Receive and Chill Out | Tim Sheets

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Last week, I spoke about God turning His face towards us, shining His face upon us, and setting His gaze upon us. This symbolizes His blessings, His grace extended to us, and His power focused on us to turn things for our good. It signifies the smile of God’s approval and His favor lavished upon us, empowering us for success. It also represents His watchful care. This word, derived from Psalms 18, came as a prophetic message I received over two weeks ago. Today, I want to share another part of that prophetic word, which will lead us into our communion time. If you’re watching online, you can prepare your communion elements, and we will partake together shortly.

For years, we’ve ended Thanksgiving week with communion. The reason is simple: we are thanking the Lord for the number one reason to be thankful—Jesus coming to Earth, giving His life for us, saving us from our sins, and granting us eternal life. We are giving thanks for such great salvation and for the privilege of being with Him in heaven forever.

Now, let me briefly revisit last week’s prophetic word before diving into the new message. I heard the Holy Spirit say, “The Father and Heaven’s King have turned their face towards the Ecclesia, towards Kingdom Sons and Daughters. A season of great Reformation is approaching. Sons and Daughters are now to receive refreshing from a past season of war—an intense and fierce season. Times of refreshing from the Lord are coming now, bringing energizing and revitalization for the Reformation era. This will be the most supernatural era I have ever led. A new level of authority will emerge, rapidly demonstrating through the heirs as they are refreshed, renewed, and re-envisioned for this great Reformation. Know that the outer band winds have started to blow, carrying signs, wonders, miracles, healings, and supernatural deliverance. Yes, the Father’s face is turned towards the Holy Spirit, and the King’s face is turned towards His bride. Grace winds are beginning to blow. Receive from this supernatural flow of refreshing and empowerment.”

I clearly heard in my spirit, “Grace winds are beginning to blow.” Let’s define wind briefly. In scripture, wind symbolizes the Holy Spirit, representing His movement on Earth. Wind also signifies revival, outpourings of power from heaven, and awakenings stirred by the Holy Spirit. These are breathed into the Ecclesia. Why wind? Because, though wind cannot be seen, its power and effects are undeniable. Wind is one of the most powerful forces on Earth, and its impact can be felt. Similarly, though the Holy Spirit is not visible to the natural eye, His effects are real, often felt supernaturally in our soul or spirit.

Wind blowing prophesies the work of the Holy Spirit. It signals a fresh anointing on the work He is already doing, bringing it into a new season. This happened on the day of Pentecost in Acts 2 when a sound from heaven, like a rushing mighty wind, filled the room where the disciples were gathered. They didn’t see the wind, but they heard it—like a hurricane or a tornado. That sound is often compared to the roar of a train. I personally experienced this sound once, in the mid-90s, during a service where the worship flowed continuously, prophetic words stirred, and the atmosphere became overwhelmingly still—so silent you could hear a pin drop.

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