Owning Your Destiny – The Power of Prayer and Praise Vol.3

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Where are you going to? Supernatural is a mandate. Where are you going to?
Supernatural is a lifestyle. God’s gonna make you a praise in the earth.
Praise is more than music.
It is a warfare tool that God gives you so that you can shift the battle over to him.
He inhabits the praises of His people.
Prayer sends angels praise, sends God you just get up off your knees and walk away.
That’s not the right thing to do at the midnight hour. You’re not done yet.
You get up off your knees, raise your hands up and start giving God some praise because it’s already done.
You are made for worship. We are talking a lot here about intercessory prayer where you’ve got a friend of yours.
In other words, this man is a friend, but there’s a friend of his that come On his journey.
And when I speak on his journey, it reminds me of the good Samaritan found in Luke chapter 10.
Now, this is a story of a man who came from Jerusalem, I guess going down to Jericho.
And on that road on the way, he was assaulted by robbers, they beat him up, took it what he had left him half dead.
And then there comes along a priest and he looks at him and passed by on the other side, kept going.
He looked, came, a Levite, looked at him passed by and went on his way.
But then there was a Samaritan. We call him a good Samaritan.
And all this came out of a, of a teaching Jesus was doing about who is your neighbor.
And a lot of times we think that a neighbor is somebody who lives next door, but he wanted them to widen their concept of neighbor just a bit.
A neighbor could be a brother or sister in Africa or someone in Asia, but someone who is victim of the curse, someone who has fallen on hard times, this is your neighbor and that he said, pray that thy kingdom come, thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven.
So the idea about it is to make every place that God sends us, whether it be by prayer or by physical, that we are to turn it into heaven on earth, that wherever people are suffering and wherever we go, we are to alleviate the curse in people’s lives.
When we’re talking about intercessory prayer, we’re talking about an act of love.
We’re first loving God and then we’re loving people.
He even says in the scriptures because you’ve been born again, you can love your enemies.
Now this you know um sometimes is kind of hard to do. Ok.
Alright, I got amen over there somewhere, ok. Kind of hard to do.
But but this we can do see we couldn’t do it before because we didn’t have the love of God she abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost.
But now we do this Roman 55.
And so now look at Romans chapter eight, who is he that condemn?
It is Christ that died rather it is he has risen again, that is risen again.
Who is even at the right hand of God who also maketh what in a session for us?
So this is Jesus And he’s in interceding for you means to pray for somebody else and what we have that we teach for 12 weeks.
I think it is, is intercessory prayer. Why?
Because God said my house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations, for everybody who care who they are, what race they are, what background they are, what country they’re in for all nations.
So here is Jesus, he’s making in a session for us.
So this, you refer to uh you can refer to as the um the ministry of the resurrected ministry of the Lord Jesus Christ.
This is, this is Him at the right hand of the father making in a session for me and you, you and I and this happens because he knows what we’re going through.
Now, let’s go over there and just see that that’s found over in the book of Hebrews In Hebrews Chapter two.
And look at verse 17 in all things, it behooved him to be made like and to his brethren, the Bible says you are his brethren that he might be a merciful and faithful high priest.
So this is his high priestly ministry to be at the right hand of the Father praying for you and I in things pertaining to God to make reconciliation for the sins of the people.
For in that he himself has suffered, being tempted, he is able to secure them that are tempted.
The word means come to the aid of so he is able to come to the aid of you and I, because he knows what we’ve been going through.
Now, the Bible talks about this in the Old Testament, it talks about standing in the gap.
Now, let’s let’s examine that and just see it.
So if I stand in the gap, let’s go over to Ezekiel chapter 22 And look at verse 30 and I sought for a man among them that should make up the hedge and stand in the gap before me for the land that I should not destroy it.
But I’ve found how many none. OK.
Now, this is mainly referring to the Old Testament that in that time, Jesus had not come So the high priestly of ministry of Jesus was not established.
And when Jesus prays for you, he cannot pray for you from there directly, meaning that he just can’t pray to the Father for you.
What he has to do is he has to pray through you to the Father.
Now follow this.
He has to the authority to bind and loose is on earth.
Got it.
So when God pass the Dominion, the authority, the rulership, the governorship over to mankind in Genesis chapter one verse 26 when he passed it over to Him, God himself cannot violate that.
Not until that lease is up.
If he could have violated it, when Eve started to eat of the fruit, God would just smacked it right of our hand and said, put that down.
You don’t need that. He couldn’t do it.
He had to watch them, give away the earth couldn’t do it.
Can’t not violate your will. He can’t do it to you right now.
If you want to go to hell, God will let you.
Now, do you try to send people to you to convince you not to?
But if somebody want, that’s their will.
So my point to you is, is what God does.
And He reaches out to us with his mercy, with people witnessing with other people praying for us so forth and so on.
Every one of us got here because somebody prayed, you can’t get it without somebody praying for you.
So why should he pray for us and somebody pray for us and we not pray for somebody else.
The only way you can do that is no love or no knowledge of the fact that you’ve got to do that.
So here Jesus is he is, he has gone through what you and I are going through in all ways.
He was attempted, tempted with everything.
Tempted, had to be tempted with women, tempted with, with, with alcohol or whatever they had those days, tempted with anything.
Now, you don’t like to think about that.
But he said in every point he was tempted, that’s what the Bible said.
Don’t look at me strange. I’m, I’m just talking about what the Bible says.
So he knows what you’re going through.
He knows he knows here you are in there at 11:00 at night and you being tempted work is well, let me come over here, here you are, let me go.
But the thing of it is he knows what you’re going through, but he’s praying for you.
You know what he does. He prays through people.
So he put, but by the Holy Spirit, he puts it on your heart to get up and pray.
Well, you may not know what to pray for. Well, that’s Romans chapter eight.
And I think in verse 26 likewise, the spirit also help with our infirmity.
Now, infirmity doesn’t mean sickness or weakness of sickness or disease. Or something like that.
It means weakness of the flesh that my flesh doesn’t know what to do infirmity for.
We know not what we should pray for as we ought, but the spirit itself make a intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered that speaking in the holy ghost.
So I don’t know what to pray for you, but I can pray in the Holy Ghost.
So I’m prompted to get up and pray in the spirit.
I don’t know what I’m saying, but God knows, but the authority for it has to come through man.
It’s got to be prayed by a person. So I, well, I don’t believe in that tongue. Stuff.
Well, you missing half your opportunity because see when I got up and prayed like that, I might have prayed somebody in Chile.
I might have prayed somebody in Brazil, somebody in Japan. I might have prayed them out of a situation.
Well, when I did that, I got a reward.
So now I’m gonna stand before Jesus at the time of getting rewards.
And I’m gonna be, he’s gonna give me a flash of all these people.
I prayed out because I knew how to pray in to.
So my reward is gonna be great. Come on. OK.
So it, it’s not even good business sense, not to know how to pray in tongues.
Because sometimes when you don’t even have the answer, you can pray in tongue what says?
And according to first Corinthians 14 ask for interpretation and God will interpret your mind. He’ll say no, no.
Make the business deal for three years.
Make it for 2.5 years because at 2.5 years, I’m gonna give you something else.
Then the business he gonna be and you, boom, you’re winning.
Every time I, I, I’ll tell you what Jesse Dulan tells a story here.
He is and he’s, you know, high on drugs or whatever. Have you?
He planted them rock bands and all of a sudden gets a call that the, the, the, the nightclub owner says uh plan, you got a call here.
So I got a call. Yeah, on telephone here and go. Who knows? I’m here.
Picked up the phone. Hello, Jesse Mama, mama. How did you know I was here?
The Lord told me where you were the lawyer, give you phone numbers.
He knows every phone number in the world. Say man.
Now see all of this is supernatural. This is not natural stuff.
Hey, man, now don’t be hearing no strange voices.
Romans chapter eight me chapter and he that search of the hearts knoweth what is the mind of the spirit?
Because He make intercession for us for the saints according to the will of God.
Now notice according to the will of God, it says will of God. So that will is in italics.
So he makes intercession for us according to God. What God wants in our lives.
Now, look at the next verse based on that and we know that what all things work together for good.
See all things work together for good. When the first two are followed.
Don’t think because somebody was in a car wreck, ended up in the hospital, uh, all beat up and then they use somebody witness to him, they gave their life to the Lord.
Well, see all that work together for good. No, it didn’t.
The devil was trying to kill that boy and somebody just interceded and just got the devil to just, you know, they give him a broke leg.
You know, so I’m saying that’s what we did and some people do that.
So now standing in the gap is key because that, that that gap or that hedge has to stay up in your life to keep you protected.
And so when we look at job’s life, put that scripture up there in job chapter one over in Job chapter one, he said this look at verse nine and Satan answered the Lord and said, does job fear God for not.
Now this is this is Satan talking to God about job has not thou made a hedge about him, watch this and about what else?
His house and about what else all that he had on which side, every side thou has blessed the work of his hands and his substance is increased in the land, you get increased the devil can’t get to it.
So you increase how much more and more, more and more.
See the enemy is working in the invisible realm to try to cut off your increase.
Boy, I could preach that today, man. That’s some good stuff. All right. So here’s job.
And the next thing you know what happened to job is of course not, of course.
But the devil got into his life, right?
But notice where the hedge was put that scripture up that again, that hedge.
I want you to just see this now because I’m gonna make a point here that the hedge was on every side.
It was about his house. Come on.
It was about all that he had, including his family, right?
But the hedge came down now, why did the heads come down?
Now, we said something, you can’t pray out of fear because faith makes prayer work, not fear.
But look what job did in job.
Chapter three and verse um uh chapter three and verse 25, I think it did for the thing which I greatly feared has come upon me and that, which I was afraid of has come to me.
I was not in safety. Oh, wait a minute. Was he in safety?
Yeah, neither had I what rest now. Wait a minute.
Any time you’re out of faith, you’re gonna lose your rest.
Faith is a rest for everybody when you get anxious and all that is because your faith is missing and you better get it established right away or get somebody who can stand in the gap for you until you get it back together.
So now the hedge is going down.
Now, look at Ecclesiastes chapter um, Chapter 10, I think it is.
And look at Verse eight, he that dig the pitch, he’ll fall into it and whoever breaks the hedge, what will have serve the body.
So the hedge was broken in Joe’s life. Now who broke it?
I’m gonna ask you one more time. Who broke the head in job? Job?
Not the devil, not the devil. No one Can Stop Me But Me.
The only one that can mess me up is me.
I know you like to put it on the man but it’s not, it’s you.
Joshua Chapter 1: verse three.
Every place that the soul of your foot shall tread upon that have I given to you as I said to moses, watch this from the wilderness, wilderness of Lebanon.
Even to the Great River, the river Euphrates.
All the land, the hit to the Great River Sea toward going down to the sun shall be your coast.
Watch this. There shall not any man on the line, any man now who is left out of that?
Nobody. I don’t care what their position is. I don’t care how much money they got.
I don’t care where they head of the mafia.
I don’t care what it doesn’t make any difference that read the verse and believe the word of God.
There shall not any man be able to stand before you.
Well, how long, how long young or old all the days of your life as I was with Moses, I’m gonna be with you.
I’ll not fail you. Come on or let you down next verse what it says, be strong and of good courage.
So what am I saying?
What they say about you shouldn’t bother you.
They don’t make you and they can’t stop you.
The only one that can mess job up was job.
The only one that can mess you up is you. I don’t care.
Even if you, your spouse, they still can’t mess you up.
God made it so that you, you got something to say about your destiny. Say amen to that.
Yeah. And don’t allow your past to keep you from your future because God has forgiven.
You say amen to that. Now, I don’t know about you, but I was thrilled to find that out because I, I’m, I know that, you know, a lot of times I think, well, if I don’t do this, they, they don’t like me and then so forth.
I don’t care. It makes no difference. Say amen.
Now, if you’re one of these people with an entitlements mentality, you’re still looking for a hand out.
You’re still looking for somebody to govern your future and tell you when to get up when to get down.
Then I’m telling you you’ll be a victim.
But if you’re walking in the spirit, if you, nobody could stop Jesus and if they can’t stop him, they can’t stop you.
Because he said, what, what I did? You gonna be able to do two and greater work?
I couldn’t even kill him. He said you can’t kill me.
I got to lay my life down man.
This is what it’s all about. It’s about me having control over my destiny. Say amen to that you got.
Listen, God has put it in your hand. Look what He’s Lord Hammer. Can I go to one more place?
Joshua chapter one and verse eight, he goes on down because he wants to make this thing clear that it’s up to you.
This book of the law shall not part out of your mouth, the part out of your mouth.
But thou shalt do what meditate there in day and night that thou may observe to do according to all that’s written there in for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous and then thou shalt have what good success.
Now, I want you to see that verse. Who’s gonna make your way prosperous? Not God.
Let’s read it again. And this time you’re gonna put your name in there.
He said, this book of the law shall not depart out of your mouth. Who is who, who OK?
But thou shalt meditate there in day and night that?
Who and would you say your name may observe to do according to all that’s written there in for then William Winston shall make his way prosperous and then William Winston shall have good success.
There is nobody that can take away your success. There is nobody.
So we gotta stop this business. Now, who do you think you are as a church?
Let me, I put something up. You are the most powerful institution that’s ever hit the face of the earth.
And I put here in here, I said this to God that you are much bigger wiser and stronger inside than you are outside folks.
You are so much bigger inside than you are outside. That is pathetic.
See, the devil can see in the spirit, he can see how big you are.
His job is to keep you in the natural thinking so that you’ll think like a fallen man that you’ll only go as far as fallen demon control technology.
That’s why it’s getting so that you can’t believe the medication. You can’t believe the technology.
Hey, if everything got side effects and so forth, somebody gonna have to walk by faith up in here.
Somebody is gonna have to thank God at his word. Fallen angel standards.
See the enemy trying to, it tries to try to get you and I to, to operate and think on the level of a natural person and you are out of that business.
You, you, you are operating so far above that till it, it’s laughable that enemy has sown seeds and tried to sow them in the church and tried to sow them through leadership and, and, and some of those seeds have brought forth unbelief and, and, and try to keep us, keep on knocking, pray the same prayer over and over again.
Every time you do that, you, you, you, you, you, you destroy the one that you just pray.
Say Amen to that, that scripture in Luke chapter 11 is about praying one time and standing in faith.
I said praying one time and standing in faith, giving God praise, worshiping God say amen to that because this thing is already done.
Where are you going to?
Supernatural is a mandate. Where are you going to? Supernatural is a lifestyle.
God’s gonna make you a praise in the earth.
Praise is more than music.
It is a warfare tool that God gives you so that you can shift the battle over to Him.
He inhabits the praises of His people. Prayer, send angels praise, send God.
You just get up off your knees and walk away.
That’s not the right thing to do. It’s a midnight hours. You’re not done yet.
You get up off your knees, raise your hands up and start giving God some praise because it’s already done.
You are made for worship, govern the authority of your words, increase the force of your belief and embrace the peace.
Of your worship in Pastor Winston’s Life Changing series, The Power of Prayer and Praise volume three to order on CD or MP three on DVD or P four.
Contact us online at Bill Winston dot org. You can also call us at 1 807 119327.
Hello, my name is Bill Winston.
I am here to tell you about this exciting book is called The Vengeance of the Lord.
Now, this is a topic that a lot of Christians never understood. It’s not revenge. That’s, that’s a human concept.
This is vengeance. God says in Hebrews chapter 10 verse 30 vengeance is mine and I will recompense say the Lord, what does it mean?
It means justice. It means that God is the one that’s gonna justify you when we were trying to buy our first shopping mall.
The people didn’t want us to have it but the vengeance of the Lord stepped in.
And the next thing you know, we’ve got the ball, not only that they tried to keep us from having services and we’ve got that too.
My point to you is there are places that you can’t go without the vengeance of the Lord and just like anything else that a provision of God, you have to do it by faith.
Well, how does faith come by hearing and hearing by the word, the vengeance of the Lord?
Get this book, build your faith. And I’m telling you it will make you unstoppable.
I’m talking about in the education area, changing educational laws back to be under the, the, the order of the kingdom of God, a economic pla a government.
Everything this vengeance of the Lord will open the pathway.
One man said this because God’s people have not known vengeance.
Many have been victims, not you praise God because here’s the book called the Vengeance of the Lord.
Get it today, you’ll be blessed. Bill Winston saying, keep walking by faith.
Doctors, Bill and Veronica Winston are dedicated to seeing lives changed through the power of prayer.
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We know that prayer can turn around any situation in your life.
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If you are not a partner, we encourage you to pray about joining us in partnership and be a part of the wonderful work that God is doing through this ministry.
The mission of Bill Winston ministries is to preach the gospel of the kingdom throughout the world.
This broadcast has been made available to you through the fateful support of Bill Winston ministry partners and friends.
We invite you to become a partner and join Dr Bill Winston as he trains believers how to live independent of this world system and have Dominion over it.
Thank you, Bill Winston ministry partners and viewers for your continuous support of the believer’s Walk of Faith broadcast.
The believer’s Walk of Faith is paid for by Bill Winston ministry partners and viewers.
Now, remember you need faith to get to your destiny.
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This is Bill Winston. I love you and keep walking by faith.

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