The Coming Golden Age Interview with Dr. David Jeremiah

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Today, you’ve journeyed through the Bible, from the very beginning to the Revelation given to John, weaving together the threads of God’s plan. Now, you might be wondering, how does the millennium fit into God’s prophetic timeline?

Let me explain: right now, we are living in the “Church Age.” If you’ve studied Scripture, you’ll know that the next major event is the Rapture of the Church, when believers will be taken up to heaven. Following that, there will be a seven-year period known as the Tribulation. We, as believers, won’t experience this, as we will be in heaven. This Tribulation will be split into two parts: the first half, and the second half known as the Great Tribulation. At the end of the Great Tribulation, Jesus will return, victorious, winning the battle of Armageddon. At that moment, the Kingdom of God will be established here on Earth.

Thank you for joining me today. In the next few minutes, we’ll explore the incredible blessings awaiting those who follow our Savior into the Millennium and beyond. We’ll also reflect on the hope, joy, and peace that are ours, even now, as we anticipate that glorious future—one that might be closer than we think.

To encourage and inspire you today, I’ve invited a special musical guest and my dear friend, Sheila Walsh, to join us in the studio. Before we dive into everything the Bible reveals about the coming Golden Age, please welcome our guest as they lead us in worship.

“I have decided to lay down my worries; I will not fear now. Even with my sorrow, pain, and doubt, I will follow You. I will not be shaken. I will call upon Your name, no name higher than Yours. Worthy of all praise, You break our chains. Author of faith, Your Kingdom reigns. Jesus, the name above all names. You are the one we proclaim. I walk in the power of my God. You go before me; You fight for me. Your right hand shatters all my enemies. In all Your glory, I will not be moved. No higher name is worthy of praise than Yours, the rock of our salvation.”

As the music lifts our spirits, I’m excited to welcome Sheila Walsh. Sheila, it’s always a blessing to have you here.

“Dr. Jeremiah, it’s truly a joy to be here in these amazing studios! This is our 11th time sitting down together, and I have to say, it’s been one of the greatest privileges of my life to be part of this journey with you. Your dedication to preaching the Word of God and living it out is inspiring, and I’m grateful for the opportunity.”

Thank you, Sheila. It’s always a pleasure to work alongside you.

“Now, your new book, The Coming Golden Age, is incredible. I don’t think I’ve ever come across another book like it. Why did you feel the need to write this book at this time?”

Well, Sheila, every time I start a new project, my team and I do thorough research. We look for any existing books on the topic we’re covering, but when we searched for books on the Millennium, we found very little—mostly theological debates on whether Jesus returns before or after the Millennium. Those arguments don’t really bless or encourage people, so I wanted to do something different.

I remembered something Dwight Pentecost, one of my seminary professors, once said: “There’s more information in the Bible about the Millennium than almost any other subject—including salvation, heaven, or hell.” He pointed out that much of the information is spread throughout the Old Testament and some parts of the New Testament, but no one has really gathered it all together.

So, after finishing my last book, The Great Disappearance, I knew that the next step was to tackle the Millennium. Though it was a challenging topic at first, I’ve found it incredibly fulfilling to dive deep into this profound aspect of God’s plan for the future.

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