Thankful Sunday Blessings August 25, 2024

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Thankful Sunday Blessings

Dear God, thank You for Your amazing grace that covers me each second that I’m alive. Thank You for another day that You’ve given me. Lately, it’s been hard. I’ve been in the middle of a storm, and it’s been difficult to see a way out. I pray that You would help me to speak to this storm that I am in the middle of. I speak Your word and say, “Peace, be still.” Even though it’s been raining, I know that You are also raining down blessings, peace, and strength in my life. Your love never ceases to amaze me, and I am so incredibly thankful for every moment that You are with me. I put this day in Your hands. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

I will bless the Lord at all times; His praise shall continually be in my mouth. -Psalm 34:1

Prayer of the Day:

 Lord, please help me to receive and embrace Your unconditional love, and be with me as my confidence grows in my relationship with You, amen.

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In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Beloved Father, as I begin this new day, I thank You for Your generous goodness and infinite majesty. Lord, I place myself in Your hands at the start of this day because I want to face life trusting in Your promises. Thank You for making me joyful and blessed this morning with all the graces and blessings You give. I want to offer You all the achievements and joys I will experience today.

May I be filled with the freedom that belongs to the children of God, with my trust firmly placed in You, my Master. My God, guide me through the paths of life, even if they are difficult, because all I need is for You to walk with me. Lord, You are the central focus of my existence. When I seek You, I know I am pursuing the highest ideal that can exist. All I desire is to fully unite with You, my Creator, seeking sanctification so that one day I may be in Your presence.

Lord, I want to feel Your word in my life, Your power over me that protects, cares for, and drives me to give my best. This certainty fills my heart with joy, enabling me to live this day peacefully, without fear of what may come. Lord, I trust that You have the strength and power to protect me from any danger. Great and powerful are You, eternally merciful. Therefore, I praise You and place everything in my heart in Your hands. I open my heart and receive You as my Lord and Savior, so You can shape me into the person You want me to be.

I open the doors of my life and mind so that You may transform my entire being, making my actions pleasing in Your loving sight. You make all things new and renew my heart daily. I praise You, God of Heaven, because Your blessing always accompanies me and fills me with confidence to face this day with courage. Thank You, good Father, for I am a work of Your hands, and that is why I trust my life to You. Your strength is invincible, and Your love floods my heart, filling me with joy to keep moving forward.

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Prayer of the Day: 365 Days of Prayer for Life: Daily Prayer Devotional


Fill them with Your peace and love. Show them that in You, they can find comfort and strength. Do not let them fall into despair, but instead, let them feel Your presence that encourages and sustains them. Father, grant me the wisdom to make decisions that bring me closer to You, so that in every step I take today, I may feel Your guidance and protection. Thank You, Lord, for Your infinite love and boundless goodness. Thank You for hearing my prayer and for always being by my side.

Heavenly Father, I start this day full of faith and the assurance that You are with me, guiding me through the paths of life. Amen.

I will pause today to contemplate the beauty of divine creation and thank God for the world He has given us. May I draw near to the altar of God, the God of my joy, and give thanks with the music of the lyre, O God, my God. Psalm 42.

May the Lord bless us on this day. In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

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