Applying the Law of the Carrot to Change Your Life | Jonathan Cahn Sermon

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Applying the Law of the Carrot to Change Your Life | Jonathan Cahn Sermon

There is a principle that guides much of human action, even yours. But if you can channel it for the Lord, it can revolutionize your life.

To get Jonathan’s newest prophetic book: The Josiah Manifesto – or his other bestsellers: The Return Of The Gods, The Harbinger II, The Oracle, The Paradigm, The Book of Mysteries, The Harbinger, & more – Go to Amazon or anywhere books are sold.

Jonathan Cahn has been called the prophetic voice of his generation and is known for unlocking the deep mysteries and revelations of God’s Word. He leads Hope of the World, a worldwide ministry of outreach of God’s Word to all nations, and His love and compassion to the world’s most needy.

Recorded Live at Beth Israel at the Jerusalem Center in Wayne, NJ. Friday Nights (8pm) & Sunday Mornings (10am and 11:30am)

You can turn it all around and use it for good.
The same thing that’s used by evil men to manipulate behavior, you’ve got the power to use this for god in your own life.
The thing is the enemy has tried to the same way he tries to take the carrot and use it to get you to do things that are wrong and bad for you He tries to take the stick and use it with the things of god and make it feel that, hey.
There’s nothing there for you. But the things of god always lead to joy.
Always, the key is to link them back to joy in your life. Look down ahead.
How am I gonna feel if if I become a real person of god’s presence, how am I gonna feel?
What will happen if I spend more time with god?
Look at the think about the blessings that’ll come in your life, picture yourself filled with the the presence of god, the joy of the lord, the blessings of that, What will happen if you get deeper in god?
You put off the old, put on the new, more of the new.
Think of all the joys and blessings you’re gonna have.
When you give, god says that he promises he’s gonna bless you.
If you give, so instead of focusing on what you’re giving, look at the end of that.
Focus on god is gonna bless I don’t know what the blessing is, but he’s gonna bless me.
And that’s not a bad thing to do.
It’s a good thing to do because you’re gonna be a giving person.
When you think of prayer, don’t just think of what you have to do.
I gotta put in my time with God.
Think of the fact that you’re gonna be able to dwell in the presence of the heavenly places.
You’re gonna dwell the glory of god. Feel that pleasure. Think of it. It’s good.
It’s it’s healthy. Dream of it. Think of it. Wow.
I can be in god’s, but you’re gonna rush into god’s presence if you get that in your heart.
And the presence of the lord is what? Foolness of joy. What else? Pleasures forevermore.
Feel the pleasure. Delight in the lord.
The the light of the awesomeest I’m gonna be with the king today.
I’m gonna be in the in the heavenly places today. You won’t be able to avoid it.
If that’s in your heart. When you think about reading the word, don’t think about just reading the word.
I gotta read this. I gotta read this many verses. Think of the awesomeness.
I’m gonna be able to open up the living, the the oracles of the lord, the living god.
I’m gonna have revelation. When I open this up, it’s like I’m opening up a treasure.
That’s how I wanna open up the Bible. I’m opening up a treasure chest.
The bread of heaven’s coming to me. I’m just gonna give me life and power.
I may be receiving something that nobody ever received. When you open up the Bible, it’s a treasure chest.
You know, you might have a hard time to open the Bible.
You don’t have a hard time to open up a treasure chest. There’s something here.
There’s all these things where you did all these diamonds. Open this is worth more than the treasure chest.
The key is rejoicing it.
It brings joy bring joy into it you won’t be able to keep it closed.
What about being kinder to your loved ones? Think of the joy of having a good marriage.
A good family that’s blessed because of what you did and what you didn’t do.
And it works doubly. Because the more you rejoice in the things of god, the less you’re gonna be tempted by the things of the enemy.
It’s like somebody who has an affair even in their mind because they’re rejoicing what they should not rejoice, and it takes away their joy and their love for their spouse.
It uses it up. But if they cut out that affair or in their mind, their joy for their spouse can revive And the more delight they the more they delight in it, the less they’re gonna be tempted by anybody else.
But you have to choose what you’re gonna what’s gonna be your joy.
Because once you once you choose your joy, the rest of your life is gonna follow.
But they have to choose, ponder, delight. The life of right life of purity.
I want that. See, when you try not to do what you think is joyful, it doesn’t work.
You try to do what is not joy doesn’t work. You’re putting the cart before the the horse there.
Forget about trying to do something Work on the joy. Start pondering. Start meditating delight in the good.
You’ll do the rest. And Hebrew the word for One of the words for happiness or blessedness, happiness is a share.
Try it. A share means happy, but it also means straight, like like righteousness, the straight way.
In Hebrew, they’re joined together. Rightsness and happiness are joined together. And we have to do the same thing.
Righteous is happiness. Sin is horrible. Sin is is evil sin is not just evil. It’s painful.
I don’t want it. Proverbs 5 says says avoid the adult justice, but it doesn’t start.
It says look where it goes. So look at the end of that.
Look at the pain, but it doesn’t stop there. It said then it says this.
It goes to the other side of the antidote. It says this.
It says, drink water from your own cisterns.
Fresh water from your own well Should your springs flow into the street?
Streams of washing your life get all destroyed because of adultery? It says, no.
Let them it says it says it says rejoice in the wife of your youth.
Let her satisfy you. Be exhilarated with her love.
Rejoice in what god has given you.
It doesn’t matter if you’re single or married or single.
Rejoice in what god has given you and you won’t be you won’t be tempted by what is not yours.
Rejoice in what god has said yes to.
You’re gonna be filled up and you won’t have a problem with all the other things.
You’re the most miserable people are those who rejoice in what they don’t have and can’t have.
The most blessed people are those who rejoice in what god has given. Rejoice.
And what it’s saying is you’ve got the power to assign joy. Your joy is portable.
And it may take a while because you’re not used to it.
Your habit goes rewired, but you can rewire it in god. You can take your joy.
It’ll take it’ll take a little practice.
Start putting it into the things that are good that you know you’re gonna do, and you’ll do it.
To rejoice that your names are written in the book of life. Rejoice in the lord. Always.
Again, I will say rejoice. Paul said, listen, this is a safeguard for you because if you rejoice in the lord, it’s gonna guard you.
And the more you rejoice in the lord, And the things of god, the less the enemy has any power over you.
He puts his carrot. I don’t need that. He puts a stick. I’m not afraid of that.
Keep yourself filled, drink water from your own will, what god has blessed you with, and you’re gonna be happy.
Because you don’t serve joy, but make joy your servant.
The servant of god’s purposes This is such a powerful, it’s practical, and it’s spiritual.
It’s what god says. That’s why he god wants you to have joy.
But the only way you’re gonna have it is doing his doing it his way.
That’s why he told his people he gave them holidays. He gave them festivals. Why?
So they can have joy He didn’t give them funerals. He gave them festivals.
And now back to the begins. We bring this home back to the beginning.
That scripture to make Jerusalem. If I make Jerusalem, my chief joy.
You know, food could be a joy to you.
A person you’re in love with could be a joy to you, but a city, I mean, it’s not the natural way.
You have to choose that. You you can even assign your joy to a city. Your joy is totally portable.
You can assign you’ve got the power to do that.
To bring it into whatever’s good, whatever’s right, whatever’s true, my joy is gonna be there. Think about it.
What did Messiah tell you to do? When somebody persecutes you, when you’re being security. What do you do?
It says rejoice and leap for joy.
Now that is not what you naturally would do when somebody’s prosecuting you.
But you’re choosing to do it. You’re choosing to say, you know, someone pursued it to me. I have joy.
Why? Not because I’m looking at what they did, I’m looking through it. I’m looking beyond.
I’m looking at the reward I have. I’m looking at the fact that I’m honored to be with Messiah.
I’m looking at the fact that I’m in the company of the prophet, so I’m gonna rejoice at the high honor.
So if I can rejoice at being persecuted, I can enjoy, then what’s ever gonna defeat me.
You understand? If you can rejoice over that, you’ve conquered the world.
If you can rejoice over that, which is is hard, then you can rejoice over anything.
You can do all things through Messiah.
So to bring it home, the enemy uses this secret for evil and to cripple your life.
You can turn it all around and use it for good.
The same thing that’s used by evil men to manipulate behavior You’ve got the power to use this for god in your own life.
You the power to remove from anything that it shouldn’t be there. You you, your joy is sacred.
Use that power to change your life.
Whatever you need to stop doing, stop rejoicing in it, start feeling the pain.
Whatever you need to start doing, get that joy in there. Start rejoicing.
Whatever you don’t delight in it where you’re Joyce, you’re gonna be. Where your joy as your life follows.
With this power, you can change any habit, any action, the entire course of your life.
You’ve got the power use it. It’s the power of god. It’s the power of his joy.
Rejoice in the lord always. Again, I will say it. Rejoice.
To light yourself in the lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart.
And in the presence of your god is the fullness of your joy and delights and pleasures forevermore.
This is Jonathan Khan. Thanks for watching.
The return of the gauntlets is available literally everywhere, Amazon, wherever books are sold, and god bless you.

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