you are born again, the Holy Spirit lives in you.
The Moment the Holy Spirit lives in you, you are born again. Those 2 can’t be separated. Why?
Because you’re born again of the spirit. what the scripture says.
Humans can only produce human life, but the Holy Spirit gives birth to spiritual life.
And I love that he says it’s it’s like the wind.
You can’t tell where it comes from or where it’s going.
So you can’t explain how people are born to the spirit. It’s it’s you can’t explain the miracle of Salvation.
All I know is that I placed my faith in Jesus, and he did something in me.
I can’t explain All I know is I trusted his finished work.
All I know is I placed my faith in him.
All I know is I believed upon him as the son of the living god.
and something in me was changed. You remember that moment, don’t you?
Where you received Christ, where you placed your faith in him, You heard the gospel, the Holy Spirit pointed to Jesus, the Holy Spirit convicted you of your sin of god’s righteousness of the coming judgment.
You responded to that message, by, as the scripture says, placing your faith in Christ Jesus, and the moment you did that, something lifted off of you.
There there was this freedom, this liberty, this joy overflowing, this peace beyond understanding, this love, beyond measure. Why?
because of the work of the Holy Spirit.
I want you to write thank you Jesus in the comment section right now. Say thank you Jesus.
That’s his work. So I put my faith on the lord Jesus and what he’s done.
And the moment I do that, now god begins the work. Now god gives me a new nature. How?
Well, he promised it needs heke. I’ll put my spirit in you. You’re stubborn. You love sin. You’re rebellious.
the only solution to this. I’m not even gonna deal with that old heart.
I’m gonna remove that old heart, that old nature. I’m gonna give you a heart of flesh.
I’m gonna give you a new heart I’m gonna put my spirit in you. I will dwell in you.
I will live that life through you. I will give you the grace, but that’s what grace is.
It’s god’s empowering presence. and he causes us to live right.
So the wind blows wherever it wants just as you can hear the wind, but can’t tell where comes from or where it’s going, so you can’t explain how people are born again on the spray.
I used to wonder, well, how exactly does this work?
Like, I say a little prayer, and it’s not just a prayer that saves you, by the way.
but I place my faith in Jesus. And what is what is it that takes place?
Is there like a a filing system in heaven?
Is there does god just, of course, god knows everyone who’s truly born again, but where does he store this in his mind?
Is there a stamp in the spirit that I receive? A ticket in the spirit that I receive?
No, my friend. It’s it’s the nature of the Holy Spirit joining with your nature.
He that is joined to the lord is one spirit with him.
Like mixing 2 glasses of water into one glass, you can no longer separate those. They just become 1.
You can’t tell. where one starts and the other ends, it’s just this merging, this oneness with god that we experience as a result to the work of the Holy Spirit.
How does he do that? I don’t know. How exactly does that work? My mind cannot comprehend.
All I know is you place your faith in Jesus. in response to the work of the Holy Spirit.
He’s pointing to Jesus. He’s convicting of sin. He’s persuading you of the gospel.
The moment you respond to that by your free will, something transforms in you.
Everything about you changes and you’re a new creation. miracle.
Talk about miracles, a miracle of the transformed heart, a miracle of a new nature.
a miracle of new desires. Now I wanna be like Jesus. Now I wanna know god.
Now I wanna be done away with my sin.
I become free from the bounds of sin from the tethers of this earth, and I am filled with the love of god.
That’s the beauty of salvation. So he gives you a new nature, a spiritual nature.
No one knows how this is done, but you were born once of the flesh, and now you are born again of the spirit.
Now you live in a different realm. Now you live in a different kingdom.
Now you live in a different reality in the spiritual realm.
It’s a new nature, a new identity, and it’s completely new. All things in Christ become new. That’s everything.
When you’re in Christ, there’s no condemnation for you. Everything becomes new, brand new.
John 663 says The spirit alone gives eternal life. I’m gonna read that again. John 663.
This is Jesus speaking. The spirit alone gives eternal life. How through what Jesus did?
Human effort accomplishes nothing and the very words I have spoken to you are spirit in life.
It’s by the Holy Spirit. It’s not by keeping the law.
Though again, If the holy spirit truly marks your life, you’re gonna desire to live holy.
2nd Corinthians chapter 3 verse 6, He has enabled us to be ministers of his new covenant.
This is a covenant not of written laws, but of the spirit.
The old written covenant ends in death But under the new covenant, the spirit gives life.
In other words, he bring that life. What does it mean? Gives life.
It means he brings you into a new existence just as a newborn is given a new life.
It it comes into this new existence. So you are given a new life.
You now enter a whole different realm of existence. Galatians 3, 1 through 2.
All foolish galatians who has cast an evil spell on you or who has bewitched you.
Side note, what the scripture is describing here is the fact that the Galatians had come to believe a workspace gospel.
They went back to the law instead of trusting in the finish work of the cross and trusting the holy spirit to help them with holy.
They try to go back to the standard of the law.
So this is what’s this is what is meant when it says whose be which to her cast and evil spell.
Not that they had a demon in them or that they had a hex literally placed over them, but rather that spell itself was deception.
This is very clearly talking about deception. So who’s deceived?
Who’s who’s who’s entrenched you as the original language says.
for the meaning of Jesus Christ death was made as clear to you as if you had seen a picture of his death on the cross.
Now watch this rhetorical question here. Let me ask you this one question.
Did you receive the holy spirit by obeying the law of Moses? Of course not.
You received the spirit. Watch this now. This is so powerful.
I’m I’m I’m I’m thrilled with this right here. You, of course, not. You received the spirit. Why?
Why did you receive it? Because you believe the message you heard about Christ.
What? What a good god we serve?
I’m telling you what a good god we serve.
You why why did I why did it give me the Holy Spirit? Because I deserve it? No.
We don’t deserve them. Why did it give me the Holy Spirit?
Because I earned it through my good works, because I earned his presence through my good works because because I because I’m so so pure, so holy, because I’m so special.
No. He gave you his holy spirit. Why? Because you believed. Because you believed. It was so simple.
That’s why the gospel is such good news because religion says perform, perform, perform, perform, The gospel says, done, done, done, done.
Jesus said it is finished. Not you take it from here.
So there’s this confidence that we have in our salvation.
not confidence that enables us to abuse the grace of god because anyone who is truly born again will not desire to abuse that grace, but rather, to know with confidence.
I am born again. I am saved. I have been redeemed.
And now I live wholly as an offering unto god. So you received the spirit. Why?
Because you believe the message you heard about Christ? Well, it’s right there in the scripture.
So god, the father, promises the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit points you to Jesus, convicts you of your sin, convicts you of god’s righteousness, convicts you of the coming judgment, And then when you believe that message of the gospel concerning Christ, you believe on Jesus.
Now god says, okay. I’ll give you my holy spirit because you believe that’s all you had to do.
You believed I sent my holy spirit. Now you have a new nature. Now things begin to change.
So of course not. You receive the Holy Spirit.
It tells you right here in the Bible because you believe the message you heard about Christ Works are from Salvation, not for Salvation.
You the good news is you can live holy. Why? Cause the Holy Spirit’s in you.
And so what begins to happen now? Let me recap this again.
I know I’ve recapped this a few times, but I wanna make sure this gets drilled into your mind.
And by the way, meditation, biblical meditation is simply repetition and thought. Read Psalm chapter 1 verses 1 to 3.
Okay. So The Holy Spirit is promised by the Father.
The Holy Spirit points you to Jesus. the holy spirit convicts you of those three things we mentioned.
Then once you believe the holy spirit takes up residence in you, and performs the miracle of salvation, something in use transform now.
Uh, gives you the holy spirit because you believe. Now watch this. It doesn’t end there.
Now the holy spirit sanctifies you. The holy spirit is the one who sanctifies you.
And as long as you are truly born again, he’s going to continue to do that work in you.
Matthew chapter 3 verses 1112.
I baptized with water, those who repented their sins, and turned to god.
Very popular portion of scripture, but look at what he’s saying here.
but someone is coming soon who is greater than I am. So much greater that I’m not worthy even to
be his slave and carry his sandals. This, of
course, is John De Baptist speaking of the coming Messiah, Jesus.
He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and Fire.
Now here in the scripture, when John is talking about the baptism with the Holy Spirit and Fire, he’s talking about purification.
Watch this now. Speaking of Jesus, John says he is ready to separate the chaff from the wheat with his winnowing fork.
Well, what is this being described here? This is describing the act of threshing.
Now this is an agricultural term.
The simplest way I can put it is that this winnowing fork or pit fork like tool was used to toss the chaff and the wheat into the air.
And what would happen is as the chaff and the wheat were thrown into the air, the wind would blow and carry away the chaff and the wheat would fall to the ground.
This is the threshing floor. And so in other words, as the stretching is taking place, the wheat is kept, the chaff is taken away, and the chaff is burned, actually, after this.
Then he will clean up the threshing area, gathering the wheat into his barn, but burning the chaff with never ending fire.
So the Holy Spirit fire is a purifying fire. He places us on this threshing floor.
That’s what Jesus does. Now, of course, this in a broader sense was being applied to simply put believers and unbelievers.
But this really gives us insight into the nature of the Holy Spirit and the purifying work that he does in our lives.
2nd Corinthians 318 confirms this fact.
So all of us who have had the veil removed can see and reflect the glory of the lord.
Watch this now. and the lord who is the spirit makes us more and more like him as we are changed into his glorious image.
Who makes you more like Jesus? It’s the Holy Spirit.
What do you have to do in order to receive this transformation? Use look at Jesus.
Well, that’s what it says. we’ve had the veil removed.
So now we can see and as we see that glory is reflecting back on us and the lord who’s the spirit makes us more and more like him as we are changed into his glorious image.
So you are changed as you behold him. You just keep your eyes on Jesus.
You just keep your faith in him. You just keep looking at the lord.
Keep your eyes on Jesus, and the Holy Spirit will purify you.
Keep your eyes on Jesus and the Holy Spirit will sanctify.
1st Corinthians chapter 6 verse 11, and such were some of you.
Of course, that was a long list of the various different sins that will keep you from inheriting the kingdom of god.
That’s context there. Verse 11 and such were some of you but ye are washed. ye are sanctified.
But ye are justified in name of the lord Jesus, in other words, by the legal right of what he did and by the spirit of our god.
So it’s in the name of Jesus by the Holy Spirit that you’re sanctified, that you’re washed, that you’re justified.
In the name of Jesus by the Holy Spirit, in the name of Jesus. That’s a legal term.
It’s by his authority according to what he accomplished by his will, And then, of course, the Holy Spirit does his work in response to what Christ has done.
So because of what Jesus has done in the name of Jesus, by the Holy Spirit, we can be sanctified.
1st, Peter, chapter 1 verses 1 and 2, Peter, an apostle of Christ Jesus, Jesus Christ, excuse me, to the strangers scattered throughout Pontas Galatia, Asian Bethinia, elect according to the foreknowledge, of god, the father, through sanctification of the spirit, unto obedience and sprinkling of the blood of Jesus Christ grace into you and peace be multiplied.
So there we see sanctification comes through the spirit. Very famous portion of scripture.
I read it quite often on this channel.
With all of what I just mentioned in mind, take a at this portion of scripture here.
Galatians 522 through 26, but the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives.
That phrase alone should liberate you.
Now before I say this, let me make one more disclaimer because I gotta be careful that you know, god gives to us teachers a greater standard of judgment because we’re responsible for sharing the truth of his word.
I wanna make sure I do this, not for those of you who already understand, but for those of you who could possibly misunderstand, I am not saying that we shouldn’t make effort to live holy.
Use your willpower. Use discipline. Use accountability.
Use the practical measures that can be exercised by your free will to help keep you pure.
While you do those things, remember and ultimately, it’s a work of the Holy Spirit.
So the Bible says here, but the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives.
Well, who produces it? Who produces the fruit?
Who produces the love, the joy, the peace, patience, goodness, kindness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self control?
Who produces this? It’s the Holy Spirit.
Those who belong to Jesus Christ have nailed the passions and desires of their sinful nature to his cross and crucified them there.
Well, how did we do that? We did that when we believed.
Since we are living by the spirit, Let us follow the spirits leading in every part of our lives.
Let us not become conceded or provoke one another or be jealous of one another.
You just have to surrender to what the Holy Spirit is doing, and he produces that work.
Philippians 16 I wanna read this to you, and then I’m gonna pray for you.
Philippians 16. And by the way, You may be listening to this and you’re being encouraged to know that the Holy Spirit hasn’t given up on you.
Yes. You need to live Holy. Yes. You should desire to live holy. Yes.
You ought to try your best every day to follow after the way of god.
While you are doing this, Remember that you’re not alone in that effort. God doesn’t abandon you and say, okay.
You get it right now. No. He works with you. He works with you,
and he’s not going to give up on you.
I sense in my spirit strongly that this is for someone watching right now.
You’ve been so frustrated with yourself. You’ve been so frustrated with yourself.
Failing again and again and again and again. I wanna read the scripture to you.
and I am certain that god who began the good work within you will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns.
God does not fail. does not fail.
He’s not going to give up on you. He’s not going to reject you.
He’s not going to cast you aside.
If Your faith is in Christ Jesus, and you are surrendered to the work of the Holy Spirit.
You’re just saying, lord, help me do this. help me do this. He’s gonna stay with you.
He’s gonna help you. Get up. Try it again.
Yes. The righteous do fall.
But they get up. They get up, and I’m telling you right now. You’re not alone.
You are not alone, and the Holy Spirit isn’t abandoning you. Father, I thank you.
for that one receiving this prayer.
And I ask you, lord, that you would begin to give them confidence in their salvation.
Confidence in the work of the cross. and give them hope for the future.
Cause them lord
to walk in holiness, righteousness, caused them lord to cooperate with the work of the Holy Spirit in their lives.
We thank you. Just begin to thank him now. We thank you for your goodness.
We thank you for your love. We thank you for your grace and your mercy, your kindness toward us.
You are so patient with us. We thank you for it, Lord. Touch them.
Now I pray. I pray healing and deliverance.
touch of your presence and power upon their lives in a fresh way.
I give you the glory and the honor, and I want you to type it if you agree.
Type Amen. Well, if
you enjoyed that message and you think others need to hear it, don’t forget to leave a like.
Also, if you haven’t done so already, subscribe to my channel for more content like this.
Now I wanna challenge you.
Take a moment here just to, uh, beat challenge. to participate
in the work of the gospel.
If you believe in what this ministry is doing, you believe that we as the church should be winning souls, practicing the ministry of deliverance and healing, you believe in empowering other believers the preaching of the word, the prayer, and so forth.
And I’m asking you to get behind the work of this ministry. Listen. We can’t do this without you. Yes.
God is our source. Yes. God is a supplier. Yes.
God ultimately is in charge, but do you know how god chooses to work in the earth today.
He chooses to work in the earth today through his children.
And so take a moment just a second or 2 to hear from the Holy Spirit.
Ask the Holy Spirit, the precious Holy Spirit. what you should do to help this ministry financially.
All of us have a responsibility to participate in Kingdom expansion through giving every single one of us.
And I’ll tell you this. It’s been a principle that I practice in my life, generosity, and I see that it works.
It works. God blesses it. It’s the law of stewardship.
When you take care of what you have and you use what god has given to you according to how he tells you to use it, He increases you, and that’s Bible.
And so I want you to ask the Holy Spirit, say Holy Spirit, what would you like me to give to this ministry?
Ask him Ask him if you should do a single gift or monthly partnership and then follow his leading.
But I am asking everyone to do their part as the spirit leads Give a single donation by going to
Become a monthly ministry supporter, and this is key. Monthly ministry support is so key.
by going to David Hernandez Think about all the streaming services, gym memberships.
I mean, there’s a membership and a monthly package fee for everything these days.
And so I’m asking you to add to that. Your support of the gospel become a monthly supporter.
Try a $30 a month gift. and see how that doesn’t impact the world.
See how that does impact the world. It will make a difference. I promise you you make a difference.
Don’t dismiss yourself and say, oh, what could I possibly do?
Or, oh, what I would give is not much anyway. It’s all of us together, really.
that put in this effort to see the gospel go forward. So help us continue to do this.
The content is free. The Holy Spirit School is free. Our events are free.
We’re able to do that and spread the message like that because of wonderful supporters like you freely receive, so freely we give And we do the biblical model of ministry, which is simply asking the people of god for free wheel offering.
So one more time, Single gifts, David Hernandez, become a monthly supporter by going to slash partner.
But whether a single gift or a monthly gift large or small, it all counts.
And I wanna say thank you. Thank you for standing with me. Those of you who are partnered.
Thank you for partnering with me. Thank you for supporting this great work.
Thank you for believing in what we’re doing. Thank you.
for your love of the gospel, your love of the lord, your love of souls, it makes more of a difference than you could ever possibly know.
And I want you to know personally, me personally, I’m very encouraged to know that god’s people are standing with us as a ministry.
That is tremendous knowing that people of the world come against us.
Religious people come against us, but knowing that the people of god are with us, that does something that emboldens us.
So Thank you in advance. I I sincerely mean that.
Uh, I appreciate you as my brothers and sisters in Christ, and and I know the lord will bless you for your giving.
So thank you for participating with that. Well, that is it. And thank you again for watching until next time.
Remember, nothing is impossible with god.
and I will give you a new heart. And I will put a new spirit in you.
I will take out your stony stubborn heart and give you a tender, responsive heart verse 27.
And I will put my spirit in you.
so that you will follow my decrees and be careful to obey my regulations.
Here, we see a prophetic promise concerning the person of the Holy Spirit, god, the father, promising that he would put his spirit in you.
And when the holy spirit comes upon you, when the holy spirit takes up residence within you, Transformation begins.
He mounts stubborn hearts. He gives us new desires. He transforms the very nature within us.
This is the promise of the father.
The person of the Holy Spirit is the promise of the father, and he’s working on you.
I want you to write that in the comment section right now. Let that be your faith declaration.
He’s working on me. You trust the process. You trust that he’s not going to fail you.
If you trust that he’s not going to abandon you, even when you make mistakes, write that in the comment section.
He’s working. on me, or you can write, he’s working in me.
We’re all works in progress and the Holy Spirit is doing that amazing work within us.
Now let’s go to John chapter 16. I’m gonna read verses 12 to 15.
I have yet many things to say unto you. but ye cannot bear them now.
Help be it when he, the spirit of truth is come, he will guide you into all truth for He shall not speak of himself.
This is so key here. But whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak.
and he will show you things to come. Verse 14 of John 16. He shall glorify me.
This is Jesus speaking. He shall glorify me, for he shall receive a mine and shall show it unto you.
All things that the father hath are mine, therefore, said I, that he shall take of mine and shall show it unto you.
Here we see the ministry of the Holy Spirit, the primary focus of the Ministry of the Holy Spirit, and that is to point you to Jesus.
In every single one of our encounters services, I take the time to share the simple gospel message.
I talk about salvation through Christ Jesus. and it is the Holy Spirit who points us to Jesus.
It is the Holy Spirit who glorifies Jesus. It is the Holy Spirit who testifies of Jesus.
It is the Holy Spirit who makes Jesus our focus.
It’s by the Holy Spirit that we come to know Jesus.
So This is the role of the Holy Spirit to point us to Jesus. His primary work, really.
So ezekiel 362627 We see the promise of the father regarding the person of the Holy Spirit.
You can also take a look at Joel chapter 2.
The promise of the Father regarding the Holy Spirit not just that the holy spirit will come unto you, not just that the holy spirit will come near to you, but that the holy spirit will take up residence in you, that the holy spirit of god will live within you.
And it is the taking on of this new nature that really is the miracle of salvation.
So The Holy Spirit is promised by the father. The Holy Spirit points to Jesus. That is his primary work.
if ever you hear of the work of the Holy Spirit, you will hear of his pointing to Jesus.
He glorifies Jesus. He verifies the savior. He brings us into the reality of knowing Jesus.
That’s what he does. And so the Holy Spirit convicts.
This is part of that work that he does in salvation. John 16, 5 to 11.
Key portion of scripture here. But now I am going away to the one who sent me.
This is Jesus speaking again. And not one of you is asking where I am going.
Instead, you grieve because of what I’ve told you.
But in fact, it is best for you that I go away because if I don’t, the advocate won’t come.
If I do go away, then I will send him to you.
And when he comes, he will convict the world of its sin and of god’s righteousness and of the coming judgment.
the world’s sin is that it refuses to believe in me.
Righteousness is available because I go to the father. and you will see me no more.
Judgment will come because the ruler of this world has already been judged.
Now here we see there is a threefold element, if you will, to the conviction of the Holy Spirit.
verse 8, and when he comes, he will convict the world of what?
It’s sin and of god’s righteousness, and of the coming judgment. It lists 3 things here.
And often, though this isn’t necessarily a problem, often you’ll find that preachers primarily focused on the conviction of sin when they talk about the conviction of the Holy Spirit.
What is conviction? A conviction is a deeply held belief.
So when the holy spirit convicts you of something, he is convincing you of something.
When the holy spirit convicts you of something, He is forming within you a strong belief.
So when we say we’re being convicted of our sin, what we’re saying is that the Holy Spirit is doing a work in us that’s causing us to be convinced that sin is a violation of god’s holy standard or his nature itself.
The holy spirit convinces us the holy spirit convicts us of this sin. We know something is wrong.
We know that we’re not meeting that standard.
We know we’re violating the very nature of god’s holiness, and this is a work of the Holy Spirit.
So, yes, he convicts of sin, but watch this now and of god’s righteousness.
In other words, he convinces us of this holy standard that god has raised.
He doesn’t just point to the things that we ought not to do.
He points to the standard by which we ought to live.
He doesn’t just point to the things that we ought not to do.
He also points to the standard by which we should live. He shows us what’s available.
He calls us to hire places. He says this is sin, and he convinces you of that sin.
He convinces you of that wrongdoing and you feel that godly sorrow. Good.
And then he also points to god’s righteousness. He points to the standard for which we had been created.
And thirdly, we see he convicts of the coming judgment. He speaks of the coming judgment.
In other words, deep within the heart of every human being, there is this knowledge This inner witness, this knowing, though again, the Holy Spirit, or I should say the Holy Spirit, and let me make this clear, does not dwell in the unbeliever the way he dwells on the believer.
Just read Romans chapter 8 verse 9.
If you are not a born again believer, you don’t have the holy spirit.
And if you don’t have the Holy Spirit, you’re not a born again believer.
The Holy Spirit enters you becomes a part of your life at the very moment of Salvation.
We’ll talk about that in just a moment. But here we see he’s talking about the coming judgment.
Every human being knows that they’re gonna be held accountable for their wrongdoing.
Now as in the case of, for example, an atheist, this produces anger in them, this rebellion against god.
I mean, just ask them, would you follow the gospel or would you follow Jesus if it were true and many of them would probably say no.
Even if I believed it were true, I wouldn’t follow it. And that shows the stubbornness of heart.
But here we see that he’s convincing us of this reality to come.
He’s calling us to think from an eternal perspective, to see things from that place of judgment, to see things with the knowledge that we will be held accountable according to god’s holy standard.
So he convicts us what of the sin in our lives He convicts us of god’s righteousness and he convicts us of the coming judgment.
I’ll word it this way. He convinces us that our sin is wrong.
He convinces us that we ought to live righteously, and he convinces us that we will one day face a judgment.
Now how is this salvation received? Well, he’s why the preaching of the gospel works.
You see, as preachers of the gospel, We are called to present the gospel, and, really, it’s the Holy Spirit who persuades.
Now we can appreciate things like apologetics ministry, or Christian philosophers, think about the fact that Paul, the apostle himself reasoned with unbelievers trying to convince them with the gospel.
So To some degree, there is an element of persuasion that’s involved when presenting the gospel at least in intellectual forums.
But even though we can give our reason and the Bible does tell us to be ready to give a reason for the hope that is within us, even though we give our reasons for why we believe what we believe, ultimately, it’s a heart issue.
Ultimately, it’s going to be a work of the Holy Spirit for them to be persuaded to respond to the gospel.
So, yes, there is an element of some persuasion, though that’s not why people get saved, but, ultimately, it is a work of the Holy Spirit.
People respond to the gospel. Ultimately, because of the Holy Spirit.
And so he is why the preaching of the gospel works.
Now how does someone receive this salvation Ephesians chapter 2 verses 8 through 10.
And god saved you by his grace when you believed, and you can’t take credit for this.
It is a gift from god.
Verse 9, salvation is not a reward for the good things we have done.
so none of us can boast about it.
For we are god’s masterpiece, he has created us a new in Christ Jesus.
So so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.
Notice state that the good things that we do come about as a result of salvation And salvation doesn’t come about as a result of the good things that we do.
In other words, works are from salvation, not for salvation.
So we are saved according to scripture when we believe.
When we place our faith in the finished work of the cross, when we place our faith in Christ and Christ alone, god responds to that faith by giving us the miracle of salvation.
There’s an analogy I like to use that doesn’t fully illustrate the point, but I think it helps get us thinking in the right direction.
When you go in for an operation, you’re not the one performing the operation.
If you go in for a surgery, It’s the surgeon who performs the surgery.
All you’re supposed to do is yield yourself and allow him or her to do their work.
So in the same way, it’s not that we are saving ourselves. It’s not that we’re changing our own nature.
It’s not that we’re doing the work of salvation rather It’s that in having faith in that work that Christ has done, in placing our faith in god, we are in a sense getting onto the table, the operating table, and Jesus is the surgeon of the soul.
So you don’t get credit for the surgery. You don’t get credit for the operation.
but you do have to submit to the process so that the surgeon can do his work in the same way.
God will not violate our free will. And so he will give us the desire for salvation.
He will call us to salvation, but we must choose to respond to that desire that he gave to us.
So people will ask, well, is is it free will or predestination?
Well, the scripture’s clear that it’s both, and they can work together harmoniously as long as we’re not stubborn in the way we think and rigid in the way we think about both of these concepts, but they can flow harmoniously.
And, of course, the scripture illustrates this So salvation is received when I respond to that prompting of the Holy Spirit, I choose to respond to the prompting of the Holy Spirit by faith.
That’s that’s all that god requires is your faith. And so the Holy Spirit points to Jesus.
He convicts us of our wrongdoing. He convicts us of god’s righteousness. He convicts us of the coming judgment.
And then once we respond to his conviction, once we respond to his pointing to Jesus, that’s now when the miracle of salvation occurs.
I love healing miracles. I love to witness healing miracles.
I love to see people get delivered from addictions, demonic bondage.
These are wonderful things to and I’ve seen many miracles that god has done, and it’s been a joy to witness every single one of them.
But I’ll tell you this right now. The greatest miracle is not the healing of the body.
The greatest miracle is not deliverance. The greatest miracle is not an accurate prophetic word of knowledge.
The greatest miracle is salvation period. Well, think about it. you know, people talk about deliverance. Deliverance is wonderful.
But in heaven, there are no demons. You talk about healing. It’s wonderful.
But in heaven, there is no sickness. prophecy.
What a great gift given to the body of Christ.
But why do we need to see the future in eternity where time does not apply.
So these are wonderful expressions of god’s power.
These are wonderful demonstrations of his miraculous hand However, the greatest miracle is salvation because salvation is all that counts for eternity.
Salvation is the only thing that counts for eternity.
Titus chapter 3 verses 4 to 7 says this, but When god, our savior revealed his kindness and love, he saved us, not because of the righteous things we had done.
But because of his mercy, thank god for that.
Now whenever I talk about salvation, I always like to pause and clarify for anybody who might be misunderstanding, and I wouldn’t confuse anyone.
Uh, the Bible is quite clear that the believer should live holy.
So by no means, am I saying that you shouldn’t live holy or that you can live however you want?
You can’t just live however you want. You know why?
Because if you’ve truly been born again, the holy spirit gives you new desires.
If you’ve truly been born again, there’s at least the desire in you to become more and more like Christ Jesus.
He washed away continuing now with scripture. He washed away our sins.
giving us a new birth, watch this now, and new life through the Holy Spirit.
He generously port out his spirit upon us through Jesus Christ our savior.
Because of his grace, he made us right in his sight and gave us confidence, gave us confidence, that we will inherit eternal life.
That confidence is there because of the Holy Spirit.
Now of course, we understand that it was Christ Jesus who purchased on the cross with his blood, our salvation.
And because of what Jesus did on the cross, it enabled the Holy Spirit to do his work.
The work of the cross gave the Holy Spirit the legal right to work on you the way he does in terms of your salvation.
Let’s read verse 7 again.
Because of his grace, he made us right in his sight.
So when he looks at you, he sees when the father looks at you, he sees Christ’s perfection.
If you’re born again, believe her, And when he looks at the cross, he sees your sin.
That’s the great exchange. That’s what happens at salvation.
and gave us confidence that we will inherit eternal life. Now watch this. John 3528.
Jesus replied, I assure you no one can enter the kingdom of god without being born of water and the spirit.
humans can reproduce only human life, but the Holy Spirit gives birth to spiritual life.
So Don’t be surprised when I say you must be born again. The wind blows wherever it wants.
Just as you can hear the wind, but can’t tell where it comes from or where it is going, So you can’t explain how people are born of the spirit.
I love the way this is worded here.
You know, as I said a moment ago, salvation truly is a miracle.
It’s you placing your faith in Christ. and he takes it from there.
If it was any more complicated than that, we would mess it up.
It’s quite simple, and we already mess it up with things like legalism and the workspace gospel. No.
Just by placing your faith in him, now he begins that work.
So then the question arises, shall we go on sending that? We can live however we want.
not exactly because how you want to live will change.
The Holy Spirit’s Nature comes upon you, and he does live in you the moment you are saved.
The moment you are born again, The Holy Spirit is there, and it couldn’t be possible for you to be saved without the work of the Holy Spirit.
So the Holy Spirit is present at the very moment of Salvation. This, of course, raises the question.
Uh, well, then what is the baptism with the Holy Spirit? What is that receiving of the gift of tongues?
What are these extra things that we see in scripture, like in acts chapter 2, in acts chapter 4.
That’s a different lesson for a different time.
I have teachings here on the channel about the baptism with the Holy Spirit.
It is both a well and a river. It’s a continual state of being and experiences over and over again.
That’s a whole different thing we can get into.
But for now, I’ll just simply say that the moment you are born again, the Holy Spirit lives in you.
The Moment the Holy Spirit lives in you, you are born again. Those 2 can’t be separated. Why?
Because you’re born again of the spirit. what the scripture says.
Humans can only produce human life, but the Holy Spirit gives birth to spiritual life.
And I love that he says it’s it’s like the wind.
You can’t tell where it comes from or where it’s going.
So you can’t explain how people are born to the spirit. It’s it’s you can’t explain the miracle of Salvation.
All I know is that I placed my faith in Jesus, and he did something in me.
I can’t explain All I know is I trusted his finished work.
All I know is I placed my faith in him.
All I know is I believed upon him as the son of the living god.
and something in me was changed. You remember that moment, don’t you?
Where you received Christ, where you placed your faith in him, You heard the gospel, the Holy Spirit pointed to Jesus, the Holy Spirit convicted you of your sin of god’s righteousness of the coming judgment.
You responded to that message, by, as the scripture says, placing your faith in Christ Jesus, and the moment you did that, something lifted off of you.
There there was this freedom, this liberty, this joy overflowing, this peace beyond understanding, this love, beyond measure. Why?
because of the work of the Holy Spirit.
I want you to write thank you Jesus in the comment section right now. Say thank you Jesus.
That’s his work. So I put my faith on the lord Jesus and what he’s done.
And the moment I do that, now god begins the work. Now god gives me a new nature. How?
Well, he promised it needs heke. I’ll put my spirit in you. You’re stubborn. You love sin. You’re rebellious.
the only solution to this. I’m not even gonna deal with that old heart.
I’m gonna remove that old heart, that old nature. I’m gonna give you a heart of flesh.
I’m gonna give you a new heart I’m gonna put my spirit in you. I will dwell in you.
I will live that life through you. I will give you the grace, but that’s what grace is.
It’s god’s empowering presence. and he causes us to live right.
So the wind blows wherever it wants just as you can hear the wind, but can’t tell where comes from or where it’s going, so you can’t explain how people are born again on the spray.
I used to wonder, well, how exactly does this work?
Like, I say a little prayer, and it’s not just a prayer that saves you, by the way.
but I place my faith in Jesus. And what is what is it that takes place?
Is there like a a filing system in heaven?
Is there does god just, of course, god knows everyone who’s truly born again, but where does he store this in his mind?
Is there a stamp in the spirit that I receive? A ticket in the spirit that I receive?
No, my friend. It’s it’s the nature of the Holy Spirit joining with your nature.
He that is joined to the lord is one spirit with him.
Like mixing 2 glasses of water into one glass, you can no longer separate those. They just become 1.
You can’t tell. where one starts and the other ends, it’s just this merging, this oneness with god that we experience as a result to the work of the Holy Spirit.
How does he do that? I don’t know. How exactly does that work? My mind cannot comprehend.
All I know is you place your faith in Jesus. in response to the work of the Holy Spirit.
He’s pointing to Jesus. He’s convicting of sin. He’s persuading you of the gospel.
The moment you respond to that by your free will, something transforms in you.
Everything about you changes and you’re a new creation. miracle.
Talk about miracles, a miracle of the transformed heart, a miracle of a new nature.
a miracle of new desires. Now I wanna be like Jesus. Now I wanna know god.
Now I wanna be done away with my sin.
I become free from the bounds of sin from the tethers of this earth, and I am filled with the love of god.
That’s the beauty of salvation. So he gives you a new nature, a spiritual nature.
No one knows how this is done, but you were born once of the flesh, and now you are born again of the spirit.
Now you live in a different realm. Now you live in a different kingdom.
Now you live in a different reality in the spiritual realm.
It’s a new nature, a new identity, and it’s completely new. All things in Christ become new. That’s everything.
When you’re in Christ, there’s no condemnation for you. Everything becomes new, brand new.
John 663 says The spirit alone gives eternal life. I’m gonna read that again. John 663.
This is Jesus speaking. The spirit alone gives eternal life. How through what Jesus did?
Human effort accomplishes nothing and the very words I have spoken to you are spirit in life.
It’s by the Holy Spirit. It’s not by keeping the law.
Though again, If the holy spirit truly marks your life, you’re gonna desire to live holy.
2nd Corinthians chapter 3 verse 6, He has enabled us to be ministers of his new covenant.
This is a covenant not of written laws, but of the spirit.
The old written covenant ends in death But under the new covenant, the spirit gives life.
In other words, he bring that life. What does it mean? Gives life.
It means he brings you into a new existence just as a newborn is given a new life.
It it comes into this new existence. So you are given a new life.
You now enter a whole different realm of existence. Galatians 3, 1 through 2.
All foolish galatians who has cast an evil spell on you or who has bewitched you.
Side note, what the scripture is describing here is the fact that the Galatians had come to believe a workspace gospel.
They went back to the law instead of trusting in the finish work of the cross and trusting the holy spirit to help them with holy.
They try to go back to the standard of the law.
So this is what’s this is what is meant when it says whose be which to her cast and evil spell.
Not that they had a demon in them or that they had a hex literally placed over them, but rather that spell itself was deception.
This is very clearly talking about deception. So who’s deceived?
Who’s who’s who’s entrenched you as the original language says.
for the meaning of Jesus Christ death was made as clear to you as if you had seen a picture of his death on the cross.
Now watch this rhetorical question here. Let me ask you this one question.
Did you receive the holy spirit by obeying the law of Moses? Of course not.
You received the spirit. Watch this now. This is so powerful.
I’m I’m I’m I’m thrilled with this right here. You, of course, not. You received the spirit. Why?
Why did you receive it? Because you believe the message you heard about Christ.
What? What a good god we serve?
I’m telling you what a good god we serve.
You why why did I why did it give me the Holy Spirit? Because I deserve it? No.
We don’t deserve them. Why did it give me the Holy Spirit?
Because I earned it through my good works, because I earned his presence through my good works because because I because I’m so so pure, so holy, because I’m so special.
No. He gave you his holy spirit. Why? Because you believed. Because you believed. It was so simple.
That’s why the gospel is such good news because religion says perform, perform, perform, perform, The gospel says, done, done, done, done.
Jesus said it is finished. Not you take it from here.
So there’s this confidence that we have in our salvation.
not confidence that enables us to abuse the grace of god because anyone who is truly born again will not desire to abuse that grace, but rather, to know with confidence.
I am born again. I am saved. I have been redeemed.
And now I live wholly as an offering unto god. So you received the spirit. Why?
Because you believe the message you heard about Christ? Well, it’s right there in the scripture.
So god, the father, promises the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit points you to Jesus, convicts you of your sin, convicts you of god’s righteousness, convicts you of the coming judgment, And then when you believe that message of the gospel concerning Christ, you believe on Jesus.
Now god says, okay. I’ll give you my holy spirit because you believe that’s all you had to do.
You believed I sent my holy spirit. Now you have a new nature. Now things begin to change.
So of course not. You receive the Holy Spirit.
It tells you right here in the Bible because you believe the message you heard about Christ Works are from Salvation, not for Salvation.
You the good news is you can live holy. Why? Cause the Holy Spirit’s in you.
And so what begins to happen now? Let me recap this again.
I know I’ve recapped this a few times, but I wanna make sure this gets drilled into your mind.
And by the way, meditation, biblical meditation is simply repetition and thought. Read Psalm chapter 1 verses 1 to 3.
Okay. So The Holy Spirit is promised by the Father.
The Holy Spirit points you to Jesus. the holy spirit convicts you of those three things we mentioned.
Then once you believe the holy spirit takes up residence in you, and performs the miracle of salvation, something in use transform now.
Uh, gives you the holy spirit because you believe. Now watch this. It doesn’t end there.
Now the holy spirit sanctifies you. The holy spirit is the one who sanctifies you.
And as long as you are truly born again, he’s going to continue to do that work in you.
Matthew chapter 3 verses 1112.
I baptized with water, those who repented their sins, and turned to god.
Very popular portion of scripture, but look at what he’s saying here.
but someone is coming soon who is greater than I am. So much greater that I’m not worthy even to
be his slave and carry his sandals. This, of
course, is John De Baptist speaking of the coming Messiah, Jesus.
He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and Fire.
Now here in the scripture, when John is talking about the baptism with the Holy Spirit and Fire, he’s talking about purification.
Watch this now. Speaking of Jesus, John says he is ready to separate the chaff from the wheat with his winnowing fork.
Well, what is this being described here? This is describing the act of threshing.
Now this is an agricultural term.
The simplest way I can put it is that this winnowing fork or pit fork like tool was used to toss the chaff and the wheat into the air.
And what would happen is as the chaff and the wheat were thrown into the air, the wind would blow and carry away the chaff and the wheat would fall to the ground.
This is the threshing floor. And so in other words, as the stretching is taking place, the wheat is kept, the chaff is taken away, and the chaff is burned, actually, after this.
Then he will clean up the threshing area, gathering the wheat into his barn, but burning the chaff with never ending fire.
So the Holy Spirit fire is a purifying fire. He places us on this threshing floor.
That’s what Jesus does. Now, of course, this in a broader sense was being applied to simply put believers and unbelievers.
But this really gives us insight into the nature of the Holy Spirit and the purifying work that he does in our lives.
2nd Corinthians 318 confirms this fact.
So all of us who have had the veil removed can see and reflect the glory of the lord.
Watch this now. and the lord who is the spirit makes us more and more like him as we are changed into his glorious image.
Who makes you more like Jesus? It’s the Holy Spirit.
What do you have to do in order to receive this transformation? Use look at Jesus.
Well, that’s what it says. we’ve had the veil removed.
So now we can see and as we see that glory is reflecting back on us and the lord who’s the spirit makes us more and more like him as we are changed into his glorious image.
So you are changed as you behold him. You just keep your eyes on Jesus.
You just keep your faith in him. You just keep looking at the lord.
Keep your eyes on Jesus, and the Holy Spirit will purify you.
Keep your eyes on Jesus and the Holy Spirit will sanctify.
1st Corinthians chapter 6 verse 11, and such were some of you.
Of course, that was a long list of the various different sins that will keep you from inheriting the kingdom of god.
That’s context there. Verse 11 and such were some of you but ye are washed. ye are sanctified.
But ye are justified in name of the lord Jesus, in other words, by the legal right of what he did and by the spirit of our god.
So it’s in the name of Jesus by the Holy Spirit that you’re sanctified, that you’re washed, that you’re justified.
In the name of Jesus by the Holy Spirit, in the name of Jesus. That’s a legal term.
It’s by his authority according to what he accomplished by his will, And then, of course, the Holy Spirit does his work in response to what Christ has done.
So because of what Jesus has done in the name of Jesus, by the Holy Spirit, we can be sanctified.
1st, Peter, chapter 1 verses 1 and 2, Peter, an apostle of Christ Jesus, Jesus Christ, excuse me, to the strangers scattered throughout Pontas Galatia, Asian Bethinia, elect according to the foreknowledge, of god, the father, through sanctification of the spirit, unto obedience and sprinkling of the blood of Jesus Christ grace into you and peace be multiplied.
So there we see sanctification comes through the spirit. Very famous portion of scripture.
I read it quite often on this channel.
With all of what I just mentioned in mind, take a at this portion of scripture here.
Galatians 522 through 26, but the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives.
That phrase alone should liberate you.
Now before I say this, let me make one more disclaimer because I gotta be careful that you know, god gives to us teachers a greater standard of judgment because we’re responsible for sharing the truth of his word.
I wanna make sure I do this, not for those of you who already understand, but for those of you who could possibly misunderstand, I am not saying that we shouldn’t make effort to live holy.
Use your willpower. Use discipline. Use accountability.
Use the practical measures that can be exercised by your free will to help keep you pure.
While you do those things, remember and ultimately, it’s a work of the Holy Spirit.
So the Bible says here, but the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives.
Well, who produces it? Who produces the fruit?
Who produces the love, the joy, the peace, patience, goodness, kindness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self control?
Who produces this? It’s the Holy Spirit.
Those who belong to Jesus Christ have nailed the passions and desires of their sinful nature to his cross and crucified them there.
Well, how did we do that? We did that when we believed.
Since we are living by the spirit, Let us follow the spirits leading in every part of our lives.
Let us not become conceded or provoke one another or be jealous of one another.
You just have to surrender to what the Holy Spirit is doing, and he produces that work.
Philippians 16 I wanna read this to you, and then I’m gonna pray for you.
Philippians 16. And by the way, You may be listening to this and you’re being encouraged to know that the Holy Spirit hasn’t given up on you.
Yes. You need to live Holy. Yes. You should desire to live holy. Yes.
You ought to try your best every day to follow after the way of god.
While you are doing this, Remember that you’re not alone in that effort. God doesn’t abandon you and say, okay.
You get it right now. No. He works with you. He works with you,
and he’s not going to give up on you.
I sense in my spirit strongly that this is for someone watching right now.
You’ve been so frustrated with yourself. You’ve been so frustrated with yourself.
Failing again and again and again and again. I wanna read the scripture to you.
and I am certain that god who began the good work within you will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns.
God does not fail. does not fail.
He’s not going to give up on you. He’s not going to reject you.
He’s not going to cast you aside.
If Your faith is in Christ Jesus, and you are surrendered to the work of the Holy Spirit.
You’re just saying, lord, help me do this. help me do this. He’s gonna stay with you.
He’s gonna help you. Get up. Try it again.
Yes. The righteous do fall.
But they get up. They get up, and I’m telling you right now. You’re not alone.
You are not alone, and the Holy Spirit isn’t abandoning you. Father, I thank you.
for that one receiving this prayer.
And I ask you, lord, that you would begin to give them confidence in their salvation.
Confidence in the work of the cross. and give them hope for the future.
Cause them lord
to walk in holiness, righteousness, caused them lord to cooperate with the work of the Holy Spirit in their lives.
We thank you. Just begin to thank him now. We thank you for your goodness.
We thank you for your love. We thank you for your grace and your mercy, your kindness toward us.
You are so patient with us. We thank you for it, Lord. Touch them.
Now I pray. I pray healing and deliverance.
touch of your presence and power upon their lives in a fresh way.
I give you the glory and the honor, and I want you to type it if you agree.
Type Amen. Well, if
you enjoyed that message and you think others need to hear it, don’t forget to leave a like.
Also, if you haven’t done so already, subscribe to my channel for more content like this.
Now I wanna challenge you.
Take a moment here just to, uh, beat challenge. to participate
in the work of the gospel.
If you believe in what this ministry is doing, you believe that we as the church should be winning souls, practicing the ministry of deliverance and healing, you believe in empowering other believers the preaching of the word, the prayer, and so forth.
And I’m asking you to get behind the work of this ministry. Listen. We can’t do this without you. Yes.
God is our source. Yes. God is a supplier. Yes.
God ultimately is in charge, but do you know how god chooses to work in the earth today.
He chooses to work in the earth today through his children.
And so take a moment just a second or 2 to hear from the Holy Spirit.
Ask the Holy Spirit, the precious Holy Spirit. what you should do to help this ministry financially.
All of us have a responsibility to participate in Kingdom expansion through giving every single one of us.
And I’ll tell you this. It’s been a principle that I practice in my life, generosity, and I see that it works.
It works. God blesses it. It’s the law of stewardship.
When you take care of what you have and you use what god has given to you according to how he tells you to use it, He increases you, and that’s Bible.
And so I want you to ask the Holy Spirit, say Holy Spirit, what would you like me to give to this ministry?
Ask him Ask him if you should do a single gift or monthly partnership and then follow his leading.
But I am asking everyone to do their part as the spirit leads Give a single donation by going to
Become a monthly ministry supporter, and this is key. Monthly ministry support is so key.
by going to David Hernandez Think about all the streaming services, gym memberships.
I mean, there’s a membership and a monthly package fee for everything these days.
And so I’m asking you to add to that. Your support of the gospel become a monthly supporter.
Try a $30 a month gift. and see how that doesn’t impact the world.
See how that does impact the world. It will make a difference. I promise you you make a difference.
Don’t dismiss yourself and say, oh, what could I possibly do?
Or, oh, what I would give is not much anyway. It’s all of us together, really.
that put in this effort to see the gospel go forward. So help us continue to do this.
The content is free. The Holy Spirit School is free. Our events are free.
We’re able to do that and spread the message like that because of wonderful supporters like you freely receive, so freely we give And we do the biblical model of ministry, which is simply asking the people of god for free wheel offering.
So one more time, Single gifts, David Hernandez, become a monthly supporter by going to slash partner.
But whether a single gift or a monthly gift large or small, it all counts.
And I wanna say thank you. Thank you for standing with me. Those of you who are partnered.
Thank you for partnering with me. Thank you for supporting this great work.
Thank you for believing in what we’re doing. Thank you.
for your love of the gospel, your love of the lord, your love of souls, it makes more of a difference than you could ever possibly know.
And I want you to know personally, me personally, I’m very encouraged to know that god’s people are standing with us as a ministry.
That is tremendous knowing that people of the world come against us.
Religious people come against us, but knowing that the people of god are with us, that does something that emboldens us.
So Thank you in advance. I I sincerely mean that.
Uh, I appreciate you as my brothers and sisters in Christ, and and I know the lord will bless you for your giving.
So thank you for participating with that. Well, that is it. And thank you again for watching until next time.
Remember, nothing is impossible with god.
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