Discovering Your Divine Purpose – And Becoming the Helpmate of God!
Discovering Your Divine Purpose – And Becoming the Helpmate of God!
One of the beautiful mysteries of God begins in the Garden and reappears in Messiah and in your salvation. It even explains reality!
And you join him in every place. How can I he’s he’s the god of redemption lord?
How can I be part of your redemption today? How I take that terrible situation and start turning around?
How can I take that problem and turn it around?
The one who lets the word come in the most is the one who’s gonna bless them the most.
That’s simple. It’s not about it’s it’s it’s it’s simply that. And what what do you do with a garden?
What do you have to do if it’s hardened? You gotta kinda break it up. You gotta soften it.
You gotta till it. You gotta turn it over.
You gotta kinda shake it up and and get water in it.
Well, sometimes we have to do that with ourselves. The Bible says, break up your fellow ground.
Break up your fellow ground. Meaning it’s easy to get in a rut. It gets hard.
You get in a rut. You’re not growing. You’re not really open. Break it up. Open up.
Break up your routine. Break up the turn it over. Break up. Soften and Lord come in. I’m I’m open.
I’m open. Change me. I’m open. Every day listen.
Take at least take one word from god and get it into your life.
I don’t mean just say it. I don’t mean just read it. Get it into your heart.
Get it into your life or get it into your action. Get it.
Let it soak in because when it soaks it, when the seed soaks it That’s when it blossoms.
You gotta give time. You gotta do. Do you wanna blossom? You wanna you wanna bear fruit?
You want a fruitful life? You gotta have the seed. You gotta let it in every day.
You it’ll change you. One last revelation and key from this mystery. You’re not only his garden.
Remember what we said you are his helpmate. You are the helpmate of god.
You’re like the Eve or the good one, the good Eve. You’re the Hava. You’re you’re the help me.
You are born for him. You’re born to help him.
And, you know, and and the the the mystery, Hava, Eve, mean life giver.
So if Eve is in the image of Adam, Adam must also be if she was she was he must also be a helpmate to god, We were all born to be god’s help made.
How cool is that? You were made to help god out. To help how can you help god?
God has chosen for you to be a a partner with him, his bride, his partner, his his his beloved, to help him bring about his purposes, to have a part in his purposes, to have a part a partner in life in redemption.
The woman has to be was made to be the man’s best friend. You’re made to be god’s best friend.
God is to be your best friend. You and him, you’re supposed to be best friends.
The man you know, you know, and that means that, you know, you know, it’s not so much, uh, yes, he is the god of the university as the king of kings, the almighty, jut, but he’s also your best friend.
You’re wondering how do I pray? I don’t know how to relate. I feel forget about all that.
Just talk to your best friend. Whatever it is, just start talking to him.
Don’t worry about how to pray. Just talk to him. You’ll be praying great.
Just talk to him spill your heart. Lord, lord, what a day lord, I’m feeling this.
So just spill your heart. The man and the woman in the garden image of God men and the woman were naked.
They had no secrets from each other. There was no hiding.
There no that’s how it’s supposed to be with you and god. Don’t keep any secrets. He can’t.
It doesn’t matter how what sin is. It doesn’t matter how how bad the sin is.
He there’s no sin that’s gonna separate from you from him if you don’t give it to him.
If you give it to him, it will.
If you hold back, then even the lee the least amount of thing is gonna separate you.
But if you give it to him, Nelson is gonna separate you. He he just give it to him.
No hiding. He’s not gonna be shocked. He’s been around for a while.
He’s not gonna be shocked by anything you tell him. Open up. He already knows it.
Give it to him as you are. Gotta be the most intimate relationship with him.
You can’t be any more intimate than anyone than him. More intimate that that you can tell.
It’s that the Bible says pour out your heart like waters before the presence of god.
Just give it to him. How do you become his helpmates?
You look at you look at, lord, what is your will? And I wanna help you in it.
What’s your will? His will is, first of all, that people get saved. So lord, I wanna help you.
I’m not gonna sit back anymore. I’m gonna actually help you. Uh, god will bless you.
Be part of spreading the gospel. The great commission is the will of god.
So, lord, I wanna help you. You don’t just sit on the side. You become part of ministry.
You fulfill your calling. God called you. His will is love. You help him love. You love others.
You love the lost. You love your enemy. He’s the gardener. You help him garden the world.
You help him sow seeds. It means you help him by sowing the seeds of the word seeds of the gospel means in every situation you’re in, you gotta treat it like it’s a garden and I’m gonna show I’m gonna throw the seeds of gone into it.
I’m gonna problem such as a problem. It’s a garden.
That’s a problem, but I’m gonna sow seeds of god’s answer into it. I’m gonna sow the seed.
What can I how can I spell the seeds here? I’m gonna sow seeds of love here.
Seeds of hope into this situation, seeds of blessing into that situation.
You ask them, lord, what is your will here? How can I help you today?
Wanna serve you, I’m gonna please you. I wanna make you smile today.
I’m not just here to kinda stay out of trouble and maintain my walk.
I’m here to bless you and help you and serve you. What is your will for this situation?
What is your will for the purpose instead of how to get by? What’s your will for my life?
How can I help speed it up, lord? How can I help not hinder it?
How can I get rid of that sin and help speed up the purposes?
How do I become a helpmate of god? What you know is not his will. You stop doing it.
What you know is his will. You start doing it, and you join him in every place.
How can I he’s he’s the god of redemption? Lord, how can I be part of your redemption today?
How can I take that terrible situation and start turning around?
How can I take that problem and turn it around?
Even in my life, how can I be part of the answer now?
The lord would say to you, the lord is your gardener And he would say to you, listen to this.
This is this is a scripture, but it’s to you. The lord will continually guide you and satisfy your life.
Even in dry times. And your life, listen, will become like a well watered garden.
Like a spring of life whose waters will never fail.
And one more word from the lord, your gardener, and your beloved, and the one you are a helpmate to.
Listen to what he says. No matter what’s been in your life, just let it fall. However, it falls.
This is his word. He says to you, rise, arise my beloved.
And my beautiful one and come away with me. For behold, the winter, your winter is past.
Your rains are over and gone. The blossoms have already appeared in the land.
The time has come for singing.
The fig tree is ripen its fruit, the voice of the dove, the vines are in blossom, and given their fragrance, arise.
My beloved says the lord. Arise. My beautiful one says the lord you’re beloved and come away with me.
Amen and amen. Father, we praise you this morning. Thank you.
You are awesome, and you are wonderful, and you are beautiful. And, lord, we thank you that you called us.
We thank you that you know us. We thank you that you called us into being.
We thank you, lord, that you gave everything for us and lord that you could come to us again.
Lord, we that you could be one with us and we one with you.
Lord, lord, we commit we’re not gonna let anything separate us from you.
Whatever that is, we’re gonna give it to you, lord.
We’re gonna give you everything, lord, and come into every part of our life. Come into every part.
Lord, we wanna be blossoming. We wanna be fruitful.
Lord, we wanna receive more of you this week wanna be in your presence receiving your your word, receiving your your spirit, lord, receiving all things to blossom, to blossom.
Lord, we commit to taking a word every day. It’s powerful. And it it changes us.
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- Priscilla Shirer Sermons – Your Miracle is Found in PrayerTháng 4 29, 2023