When God Ran | Jonathan Cahn Sermon

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“Where was God?” he said, as if surprised by the question. “We drove Him out of our schools, out of our government, out of our media, out of our culture, out of our public square. We drove Him out of our national life, and then we ask, ‘Where is God?”
― Jonathan Cahn, The Harbinger: The Ancient Mystery that Holds the Secret of America’s Future

Most of you can remember the time when God started drawing you, touching you, initiate He was initiating it.
Putting He put people in your place. People, the people might have been in, they were imperfect, who knows?
But it was His perfectness using them to draw you.
Having you come across things come across people having it match up with your heart. That was all God.
It was God drawing you. He’s the one who initiates you. He’s the one who draws you back as well.
It’s not the image. A lot of people have the one holding scales and just saying, you know, he’s neutral, you know, whatever happens happens, you, if you’re good, you’re bad, that’s you.
He’s for you. You don’t need God for that. You just need a judge to judge what you did.
It’s about what God did. Yes. He is the judge of the universe, but he’s also your defense attorney.
That’s the amazing thing about salvation. God. The judge became your defense attorney.
That’s, that’s Messiah, that’s the gospel he became for see if the judge becomes your defense attorney, you won.
Thus, the key is to let God God’s love for you and God’s will for you is better than your love for you and your will for you.

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So the key is to let God’s love have its way. God. God have his way.
It’s not about so much coming to God. Although we do, it’s about God coming to you.
All the best things come from God, not you, they come through you and then notice what it says.
You know, it’s enough enough that he loved that he still loved his son.
It’s enough that he didn’t judge his son. It’s enough that he wants to go to his son.
But it doesn’t just say that it says he ran now. Most likely he’s not a young guy.
He’s got a grown up, two grown up sons, but he’s running.
But you know, if you’re a good parent, if you’re a good father, you’re a good mother, you’re gonna run.
If your child is in trouble.
We once went my, my oldest one when he was little or he was in a, he was in as well.
He was in a, his room and a room and he went in the bathroom and he starts yelling.
He says, I’m scared, I’m scad.
We think what’s going on in the bay run and, and I said, what happened?
You know what do you, what, what, what scared you? He said, what are you scared of?
He said, well, I’m scared of spiders. I’m scared of the dark. I’m scared of monsters. I’m scared.
He went through this whole list. But we thought he was in trouble.
We ran and God father, if you’re a good father, a good mother, you’re gonna run, you’re gonna be quick to bless.
Well, God is, gotta be better than that. God runs to you. This is a picture of God.
You may not see it. You may, you won’t, you won’t see it. You may not feel it.
But when you, you know, when you don’t hear an immediate answer, you don’t get an immediate yes from God.
He heard it. He’s running to you when you need. Hi, I’m Jonathan Kahn.
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