Jonathan & Supernatural Attacks | Jonathan Cahn Sermon
Jonathan & Supernatural Attacks
Wednesday, May 3, 2023
Romans 8 says, “What shall separate us from the love of God? Shall famine, sword, tribulation…” Some believe that this means that God is going to keep His people from such things – trouble, tribulation, famine. But those who believe that, when they go through trouble and tribulation, their faith will fail them. The Scripture does not say God’s love will keep you from these things. In fact it says, “You will have troubles and tribulation.” But here’s the key – none of these things will be able to separate you from the love of God – they can’t. The victory of our faith isn’t to escape this world – it’s to overcome this world. Stop living in fear of problems; that’s not your faith. Rather pray, “Lord don’t let me run away, let me overcome and have faith that Your love is greater than all these things and the world itself.” You haven’t come into the world so that you could avoid the world; you came into the world so that you could overcome the world.
And not only the the the the focus of his attack, but the timing of his attack may reveal the timing that God wants to do something very great.
There are certain times when it was obvious in my life and in the ministry, when the enemy is just going crazy, it was linked to something great that God was gonna do.
One of those times was when I was asked to go on the first, our first kind of prophetic mission to the nations to India.
And the moment I said, yes, everything all hell broke loose that very weekend and it never, it never let up.
It was crazy, craziness, false reports. The tickets for the were gone.
Everything, the plane, the the engine started falling apart in flight.
I mean, I can tell you so much everything up until the very end of it.
But at the end of it, we saw about 70,000 Indian people pray to receive the Lord, the enemy knew it.
You know, just before the first book that I ever wrote came out, I said, pray, pray that week came hurricane Irene to Beth Israel flooded when one of my books another book came out on the exact day of the release stroke of midnight, I become paralyzed, mysterious infection.
I’m, I’m, I’m in the hospital for the week.
I’ve never been in the hospital overnight, but it was the release date of the book.
Another book comes out on the day of the release. I get a strange pain in my abdomen.
My appendix burst. I’m in the hospital again for about a week. You wanna find the time?
The only times I’ve ever stayed overnight in a hospital, look at the release date of the books.
Now, I’m not saying it has to happen and God forbid you know all that.
But when we were starting Beth Israel, it was like that too.
It was like we’re, we’re, we’re, we’re trudging against the snow like it was, but Scott was gonna do something great.
Don’t fear the attack because God is greater than any attack and nothing will stop his purposes.
If you don’t stop, if you don’t stop, he’ll actually use the enemy.
Not only not to not stop it, he’ll use the attack to bring about the purposes.
That’s the double blessing you get by not giving up by keep going.
He’s not only gonna not let it stop, he’s gonna actually use it to make it happen.
Richard W was a pastor in Romania, communist Romania. He was in prison for his faith for years.
He couldn’t minister. So he thought I have this guy, I stopped him completely.
And yet in prison, he used them to minister and get ministered by God that when he came out, he started a worldwide ministry to all the persecuted believers across the world.
The enemy tried to stop God used it to fulfill Joseph in Egypt, in exile.
At the end, he says to his brothers, listen, you meant this for evil, this was evil, but God meant it for good.
The very same thing that the enemy is using God uses for good. Look at the cross. It’s the enemy.
If you’ve ever seen the enemy, if the enemy crucifying God. On the other hand, it’s God overcoming the enemy.
Hi, I’m Jonathan K and I hope you are blessed with the video.
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