One For All & All For Themselves (John 19:1-35) | Good Friday 2024

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One For All & All For Themselves (John 19:1-35) | Good Friday 2024

A victory call to all those who believe and will believe.

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[Music] anai and [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] Adon when Yeshua Jesus rode into

Jerusalem the people were citing Psalm 118 and this is what they were saying save us Lord save us Lord grant us your Prosperity save us blessed is he who comes in the name of the [Music] [Music] Lord [Music] [Music] B

[Music] Adonai blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord let’s sing one more [Music] [Music] time [Music] B [Music] [Applause] now [Music]

I [Music] don’t I don’t don’t I [Music] don’t [Music] oh Lord our Lord how excellent is your name in all the Earth you who set your glory above the heavens oh Lord our Lord how excellent is your name in all the Earth and when the people Cried Out seeing Yeshua riding in on a donkey as Zechariah prophesied they said why don’t you tell the people to keep quiet you know how the people Tell You Folks at Calvary

Chapel Chino Hills they just say keep quiet stop talking about Jesus don’t they but then it was said by Yeshua he quoted Psalm number 8 that’s a Psalm we’re going to sing together and he said haven’t you heard out of the mouths of babes and infants you have perect Ed praise oh Lord when I consider your Heavens the work of your fingers the moon and the stars which you’ve ordained what is man that you are mindful of him and the son of man that you Vis now this is your part here we go oh Lord our Lord how excellent is your

name in all of the earth oh Lord how excellent is your name oh Lord our Lord how excellent is your name in all of the earth oh Lord how excellent is your name that’s wonderful and the clapping is completely Kosher for this song tonight and we know that our accuser you still with the Praises of singers we infants and babes whom you’ve ordained what is a man that you are mindful of him and the son of man that you VIs it him why don’t we stand together and sing shall we oh Lord our Lord how excellent is your name in all

the earth oh Lord our Lord how excellent is your name in all of the earth oh Lord how excellent is your name oh Lord our Lord uh how excellent is your name in all of the Earth oh Lord how excellent is your name your your holy name given so freely for us to claim the name Yeshua you came a little lower than the angels and Lord you humbl you yourself Jesus you humbled yourself only to be exalted

Messiah you’re [Music] exalted that’s why we clap and sing Oh Lord our Lord how excellent is your name in all of the earth oh Lord how excellent is your name oh Lord our Lord how excellent is your name in all of the earth oh Lord how excellent is your name you sing Oh Lord our Lord I’ll sing the Hebrew here we go 1 2 3 oh Lord I don I don yesu bless your Holy Name Bar Hashem Adonai we love your

name one more time oh Lord our Lord how excellent is your your name in all of the earth oh Lord how excellent is your name how excellent is your name how excellent is your [Applause] name Praise Your Name [Music] Lord and you may be seated amen and amen how excellent is your name Lord Yeshua Messiah [Music] Jesus in the beginning he spoke he spoke in everything we

know the Earth the Stars even us all came into existence by his word by his son and he loved us then we fell but thankfully God spoke his Plan of Redemption there in that [Music] moment

[Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I find it really interesting the symbolic Fabrics we see throughout the Bible and especially throughout Jesus’s life and Ministry at his birth we see him wrapped in swaddling cloths this was an act used in preparation for a sacrificial lamb they would wrap each area of the Lamb to signify its perfect condition no blemish no spot no defect a perfect

sacrifice in the gospels we see the people lay down their garments their Fabrics on the road for Jesus proclaiming he is King only a few short days later Jesus would be betrayed taken into custody and tried as a criminal they mocked him and gave him a purple cloak like a king would wear They Crucified him and fulfilled prophecy by casting lots for his garments and upon his death the veil was torn the final symbol of our access to the holy of holies but what difference does any of it make what do we gain from a prophecy

being fulfilled but a Jesus hanging dead on the cross quite honestly L nothing but thank God the story doesn’t end [Music] there yes yes and father we come before you this day this evening and Lord we come with grateful Hearts father thankful Hearts we come with our Humanity in our hands before you Lord we ask you to speak to us tonight out of your word we Lord created in your mi image but so severely fallen from our choices from our first Mom and Dad Adam and Eve to this very

moment and the world not only mirrors that it Bears the scars and the bruises of a world in Rebellion against almighty God but father we thank you that you stepped in and you fulfilled so many Old Testament prophecies that it was beyond obvious and the ones that remain to be fulfilled we trust and know you will do as you have spoken Great and Mighty Is Our God the god of Abraham Isaac and Jacob lives he lives having gone to the cross the Son of God We Praise You Lord God speak to us this night and Lord we must confess

though we put the the stage in Simplicity the lighting in Simplicity this day historically was a heavy day but we must confess it’s it’s as though we’re like a horse ready to leave the gate because we know how this ends and the sacrifice of the Lamb of God is not the ending and we praise you for that because Sunday we’ll be here soon enough and what a glorious moment that is we pray in Jesus name and all God’s people said amen amen church family as we prepare our hearts tonight for communion and for worship on this

Good Friday many of you know maybe if there’s just one of you who you may not know it’s good for me to repeat the fact that Good Friday stands for the word good is ascribed to God only good morning good afternoon Good Friday good evening is God’s morning God’s afternoon God’s evening God’s Friday and so as We Gather here together we’re looking at a message this evening titled one for all and all for themselves one for all that would obviously depict the ministry in the life of Jesus and then all for themselves speaks

about us in our our Humanity what do I mean by that by one for all and all for ourselves but in Romans chapter 3: 23 Paul speaks to the Romans and he says for all have sinned that word in the Greek means to miss the Mark or standard of perfection all have sinned and have fallen short of the glory of God everything that God expects listen everyone for entrance into heaven has never been a established it always has been God is holy God is perfect God is pure God is just and the Bible tells us that he’s so pure that he cannot look

upon evil and by the way that’s a great theological argument and dissertation on the person of Christ how did God maintain his Holiness and yet at the same time Be Our Redeemer how is he the one that is pure and unapproachable spirit but yet reach out to us in love now God never has a problem he doesn’t have he didn’t have a problem then he doesn’t have a problem tonight God has no problems but what God did in that sending his only lamb into this world to be our ultimate sacrifice can only have been thought up

by him we were incapable we were unable and if that brings you any doubt in your mind then you ought to to read the Bible in its entirety and the Bible is the one that tells us that we have in fact sinned and fallen short of what God’s glory is all about and yet the same God that tells us that we’re Way Off the Mark is the same God that says but I’ve brought you the answer the Bible tells us from ancient times listen Ecclesiastes 7:20 says not a single person on earth is always good and never sins 1 John chapter 1 ver8 Begins by

saying listen if we say that we have no sin we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us I told you uh years ago it’s been years ago we were going through the Gospel of Luke and I remember teaching and uh I went right out to the foyer and there was a young man standing there and he said I want you to know I take issue with your sermon today cuz you said all have sinned I said that’s right he said I have never sinned and he was with his girlfriend which was convenient for me and I said is that true he’s never

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