It’s Not New, It’s Fresh // Fresh Fruit (Part 1) // Michael Todd

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Welcome to Transformation Church – Fresh Fruit Series Week 1

Hi, my name is Will, and I have the honor of serving as one of the leaders here at Transformation Church. I want to thank you so much for joining us today, wherever you’re watching from. If you haven’t already, make sure to like and subscribe! We believe that God has an incredible message for you today. So, let’s dive into this amazing sermon.

This is week one of a new series we’re calling Fresh Fruit. Do you love fresh fruit? Well, maybe I should ask: does anyone like stale fruit? Sometimes, you can discover the true value of something by looking at its opposite. If someone offered you something dull and unappetizing, your reaction would likely be “no thank you.” But when someone offers you fresh fruit, the whole dynamic changes. It’s exciting and appealing, right?

As we begin this new series, I want to share something exciting with you. God has given us a powerful word as a church for 2024. Prophetically, we’re declaring this as the Year of Fruit. Yes, you heard me right—fruit in every area of your life! Don’t just take my word for it; say it with me: Fruit!

Over the next nine weeks leading up to Easter, I will be sharing the word that God has given me to release to the body of Christ. But here’s a spoiler alert—I’m not talking about the fruits of the Spirit this time. We’ll get to that later in the fall, but right now, we need to understand why fruit in our lives is so crucial. It’s more important now than ever before.

Our anchor scripture for the year is John 15:16. Let’s dive into it. Here’s what Jesus says: You did not choose me, but I chose you. That’s powerful. God chose you, and He appointed you. But why? He appointed you to bear fruit. Not just any fruit, but lasting fruit. Jesus said, So that whatever you ask in my name, the Father will give you.

Somebody shout “Fruit!” right now! When God gave me this message on July 3rd, I wrote down this powerful word: Fruit stands for Faith Repeating Until It Transforms. If you want to see fruit, you must exercise your faith continually. Repeating the process until everything you plant begins to transform.

Here’s the truth: You can’t expect fruit if you haven’t planted anything. I know it’s tough, but you cannot be fruitful if you’re seedless. Throughout this series, I will teach you how to take the seeds that God has already planted in you, how to plant them, water them, pray over them, and wait for them to grow. Your faith will be the key to transforming your life.

Originally, I thought about calling this series simply “Fruit,” but the Holy Spirit said no. If I called it just “Fruit,” people might think they already know what I mean—love, joy, peace, patience… all those fruits of the Spirit. But when it’s fresh, it’s undeniable. No one can argue with something that’s fresh.

Stay tuned for this exciting journey, and let’s prepare ourselves to embrace the fresh fruit God has for us in this new season.

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