How To Break Out Of The Prison Of Your Feelings | Jonathan Cahn Sermon

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“Knowing the truth goes beyond just feeling it. Truth isn’t validated by emotions—sometimes you feel it, and sometimes you don’t. But by knowing it, you are set free. This love we’re called to isn’t based on how we feel but on commitment and action, regardless of emotions. The Bible instructs husbands to love their wives and wives to love their husbands, not based on feelings but on steadfast choice. Society often treats love as fleeting, driven by emotions, like in Hollywood. But real, enduring love stands firm, committed to God’s command, not fluctuating with feelings.

Scripture doesn’t ask if we feel like loving; it commands us to love. Just as you wouldn’t refuse to take out the trash simply because you don’t feel like it, the same applies to love. God asks us to love even when it’s hard. For husbands, this means loving as Christ loves the church, with a sacrificial and unwavering love. For wives, it means respecting their husbands as they would respect Christ. This command to love has no conditions or small print—love, period.

And it’s not just in marriage; this principle of unconditional love applies to honoring parents, too. The Bible doesn’t say to honor them only if they were perfect. It simply says, “Honor them.” This is the same love we’re called to show to enemies. Loving enemies requires a radical, unconditional love that defies natural responses.

An example is forgiveness. Yesterday, my son lost his brother’s wallet, which held everything valuable to him. His brother forgave him, not because he felt like it but because he chose to, mirroring God’s love and forgiveness for us. This kind of love doesn’t come naturally—it’s an act of will, choosing to forgive and love unconditionally, just as God loves us. True love, whether between family or friends, is a commitment to love unconditionally, woven into us by God’s design.”

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