How God Uses The Enemy’s Attack to Bring About His Purposes | Jonathan Cahn Sermon
How God Uses The Enemy’s Attack to Bring About His Purposes
Message Of The Week – A mysterious principality who appeared in ancient times, the question of its appearance in modern times, even behind current events, and the revelation of what it has to do with your life, spiritual warfare, and attacks. What it reveals, and how to turn it all around for victory.
Thursday, August 31, 2023 – The Mt. of Olives Goat
On Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, the holiest day of the year, the High Priest stood with the scapegoat, pronouncing the sins of Israel over the goat. Symbolically placing them on it. He turned to the multitudes and said, “You shall be cleansed.” A priest then led the goat out of the temple, through the Eastern Gate, and up to the Mount of Olives. The people watched as their sins ascended the mountain, then disappeared, taken into the wilderness. The Mount of Olives was the vanishing point for the scapegoat and their sins which it carried. Messiah is our scapegoat. He took our sins upon Himself. And then, just as the scapegoat, He went to the Mount of Olives and there He vanished. The scapegoat disappeared into the wilderness, but Messiah disappeared into Heaven. It means there’s no way on earth, literally, you can find your sins, in Messiah. He’s taken them out of the world and into the sky. Let them go already. Let them vanish from your heart as they’ve vanished from the earth. Let them go forever with your Holy Scapegoat… into the sky.
The very same thing that the enemy is using, god uses for good. Look at the cross. It’s the enemy.
If you’ve ever seen the enemy, if the enemy crucifying god.
On the other hand, it’s god overcoming the enemy.
The enemy uses cycles for you.
The enemy tries to block the plans, tries to wall up the golden gate
in your life. Put put the dome
of the rock a substitute right on where god wants you to be or what he has for you.
When the angel came to Daniel, He meant he he mentioned what the principality tried to do.
He’s saying this is why
I’m late. You know, when you’re late, you wanna explain it. So he anxious, listen. Sorry.
I’m late, but traffic jam. It was a principality.
You know? But then he would got right on with the purposes. So remember that.
It’s not about the attacks on
your life. It’s about the plans on your life.
Let the attacks focus you all the more on the plans. Get on
with it. The enemy is okay if
you wanna focus on him your whole life. We are to be aware of him.
That’s what Paul said, but we’re not to be dwelling on him.
because when you’re dwelling on him, you’re not fulfilling the plans. So get on with it.
Even in the middle of an attack, get on with the plans. Don’t just focus on the attack. get on
with the plans. The the attack is about the plans, and there’s something more. The enemy doesn’t attack indiscriminately.
prophetically here, he’s focusing on Israel, Jerusalem, the temple mount. So get this.
His attacks actually reveal the very things that are chosen by god. I didn’t quite say.
The enemy’s attack
on your life is revealing number 1.
You chosen by god, but also specifically revealing within your life, particularly things that are chosen to be used of god,
that the enemy’s trying to destroy. Your purity.
You know, god the the enemy wants to destroy because god wants to use it.
the enemy may be attacking, especially your family, your marriage. God wants to use it.
The enemy may be especially attacking your finances. God wants to use it. The enemy’s attacking your relationships with others.
God wants to use it. Right. God wants to get
him you the enemy may be attacking by having you be afraid
to talk to people God wants to use you
to spread the word. Amen.
The enemy wants you in fear. God wants you to overcome it. With some of you
in you may think about this.
I mean, there’s particular things the enemy attacks.
With some of you, the enemy has been doing everything he could to distract you, divert you because when you’re so distracted with everything else and all the the the stuff of life, not gonna do his will.
The enemies so the enemies attack actually contain the revelation for you of what god wants to use.
and not only the the the the focus of his attack, but the timing of his attack may reveal the timing that god wants to do something very great.
Yes. Yes. There are certain times when it was obvious in my life, and in the ministry, when the enemy’s just going crazy, It was linked to something great that god was gonna
do. Right. One of those signs was when I was asked to go on the first, our first kinda prophetic mission to the nations to India.
And the moment I said, yes.
Everything all hell broke loose. That very weekend. And it never it never let up. It was crazy.
craziness, false reports, the tickets for the were gone. Everything, the plane, the the engine started falling apart in flight.
I mean, I could tell you so many everything up until the very end of it, but at the end of it, we saw about 70,000 Indian
people pray to receive the lord. The enemy knew it.
You know, just before the first book that I ever wrote came out,
I said, pray, pray that week, came hurricane Irene to Bethlehem, flooded.
When one of my books got another book came out on the exact day of
the release, stroke of midnight, I become paralyzed, mysterious infection. I’m I’m I’m in
the hospital for the week.
I’ve never been in the hospital overnight, but
it was the release date of the book. Another book comes out on the day of the release.
I get a strange pain in my abdomen, My appendix burst.
I’m in the hospital again for about a week.
You wanna find the tar the only times I’ve ever stayed overnight in a hospital Look at the release date of the books.
Now I’m not saying it has to happen, and god forbid, you
know, all that, but When
we were starting Beth Israel, it was like that too.
It was like we’re we’re we’re go we’re trudging against the snow.
Like, it was but Scott was gonna do something great.
Don’t fear the attack because god is greater than any attack.
And nothing will stop his purposes if you don’t stop If you don’t stop, he’ll actually use the enemy, not only not to not stop it, he’ll use the attack to bring about the purposes.
That’s the double blessing you get by not giving up, by keep going.
He’s not only gonna not let us up. He’s gonna actually use it to make it happen.
Richard Wirmerett was a pastor in Romania, communist Romania.
He was imprisoned for his faith for years. He could minister you may thought
I have this guy. I’ve stopped him completely.
And yet in prison, he used him to minister and get ministered by god that when
he came out, He started a worldwide ministry to all the persecuted believers across the world.
The enemy tried to stop god used it to fulfill. Yeah.
Joseph and Egypt In exile, at the end, he says to his brothers, listen, you meant this for evil.
This was evil, but god meant it for good.
The very same thing that the enemy’s using, god uses for good. Look at the cross. It’s the enemy.
If you’ve ever seen the enemy, if the enemy crucifying god.
On the other hand, it’s god overcoming the enemy.
Yes. Amen. Amen. And recognize recognize the strategies when when instead of just
pan don’t panic. Recognize what’s happening. As with the dome of the rock on
the Temple Mount, The enemy has will try has tried.
We’ll try to stop god’s purposes in your life by giving you a substitute for what is god’s best.
God says this is best. You have to seek my best. Don’t settle for something else.
And he’s gonna try to redirect your gifts, your calling. He said, listen. You gotta call.
You gotta to use it for money. Not that god can’t use money, but that’s not what you serve.
Or maybe the enemy, the your angel of Persia has been delaying something in your life.
There’s opposition there. Now now god can say no to something,
and he can say, wait. But there are times when something is god, yet it could be delayed.
different reasons, and it could be the enemy. Like, we wanna live victoriously.
The enemy’s gonna try to stop that. So don’t get don’t get don’t get discouraged when something comes up.
You I wanna get stronger and then something happened. You messed up. Don’t get discouraged. Keep going.
You wanna share the word? I got stuck. The enemy doesn’t want you to. That just makes sense.
Look at the man you so gigantically. for the purposes of god, Paul.
Paul said he was separated from birth for the gospel. The enemy knew it.
Looking at how he tried to reverse. He got Paul totally against the gospel.
Here he is, Paul, he took a zeal, and made it against the gospel.
He thought he was serving god against the gospel.
So he here’s fighting the very thing that he was born for.
Before you knew the lord, you might have been fighting the very thing that you were born for.
I did. I was an atheist. I argued against the gospel all the time. God knew it.
The enemy knew it. God knew it. The enemy had Paul beaten, persecuted, thrown in jail.
Paul even speaks about being buffeted by
a messenger by, you know,
uh, principality, but Paul didn’t stop. He and look at how look at what he accomplished.
Look at his life. He never stopped. He could have. He was beaten, thrown in jail. How many
of us might have stopped? He didn’t stop. Now let’s take this home. Make it very practical.
Number 1, recognize that the enemy has already tried to stop the purpose of god in your life.
recognize it. Number 2, look at the things he has
likely things that god has chosen to use in your life.
Know that obstacles and delays are part of this fight Don’t let them stop you if something is god’s will.
Do not let it stop you. Keep going.
Don’t let the attacks distract you from the purposes
of god. Get on with a purpose.
I I’m just and I hope you were blessed with the video.
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