It’s IMPOSSIBLE To Love Exactly Like Jesus – Dr. Charles Stanley

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It’s IMPOSSIBLE To Love Exactly Like Jesus

God is saying to you today:
“Everything is going to work out. I will give you strength when you can’t go on. Don’t let the enemy convince you to go back to the things that I have already brought you out of. Don’t give up.”

It’s impossible for us to love Exactly like jesus loved now watch this carefully because his love was a substitution eri atoning love.
He came into this world for the primary purpose of laying down his life. His love was a substitution.
Every love that is he was to die a substitution of death so that you and I may live.
It was an atoning love and atoning death.
He had to die and give his life in order that you and I would be forgiven of their sin.
He paid that price. And what is the justification is all about God declaring us just and no longer guilty because of the price jesus paid.
Now, you and I can’t we can’t do that. That was a one time thing.
And there’s no copying of his kind of love, but the element of his love which was sacrifice, we can copy.
And when he says, you’re to love even as I have loved you, that’s what he’s talking about.
It is a sacrificial love Now when I think about that and I think about the fact that we can’t love exactly like he loved in that light.
Then how can I love Sacrificial e what does it mean to love?
Sacrificial E here’s what it means, It means whatever is required of me as a follower of jesus to love you, that is to give myself to you, to help you to do whatever I can for your sake, then it’s my responsibility to do it.
You said. Does that mean give give, give, give, give, watch this carefully wisely in a disciplined fashion and carefully just given to someone?
Everything they ask for is not love. That’s why you don’t give your Children everything they asked for.
You know that you have to give to them wisely.
When it comes to loving someone, it doesn’t mean give them everything they want.
It means to give them what is wise to give them.
Because, remember, selfless love is for the sake of the other person, it’s for their good.

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