Dispatched From Heaven – Jack Hibbs

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Dispatched From Heaven – Jack Hibbs

As you pour out your heart to the Lord and let Him know your needs and concerns, God dispatches help, encouragement, and wisdom from Heaven in answer to your prayers. Learn more about prayer and intercession from Pastor Jack in this week’s episode of Real Life TV.

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did you know that the Bible teaches us that Jesus Christ himself and the Holy Spirit prays makes intercession for us the believer you might say Jack I’ve never heard that before well it’s in the Bible the Bible teaches us that Jesus Christ himself our Lord and savior makes intercession for us as does the holy spirit this is found in the book of Hebrews and in the Book of Romans but more specifically in the book of Hebrews 7:2 listen to this the Bible says therefore he is also able to save us you me unto the uttermost wow that’s huge
those who come to God through him watch since he always lives to make intercession for them or for us intercession is prayer Christ prays for us isn’t that sound kind of strange CU when we pray you know we think about getting on our knees and folding our hands and praying but the fact of the matter is Jesus just simply says father regarding the fact book of Hebrews again teaches us Book of Romans teaches us that Jesus is none other than our great high priest he says father Jack needs help Father Jack needs
encouragement he’s my representative he’s our high priest and so you want to leverage that joyful relationship with Christ as much as possible go to him and the holy spirit is praying for us also what a glorious thing that is so if you want to hear more and more about what God wants to do in your life open up your Bible and read it and you might want to also add the fact that we can help you study the Bible let’s do it now let’s find out what God wants to say so grab your bible get out your pen and notepad and let’s
find out what the Lord is speaking to us about because there are dispatch coming from Heaven dispatch meaning communicate God speaking God an anouncing god proclaiming let’s get into [Applause] it John 10: 28 Jesus said I give them eternal life and they shall never perish he’s speaking to his father neither shall anyone snatch them out of my hand that’s Jesus speaking to the father again John chapter 17 veres 2 and 3 as you have given him authority over All Flesh that he also give eternal life to
as many as you have given him and this is eternal life that they may know you the only true God and Jesus Christ whom he has sent isn’t it interesting that Jesus is praying in John 17 to the father in the third person did you catch that he’s praying he’s praying to the father but then at the end it’s is the only true God and Jesus Christ whom you’ve sent remarkable John 16:12 John 16:12 I still have many things to say to you but you cannot bear them now this is before he leaves back to Heaven however when he the spirit of
Truth has come he will guide you into all Truth for he will not speak on his own authority but whatever he hears he will speak this is the Holy Spirit who dwells in you John 16:5 but now I go away to him who sent me and none of you ask me where are you going but because I have said these things to you sorrow has filled your heart nevertheless I tell you the truth it is to your advantage that I go away for if I do not go away the helper will not come to you but if I depart did he depart remember the book of Acts tells
us that as they were talking to him he just began to lift off from the Earth and was ascended into the heavens and received up in the glory of God he says if I depart from you I will send him to you one of the overwhelming facts truths undeniable realities that I know Jesus Christ rose again from the dead I mean think about it I know he was crucified yes the Bible says so I believe he rose again from the dead I know this yes the Bible says so but how do I know that I wasn’t there somebody who was there dwells
within me me the Bible says in verse 27 now he who searches the hearts I love this he who searches the hearts knows what the mind of the spirit is I want everybody to look at that for a moment I’m sorry I’m kind of Pumped up excited about this can I just read this to you look look to the screens or look at your Bible now he that’s God who searches the hearts whose Hearts our hearts knows what the mind of the spirit is what an unusual statement to make do you get the connection translation leave it on the screen let
me put it this way God looks down from heaven right past your skin and bone and he looks inside your mind and he looks inside your soul and he knows exactly he knows exactly what the spirit is saying about the one that he possesses you the Born Again believer sealed into the day of redemption isn’t that glorious marked by God because he makes intercession for the Saints according to the will of God my goodness you know what’s amazing about this is brings you so much comfort you think about s sitting back in a in a
recliner but then as soon as you realize that it’s like wait a minute if this is true God what do you want me to do about this and he’ll say live the life speak the word tell him about me get out there live do it and we don’t have to sweat about it he does it it’s wonderful Heaven is answering when we pray listen church family listen when you pray and your prayer is is in alignment with the will of God you say how do I know that remember we talked last week pray biblically pray that your the the
prayer that you’re offering is in line with the will of God which is the word of God once you say Amen get up and blow the world away well you know I was at the store the other day and I saw this Satanist and he looked kind of sad I thought about telling him about Jesus but then I thought maybe it’s not God’s will translation God was telling you there’s a Satanist go get him tell him about my love for him but you know what it didn’t happen because your will was done and so the Lord had to send send
somebody else and sometimes I wonder if we’ll be in heaven and it’s like hey how’d that Satanist get up here that’s the guy I was going to talk to that day but I wimped out and then somebody’s going to to come alongside don’t worry about it God called me to do it and I did it and there he is and praise the lord it’s like oh man I missed that one somebody has once said maybe it was Chuck mler years ago said that he thinks that in the day of judgment for us as Believers before Christ uh the wiping
away of every tear has nothing to do with anything except that the wiping way of the tears when it is revealed to us the opportunities that we missed see we’re not going to be judged by our sins we’re going to weep in heaven on the day of Christ’s judgment the beima seit but then he wipes those away and I do agree with that because if our sin was washed away the Bible’s clear that’s not going to be the issue so then why are we crying oh my dad didn’t make it you won’t have any memory of your
dad oh my my son didn’t make it you won’t have knowledge of him he’s not in the family then why are we crying in heaven I think God I think God is going to say Jack I wanted to use you in this way that way here there but you you said no or whatever it might be don’t be like that how about this everybody and we’ll press on is um I’d rather get an A for trying right would if I what if I what if I think it’s God and I’m not sure but I step out and do it anyway I’d rather get an A
trying right than an F for just sitting there we need to be a little reckless people here’s a quote if it blesses you or not here’s a quote there’s a great Liberty in surrendering to the will of God we have also been left a great example of what it is like to surrender to the will of God in the most impossible situations Jesus gave us the ultimate example we do not need to figure the issue out on our own rather Jesus himself self gives us the greatest prayer that could ever have been offered up it is simply this father into your
hands I commit my spirit we always associate that prayer with the end of life and I get it that’s one of Jesus’s if not his last words in into your hands I commend my spirit and Jesus yielded up the spirit but how about now in life how about now us adopting that prayer every day of our Christian Liv starting this moment forward father into your hands I commend my spirit so what what does that mean that means whatever happens today that’s God’s business tomorrow morning when you get up father before your feet hit the
ground father into your hands I commit my spirit and then put your feet on planet Earth think about it because you’ve been laying in a bed You’ haven’t been on Earth you’ve been in in your Mike Lindell my my my mattress my pillow and you just you go from that into my slippers and uh and you and you say you say Lord into your hands I commend my spirit and then after that whatever goes on goes on who cares it’s in the hands of God it’s in the hands of God he’s answering he’s always
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