The Animal Men | Jonathan Cahn Special

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The Animal Men

The animal. Men, who were they? And are they actually returning? This is Jonathan gone.
The return of the gods is the latest book I’ve written, which reveals a mystery that is transforming our world, our nation, our lives the ancient spirits entities are returning into this world.
We are undergoing now a process of Pagan Ization.

This is in America the West and touching the world from a Christian civilization into a Pagan one.
Even pagan spirits are part of it and are repossessing the culture and there are signs of it in paganism.
The line between man and animal is not, is not a solid line. It’s blurred.
And so what you see is you see actually images of gods that are combinations of animals and men.
You even see animals that are combinations of animals and other animals. Even the lines between them is blurred.
But you’ll see for instance in India human God with an elephant head.
You’ll see in Egypt a human god with a jackal head.
You’ll see in in Canaan or or the the near East, you’ll see the Middle East, you’ll see actually God with bullhorns.
You’ll see half man, half animal centers. When the gospel came to the pagan world, it’s it dealt with this.
The line with God. The word of God is that man is sacred is different, is unique yet.
See, we’ve gone with that, you know the sanctity of life and of human life.
But as America turns away from God.
The ancient warning is the ancient spirits or gods will come back into it, come back into the West.
So we are undergoing the process of pagan ization.
So what’s happening, what’s happening is the line, what we’d expect to happen.
The line between man and animal is now being blurred or destroyed. What would we expect to happen?
We’d expect to happen. The exaltation of animals as if they were human and the degrading of man as nothing more than an animal and something.
So human life can actually be disposed of or ended or we can do what we want with it now in the ancient pagan world.

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Ancient craftsmen carved pictures, joining man and animal there in stone, in clay, in metal. Well, today, what is happening?
We’ve gone farther today. Our craftsmen are scientists and it’s not clay.
It’s the genetic code they are now where the ancient world blurred lines in image.
We are actually blurring the lines. In reality, we are actually blurring the lines of D. N. A.
Of man into animal. Animal into man. We are joining human D. N. A. To animal. DNA.
We’re joining animal D. N. A. To human D. N. A. We have blurred the lines.
We have done it with high technology but it is simply paganism taken to a new level because that’s what happens when you turn away from God.
The ancient spirits. The animal, man spirits come back.
This is a little taste of the mystery revealed in the return of the gods.
The latest book I’ve written, the return of the gods is the detail, has everything is everywhere, wherever there are books for you and for those in your life.
Now, this is what we’re going to be revealing next time, a mystery most likely affecting your life right now and those around you right now, the Dark Masters, Who are they?
Hit subscribe. So you don’t miss it. This is Jonathan cahn.
I’ll see you next time with the Dark Masters.

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