How to be Trained By Grace

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How to be Trained By Grace

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Coming up next on changing your world.
Do you know you will get to a place in your life as grace teaches you that there are certain things you ain’t gonna wanna do no more because grace has, first of all, given you a desire to do something opposite to what you would do.
And then when you go back and try to smoke that, that we again, it just I don’t
I just don’t I don’t know why.
I just don’t want it no more.
That’s because the Holy Ghost has been working on inside of you, teaching you.
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This is your world.
Let every heart
uh, If you have your Bibles, go with me to the book of Titus.
Titus. First Timothy, 2nd Timothy Titus.
Now in this series, I’m gonna be, uh, even those of us who’ve heard grace teaching for the last 10 years, this this is gonna challenge even all of that or bring into light some more things.
But I’m gonna call this series, trained by grace, trained by grace, And one of the things we learned in previous series is that according to John chapter 1, verse 17, he says, for the law came by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ.
And then in verse 14 in that same chapter, and listen to this carefully.
He said Jesus full of grace and truth. Now grace and truth are not 2 different entities.
Grace is the truth. And Jesus, anytime you hear grace, it’s Jesus.
Jesus is the source of grace.
So any we’re tempted sometimes to separate them and, and, and treat grace like a subject instead of a person.
Grace is not a curriculum. It’s not a subject.
Jesus full of grace Grace is a person.
So in this series, we are gonna, every now and then, just to bring us back on the level remind you that we’re talking about Jesus.
Even when in the title, when I say that we’re trained by grace, we’re trained by Jesus.
Full of grace, which is the truth.
Now that’s gonna help out because, you know, you’ve gotta understand that some people say, well, I problems with that grace message?
Well, you said you just said you got problems with Jesus. You follow what I’m saying?
And that’s why it’s so important that you remember that Jesus is the face of grace.
Every everything about grace flows from Jesus, you can’t separate the person of grace you you’re following me from, from, from grace itself.
So grace is a person.
Now, let’s look at Titus, and I’m gonna be teaching most of this in the new living translation.
But Titus 2, uh, let’s go to the King James first. Titus 2 verse 1113.
This is the the key, um, text for the entire series for the year.
He says, uh, for the grace of god, that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men.
Teaching us, the grace of god teaches teaching us that denying ungodliness and denying worldly lust that we should live soberly, level headed, soberly, righteously, that we should live godly in this present world.
So Grace is gonna teach us about Christian conduct.
He says in the next verse, looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great god and our savior, Jesus Christ.
Isn’t that amazing? As he begins to talk about grace, notice the end results.
I’m teaching you this And I want you to look for the appearing of Jesus Christ. Alright.
Now let’s look at this in the new living translation. The new living translation.
He says for by the grace of god, he says for the grace of god, has been revealed, bringing salvation to all people.
So everybody, whether they’re Christians or not Christians, have been given access to this grace.
And he says the grace of god has been revealed, and salvation has been made available to everybody in the whole world.
Whether you saved or unsafe, salvation has been made available to everybody in the whole world.
This is not a Christian subject.
Salvation has been made available to everybody in the entire world, and you’re gonna have to decide whether you wanna take it or not.
But it’s been made available by grace. God’s grace is so strong. He says, I can provide this to everybody.
And whether you take it or not, it’s up to you.
Look at verse 12, he says, and we are instructed to turn from godliness. Living and sinful pleasures.
We’re instructed to turn from godliness. And sinful, uh, sinful, uh, pleasures.
We should live in this evil world with wisdom, righteousness, and devotion to god.
While we look forward with hope to that wonderful day when the glory of our great god and savior, Jesus Christ will be revealed.
Now, the first thing I wanna bring up is that grace teaches you to live godly.
Grace does. So I’m gonna say, well, big deal.
Well, it is a big deal since we have been trying to achieve that on our own.
There are all kinds of weird ways that have been going on in the church as far as how should I live.
And then somebody gives you a rule And they give you a regulation, and then you try to, uh, execute it in your own willpower.
And he says, Grace will teach you how to live a godly life.
Now a couple of things I want you to see here.
Probably no other passage in the Bible.
In god’s word, so completely summarizes the subject of Christian conduct. Christian conduct is still very important.
And the reason why you gotta know this is because grace has been given a bad rap.
Grace has been given the wrap of, oh, if you live by grace, you can live any kind of way.
No. If it and here’s the, the, the, the lack of emphasis we’ve seen on the subject.
Grace is what teaches Christian conduct. Grace teaches Christian conduct.
You can’t throw away Christian conduct and just decide you can do anything you wanna do because you’re under grace.
Grace has gotten a bad rep. Grace is what teaches you how to have Christian Conduct.
But we’ve never known how great teachers because I don’t know about you, But, uh, you know, I’ve never really heard any somebody say to me that grace is what’s gonna teach you how to have good Christian conduct.
You don’t need to waste time trying to teach yourself. Grace is going to teach you.
Oh my god. Grace is gonna teach you how to treat people right.
Grace is gonna teach you how to quit doing stuff you’re doing in the booth in the back and the corner in the dark.
Grace is going to teach you Jesus is going to teach you Christian conduct.
Now there are 3 aspects of conduct that are mentioned right here in in these verses.
Number 1, you might wanna write these down. True Christian living rejects ungodliness and worldly lust.
True Christian living denies ungodliness. Christian living denies ungodliness.
And the holy ghost is going to teach you how to deny ungodliness.
Now a little later on, we’re gonna talk about ungodliness, but what do I mean when I say ungodly?
I mean, all the things done apart from god. Everything you do apart from god is defined as ungodly.
Now, look at your life, and check out the things you do apart from god.
Look at your life and check out the things you do as you disregard god.
To disregard god means to pay no attention to or literally to ignore.
So what what what has happened in our lives where we get born again, and now we we don’t even pay attention to god.
He says, that’s ungodly. You you ignore god and you proceed to try to do things in your own ability, your own education, your your own smarts, and you ignore god, That’s ungodly.
All things done apart from god.
Now, I I don’t know about you, but I paused and said, let me look at my life.
What am I doing apart from god? What what am I doing?
And I’m not paying any attention to him.
And sometimes we wonder why certain things happen because that’s ungodly.
We thought that ungodly, this was just you know, the wicked stuff that people do. That’s the fruit of ungodliness.
The fruit of ungodliness is ungodliness will occur when you continue to pay god no attention.
When you continue to do things, uh, that are apart from god.
So the first aspect of conduct that’s mentioned here is that true Christianity, true true Christian living, rejects ungodliness and worldly lust, and true Christian living rejects the desire for the pleasures of this world as such are there, uh, uh, thereby excluded these things are.
You know, I thought it was all me that I got I got to do this, and I found out that everything I tried to do failed because I was doing it apart from god, and Grace was trying to teach me.
If you got a habit and you’re still in that habit after being safe for 20 something years, you are trying to be the teacher.
And Grace says I’m gonna teach you. So my son’s gonna do that.
See, in order for you to really change some stuff in your life, The first thing that’s gotta change is your desire, and the holy ghost has been given that job to change your desire.
Are you following me? Here’s the 2nd conduct, aspect of conduct.
Number number 2, life should be lived godly.
It should believe your life should be lived this way, godly, soberly, and righteous in this present world.
Our lives, as Christians should be lived godly, soberly, to be sober means a soundness of thought.
It it’s it’s the opposite of being intoxicated. When somebody’s intoxicated, they don’t have sound thinking. Okay? Yeah. Yeah.
To to be sober, is is level headed or, uh, a calm and collected.
I like 111 translation says good sense.
And and and what he’s saying is is that life should be lived, godly, soberly, so so life should should be lived godly, which means our lives should be lived, uh, as we regard god and everything, godly.
That our lives should be live soberly level headed according to the word.
And our lives should be live righteously in this present world.
And then the third thing is the whole life, the whole life should be lived in view.
Here’s what we said in that last verse, that our whole lives should be lived in view of and with an expectation of the glorious appearing of Jesus Christ.
That I should be living my life every day expecting Jesus to come. That does something, man.
That does something. But we’re so cluttered sometimes. That’s the last thing on our mind.
And we gotta train ourselves in in in looking for the appearance of Jesus Christ every day.
I I think coming to church, getting taught the word of god and not figuring out a way how to make it practical in your everyday life is a waste of time.
This is not a magic book, and I’m not giving you spells.
If you find truth, you gotta take the truth, write it down, and you’ve got to figure out how to make it practical in in your everyday life.
Whether it’s I’m gonna just say this every day, or just gonna repeat this every day, or I’m gonna look at these scriptures every day.
How is this gonna become practical in your everyday life?
You know, it’s one thing for you to find out that complaining is a problem.
It’s another thing for you to figure out how to make, you know, not complaining a practical part of your life.
I ain’t got time to I listen. I don’t have time to come to church and listen to no word and not get it practically operating in my life.
The word’s supposed to transfer me, but for some reason, people are satisfied with just coming and doing church.
This is real. And godly living is real.
God wants us to to let the grace of god teach us how to live godly and soberly and, right,lessly, while we are looking for the appearance of the return of the lord.
I know something happens to me when when I when I’m I’m walking or something, and I realize Jesus is coming back.
Yeah. And he says, that’s something we ought to do. That’s something we should begin to do.
Look for the appearing of the lord Jesus Christ. Now let’s move on to some things.
Any practical Christianity that does not comprise of those three things I just mentioned to you is not Christian Conduct.
Christian Conduct is mentioned right here, right here, verse 11.
Go go go to King James verse 11 versus 12 versus 13.
You see it right there for the grace of god that bringeth salvation appears to all men.
Next verse, and the grace of god teaches us to reject and deny ungodliness, to reject worldly lust so we can live soberly, live righteously, live godly in this present world.
He just that’s just Christian conduct while we are alive.
And then he says, oh, yeah, by the way, look for that blessed hope, that earnest expectation of the glorious appearing of, uh, of great god in our saved Jesus Christ.
And Grace is gonna teach us. Here’s the interesting thing. The lack of emphasis.
Upon that which constitutes true Christian conduct, how how it it’s been lacking.
That’s why people sit wonder if they can do this, if they can do that, if they can do that.
It’s been lacking. It’s almost like we’re in this world. Like, we don’t know what to do, Norma.
We don’t know how to live, Norma.
And that’s why it’s so easy for us to accept foolishness from the world, and then try to bring it to the church because there’s not been put if it’s if it says have not been put on Christian conduct.
As if it doesn’t exist anymore because you’re learning about grace.
When in fact, it’s grace that teaches us Christian conduct, And so in the same way, in the same way there’s been a lack of emphasis upon true Christian conduct, There’s also been a lack of emphasis upon that which teaches a believer how to live the Christian life.
We’ve gotta put emphasis on what teaches the believer how to live the Christian life.
Now, I don’t know what all of us have been doing up until this point as far as learning how to live the Christian life, but I am saying that grace is gonna teach you how to live the Christian life.
Barnon, grace is what’s well, grace has been a sign to teach you how to live the Christian life.
Jesus has accept the responsibility of how to live the Christian life.
You’re gonna learn later on that there’s no way Jesus is gonna save you and just leave you like you are.
What good is it to have a baby and say, oh, I had a baby and then just throw it away after you had a baby.
Somebody got to train the baby. And Jesus has accepted.
I’ll show you descriptions where he has accepted the responsibility to say, I save you. I’m gonna raise you.
Jesus has.
We could it be that we’ve been in the way?
Could it be that we didn’t think this was necessary? Get saved, go to heaven.
Is that what we thought? You know?
And and and and true enough, that’s all you have to do to go to to do to get to heaven is get born again.
But how many of you know that god wants you to have a little heaven on the earth?
He wants to be able to do some stuff, and the first thing he wants to do is teach you how to live the Christian life.
Well, pastor, I thought that was your job. I can’t do that.
See, I can tell you some stuff, and then you gotta walk ahead and decide whether or not you’re gonna do it or not.
But what Gotta do is he’ll take you through a whole curriculum.
He’ll tell you some stuff and give you revelation. Praise god.
Maybe I help out a little But then he’ll give a revelation then if you decide not to do it, then he gonna take you through another course that’s gonna help you to wanna do it.
Do you know you will get to a place in your life as grace teaches you that there are certain things you ain’t gonna wanna do no more because grace has, first of all, given you a desire to do something opposite to what you were doing.
And then when you go back and try to smoke that that we again, it just I don’t
I just don’t I don’t know why.
I just don’t want it no more.
That’s because the holy ghost has been working on the inside of you teaching you.
And I’m asking you to trust but he’s an excellent teacher.
If I was you, I’d get that in my mind for a few weeks.
Grace is teaching me. Jesus is teaching me. He’s teaching me. He’s teaching me.
I don’t complain as much as I used to. He’s teaching me praise God. He’s showing me stuff.
He’s teaching me. There are things I used to do. I don’t want them no more.
I’m not interested in in anymore. Grace is teaching you.
Grace is teaching you, grace of snatch that all won’t to. That’s good.
And give you a new won’t to. Glory to god.
And he’ll have you to back up and look at everything you’d have went through, and you’ll see the curriculum that he has personally customized for your life.
Grace teaches you. Grace teaches you. Grace teaches you. Jesus teaches you.
The truth that the grace of God Now, watch this.
The very same grace, which brings salvation according to the scripture verse 11.
The very same grace that brings salvation also teaches those who are saved how to live pleasing unto God.
The same grace that involves salvation is also the same grace that will teach you how to live pleasing unto god.
Now he brought salvation the same grace did. I didn’t do anything to help that.
He’d he ought to he bought salvation.
I want you to be able to give god the glory for the finished product in your life.
There’s some stuff you’re struggling with, some of you’ve been struggling with it for years years years years years.
And I’m telling you today is the beginning of your deliverance.
If if you simply trust God to deliver you.
And and it’s simple. Christian conduct is gonna be talked about.
You can decide whether you want her to not somebody gonna decide I don’t want it, and god’s gonna go to work to taking that old one to away.
I don’t know how he’s gonna do it, but he knows how.
I I still to this day cannot explain to you what happened to the desires, even where my eating is concerned, is certain things I just don’t miss anymore.
Grace will teach you. Grace will teach you.
The same grace that involves salvation is the same grace that’s gonna teach you how to live a life that’s pleasing to god.
And somehow, this seems to have been entirely overlooked.
Somehow, this seems to be just so overlooked.
And I’m I’m getting into to showing you what what happened.
Some of the stuff we learned in church, but it wasn’t by the Holy Spirit.
It wasn’t by grace. So the person who says, I believe in grace, but I do not think it should be emphasized too much because That leads to careless living.
Well, the person who will say that, they have failed to understand god’s work of grace.
On behalf of all of those that he has saved from the wrath of god.
Are you searching for a deeper understanding of god’s grace?
In the series, a deeper definition of grace, creflo dollar gives a solid under standing of our covenant and a true picture of our god.
Grace is the truth. Anytime you hear grace, It’s Jesus. Jesus is the source of grace.
The very same grace that brings salvation also teaches those who are saved, how to live pleasing unto god.
Growth in your spiritual life can only come by grace. He will work out his plan for your life.
And you know what? He’s working out that plan right now.
All three messages in this series can be yours today for a love gift of 20 US dollars.
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Hey, everybody.
I wanna give you a personal invitation to attend the grace life conference of the reunion, July 11th through 13th.
Learning to live the grace life will address every emotional issue that you’re dealing with in your everyday life.
Whether its loneliness insecurities, love, self worth, belonging, it doesn’t matter. God’s grace deals with every human need.
You need to be at GraceLab 2024. It’s a reunion. It’s a gathering of believers, and it’s freedom.
When people understand grace, they are empowered to change. So don’t miss this opportunity.
I’ll see you at Grace Life 2024, the reunion July 11th through 13th.
Come prepared to get your wise answer the grace of god will change you forever. I’ll see you there.
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Salvation is the beginning of a new life for a believer.
It is from this point that we can move into the fullness of who god has called us to be and see the manifestation of the Finnish works.
Of Jesus. It is one of my greatest pleasures to help people, uh, to understand who Christ is and to lead people to Christ.
If you would like salvation today, pray this prayer with me. Very simple prayer. Heavenly father.
I believe in Jesus. I believe that he died, that he rose again, and that he lives today.
Coming to my life, save me, I receive you as my savior. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Listen. If you prayed there, prayer with me, That’s how simple it is. Welcome to the family of god.
Look no further for encouragement to walk in the grace of god.
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The preceding program was brought to you in part by the partners and friends of creflo Dollar Ministries.

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