In the Daze of Deception – Part 2 (Matthew 24:1-4)
In the Daze of Deception – Part 2 (Matthew 24:1-4)
In part two of this series, Pastor Jack discusses the link between recent reports of unidentified aerial phenomena and advances in artificial intelligence, connecting them to Biblical prophecies of deception in the last days. Jesus’ teachings warn us of the need to stay grounded in scripture to guard against intensifying deceptions as His return nears.
When the world is too loud and things are too crazy. It’s always good to pause, and to take a look at his reminders. That what God does is good.
Listen, church, if you were here last week and I saw many of your hands, we are now in part 2.
And, uh, this message is one that is not for the faint of heart.
In fact, after all three messages last week, we had more people get up and walk out of the message while it was going than any message that we’ve had in over 10 years’ time.
People just couldn’t cope with what was being presented.
And if you were not here, uh, you need to go online and check it out.
I think there’s something like 200,000 plus viewers right now that are that have looked at it, uh, we interrupted the book of Romans to bring you a report from the United States Congress uh, regarding the events, uh, that have been taking place in and around the United States.
And, uh, we let those who were testifying by us or at a special, uh, congressional meeting to be put on the screens and that rattled people enough.
And then when I got into the Bible and talked about what Jesus said, about last day’s deception, they couldn’t handle it.
They just couldn’t handle it. Church, you’re gonna be challenged again today.
I trust I trust the the rest of you are are fit to go through round 2.
of this, and that is that the Bible is 100% true. It’s never been wrong.
The Bible’s never been wrong. If the Bible would have been wrong, it it would be the number one post on every page of the world that you can’t trust the Bible because it’s wrong.
The truth of the matter is the Bible is a 100% true. Time has proven it to be true.
And as you observe it, you can’t get away from it that the Bible is a message system that has been written to us by god that is outside of our time outside of material universe and has been delivered to us, the Bible says, by god, through man, throughout the ages, 66 books, 40 different authors, spanning the time of nearly 2000 years from Genesis to Revelation.
It’s quite amazing. And in that genre, we looked at our first argument of in the days of deception, notice how I spell days, d a z.
Like, you just got slapped upside the head, and you can see stars going around your head, uh, like that kind of day’s deception causes a day’s deception causes fear.
Deception causes confusion. Deception causes souls to be stolen from the grace of god and to be bound by the powers of Satan.
The Bible is very clear about the origins of deception, but we looked at this.
In the days of deception, we we looked last time at what does every Christ follower know for sure.
There are things hallelujah, right, that we can know for sure in the word of god.
And that is that the bible tells us, number 1, of the things that have happened in the past.
History. Number
the Bible tells us what’s happening now regarding current events.
And third, the Bible tells us about what’s gonna happen in the future? Yeah.
Gonna ask you to write these down if you would because as we consider the warning signs, and the warning exhortations do not be deceived.
Every one of us wanna make sure that we are prepared for what is in our world right now and for what is coming.
Number 1, write this down if you would. Isaiah chapter 46 verse 9. Isaiah 46 versus 910.
God says, remember the former things of old for I am god, and there is no other I am god, and there is none like me declaring the end from the beginning and from ancient times Things that are not yet done, saying, my council shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure.
Somebody say men to that, I love the way god brags. I mean that
in a good way, in a holy way. When god boast, this is
how we boast. Okay? God says, I know the future before it ever happens, and I can learn nothing because
I dwell outside of your time and out of your world, And I’m in fact, I’ve inserted myself into your world via the Bible.
Again, 2nd Peter chapter 1 verse 19.
2nd Peter 1, 19 says, and so we have the prophetic word confirmed.
The prophetic word is god’s prophetic word. Don’t let somebody come up and tell you.
I have a prophecy for you, brother. Let me speak it over your life. Hey, listen.
Tell them to just go somewhere because you have the Bible.
And so we have the prophetic word confirmed, which you do well to take heed do as the light that shines in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts, knowing this first that no prophecy of scripture is of any private interpretation.
you can’t make stuff up. No matter how you feel, you can’t make it up. verse 21.
For prophecy never came by the will of man, but holy men of god spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit.
What an awesome blessing that is. The spirit of god has spoken the Bible.
And again, Second Timothy 3 verse 16, just the front end
of that verse, all scripture is given by inspiration of god.
The word inspiration of god means that all the scriptures have been breathed out by god.
You say, yeah, but I thought you said men wrote it. Yeah. That’s the amazing thing.
God possessed these men to write the scriptures.
And the Bible also says in another place that the prophets wrote down these things that god had said, and they themselves did not understand what it was they were writing.
Wow. That’s gonna come into play as we get into the study more and more.
And again, one more time here on this one. Revelation 1 verse 12. Revelation 112.
John says, then I turn to see the voice spoke with me and having turned, I saw 7 golden lamp stands.
And in the midst of the 7 lamp stands, one like the son of man clothed with a garment down to the feet and girded about the chest with a golden band.
His head and hair were white like wool, as white as snow as eyes like a flame of fire.
His feet were like, uh,
fine brass, as if refined in a furnace, have you
ever seen brass glowing from the heat, from the fire?
And his voice as the sound of many waters verse 16.
He had in his right hand, 7 stars, and out of his mouth, went a sharp, 2 edged sword.
Isn’t this freaky?
This is Jesus. This is kinda blows your mind.
Don’t because you think of the Newport Beach Jesus? We’re in a robe. He has hirachi sandals. his hair.
Like, he just got out of the waves. Well, this is this is the glorified Christ.
This is the Christ This is what Jesus looks like right now in heaven. This is awesome.
Remember that when you pray. Remember that when you’re in trouble?
So out of his mouth, a sharp 2 edged sword, and his countenance was like the sun shining in its strength, verse 17.
And when I saw him, John said, I fell at his feet as dead.
but he laid his right hand on me and said to me, do not be afraid. Here it comes.
I am the first and the last.
I am a he who lives and was dead, and behold, in my life, for evermore, Amen, and I have the keys of Hades and of death, write these things.
Watch this, write the things which, number
you have seen, Number
the things which are, and number 3, the things which shall take place after this. You notice that?
The book of Revelation, by the way, gives its outline, the only book in the Bible that gives its own outline at the beginning, the things that were, the things that are, and the things that shall be.
church, there are things that have been, there’s things that
are happening now, and there’s things that are gonna happen all according to god’s perfect plan.
One more shot here on this one. Revelation chapter 22 verse 18. Revelation 22 18.
For I testify to everyone, who hears the words of the prophecy of this book.
If anyone adds to these things, god will add
to him the plagues that are written in this book.
And if anyone takes away from the words of, uh, this of the book of this prophecy, god shall take away his part from the book of life.
You don’t mess with the Bible. Yeah. Yeah.
So I wanna have your eyes go to the screen right now to remind you.
These pilots are are not only trained observers, but they are some of the best aircraft pilots on the planet, operating some of the most weapon systems on the planet.
When they’re telling you that they are encountering something that they cannot describe that impacts national security and our ability to respond to perceived threat.
And so when they are encountering these objects, we have to take their testimony seriously.
Imagine something that had the ability to fly in space underwater and in our atmosphere at
miles an hour and and change directions instantly.
We fly the SR 71 at 3200 miles an hour.
If you wanted to take a right hand turn, it would take you roughly half the state of Ohio to do it.
And yet, what we are or objects that can do 90 degree turns instantly.
And we’re not talking about speeds of 3200 miles an hour. They’ve been been clocked at
The question arises, how is that possible?
That’s not the voice of some pastor. That guy is not some Christian.
That guy is not some, uh, cuck. That guy has been working until recently for the CIA.
And what he has been observing, uh, he can’t keep quiet anymore.
And so he, among others, have become what you’re watching now on the news, and around the world is the whistleblower’s of this argument regarding the phenomenon of things that are undescribable in our world today.
And over the course of the last 3 weeks,
these reports have been escalating all around the world, and So we began to talk about it last week, and we had to announce it for what it really is because there are scientists and there are physicists that are telling us that what people are seeing now does not match the physics of our known universe.
So what’s happening? And you just saw this CIA, uh, agent talk about in his investigation of unidentified atmospheric phenomenon is what they’re called, that the data shows from airline pilots, commercial pilots, private pilots, that they’ve seen these things happening and moving going in and out of the ocean, uh, appearing disappearing with no apparent physical properties.
So what what are we gonna say about this?
Well, I can tell you what the world is saying about it right now.
The world is saying we we’ve we’re we’re not alone.
That’s the that’s what the world is saying right now. We’re not alone. Well, we’ve never been alone people.
I want you to know that. We’ve never been alone. Uh, and people are saying, well, we just
we saw this and we saw that. And they’re the, uh, the Las Vegas reports right now.
There’s the New Mexico reports that are, uh, in fact, it’s been kinda weird.
Some of these, they came out.
We saw them, and then 3 hours later, you we can’t find them on the internet.
We found them, though, in other countries, uh, and we put those links away.
We’ve preserved them, but uh, what’s going on? Though, well, the point is this. These things are too fantastic.
And and wait a minute. I’m a Christian.
And if you start talking about little green men, flying around and doing circles around the SR 71, which is the fastest thing we got going on.
I can’t explain that. And so I’m gonna put my head back in the hole.
I don’t wanna hear about it. Woah. Woah. Wait. Wait. Listen.
First of all, who said anything about little green men?
We’re gonna be talking and picking it up where we left off last week that Jesus said.
And the last day is there’s gonna be profound deception that is gonna be launched against this world, and people will be deceived.
I believe that we are seeing an age now that is swung like it, as it were a door wide open, and there’s demonic manifestations that are taking place, and they are escalating.
And when you look at history past, the conduct of the nations, the conduct of humanity, the way that we’re thinking now, in light of the past, Regarding satanic manifestations, demon possession, and strange things that cannot be described everything, biblically, is coming together.
If you don’t have the Bible right now to explain these things, you are going to freak out.
So what really bums me out
is that when somebody’s holding a Bible and says, I can’t deal with this stuff.
What are you saying? What are you saying about that book that you’re holding?
Jesus said there’s gonna be absolute radical deception in the last days.
And so now the world is watching testimony from those that were abo aboard the USS Nimmits, It was also with the USS Princeton providing radar and guidance and protection.
when these UAPs began to appear just off the coast of San Diego.
And in last week’s message, I played numerous whistleblowers that have come forward from the United States Air Force, as well as the United States Space Force, as well as United States Navy.
And what they said was that they witnessed tracked
and recorded, quote, unknown, non physical phenomenon possessing unnatural flight characteristics, a
turn that they now have put unidentified aerial phenomenon or atmospheric phenomenon.
It’s happening now being reported more in Russia, and in England.
Is that makes you a little bit nervous? That’s okay. Calm down. Write this verse down.
Ephesians 6 verse 12 says, for we do not wrestle.
We do not war against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual host, of wickedness in
How can a Christian have a problem with
that when it’s in the bible?
See, we don’t wanna hear this because we don’t wanna believe this because if it’s If it’s true, now we’ve got something to deal with.
I tell
you what, Jesus is coming back, and he’s getting his church ready.
And things like this cause people to grab under their Bible more or to run away from it.
Listen, I think we’re waking up to an age, everybody.
We we have, for far too long as a nation, been living among living among recreational Christianity.
I’ll be a Christian so long as it serves me.
I’ll be a Christian so long as it’s comfortable. I’ll be a Christian so long as it’s easy.
I’ll be a Christian so long as I can explain everything. your way.
And yet, all the while, the Bible has given us the answers.
2nd Corinthians chapter 10 verse 3, For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh.
For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty in god for pulling down strongholds church family, please think from this moment forward, think more spiritually minded than ever before.
Think more. about the world that really is, and it’s not the one that you and I spent so much attention on.
And when the Bible says pulling down strongholds, you’re not gonna wanna hear this.
The pulling down of strongholds is a term that Paul the apostle gave to the Corinthians, and he lifted it from the Old Testament.
to pull down strongholds. Some of you who know your bibles, you’re you are already framing the proper understanding of this.
To pull down strongholds, the old testament showed us that, for example, when King Josiah came into power, or for that matter, nehemiah.
Nehemiah wasn’t even a king, but what happened?
They began to tear down the strongholds of the pagan worship systems that had encroached or invaded the land of Israel, the promised land.
And what they did was when a godly king
or when a godly judge, like Deborah,
You gotta love her. When they came to power, they pulled down the strongholds of Astrooff moloch, rem fan, the various pagan gods, the Estroth poles.
Have you have you read that in your Bible, everybody? Ishhtar, you know, you know the word Easter?
Easter is from Echtar. Echtar is an an incredible ancient deity.
Echtar one of the chief deities of Babylonianism and the worship system.
And they erected these gigantic I’m looking around for, is there any young people in here?
How how about this? Uh, to tear down the high places. Have you ever heard that term in your bible?
to tear down the high places, the high place was a very large erect You know what I mean?
Part of the human anatomy where they would gather together at the base of it and worship in the name of that god.
And when god’s people came into power, god told them, tear those things down.
And, uh, when Paul says tear down strongholds, he’s talking about tear down falsehoods and lies that come against the truth.
Now you think about that.
You let that settle in for a moment, and you have to when you read the Bible, you gotta you don’t speak to the Bible.
The Bible speaks to you. And you gotta ask the you gotta ask the scriptures.
You gotta ask the lord lord, is there any strongholds in my life that needs to be torn down?
The Bible says in 2nd Timothy 4 verse 3 for the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine.
They won’t listen to the Bible.
There’s a time when people, and I believe as I said last week, that time is now upon us.
where the Bible is considered a joke, a myth, and yet it is the very truth given by god to us.
Why? Why are people saying this? because people are believing the lies.
In first Timothy 4, verse 1, are you guys okay? Yes. I’m just getting started.
So write small in your notes. You guys, you know, you can download the notes before service.
Do you guys all know that? Okay. Good. You’re right there. See that?
So you can see all the mistakes I make. It’s all written down.
First Timothy chapter 4 verse 1 tells us now the spirit, that’s the Holy Spirit, expressly says in Ladder Times.
That’s the end of days. The Jews call it the end of days. We say the last days.
Some will depart that is give up or transfer their faith. away.
Some will depart from the faith giving heed. Listen.
They give up on Jesus, but they give heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons.
Friends, this is so serious. I could actually stop right here and do the rest of the morning on that warning right there.
In the last days, demons are going to deliver doctrine. You know what the word, uh, for doctrine?
It’s a fancy word doctrine. It simply means teachings. Demonss are going to start teaching people in the last days.
I’m not making it up. It’s what the Bible says, and people don’t wanna hear it.
That’s just the first wave of getting into the last days.
demons are somehow gonna be given the opportunity, the open door. I don’t know.
but there’s something about the last days that kicks off an opportunity for demons
to teach false doctrine
and deceiving spirits, deceiving spirits, a a a dark, demonic, invisible spirit that is able to deceive people by what is said or by what is done.
and church family. If there was somebody that appeared tomorrow down the street, speaking about spiritual things, but doing profound miracles,
I would venture to say that this church could be half the size of what it is today by next week.
if you follow the biblical example, because Jesus himself even turned
to the disciples and said, will you also go away? people wanna see stuff.
And if you have a need and a deceiving spirit empowered by the doctrines of demons, teach a different gospel and a different Jesus with the power of satanic miracles.
The Bible talks about satanic miracles.
Line signs and wonders the Bible calls it, how many people will go after that false teacher?
They’ll say, we don’t care about
the false teaching. We want the miracles. and that is how your fate is sealed.
The only way that you can be safe against a deceiving future and a deceptive now is to know the word of god.
And frankly, to address the things that are
going on right now, everything go look at it later. Here’s your homework.
Go look Google things like this, not now. Google things like this.
Harvard professor, uh, announces that Jesus Christ is an alien. and he goes through it.
Hindi’s Jewish. That’s what’s amazing. He doesn’t recognize Jesus.
And then the UFO thing comes down and he goes, that’s it. Now I got it.
Jesus, this is for real. He’s an alien. Google it later. Look at it later.
Read them. Listen to him later. Just It’s all over the place right now.
And all this has been coming out in
the last couple of weeks tremendously.
deceiving spirits have always plagued mankind from the beginning.
Mead, I mentioned to you, apparently. Well, not apparently.
We know that the that Satan and the fallen angels fell some point prior to Adam and Eve being formed because we know that Adam and Eve, once they were formed, It wasn’t long.
We don’t know how long. It wasn’t long.
It seems as though that Satan came and visited Eve in the form of a serpent.
Now this is what’s hilarious to me, the form of a serpent. None of us know what that means.
We think of serpents today. But what that serpent was back then, you have no nobody has any idea what it was.
It was called a serpent, but Satan possessed it Apparently, it could talk because when it spoke to Eve, Eve didn’t think that was a weird thing.
Look, she wasn’t stupid. She was perfect.
Whatever it was, it’s called the serpent. Did it fly?
Did it walk? We don’t know.
All we know is that a serpent in its judgment was cursed to crow on its belly.
That’s all we know.
By the way, there’s some goofball English teacher that’s trying to teach the book of Genesis, and he makes fun of the Bible saying about a serpent being condemned to crawl on its stomach, doesn’t everybody know that that’s what serpents do as crawl on their stomach?
Yeah. Yeah. Exactly. What kind of a dumb statement is that?
The curse was it was condemned to crawl in its stomach.
So whatever Satan was, when the Serpent spoke, he thought it was okay.
And he deceived her. And if Eve can be be deceived by the tactics of the enemy, soak it
in any one of us apart from the Holy Spirit that is using the word of god in your life, I believe Jesus Christ could come back today.
I’m a premillennialist. If you’re breaking it down in a seminary structure,
I’m a futurist, premillennialist, pre tribulationist, literalist, I believe in the Bible, literally, I believe that Christ could come at any time.
I believe that
there’s a distinct, uh, difference between Israel and the church. And, um, having said that, uh, we
look at all the things that are going
around in the world, and we say, my my goodness.
Uh, we we’re starting to see things that are that are representative of the second coming of Christ at the end of the tribulation period.
So if we see things in this globe, in this world where strange things are beginning to manifest, then how much closer are we to the rapture of the church.
I gotta tell you, I’m gonna show you a picture. I took this yesterday.
You anybody know where this is? It’s where all exactly.
It’s where all Christians spend their money. Uh that’s Hobby Lobby yesterday. Excuse me.
What did summer people? It’s summer. They just jumped right into Christmas. What Merry Christmas?
What what does this mean? What does this mean to us? Listen.
If they’re displaying Christmas stuff, then we know that Halloween’s really close.
You see the logic?
If we’re starting to see weird stuff going on, cashless society, one global government, one ruling power to bring everybody under submission to the order of 1, By the way, look at the World Health Organization’s teaming up now with the World Economic Forum and see what they
have in store for you soon.
If we see this stuff coming together now, then Thanksgiving’s close.
In other words, the rapture’s closed.
He could come at any time. Are you ready for that?
Are you ready for him? And then finally, listen, Luke 21, 28, says now, Jesus said, when these things begin
to happen, look up and lift up your heads because your redemption draws near.
Notice that when they begin to happen, Be looking up. So church,
our second argument is this. By the way,
this was only supposed to be a 1 Sunday teaching. It turned out to be 2.
I hope it’s only 2.
But we’ll see how let’s we’ll see how many people leave today.
And if that’s if I’m on a trend, let’s just keep going. until only the saints are left. Right?
Uh, and and we’ll be okay.
Point number 2, what has the world observed in times past?
That’s one of the n k indicators, luke chapter 17 verse
22. and he, Jesus, said to the disciples, listen up, everyone, the days will come when you will desire to see one of the days of the son of man, you’re gonna desire to have me back, and you’ll not see it.
They will say to you, look here
or look there. do not go after them or follow them, says, Jesus, verse 24, for as
the lightning that flashes out of one part under heaven and shines to the other part
of heaven. He’s talking about the second coming. So also, the son of man will be in his day.
That’s when he comes to Jerusalem. at the end of the 7 year tribulation period.
But first, he must suffer many things and be rejected by this generation and as it was in the days of Noah.
So it
will be also in the days of the son of man speaking of himself. They ate. They drank.
They married wives. They were given in marriage until the day that Noah entered the arc because they thought it was a joke.
that Noah was a joke. And the flood came and destroyed them all.
Likewise, as it was also in the days of lot, They ate, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they built, but on the day that law went out of sodom, it rained fire and brimstone from heaven and destroyed them all.
Even so, notice verse 30, even so will it be in the day when the son of man, that’s Jesus Christ, is revealed.
Again, the reference not to the rapture, but to the second coming.
So 2000 years ago, Jesus said, Watch out for these things.
And there are 2 key warnings. Are you guys awake? Yes. There’s 2 key warnings. As it was in
the days of Noah, and like it was in the days of lot.
If you know anything about your Bible, those are horrifically demonized, charged, horrific times, dangerous, The history books are full of the conduct of that epic of time with the most bizarre worship systems, paganism, paganism that you couldn’t handle.
If I were to say to you right now what I know about what a priest or priestess bid at the temple of the nymphs.
You would get up and run out of this place because you I would be spewing pornography.
and you would be correct.
If I were to tell you what the worship practices are from ancient manuscripts of the worship of Echtar, Easter, the worship of Echtar, the goddess, you would turn red, blushing.
If you think, by the way, listen, if you think gender changing is new, you’re wrong.
You need to know history.
The Babylonians, the Assyrians, the Egyptians in paganism.
They practice this stuff where you would literally be able to determine your gender at any given time and you address accordingly.
Did you know that? Did you think this stuff’s new? What you’re hearing? It’s not new.
If that what’s your appetite, you can go research this more and more. It’s there.
My point is this, in the days of Noah, the Bible says that men’s thoughts were evil continually,
In the days of Noah, children were sacrificed wholesale.
In the days of Noah,
Man was living as though he were an animal.
In the days of Noah, There was evil that Jesus said
would not exist again until the time of the end.
And I would submit to you that we are nearing those days to understand where we are going.
Friends, we’ve gotta look at the past. There’s no other way around it.
I mean, god help our public school system. If you want your kids to be smart, teach them history.
Seriously? but I should I should preface that.
We the best teachers at a school need to be history teachers.
You can put all the boring teachers in the math class or something.
But history should be taught as passionately as it’s revealed. History is amazing.
It’s a window into another world so that you can learn about what they did or didn’t do that you know what to do or not do history.
But there seems to be a war on history today.
Then listen, now we go into times of deception that we’re deceiving then and deceiving now, and I hope you can handle this.
Job chapter 38, beginning at verse 3. Job 38. 3. You guys ready? Good.
6 of us are ready. Here we go. God says to Job, I love this. Poor Job.
Like, he hadn’t had it bad enough. Now prepare yourself like a man.
I will question you, and you will answer or you shall answer me Where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth?
God’s talking to Job. Job, where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth?
I wonder if god paused right there. Uncomfortable.
Tell me if you understand Who determined its measurements?
Surely, you know. Oh, this is god laying it
on pretty hard. or who stretched the line upon it?
To what were its foundations fessened?
Or who laid its cornerstone When the morning stars sang and all the sons of god shouted for joy, Mark in your bibles, the sons of god are angels.
The entire old testament says the sons of god god or
angels. When god created everything, the angels and the morning stars
saying, god creates and they sing and applaud the angelic realm. Everybody okay?
You tracking with me? The word here for sons of god is this Hebrew word. benai elohim.
benai elohim, angels of god. Suns of god angels of god.
Fast forward, Isaiah chapter 14 verse
The prophet speaks under the influence of god.
God is letting us into a window of the past.
hell from beneath is excited about you to meet you at your coming.
It stirs up the dead
for you. All the chief ones of the earth, it has raised up from their thrones, all the kings of the nations.
Okay. So somebody’s going to hell and god is saying hell is getting excited about your arrival.
Whoever this is, they’re known in hell. before they even get there.
They shall speak to you and say, have you also become as weak as we?
Have you become like us?
Your pump is brought down to sheol hell, and the sound of your stringed instruments The maggot is spread under you, the worms cover you, how you are fallen from heaven, a looser, Sun of the morning, how you are cut down to the ground, you who weakened the nations.
Can you believe this is in your Bible, everybody?
For you have sinned in your heart, I will ascend into heaven.
I will exalt my throne above the stars of god I will sit on the mount of the congregation of the furthest sides of
the north. That’s the supreme place.
I will ascend above the heights of the clouds I will be like the most high.
Do you hear him? This is Satan. His name was Lucifer.
yet you shall be brought down to shield to hell to the lowest depths of the pit.
He was among the sons of god. He was an angelic creation.
You connect this with ezekiel chapter 28 verse
13. Listen, this is Erie. Ezekiel. So we’re talking 2000 hang on.
years ago.
You were in Eden The garden of god. Excuse me. Who what?
Every precious stone was your covering. Well, we’re definitely not talking about Adam and Eve.
They didn’t wear stones. The sardis topaz and diamond barrel on a jasper Sapphire, turquoise emerald with gold, the workmanship of your timbrels and pipes was prepared for you on the day you were created.
You are
the anointed cherub who covers the one with authority. I established you.
You are on the holy mountain of god.
You walked back and forth in the midst of the fiery stones.
you were perfect in your ways from the day you were created until iniquity was found in your arts or found in you.
Who is who are we talking about? Yes.
Lucy, Satan, the devil, an angel fallen, Great power, Archangel, remarkable.
The chronology of this, keep in mind now. Genesys chapter 6 verse 1.
And all of this, by the way, let me insert this in case you’re just jumping in from somewhere.
We’re talking about deception in the last days, and we’re answering, the last day’s deception will no doubt include unexplainable things unexplainable phenomenon, whether they are flying or under the water, whether they manifest or not, maybe even technology, maybe even AI, unexplainable things
are all part of or will be used by the great grand deception. of the days of deception.
Now it came to pass when men, that is man, us, mankind began to multiply On the face of the earth, this gets weird.
And daughters were born to them. Stop right there.
You can’t have men mankind replicating unless you have male and female. Got that?
I mean, I know that sounds shock, but You’ve gotta have a male and a female to make a culture to make a civ civilization.
You to propagate, you have to have a male and a female. to make babies.
This this had been going on for a long time. Something watch everybody. Something in
the narrative changes. Something goes strange. In other words, life’s been going on.
and daughters were born to them. Duh.
Well, verse 2 says that the sons of god saw the daughters of men or mankind that they were beautiful, and they took wives for themselves of all whom they chose.
And the lord said, this is a result.
My spirit shall not strive with man forever for he is indeed flesh, yet his day shall be 120 years.
There were giants on the earth in those days, and also afterward. When the sun
And, uh, this message is one that is not for the faint of heart.
In fact, after all three messages last week, we had more people get up and walk out of the message while it was going than any message that we’ve had in over 10 years’ time.
People just couldn’t cope with what was being presented.
And if you were not here, uh, you need to go online and check it out.
I think there’s something like 200,000 plus viewers right now that are that have looked at it, uh, we interrupted the book of Romans to bring you a report from the United States Congress uh, regarding the events, uh, that have been taking place in and around the United States.
And, uh, we let those who were testifying by us or at a special, uh, congressional meeting to be put on the screens and that rattled people enough.
And then when I got into the Bible and talked about what Jesus said, about last day’s deception, they couldn’t handle it.
They just couldn’t handle it. Church, you’re gonna be challenged again today.
I trust I trust the the rest of you are are fit to go through round 2.
of this, and that is that the Bible is 100% true. It’s never been wrong.
The Bible’s never been wrong. If the Bible would have been wrong, it it would be the number one post on every page of the world that you can’t trust the Bible because it’s wrong.
The truth of the matter is the Bible is a 100% true. Time has proven it to be true.
And as you observe it, you can’t get away from it that the Bible is a message system that has been written to us by god that is outside of our time outside of material universe and has been delivered to us, the Bible says, by god, through man, throughout the ages, 66 books, 40 different authors, spanning the time of nearly 2000 years from Genesis to Revelation.
It’s quite amazing. And in that genre, we looked at our first argument of in the days of deception, notice how I spell days, d a z.
Like, you just got slapped upside the head, and you can see stars going around your head, uh, like that kind of day’s deception causes a day’s deception causes fear.
Deception causes confusion. Deception causes souls to be stolen from the grace of god and to be bound by the powers of Satan.
The Bible is very clear about the origins of deception, but we looked at this.
In the days of deception, we we looked last time at what does every Christ follower know for sure.
There are things hallelujah, right, that we can know for sure in the word of god.
And that is that the bible tells us, number 1, of the things that have happened in the past.
History. Number
the Bible tells us what’s happening now regarding current events.
And third, the Bible tells us about what’s gonna happen in the future? Yeah.
Gonna ask you to write these down if you would because as we consider the warning signs, and the warning exhortations do not be deceived.
Every one of us wanna make sure that we are prepared for what is in our world right now and for what is coming.
Number 1, write this down if you would. Isaiah chapter 46 verse 9. Isaiah 46 versus 910.
God says, remember the former things of old for I am god, and there is no other I am god, and there is none like me declaring the end from the beginning and from ancient times Things that are not yet done, saying, my council shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure.
Somebody say men to that, I love the way god brags. I mean that
in a good way, in a holy way. When god boast, this is
how we boast. Okay? God says, I know the future before it ever happens, and I can learn nothing because
I dwell outside of your time and out of your world, And I’m in fact, I’ve inserted myself into your world via the Bible.
Again, 2nd Peter chapter 1 verse 19.
2nd Peter 1, 19 says, and so we have the prophetic word confirmed.
The prophetic word is god’s prophetic word. Don’t let somebody come up and tell you.
I have a prophecy for you, brother. Let me speak it over your life. Hey, listen.
Tell them to just go somewhere because you have the Bible.
And so we have the prophetic word confirmed, which you do well to take heed do as the light that shines in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts, knowing this first that no prophecy of scripture is of any private interpretation.
you can’t make stuff up. No matter how you feel, you can’t make it up. verse 21.
For prophecy never came by the will of man, but holy men of god spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit.
What an awesome blessing that is. The spirit of god has spoken the Bible.
And again, Second Timothy 3 verse 16, just the front end
of that verse, all scripture is given by inspiration of god.
The word inspiration of god means that all the scriptures have been breathed out by god.
You say, yeah, but I thought you said men wrote it. Yeah. That’s the amazing thing.
God possessed these men to write the scriptures.
And the Bible also says in another place that the prophets wrote down these things that god had said, and they themselves did not understand what it was they were writing.
Wow. That’s gonna come into play as we get into the study more and more.
And again, one more time here on this one. Revelation 1 verse 12. Revelation 112.
John says, then I turn to see the voice spoke with me and having turned, I saw 7 golden lamp stands.
And in the midst of the 7 lamp stands, one like the son of man clothed with a garment down to the feet and girded about the chest with a golden band.
His head and hair were white like wool, as white as snow as eyes like a flame of fire.
His feet were like, uh,
fine brass, as if refined in a furnace, have you
ever seen brass glowing from the heat, from the fire?
And his voice as the sound of many waters verse 16.
He had in his right hand, 7 stars, and out of his mouth, went a sharp, 2 edged sword.
Isn’t this freaky?
This is Jesus. This is kinda blows your mind.
Don’t because you think of the Newport Beach Jesus? We’re in a robe. He has hirachi sandals. his hair.
Like, he just got out of the waves. Well, this is this is the glorified Christ.
This is the Christ This is what Jesus looks like right now in heaven. This is awesome.
Remember that when you pray. Remember that when you’re in trouble?
So out of his mouth, a sharp 2 edged sword, and his countenance was like the sun shining in its strength, verse 17.
And when I saw him, John said, I fell at his feet as dead.
but he laid his right hand on me and said to me, do not be afraid. Here it comes.
I am the first and the last.
I am a he who lives and was dead, and behold, in my life, for evermore, Amen, and I have the keys of Hades and of death, write these things.
Watch this, write the things which, number
you have seen, Number
the things which are, and number 3, the things which shall take place after this. You notice that?
The book of Revelation, by the way, gives its outline, the only book in the Bible that gives its own outline at the beginning, the things that were, the things that are, and the things that shall be.
church, there are things that have been, there’s things that
are happening now, and there’s things that are gonna happen all according to god’s perfect plan.
One more shot here on this one. Revelation chapter 22 verse 18. Revelation 22 18.
For I testify to everyone, who hears the words of the prophecy of this book.
If anyone adds to these things, god will add
to him the plagues that are written in this book.
And if anyone takes away from the words of, uh, this of the book of this prophecy, god shall take away his part from the book of life.
You don’t mess with the Bible. Yeah. Yeah.
So I wanna have your eyes go to the screen right now to remind you.
These pilots are are not only trained observers, but they are some of the best aircraft pilots on the planet, operating some of the most weapon systems on the planet.
When they’re telling you that they are encountering something that they cannot describe that impacts national security and our ability to respond to perceived threat.
And so when they are encountering these objects, we have to take their testimony seriously.
Imagine something that had the ability to fly in space underwater and in our atmosphere at
miles an hour and and change directions instantly.
We fly the SR 71 at 3200 miles an hour.
If you wanted to take a right hand turn, it would take you roughly half the state of Ohio to do it.
And yet, what we are or objects that can do 90 degree turns instantly.
And we’re not talking about speeds of 3200 miles an hour. They’ve been been clocked at
The question arises, how is that possible?
That’s not the voice of some pastor. That guy is not some Christian.
That guy is not some, uh, cuck. That guy has been working until recently for the CIA.
And what he has been observing, uh, he can’t keep quiet anymore.
And so he, among others, have become what you’re watching now on the news, and around the world is the whistleblower’s of this argument regarding the phenomenon of things that are undescribable in our world today.
And over the course of the last 3 weeks,
these reports have been escalating all around the world, and So we began to talk about it last week, and we had to announce it for what it really is because there are scientists and there are physicists that are telling us that what people are seeing now does not match the physics of our known universe.
So what’s happening? And you just saw this CIA, uh, agent talk about in his investigation of unidentified atmospheric phenomenon is what they’re called, that the data shows from airline pilots, commercial pilots, private pilots, that they’ve seen these things happening and moving going in and out of the ocean, uh, appearing disappearing with no apparent physical properties.
So what what are we gonna say about this?
Well, I can tell you what the world is saying about it right now.
The world is saying we we’ve we’re we’re not alone.
That’s the that’s what the world is saying right now. We’re not alone. Well, we’ve never been alone people.
I want you to know that. We’ve never been alone. Uh, and people are saying, well, we just
we saw this and we saw that. And they’re the, uh, the Las Vegas reports right now.
There’s the New Mexico reports that are, uh, in fact, it’s been kinda weird.
Some of these, they came out.
We saw them, and then 3 hours later, you we can’t find them on the internet.
We found them, though, in other countries, uh, and we put those links away.
We’ve preserved them, but uh, what’s going on? Though, well, the point is this. These things are too fantastic.
And and wait a minute. I’m a Christian.
And if you start talking about little green men, flying around and doing circles around the SR 71, which is the fastest thing we got going on.
I can’t explain that. And so I’m gonna put my head back in the hole.
I don’t wanna hear about it. Woah. Woah. Wait. Wait. Listen.
First of all, who said anything about little green men?
We’re gonna be talking and picking it up where we left off last week that Jesus said.
And the last day is there’s gonna be profound deception that is gonna be launched against this world, and people will be deceived.
I believe that we are seeing an age now that is swung like it, as it were a door wide open, and there’s demonic manifestations that are taking place, and they are escalating.
And when you look at history past, the conduct of the nations, the conduct of humanity, the way that we’re thinking now, in light of the past, Regarding satanic manifestations, demon possession, and strange things that cannot be described everything, biblically, is coming together.
If you don’t have the Bible right now to explain these things, you are going to freak out.
So what really bums me out
is that when somebody’s holding a Bible and says, I can’t deal with this stuff.
What are you saying? What are you saying about that book that you’re holding?
Jesus said there’s gonna be absolute radical deception in the last days.
And so now the world is watching testimony from those that were abo aboard the USS Nimmits, It was also with the USS Princeton providing radar and guidance and protection.
when these UAPs began to appear just off the coast of San Diego.
And in last week’s message, I played numerous whistleblowers that have come forward from the United States Air Force, as well as the United States Space Force, as well as United States Navy.
And what they said was that they witnessed tracked
and recorded, quote, unknown, non physical phenomenon possessing unnatural flight characteristics, a
turn that they now have put unidentified aerial phenomenon or atmospheric phenomenon.
It’s happening now being reported more in Russia, and in England.
Is that makes you a little bit nervous? That’s okay. Calm down. Write this verse down.
Ephesians 6 verse 12 says, for we do not wrestle.
We do not war against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual host, of wickedness in
How can a Christian have a problem with
that when it’s in the bible?
See, we don’t wanna hear this because we don’t wanna believe this because if it’s If it’s true, now we’ve got something to deal with.
I tell
you what, Jesus is coming back, and he’s getting his church ready.
And things like this cause people to grab under their Bible more or to run away from it.
Listen, I think we’re waking up to an age, everybody.
We we have, for far too long as a nation, been living among living among recreational Christianity.
I’ll be a Christian so long as it serves me.
I’ll be a Christian so long as it’s comfortable. I’ll be a Christian so long as it’s easy.
I’ll be a Christian so long as I can explain everything. your way.
And yet, all the while, the Bible has given us the answers.
2nd Corinthians chapter 10 verse 3, For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh.
For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty in god for pulling down strongholds church family, please think from this moment forward, think more spiritually minded than ever before.
Think more. about the world that really is, and it’s not the one that you and I spent so much attention on.
And when the Bible says pulling down strongholds, you’re not gonna wanna hear this.
The pulling down of strongholds is a term that Paul the apostle gave to the Corinthians, and he lifted it from the Old Testament.
to pull down strongholds. Some of you who know your bibles, you’re you are already framing the proper understanding of this.
To pull down strongholds, the old testament showed us that, for example, when King Josiah came into power, or for that matter, nehemiah.
Nehemiah wasn’t even a king, but what happened?
They began to tear down the strongholds of the pagan worship systems that had encroached or invaded the land of Israel, the promised land.
And what they did was when a godly king
or when a godly judge, like Deborah,
You gotta love her. When they came to power, they pulled down the strongholds of Astrooff moloch, rem fan, the various pagan gods, the Estroth poles.
Have you have you read that in your Bible, everybody? Ishhtar, you know, you know the word Easter?
Easter is from Echtar. Echtar is an an incredible ancient deity.
Echtar one of the chief deities of Babylonianism and the worship system.
And they erected these gigantic I’m looking around for, is there any young people in here?
How how about this? Uh, to tear down the high places. Have you ever heard that term in your bible?
to tear down the high places, the high place was a very large erect You know what I mean?
Part of the human anatomy where they would gather together at the base of it and worship in the name of that god.
And when god’s people came into power, god told them, tear those things down.
And, uh, when Paul says tear down strongholds, he’s talking about tear down falsehoods and lies that come against the truth.
Now you think about that.
You let that settle in for a moment, and you have to when you read the Bible, you gotta you don’t speak to the Bible.
The Bible speaks to you. And you gotta ask the you gotta ask the scriptures.
You gotta ask the lord lord, is there any strongholds in my life that needs to be torn down?
The Bible says in 2nd Timothy 4 verse 3 for the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine.
They won’t listen to the Bible.
There’s a time when people, and I believe as I said last week, that time is now upon us.
where the Bible is considered a joke, a myth, and yet it is the very truth given by god to us.
Why? Why are people saying this? because people are believing the lies.
In first Timothy 4, verse 1, are you guys okay? Yes. I’m just getting started.
So write small in your notes. You guys, you know, you can download the notes before service.
Do you guys all know that? Okay. Good. You’re right there. See that?
So you can see all the mistakes I make. It’s all written down.
First Timothy chapter 4 verse 1 tells us now the spirit, that’s the Holy Spirit, expressly says in Ladder Times.
That’s the end of days. The Jews call it the end of days. We say the last days.
Some will depart that is give up or transfer their faith. away.
Some will depart from the faith giving heed. Listen.
They give up on Jesus, but they give heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons.
Friends, this is so serious. I could actually stop right here and do the rest of the morning on that warning right there.
In the last days, demons are going to deliver doctrine. You know what the word, uh, for doctrine?
It’s a fancy word doctrine. It simply means teachings. Demonss are going to start teaching people in the last days.
I’m not making it up. It’s what the Bible says, and people don’t wanna hear it.
That’s just the first wave of getting into the last days.
demons are somehow gonna be given the opportunity, the open door. I don’t know.
but there’s something about the last days that kicks off an opportunity for demons
to teach false doctrine
and deceiving spirits, deceiving spirits, a a a dark, demonic, invisible spirit that is able to deceive people by what is said or by what is done.
and church family. If there was somebody that appeared tomorrow down the street, speaking about spiritual things, but doing profound miracles,
I would venture to say that this church could be half the size of what it is today by next week.
if you follow the biblical example, because Jesus himself even turned
to the disciples and said, will you also go away? people wanna see stuff.
And if you have a need and a deceiving spirit empowered by the doctrines of demons, teach a different gospel and a different Jesus with the power of satanic miracles.
The Bible talks about satanic miracles.
Line signs and wonders the Bible calls it, how many people will go after that false teacher?
They’ll say, we don’t care about
the false teaching. We want the miracles. and that is how your fate is sealed.
The only way that you can be safe against a deceiving future and a deceptive now is to know the word of god.
And frankly, to address the things that are
going on right now, everything go look at it later. Here’s your homework.
Go look Google things like this, not now. Google things like this.
Harvard professor, uh, announces that Jesus Christ is an alien. and he goes through it.
Hindi’s Jewish. That’s what’s amazing. He doesn’t recognize Jesus.
And then the UFO thing comes down and he goes, that’s it. Now I got it.
Jesus, this is for real. He’s an alien. Google it later. Look at it later.
Read them. Listen to him later. Just It’s all over the place right now.
And all this has been coming out in
the last couple of weeks tremendously.
deceiving spirits have always plagued mankind from the beginning.
Mead, I mentioned to you, apparently. Well, not apparently.
We know that the that Satan and the fallen angels fell some point prior to Adam and Eve being formed because we know that Adam and Eve, once they were formed, It wasn’t long.
We don’t know how long. It wasn’t long.
It seems as though that Satan came and visited Eve in the form of a serpent.
Now this is what’s hilarious to me, the form of a serpent. None of us know what that means.
We think of serpents today. But what that serpent was back then, you have no nobody has any idea what it was.
It was called a serpent, but Satan possessed it Apparently, it could talk because when it spoke to Eve, Eve didn’t think that was a weird thing.
Look, she wasn’t stupid. She was perfect.
Whatever it was, it’s called the serpent. Did it fly?
Did it walk? We don’t know.
All we know is that a serpent in its judgment was cursed to crow on its belly.
That’s all we know.
By the way, there’s some goofball English teacher that’s trying to teach the book of Genesis, and he makes fun of the Bible saying about a serpent being condemned to crawl on its stomach, doesn’t everybody know that that’s what serpents do as crawl on their stomach?
Yeah. Yeah. Exactly. What kind of a dumb statement is that?
The curse was it was condemned to crawl in its stomach.
So whatever Satan was, when the Serpent spoke, he thought it was okay.
And he deceived her. And if Eve can be be deceived by the tactics of the enemy, soak it
in any one of us apart from the Holy Spirit that is using the word of god in your life, I believe Jesus Christ could come back today.
I’m a premillennialist. If you’re breaking it down in a seminary structure,
I’m a futurist, premillennialist, pre tribulationist, literalist, I believe in the Bible, literally, I believe that Christ could come at any time.
I believe that
there’s a distinct, uh, difference between Israel and the church. And, um, having said that, uh, we
look at all the things that are going
around in the world, and we say, my my goodness.
Uh, we we’re starting to see things that are that are representative of the second coming of Christ at the end of the tribulation period.
So if we see things in this globe, in this world where strange things are beginning to manifest, then how much closer are we to the rapture of the church.
I gotta tell you, I’m gonna show you a picture. I took this yesterday.
You anybody know where this is? It’s where all exactly.
It’s where all Christians spend their money. Uh that’s Hobby Lobby yesterday. Excuse me.
What did summer people? It’s summer. They just jumped right into Christmas. What Merry Christmas?
What what does this mean? What does this mean to us? Listen.
If they’re displaying Christmas stuff, then we know that Halloween’s really close.
You see the logic?
If we’re starting to see weird stuff going on, cashless society, one global government, one ruling power to bring everybody under submission to the order of 1, By the way, look at the World Health Organization’s teaming up now with the World Economic Forum and see what they
have in store for you soon.
If we see this stuff coming together now, then Thanksgiving’s close.
In other words, the rapture’s closed.
He could come at any time. Are you ready for that?
Are you ready for him? And then finally, listen, Luke 21, 28, says now, Jesus said, when these things begin
to happen, look up and lift up your heads because your redemption draws near.
Notice that when they begin to happen, Be looking up. So church,
our second argument is this. By the way,
this was only supposed to be a 1 Sunday teaching. It turned out to be 2.
I hope it’s only 2.
But we’ll see how let’s we’ll see how many people leave today.
And if that’s if I’m on a trend, let’s just keep going. until only the saints are left. Right?
Uh, and and we’ll be okay.
Point number 2, what has the world observed in times past?
That’s one of the n k indicators, luke chapter 17 verse
22. and he, Jesus, said to the disciples, listen up, everyone, the days will come when you will desire to see one of the days of the son of man, you’re gonna desire to have me back, and you’ll not see it.
They will say to you, look here
or look there. do not go after them or follow them, says, Jesus, verse 24, for as
the lightning that flashes out of one part under heaven and shines to the other part
of heaven. He’s talking about the second coming. So also, the son of man will be in his day.
That’s when he comes to Jerusalem. at the end of the 7 year tribulation period.
But first, he must suffer many things and be rejected by this generation and as it was in the days of Noah.
So it
will be also in the days of the son of man speaking of himself. They ate. They drank.
They married wives. They were given in marriage until the day that Noah entered the arc because they thought it was a joke.
that Noah was a joke. And the flood came and destroyed them all.
Likewise, as it was also in the days of lot, They ate, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they built, but on the day that law went out of sodom, it rained fire and brimstone from heaven and destroyed them all.
Even so, notice verse 30, even so will it be in the day when the son of man, that’s Jesus Christ, is revealed.
Again, the reference not to the rapture, but to the second coming.
So 2000 years ago, Jesus said, Watch out for these things.
And there are 2 key warnings. Are you guys awake? Yes. There’s 2 key warnings. As it was in
the days of Noah, and like it was in the days of lot.
If you know anything about your Bible, those are horrifically demonized, charged, horrific times, dangerous, The history books are full of the conduct of that epic of time with the most bizarre worship systems, paganism, paganism that you couldn’t handle.
If I were to say to you right now what I know about what a priest or priestess bid at the temple of the nymphs.
You would get up and run out of this place because you I would be spewing pornography.
and you would be correct.
If I were to tell you what the worship practices are from ancient manuscripts of the worship of Echtar, Easter, the worship of Echtar, the goddess, you would turn red, blushing.
If you think, by the way, listen, if you think gender changing is new, you’re wrong.
You need to know history.
The Babylonians, the Assyrians, the Egyptians in paganism.
They practice this stuff where you would literally be able to determine your gender at any given time and you address accordingly.
Did you know that? Did you think this stuff’s new? What you’re hearing? It’s not new.
If that what’s your appetite, you can go research this more and more. It’s there.
My point is this, in the days of Noah, the Bible says that men’s thoughts were evil continually,
In the days of Noah, children were sacrificed wholesale.
In the days of Noah,
Man was living as though he were an animal.
In the days of Noah, There was evil that Jesus said
would not exist again until the time of the end.
And I would submit to you that we are nearing those days to understand where we are going.
Friends, we’ve gotta look at the past. There’s no other way around it.
I mean, god help our public school system. If you want your kids to be smart, teach them history.
Seriously? but I should I should preface that.
We the best teachers at a school need to be history teachers.
You can put all the boring teachers in the math class or something.
But history should be taught as passionately as it’s revealed. History is amazing.
It’s a window into another world so that you can learn about what they did or didn’t do that you know what to do or not do history.
But there seems to be a war on history today.
Then listen, now we go into times of deception that we’re deceiving then and deceiving now, and I hope you can handle this.
Job chapter 38, beginning at verse 3. Job 38. 3. You guys ready? Good.
6 of us are ready. Here we go. God says to Job, I love this. Poor Job.
Like, he hadn’t had it bad enough. Now prepare yourself like a man.
I will question you, and you will answer or you shall answer me Where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth?
God’s talking to Job. Job, where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth?
I wonder if god paused right there. Uncomfortable.
Tell me if you understand Who determined its measurements?
Surely, you know. Oh, this is god laying it
on pretty hard. or who stretched the line upon it?
To what were its foundations fessened?
Or who laid its cornerstone When the morning stars sang and all the sons of god shouted for joy, Mark in your bibles, the sons of god are angels.
The entire old testament says the sons of god god or
angels. When god created everything, the angels and the morning stars
saying, god creates and they sing and applaud the angelic realm. Everybody okay?
You tracking with me? The word here for sons of god is this Hebrew word. benai elohim.
benai elohim, angels of god. Suns of god angels of god.
Fast forward, Isaiah chapter 14 verse
The prophet speaks under the influence of god.
God is letting us into a window of the past.
hell from beneath is excited about you to meet you at your coming.
It stirs up the dead
for you. All the chief ones of the earth, it has raised up from their thrones, all the kings of the nations.
Okay. So somebody’s going to hell and god is saying hell is getting excited about your arrival.
Whoever this is, they’re known in hell. before they even get there.
They shall speak to you and say, have you also become as weak as we?
Have you become like us?
Your pump is brought down to sheol hell, and the sound of your stringed instruments The maggot is spread under you, the worms cover you, how you are fallen from heaven, a looser, Sun of the morning, how you are cut down to the ground, you who weakened the nations.
Can you believe this is in your Bible, everybody?
For you have sinned in your heart, I will ascend into heaven.
I will exalt my throne above the stars of god I will sit on the mount of the congregation of the furthest sides of
the north. That’s the supreme place.
I will ascend above the heights of the clouds I will be like the most high.
Do you hear him? This is Satan. His name was Lucifer.
yet you shall be brought down to shield to hell to the lowest depths of the pit.
He was among the sons of god. He was an angelic creation.
You connect this with ezekiel chapter 28 verse
13. Listen, this is Erie. Ezekiel. So we’re talking 2000 hang on.
years ago.
You were in Eden The garden of god. Excuse me. Who what?
Every precious stone was your covering. Well, we’re definitely not talking about Adam and Eve.
They didn’t wear stones. The sardis topaz and diamond barrel on a jasper Sapphire, turquoise emerald with gold, the workmanship of your timbrels and pipes was prepared for you on the day you were created.
You are
the anointed cherub who covers the one with authority. I established you.
You are on the holy mountain of god.
You walked back and forth in the midst of the fiery stones.
you were perfect in your ways from the day you were created until iniquity was found in your arts or found in you.
Who is who are we talking about? Yes.
Lucy, Satan, the devil, an angel fallen, Great power, Archangel, remarkable.
The chronology of this, keep in mind now. Genesys chapter 6 verse 1.
And all of this, by the way, let me insert this in case you’re just jumping in from somewhere.
We’re talking about deception in the last days, and we’re answering, the last day’s deception will no doubt include unexplainable things unexplainable phenomenon, whether they are flying or under the water, whether they manifest or not, maybe even technology, maybe even AI, unexplainable things
are all part of or will be used by the great grand deception. of the days of deception.
Now it came to pass when men, that is man, us, mankind began to multiply On the face of the earth, this gets weird.
And daughters were born to them. Stop right there.
You can’t have men mankind replicating unless you have male and female. Got that?
I mean, I know that sounds shock, but You’ve gotta have a male and a female to make a culture to make a civ civilization.
You to propagate, you have to have a male and a female. to make babies.
This this had been going on for a long time. Something watch everybody. Something in
the narrative changes. Something goes strange. In other words, life’s been going on.
and daughters were born to them. Duh.
Well, verse 2 says that the sons of god saw the daughters of men or mankind that they were beautiful, and they took wives for themselves of all whom they chose.
And the lord said, this is a result.
My spirit shall not strive with man forever for he is indeed flesh, yet his day shall be 120 years.
There were giants on the earth in those days, and also afterward. When the sun
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