Assembly Required – Sarah Jakes Roberts
Assembly Required
God’s Messages
Dear Lord,
Today…….I am asking all my prayer warriors to say a prayer that may help others. So many people are hurting right now. Many are struggling with finances and need jobs. Some are facing foreclosure and don’t even know how they are going to make it from week to week..
Many are lonely. . Many are heartbroken. . Many are facing sickness and health is fading. . Some are dealing with difficult family members. Many have lost HOPE.. Tonight, let us put our prayers and faith together decree and declare breakthrough over our families. Financial miracles WILL take place. Jobs WILL be found. Our Bodies WILL be made whole & sickness WILL flee. Marriages and relationships WILL be restored. Family members WILL find Jesus. Heartbreaks WILL be healed. JOY WILL be restored and HOPE WILL be found. In Jesus Name. Amen!!!!!! Keep God First…….
Is anyone in expectation for God to speak, continue to speak and pour out His love.
So God, we just, we thank you before asking for anything at all.
God, we just want to acknowledge that you’ve already done so much.
In fact, if you never did anything else, we could live off of what you’ve done for the rest of our lives.
God, you’ve been so faithful, you’ve shown up time after time after time.
And so we honor you God, we exalt you in this place.
And I just ask that you would continue to let the oil flow that this would be a moment of glory that your glory would be manifested in our lives, that you would speak a word God that sends anxiety running out of the door, that sends fear running out of the door, that you would speak a word that breaks generational curses and resurrects generational blessings because that’s the kind of God that we serve God.
I decrease, that you may increase, take total control of this room.
Oh great God that you are and we’ll give you all the honor and we’ll give you all the glory in Jesus name.
Amen mix. So, since this is my first time at the Love life women’s conference, I thought that I should just tell you all a few things about myself.
I am um basically your new cousin.
Um I’m gonna be the cousin that just pops in, uninvited like, hey, I was in the neighborhood.
You guys are stuck with me.
And so because I am your new cousin, I just want to tell you some things about me.
Um, just like getting to know you if you will.
The first thing I want you to know about me is, um, sleep is my favorite hobby.
I’m anointed, I’m anointed to sleep. Some people like to run. I like to go to bed.
I think you should know that about me. That whole running clears my head.
I don’t even know what kind of spirit that is. I’ve never seen it. Never heard of it.
And I don’t want it to be honest. Clear my head just fine with carbs.
That brings me to my second thing.
I plan on spending some of my ministry career proving that carbs came from heaven.
I don’t know how I’m gonna do it or how long I’m gonna have to work for it.
But you cannot tell me God doesn’t bless potatoes. I don’t believe it. Mm mm.
You can fry them. And mash them, they’re versatile just like God. How could that not be him?
Um True. Let’s see. Um I have a really bad attitude when I don’t sleep.
Well, I’m not a good Christian if I don’t get enough sleep.
Um, God is working through that with me because my husband doesn’t sleep.
And um, you know, God speaks to him in the middle of the night and he likes to share with the Lord has laid on his heart.
And I’m like, you know what?
I think God wants you to continue to just marinate on that within, within yourself. Don’t release it.
Hold on to it, hold on to that. Yes.
Um The other thing is that I really like HGTV, like a lot. It inspires me.
I have never felt so passionate about flooring and windows and putting things together.
I’m a regular handy woman. If you will. It’s uh I like to order things and put them together.
My husband is like, can’t we just see if someone can come over? Can you wait until I get back?
I’m like, no, I can do it. I’ve seen, I’ve seen it done before.
What I learned though, that the instructions are really important because sometimes hypothetically speaking, I see the picture and I’m so excited about the picture and I see the pieces and I’m like, oh yeah, I can do that.
I don’t even need this paper. Um But I’ve learned the value of reading the instructions.
It’s blessed my life tremendously. I’ve also learned that that little L shaped monkey wrench situation is like priceless.
You really, you really can’t do it without it.
Another thing I learned when putting things together is that once it’s put together that you shouldn’t throw the monkey wrench away.
I don’t know if you’re like me and things get a little shaky after a few years and you kind of gotta tighten them up, but you don’t have the monkey rich and they come in all different sizes girl.
And um so I learned to keep the monkey wrench because there are moments when I buy things off of the internet, when I realize while I’m putting them together that they are bound to fall apart again.
You know, like, I don’t know if you’ve bought something that was supposed to be wood, but it was like that plastic kind of situation.
And so what I have learned is that I need to keep all of the tools and the manuals just in case something happens and it’s not as strong as it was when I first put it together.
And part of the reason that I believe that so many of us end up frustrated in our lives and in our situations and our marriages and our businesses and our parenting is because we started off with the vision of what it could be.
And we had that vision of what it could be and we had all of the materials, but we forgot that all of these materials came together based off of a word that God placed in our heart.
And if we are not careful, we will allow the everyday routine and monotony of our lives to allow what God gave us to become shaky.
And we lose the word that brought it together in the first place in the beginning when God created the heavens and the earth, it all began with a word.
Everything in our lives is depending on a word.
And the mistake we make is that we hang on to the word long enough to manifest what God told us, but we don’t keep it so that we can sustain what he’s given us.
God told us that we were going to meet this incredible man and, and we did and he manifested our husbands.
But now we need a word to stay in the marriage, the way that we’re supposed to.
God gave us a word when we were raising our Children.
And then our Children started acting like that side of us that Jesus had to deliver and we start getting nervous and afraid, but we forget the word that God spoke over our child when he first placed them in our wombs that said that I am gonna make sure that they have a future and a hope that they would reach an expected end.
Everything is depending on this word. And so I, I’ve been studying.
And if it’s OK, I invited another man to the women’s conference.
I invited Elijah to come and be our teacher because I believe that as I was studying that Elijah has a word for us about keeping that tool, that word, that thing that keeps our lives sticking together and functioning the way that God would have it to function.
And as I was reading, I was so inspired because what I did not realize when I first began walking with the Lord that I know now for sure is that there is a fine print on every aspect of life.
Purpose has a fine print. Business has fine print. Friendships have fine print, finances have fine print.
And that fine print is that there is assembly required. There’s some assembly required here.
I got a wedding but I don’t have the marriage yet because there’s some assembly required.
I have to learn how to communicate. I have to learn how to be vulnerable.
I’m raising this child, but there’s some assembly required.
They’re not just going to turn out the way that they’re supposed to turn out.
We’re gonna have to go through a few things. I’m gonna have to have my faith stretched.
There is some assembly required with life and if we are not careful, we will give up in the middle of God assembling our masterpiece because we forget that there is a word that’s going to make it all come together.
So when we meet Elijah in my text, I’m in first kings 17 verse eight.
And when we meet Elijah in the text just to set it up.
I want you to know that Elijah. This chapter 17 is our first introduction to Elijah.
And when we first meet Elijah, he has told King Ahab that there’s gonna be a famine in the land, but he was not going to be affected by that famine because God gave him a word and that word was to go to the Brook Sheri and there he would be sustained even though everyone else was in a drought.
I got excited about that because that’s the kind of word that I like to hear.
I like to hear that when everyone else is in a drought that I’m going to be sustained.
I’m sorry about y’all because that was rude.
I like to hear that when everyone else’s Children are acting crazy that mine are gonna be preserved.
Have you ever been in a situation where things in your life were going well?
And you saw what was going on in other people’s lives but for some reason that wasn’t affecting you, it was like God had created a, a breakthrough for you.
There was a hedge of protection around you when everything else was going crazy for your family or your f or their finances, that things were working out for you.
But the thing is that Elijah was at the Brook but the brook starts to run dry.
And that was really confusing for me as I was reading because I didn’t understand why God would send him somewhere that would eventually run dry.
I know that we may not want to admit it, but so many of us have had God send us places that we know he sent us to.
But after time, it just didn’t start to feel like God was in it anymore.
How could it be God that you sent me to this job?
And now I feel like they’re trying to push me out.
How could it be God that you sent me into this marriage?
And now we can’t hardly look at one another. How is it God that you could send me this child?
And now I’m afraid that I’m gonna lose it.
How is it God that I could go from being so healthy?
And now I’m fighting this disease, how is it God that I was balancing everything so well?
And now I feel like I’m about to lose my mind. God, you sent me these blessings.
You sent me this breakthrough in the middle of a drought.
But now that breakthrough is drying up and I love Elijah because Elijah stays by the brook and he watches it dry up because you know, the brook didn’t just go from flowing robustly to eventually drying up.
He had to sit there and watch it dry up.
And this was a lesson that I hope that I can implement into my own life because I think that most of us would have started grabbing our things and trying to find somewhere else to go.
But he stayed there watching it dry up. He stayed there, he stayed there, he stayed there.
And I wondered, friends, I wondered why did he stay there?
And I realized that Elijah stayed there because he was never sent there just for the brook.
He was sent there because of a word.
And he could not leave the place that God sent him unless he had another word, which was such a sign to me that he was not functioning with earth’s flow.
He was functioning with the flow of words that can only come from heaven.
And so while everyone else may have given up, while everyone else may have thrown in the towel, I don’t move until I get another word because I tried moving off of my own words in the past and it messed my life up.
And so now that I have surrendered my life to God completely, I don’t move until he says move.
I don’t care how the circumstance change. I don’t care who walks away from me.
I don’t care how they treat me. I live my life by a word.
And until God sends another word, I’m gonna stay right where he sent me because there is a hedge of protection when God says move and I don’t want to be out of the will of God.
So if the will of God sent me somewhere that looks like it’s changing, the will of God will have another plan for me.
I’m staying where you sent me. I’m staying, I’m staying where you sent me.
I don’t know what’s gonna happen. It looks like things are changing, but I’m gonna stay where you sent me.
I’m gonna stay with the right hot part posture. I’m gonna stay with humility.
I’m gonna stay and not be angry because staying and being angry, you might as well just leave.
But when you come to a place where you say God anyway, you bless me. I’ll be satisfied.
God, I trust you completely. I don’t care what is happening on the outside.
You spent a word that shifted me on the inside.
And so Elijah stays in place waiting for another word and verse eight begins, it says then the word of the Lord came to him saying arise go to Zera which belongs to Sidon and dwell there.
See, I have commanded a widow there to provide for you. A widow.
Elijah first had a brook. But now God says I’m gonna use a widow.
I wonder how often God changes the game plan but because we’re only used to seeing him operate and function in one capacity that we miss out on the next blessing because we thought it was gonna be packaged in the same way.
The old blessing came, God help me.
God, you said that you’d be my provider.
So I’m looking for another job. But God says I want you to be an entrepreneur.
I want you to leave your job and go into full time ministry.
But because I’m so afraid that it’s not gonna happen the way that I thought that it would, I can’t take that step of faith that you’ve called me to take Elijah goes from being provided for with a brook to ultimately being provided for by a widow.
And so he has to be willing to release God from the expectation to do it the way that He did it before so that he can see how God wants to do it.
Now, have you ever had to empty yourself from the expectations that God would do it for you the way He did it for your mother, the way He did it for you sister, the way He did it for your cousin.
I hear God saying I wanna do a new thing in your life. Would you not know it?
Will you be awake enough to know that I’m doing something new.
I didn’t call you to break the generational curse and then ask you to fit into the same mold that created the generational curse.
You’re gonna have to be willing to do something different.
You’re gonna have to be willing to look a little strange and look a little odd to everyone else around you.
So that I can do something new. God needs a blank canvas in this season.
Not this cookie cutter way of what everyone thought that they should be. God. I’m open to you, God.
If you can use the teen mom for ministry, then do it because I believe that you can do exceedingly and abundantly above all that I may ask or imagine.
So God, if you say that you’re gonna do it, you’re not a man that you shall lie.
So I’m willing to go where you send me, even if where you send me doesn’t make sense.
Part of the reason why this doesn’t make sense is because the widows in this time were considered outcast in society.
They were generally considered to obviously have some level of poverty and to just be in this place where no one would touch them and no one would connect with them.
And that spoke such a word to me because it was a reminder that God can use anybody.
He can use anybody and you have to be willing to not count anyone out because he’s could use the very person that you least expected to show up and provide for you.
I feel that for somebody, I’m not gonna use what you expect.
I’m gonna use what you least expect to bring you breakthrough in this season.
Society doesn’t see it coming, culture doesn’t see it coming.
Your family may not understand it and that’s why I’m going to do it because your ways are not my ways.
Your thoughts are not my thoughts greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world.
And so if you want to see that greatness unleash, you have to be willing to not confine him to what you can do.
This widow is gathering sticks because she’s preparing to die.
This isn’t an unfamiliar story. Those of you who have been in church have probably heard it in some capacity.
So Elijah is functioning off of a word that God is gonna provide for him through a widow.
But the widow is functioning off of this idea that she needs to prepare for her death because there is a famine in the land.
So the woman is operating from a place of fear, a place of depression, a place of it all coming to an end.
But Elijah is operating from a place of faith and operating from a place of hope.
This was a blessing to me because I knew that when Elijah connected with this widow, that what Elijah had on the inside of him was going to change what the widow had on the inside of her.
Do you know why it is so powerful when women come together?
Because women don’t just represent themselves, they represent everything connected to them.
And that’s why there will always be enmity between the woman and the enemy because the the enemy understands that if he sets a woman free, that he sets a community free.
He sets a family free, he sets marriage is free.
And so the war will always be with the woman.
Gene Genesis tells us that in chapter three, that I’m gonna put enmity between you and the woman.
Your seed is going to bruise her heel, but her seed is going to crush your head.
That’s actually pretty good because it ought to explain to you why you’re the one who seems like you have the weight of the world on your shoulders.
You need that kind of weight to crush the head of the enemy.
That’s why you had to go through what you went through because you needed that level of weight to crush the head of the enemy.
So when Elijah connects with this widow, he’s not just connecting with a woman who’s on her way to an end.
He’s connecting to a woman who’s going to change the trajectory of his life.
But the only thing she needs is a revelation.
One revelation, you didn’t just come to a women’s conference. You came to get a revelation.
I came to get a word from God. I came to understand who I am.
I came to understand what I can do in this earth.
I came for a revelation about my marriage, about my finances.
I came for a revelation about myself, esteem about my identity in God because there is something down on the inside of me that refuses to believe that this is it.
There is something down on the inside of me that refuses to believe that I can’t go any higher than this.
If God still has me in this world, there is a purpose attached to my name.
So I came here for a word and I’m not going to leave until I get a word.
God send a word in this place. God, if you don’t send nothing else but you send a word.
That’s more than enough for me. I need a word. I need a word.
I don’t just need a cute time. I don’t just need entertainment. I need a word. I got insecurities.
I got fears. I got issues. I need a word from God.
The kind of word that pushes out other words that have been spoken over me.
A kind of word that shifts what I’ve been thinking about myself.
I need a word that pushes out all the other words and there’s only one word strong enough to do that and it’s got to come from God.
So I get in environments where I can have the presence of God get in me so that it can push out what’s in me that I don’t need what’s in me that’s keeping me from laying hold of that identity that God has for me.
I need a word. The widow needs a word, but she doesn’t know she needs a word.
She doesn’t know that she’s in a situation where she needs to work.
She thought that she had already figured out her life.
I love how God works because she already had her plan, figured out, she already had an idea of how things were going to end.
She already had an idea of how she was going to plan the rest of her days.
But God sent a word when she least expected it and because God sent a word, it shifted things for her.
I want to tell you in verse 12 that she says to Elijah as the Lord, your God lives, I do not have bread, only a handful of flour in a bin and a little oil in a jar.
And see I am gathering a couple of sticks that I may go in and prepare for myself and my son that we may eat it and die.
She’s got all of the parts to assemble her end.
Not realizing that God wants to give her a new beginning.
You’ve got all of the parts to assemble the life that you think God has called you to live.
Because you’ve been through so much, you’ve been through so many different struggles.
You’ve had so many different issues that you have decided to take what you have left and to create an ending that feels safe and comfortable for you.
But God sends a word. He sent a word at the love life women’s conference.
He sent a word. He’s been speaking to you since Thursday.
He sent a word that was meant to shift what you were gonna do with the parts that you have.
Elijah said to the woman. Do not fear, go and do as you have said.
But make me a small cake from it first and bring it to me and afterward.
Make some for yourself and your son for the thus says, the Lord God of Israel, the bin of flowers shall not be used up, nor shall the jar of oil run dry until the day.
The Lord sends rain on the earth.
Elijah didn’t tell the woman you’ve almost got everything you need, but you need to go and pick up some other things and then go into the kitchen and make the cake.
He tells the woman you have all of the parts, you just have the ending wrong.
Elijah said you’ve got everything you need for the miracle I want to do in your life.
I feel God on this. You’ve been thinking that you don’t have enough.
You’ve been thinking that if you would have just had a different childhood, if you would have just had a different marriage, if you just would have gone to the right school and you had more zeros in your bank account that things would be different.
But I hear God saying you got everything you need to work with for the miracle I want to do in your life.
The only thing you don’t have is the right expectation.
So I’m gonna send Sarah Jake Roberts on a Saturday morning to help you understand that I gave you everything you need to work with.
I just need you to change your so love life conference.
I came all the way from Los Angeles, California to let you know that you don’t need anything else that what God wants to do in your life.
He’s already giving you everything that you need to assemble it. You just don’t have the right word.
And so I just want you to know that the enemy has placed a word in your m to make you confused about what God wants to do.
But you are in the right place at the right time to send hail.
Notice that I’m Uprooting every word that you placed in my life that is keeping me from the miracle that God wants to do.
Hell, I rebuke you, Satan. You cannot have my mind. Get off of my child.
I got a word from heaven and it’s shaking up everything on the inside of me.
I got a word from the Holy ghost and it’s shifting things on the inside.
I wish I had just two or three crazy women who wanted to let hell know that I got everything that I need.
I got everything I need. I got everything I need.
I just gotta change my mind about what I’ve got. I gotta change my mind about what I’ve got God.
You can do a miracle right here right now.
God, you can do it with no help from any man because that’s the kind of God I serve.
I have everything I need. I rebuke the spirit of life in this place.
I rebuke the spirit of insecurity in this place.
I got everything I need. I got everything I need.
I dare you to start saying it. I got everything I need. I got everything I need.
I got everything I need for that child. I got everything I need for that marriage.
I got everything I need for that business. I got everything I need. God gave it to me.
I know I got everything I need. God blessed me to have it.
I got, I got everything I need because when I use what I got, he multiplies it.
He can’t multiply it unless I use it. So I gotta see it properly.
I gotta trust that when I use it, you’re going to replace it that when I give forgiveness that you’re gonna give me more to give that.
When I give grace, you’re gonna give me more to give. I got everything I need.
When you have the mindset that you’ve got everything you need.
The enemy can’t torment you with what you think you don’t have.
I know you didn’t have your father in your life, but you got everything you need.
I know you didn’t have the right friendships but you got everything you need.
I’m not gonna be so caught up in what I don’t have that I don’t make the best use of what I do have.
God, you gave me everything I need. God, you gave me everything I need.
Every miracle that Jesus ever performed. He did it with what was already laying around.
He turned the water into wine. He sent the man to the pool.
He used clay and spit on his eyes. He didn’t have to hustle up on anything.
He didn’t have to ask anyone to validate him or to be his friend.
He just had enough oil down on the inside of him that everything he touched turned into a miracle.
And I just want you to know that that same resurrecting power that was down in Jesus Christ is down on the inside of you and you got enough oil working on the inside of you to send demons down Tampa Florida.
You got enough oil down on the inside of you to break a generational curse off of your family.
You got enough oil down on the inside of you.
I feel God, I got enough oil.
I got enough oil, suicidal thoughts. I got too much oil, depression. I got too much oil.
I’ll take this oil to therapy. I’ll take this oil to rehab.
I’ll do whatever I gotta do because I got enough oil to make hell nervous.
Now this is my first time.
And I was supposed to be acting dignified, but there’s something shut up in my bones.
Jeremiah would call it fire. Shut up in my bones.
Is there anybody else in this room who’s got fire? Shut up in their bones?
I came to reignite that fire that is down on the inside of you.
I came to be your prophet and to tell you woman use what you got to get what God says, use what you have to get what God said.
I’m a fire starter baby.
I’m a fire starter baby. Everywhere I go, you’re gonna see smoke because I’m a fire starter.
He put fire down on the inside of me.
Holy ghost fire.
Wonder, working fire, miracle, working fire, generational curse, work fire. Oh I got fire baby. I got fire for days.
I got fire to forgive. I got fire to dream. I got fired to pursue that healing. I got fire.
Shut up. It shut up in my bones.
Jeremiah said I tried to not preach but it was just shut up in my bones, which means I had to release what was shut up inside of me.
I need you to release something in this place. I need you to release something in your marriage.
I need you to release something in your workplace. Release fire and all consuming holy ghost fire.
That makes hell so nervous that they say I thought I had that woman and you tell hell that bruise tail still serpents heads.
Jesus broke the curse and when he broke the curse, he put me in a position where I could crush the enemy’s head.
And all it took was one word from Elijah to the widow that made her believe that she was not gonna die where the drought met her.
You see the drought just wasn’t around the woman.
The drought cut in the woman, but the word pushed the drought outside of the woman again.
I don’t know what’s in you. That shouldn’t be in you any longer.
But I wanna give you 30 seconds to push out what you don’t need so that you can take in what you do need because the conference is coming to an end.
But the fire is just getting started and when you leave this place, we can’t let extinguish what God placed on the inside of you.
So insecurity, I push you out fear. I push you out, anxiety. I push you out.
You can’t have me anymore. You gotta let me go.
I’m just pushing, I’m just pushing a few things out.
I’m just pushing a few things out.
Things I’ve been carrying for years, things that kept me bound since I was a little girl.
I’m pushing it out. I’m pushing it out. I’m pushing it out. I’m making room for more grace.
I’m making room for more glory. I’m making room for more fire.
I just want you to remember and I’m, I’m done because I’m almost out of time.
No, y’all not gonna get me kicked out. This is my first.
Oh oh, when Jesus was in the wilderness and Satan told him to turn the stone to bread, Jesus said that men shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God.
So when Satan comes in fear and darkness and depression comes and tries to tell you to take a stone and turn it to bread.
I dare you to let hell know that I’m not living for bread.
I’m living for a word.
And until this word runs its course, and I get a new word.
I’m not gonna abuse what is around me and try to make it something.
It’s not, I’m just gonna sit here and wait for another word because the word changes things because the word breaks things off of my mind because the word is what got me in it and the word is what’s gonna get me out of it.
I wish I had two or three crazy women in here who would make a vow.
I’m living by a word. I’m living by a word. I’m fearfully and wonderfully made.
Yes, you left me and yes, I’m still wonderful because I live by a word.
Yes, I don’t know what’s gonna happen, but I know all things are gonna work together because I live by a word though.
He slay me yet. Shall I trust in him because I live by a word.
You want to reignite your fire.
Get a word, get a word to go to war with the enemy with, get a word to go with, to go to war with fear with.
Get a word. Get a word, get a word if you’re in this room and you realize I’ve been looking at what I have the wrong way and what I really need is a new word, a fresh word to change how I see the materials in my life.
I need a word to help me find my peace again.
I need a word to help me understand my power. I need a word.
I need authority over the enemy and that can only come from a word.
I need a word about my identity. I need a word. Can you just lift your hands?
I want to pray for you. Hallelujah. Hallelujah.
Thank you Jesus spirit of the living God all over this place.
There are women with their hands up because they need a word and I have brought them as far as I can get them.
Now, God, this is on you. You are the same God that spoke the word world into existence.
It took one word and you created the heavens and the earth.
It took one word for you to do everything that you have done in this world.
You’ve done it through a word and God, we’re asking you for a new word.
God, I need a new word over my life.
But God, before I can make room for this new word, God, I’m asking you to uproot every word that didn’t come from you.
God uproot every thought, every fear, every anxiety that you didn’t place down on the inside of me.
Words spoken over me from parents who never understood who I was.
Words spoken over me in marriages and relationships that I can’t shake God, help me to uproot the words that don’t look like you in my life because they’re taking up too much space.
And God, I asked in exchange that you would give me a new word that I would truly believe that I’m fearfully and wonderfully made that I would truly believe that you were still in the business of doing miracles that I would truly believe that all things are gonna work together for my good.
That I would truly believe that no weapon formed against me would prosper.
That I would truly believe that you are my healer and you are my provider.
God give me words of affirmation and faith and destiny so that when I leave this place, I can sustain what you’ve given me in this moment, God, we receive every truth that we’ve heard over this weekend and we ask that you would bury it so deep in our hearts that it produces fruit and then more fruit that our children’s Children will be blessed by the decisions that we made in this moment.
God, I thank you that you’re gonna seal this word and that you are gonna send confirmation after confirmation that your daughters are on the right track that the crowns are placed on their heads properly and that they would take their position in your kingdom as the mighty warrior women that they are in Jesus name.
- The Fulfillment Of A Promise – Dr. Charles StanleyTháng 3 29, 2023