Practice Your Praise – The Power of Prayer and Praise Vol 3
Practice Your Praise – The Power of Prayer and Praise Vol 3
In this series Dr. Bill Winston explains how God has given you control over your own destiny which is demonstrated throughout Scripture. Believers who ask receive, but how? While it begins with prayer it is faith that makes prayer work. Even when you do not know what to pray for the Holy Spirit intercedes on your behalf according to the will of God through whom all things are possible.
The believer’s wonk of faith is paid for by Bill Winston, ministry partners and viewers.
Where are you going to? Supernatural is a mandate. Where are you going to?
Supernatural is a lifestyle. God’s gonna make you a praise in the earth.
Praise is more than music.
It is a warfare tool that God gives you so that you can shift the battle over to Him.
He inhabits the praises of His people.
Prayer sends angels praise, sends God you just get up off your knees and walk away.
That’s not the right thing to do at the midnight hour. You’re not done yet.
You get up off your knees, raise your hands up and start giving God some praise because it’s already done.
You are made for worship. I want you to find something to believe. OK?
Now I’m saying to you, it might be that you might have a school loan that’s $70,000 or something.
Then find a scripture. Let’s believe God that you can have that paid off. I’m saying, don’t make it possible.
That’s where you can start us because once you do the mind will get, get it and it’ll start trying to figure out how to do this.
But if you take it beyond your mind, now, your spirit’s got it. Say amen to this.
And then as you then began to, uh, meditate, well, I don’t want to get ahead of myself, but I’d like you to pick something, car paid off, home, paid off.
Now, I understand you’re dealing with a big God.
I said, you’re dealing with a big guy that, that no matter what it is.
If it’s according to life and Godliness, it’s already yours.
You’re not trying to talk God out of something, it’s already yours. You’re not waiting on God.
God is waiting on you. All this stuff is out there right now.
And I’m telling you, we’re coming into a time where there’s going to be the greatest agreement between heaven and earth that’s ever been seen since Adam in the garden.
It’s coming up right now. In other words, whatever is in heaven will be in the church is gonna be in the church.
Folks gonna be healed all over the plate. I’m talking about the Holy Ghost is about to beautify the church.
I’m prophesized. Now. They going to my prophet thing now about to beautify the church, whatever is missing, whatever is not right, the holy ghost is gonna make it right.
What whoever’s been harassing you gonna be cut off, who come up. God is about to do some big thing.
He’s about to make joy, come in the church.
Like you’ve never seen him before no longer.
Are we gonna have to try to uh uh talk somebody into the kingdom or, or just persuade them to come in?
They’re gonna see the works. They’re not only gonna see the work, they’re gonna smell a sweet aroma when you come back.
But you’re gonna be a living sacrifice for God.
I got a feeling we’ve got to move into our finest hour now.
I just need somebody to believe. That’s all I need somebody to believe.
Say I believe, praise God, thank God for motivation.
But let it be motivated by the word of God.
See, you gotta be unashamed of this guy that nowhere in that Bible, that logic produced a miracle.
You find it in there. If not in there, God’s gonna tell you to do something that is slightly off the beaten path of the human logic.
I’m not ashamed of it.
I’m talking about we gonna demonstrate the kingdom. All right.
So look at Mark 1123. All right. Mark 1123.
He says, or I say to you that whosoever shall say to this mountain be thou removed, be thou cast into the sea, shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things that He said shall come to pass.
He shall have whatsoever. He said, you cannot say what you have not seen, don’t have mercy and believing is seeing.
And when you see something that other folk can’t see you become unstoppable.
So Mark 1124, what things, so therefore I say to you what things soever you desire, when you pray believe that you what receive them and what will happen, you shall have them.
Do you believe that? Now this is Jesus telling you how you are made.
This is for the impossible, say impossible. All right.
Now notice this verse, it has nothing to do with payment.
It has to do with believing.
And when you believe um we get this right because somebody came up in service and they had a little bit wrong.
God will either give you the thing or what it takes to get.
The thing are y’all with me here.
So the reason why many saints are still without is because they’re trying to figure out how they going to pay for this rather than just believe it.
Say amen to that. I remember when I was young, we used to do something called window shopping.
Y’all ever heard of that before?
We, we go downtown on Sunday afternoon and go through the different shops and look in the windows and my brother and I, you know, we, that’s mine.
Well, no, that’s mine. I claimed that first. That’s mine.
We didn’t have money to pay for none of it, but we used to do window shopping.
Sometimes you need to just get in your car and ride downtown and see what belongs to you.
Yes. So what am I saying?
God is telling us to believe for it?
Say I believe He is telling you what you’re capable of doing.
You’re capable of believing for something that is absolutely impossible. Did he do that with Abraham?
He told him he’s gonna have a baby? He and Sarah. Sarah had never had Children.
Abraham had was now past the age of child bearing. He said, you’re gonna have to have a child.
The Bible says, Abraham believed God say, I believe God.
So your job is to one have a desire and the next to believe, believe for the thing, say thing, things.
So sometimes you have to put a picture up of the thing so you can get this thing in your heart.
All right, last place. Let’s go over to psalm 22, Please. Psalm 22. How are you doing?
Doing OK. All right. So I’m 22.
Now here, the title of this is the Power of prayer and Praise.
Let’s look at Psalm 22 verse three. But thou art holy.
Oh thou that inhabits the praises of Israel.
God inhabits the praises of his people.
I said, God inhabits the praises of his people.
Now Let’s go to acts chapter 13.
Let’s look, starting at verse one.
Now, there were in the church that was at Antioch, certain prophets and teachers as Barnabus and Simian that was called *** and Lucius of Cyrene and many of which had been brought up with Herod, the te truck and Saul.
Now, if you remember Saul was soon called who Paul as they ministered to the Lord and fasted, the holy Ghost said, separate me Barnabus and Saul for the work.
Whereto I have called them. Now, I just underline something as they ministered to the Lord as they ministered to the Lord and fasted.
The holy ghost said, underline, the holy ghost said, OK, separate me bo and soul for the work where until I’ve called him and when they had fasted and prayed and laid hands on them, they sent them away.
So they’re being sent forth by the holy ghost, say sent forth by the Holy Ghost underline that departed to so from and from then they sail to Cyprus.
That’s far as we gotta read right there now, that’s what a lot of people don’t do.
They don’t minister to the Lord.
Now, that’s different from the prayer of faith or petition prayer.
Because when I come to for petition prayer, it’s something I need from God.
It’s like John chapter um what 16 verses 23 and 24, you know, up till now, you’ve asked me nothing but ask you shall receive in my name that uh your may be for very few songs to the Lord.
They usually minister to us and we minister to each other.
But prayer that we’ve had is primarily petitioning God. But this is different.
They’re gonna minister to the Lord. You see God wants fellowship with us.
He lost that. When Adam Adam left, he wants to be with us.
And once they ministered to the Lord, the holy ghost said, so notice as God, as we fellowship with Him, not asking anything from him but ministering to him, then it seems like he starts ministering to us.
So I’m saying here that God can move mightily in our midst if we set up the right atmosphere a year.
So we need to take more time to minister to the Lord.
Now let’s let’s go on down and see some of this. Let’s go to acts chapter 16, please.
In acts chapter 16, this is when Paul and Barnabas or Paul and Silas were there ministering and this woman who had a spirit of divination was delivered.
A lot of people who are making money off with this woman.
Now all of a sudden they got mad at Paul and Silas and end up beating him and put him in jail.
I wanna say something about this first that they were put in jail, but they weren’t put in, put in jail for being out of the will of God.
They were in the perfect will of God.
So notice how the enemy would try to attack you even if you’re in the perfect will of God.
See, and a lot of times what people do. Well, the Lord is testament. No, ain’t testing.
It’s the devil trying to kill you.
And what you need to do is understand you’re in the perfect will of God.
And now all you got to do is stand. Yeah. Say amen to this.
So what did they do? They threw him in prison.
Now, one of the things they didn’t do is they didn’t get down in prison and start griping, complaining, belly aching about what was going on.
But the Bible says at midnight glory to God. Well, I’m about to preach now.
Oh, it is a preach. What that preach? Verse 25.
I’m talking about when your money is funny.
Uh Come on, I’m talking about when the doctor just said something crazy.
I I’m talking about when, when, when some bad report just came in at midnight, Paul and silence.
What prayed and sang praises onto God and the prisoners heard them. See the Bible says in everything, give thanks.
It didn’t say for everything it says in the middle of it. I’m talking about ministering to God.
Now I’m talking about about about when the praises go up.
I I’m talking about he inhabits the praises of his people. Prayer sends angels, praise, sends God.
So the Bible says when Paul and Silas prayed here, they, they, they, they prayed and then sang praises to God.
And this is what he says here and, and, and, and the prisoners heard them not overheard, heard, they heard him, they weren’t being quiet.
This is a night. This is the 11th hour. This is the time.
Hey, I got to get some action here, but they believed in prayer and praise.
I’m talking about, they didn’t have no lawyers to come down there.
They said, God’s gonna let me out. Boy, this thing is powerful man.
And so they prayed and said praises to God and look what happened in verse 26.
And suddenly there was a what not an earthquake. What kind of earthquake was it? A great earthquake?
So the foundation of the prison were shaken and immediately all the doors were open and everybody’s vans were loose.
I’m talking about when you get action in your community, everybody is about to be set free.
I tell you going to be too expensive for the devil to mess with.
Now, I just want you to see something here because it was a midnight hour.
Circumstances looked real bad and here’s Paul and Silas, they are gonna pray.
Now I’m saying they prayed and then they start giving praises to God.
And I think what happens with people’s lives sometimes they pray. But look what happened.
The earthquake didn’t come till some praise showed up.
You just get up off your knees and walk away.
That’s not the right thing to do at the midnight hour. You’re not done yet.
You get up off your knees, raise your hands up and start giving God some praise because it’s already done.
Now, your attitude in the middle of this thing has got a lot to do with the altitude.
You’re about to go to say amen to that.
The Bible says over in James chapter one and verse two, it says, count it all joy.
When you fall into first temptations, see it didn’t say cry about it.
It didn’t say start complaining, start blaming the man. Start looking at the White House, the government, the Senate.
I didn’t say nothing about that as far as you’re concerned, you counted all joy.
I said you counted all joy. Now they were in the worst situation in their life.
I’m here to tell you saint you about to be delivered from something you ain’t never been delivered from in your life.
God has heard you. All you had to do is come in here and He Bill Winston.
Tell you that when you get up off your knees, you get your hands up in the air.
Don’t care who hears you and start praising God and watch God take over the battle.
This is about to be the church’s finest hour and that’s what this is a year of praise.
We about to have some praise services.
We’re not gonna have to ask for nothing, just come in and praise God and everything gonna be taken care of.
I’m not talking about praising for a minute.
I’m told I give him some serious praise.
See, because that shifts the battle. See, that shifts it. You don’t need to see in second chronicles.
Lord have mercy. Look at second chronicles. Chapter 20 and verse 20. Just put it up on the board.
Please praise God. This is your time and anybody can do this. See, praise makes the devil shut up.
It’s still the avenor and they rolled up early in the morning.
Now they didn’t know what to do because they were outnumbered and went out into the wilderness at Taco.
And as they went forth, Jez stood and said, hear me, oh Israel.
And you inhabitants of Jerusalem believe in the Lord, your God.
So shall you be established if you believe his prophets? So shall you prosper?
And as your prophet right now, I’m telling you when you get in your next situation, just get down and pray to God receiving my faith and get up and start praising Him.
When they had consulted with the people, he appointed singers and to the Lord, he didn’t appoint people with big bayonets and machetes and spears and so forth.
He got some singers. I said he got some singers and that should praise the beauty of holiness as they went out before the army to say, praise the Lord for his mercy, endure forever and watch what happened as a result of that.
And when they begin to sing and praise the Lord, the Lord is an ambush against the Children of Ammon Mo Mo which were come against Judah and they were smitten, watch it and for the Children of Ammon and Mo stood up against the inhabitants of Mount Sear utterly to slay and destroy them.
And when they had made an end of the inhabitants of sr, everyone helped to destroy one another.
They didn’t need to even fight the enemy turned on each other.
I’m saying, I don’t know what you’re going through, but you don’t even need to fight this battle.
This battle don’t belong to you. I said this battle. I, I’m talking about, I’m talk, Lord have mercy.
God’s gonna fight this battle.
We are coming to a time where the church is going to be a praise unto God.
You follow what I’m saying.
So I’m saying in your life right now know this, that whatever you’re going through.
God considers it now midnight and now it’s time for you to give God some serious praise it up on the board, please.
And when Judah came towards the watch tower and the wilderness and they looked into the multitude and behold, they were all dead bodies falling to the earth and none escaped.
And he said, and when Joseph and His people came to take away the spoil of them, they found among them in abundance, both riches, property houses, swimming pools, cars, they stripped off for themselves more than they could carry away and they were three days gathering the spoil.
It was so much folks.
I know you got people in here that don’t believe the word of God, but the Bible says one thing, let God be true and every man be a liar.
Listen, God is no respecter of who person.
If He’ll do it for Jehoshaphat, he’ll do it for B W, come on, he’ll do it for, come on.
He’ll do it for Ray. Ray.
I’m here to tell you, God’s about to do it for anybody that’s willing to pray and give him some praise.
Now, give him some praise right now and practice your praise. Practice your praise, practice your praise.
That’s what I just heard. Practice your praise.
I want you from this day.
Don’t you worry more about anything no matter what’s going on, no matter what report you get.
Don’t you worry about anything. If it’s too much for you, let your hands may raise a God and give him some praise.
We’re going to shift the battles in these.
Well, I try to do a bless by that teaching.
Now, this is offering day on the broadcast.
It’s a time that we have those who are listening or partners, whatever to sow a seed into the work that we’re doing.
Now, here’s a scripture that I want to bring to mind. It’s found in Second Kings chapter four.
This is when a woman, uh her Children were about to be taken to put in bondage or to work off a debt that apparently her family owed, they couldn’t pay it.
Well, you may be like that you may have something that you want that debt cancel or you can’t pay these debts or what are you gonna do?
Well, God is a debt canceling God.
And what happened is she cried to the man of God, the man of God began to give her a series of steps that she could do to be able to get enough, accumulate, enough to be able to pay off that debt.
And so what happened? He said, now, what do you have in your house?
She said, well, I don’t have anything except a pot of oil, a little oil.
Now that was burial oil, which is very expensive. They tell me it’s about worth about a year’s wages.
And so she had this oil.
He said, ok, now take that go borrow some vessels, don’t borrow a few, come in and shut the door with you and your sons and pour out.
And the Bible says she did that and went back to the man of God said, what do I do?
Now? He said, go sell the oil and pay your debt and live you and your Children on the rest.
Well, first of all, God is a God of increase psalm 1 15 and verse 14 says, the Lord shall increase you more and more you and your Children.
Now, isn’t it interesting how you put Children in there?
Because she called her kids in, then shut the door and then watched the miracle take place.
So in this offering message. I want you to know that God is a dead canceling God.
Secondly, know that miracles can take place any time.
Meaning that as you put that pressure on that covenant, that miracle will break loose.
And the third thing pass on faith as a legacy, get your kids involved in the things that you’re believing for and watch them grow up operating in faith, just like you.
Praise the Lord. Well, if you have your offering ready, praise God, just think in mine or write out a check or have your, you know, whatever you text or whatever you do have it ready.
Let let me pray over it right now because I’m I’m the prophet right now.
Let me pray over that gift that you sow that seed. I’ll pray over it right now.
Father, I pray in the name of Jesus that those who are sowing.
I pray for a multiplied return increase right now in Jesus name, father, we thank you for it and call it done in Jesus name.
Amen. Glory to God. I wanna thank you so much for your giving.
We are able to do so much because people like you are sowing seed, glory to God.
This is Bill Winston saying we love you.
And until next time, keep walking by faith, where are you going to?
Supernatural is a mandate. Where are you going to? Supernatural is a lifestyle.
God’s gonna make you a praise in the earth.
Praise is more than music.
It is a warfare tool that God gives you so that you can shift the battle over to Him.
He inhabits the praises of His people. Prayer, send angels praise, send God.
You just get up off your knees and walk away.
That’s not the right thing to do at the midnight hours. You’re not done yet.
You get up off your knees, raise your hands up and start giving God some praise because it’s already done.
You are made for worship. Govern the authority of your words, increase the force of your belief and embrace the peace of your worship.
In Pastor Winston’s Life Changing series, The Power of Prayer and Praise volume three to order on CD or MP three on DVD or P four.
Contact us online at Bill Winston dot org. You can also call us at 1 807 119327.
Now, remember you need faith to get to your destiny.
So don’t forget to subscribe and click on the notification bell so that you don’t miss any of our videos.
This is Bill Winston. I love you and keep walking by faith.
Where are you going to? Supernatural is a mandate. Where are you going to?
Supernatural is a lifestyle. God’s gonna make you a praise in the earth.
Praise is more than music.
It is a warfare tool that God gives you so that you can shift the battle over to Him.
He inhabits the praises of His people.
Prayer sends angels praise, sends God you just get up off your knees and walk away.
That’s not the right thing to do at the midnight hour. You’re not done yet.
You get up off your knees, raise your hands up and start giving God some praise because it’s already done.
You are made for worship. I want you to find something to believe. OK?
Now I’m saying to you, it might be that you might have a school loan that’s $70,000 or something.
Then find a scripture. Let’s believe God that you can have that paid off. I’m saying, don’t make it possible.
That’s where you can start us because once you do the mind will get, get it and it’ll start trying to figure out how to do this.
But if you take it beyond your mind, now, your spirit’s got it. Say amen to this.
And then as you then began to, uh, meditate, well, I don’t want to get ahead of myself, but I’d like you to pick something, car paid off, home, paid off.
Now, I understand you’re dealing with a big God.
I said, you’re dealing with a big guy that, that no matter what it is.
If it’s according to life and Godliness, it’s already yours.
You’re not trying to talk God out of something, it’s already yours. You’re not waiting on God.
God is waiting on you. All this stuff is out there right now.
And I’m telling you, we’re coming into a time where there’s going to be the greatest agreement between heaven and earth that’s ever been seen since Adam in the garden.
It’s coming up right now. In other words, whatever is in heaven will be in the church is gonna be in the church.
Folks gonna be healed all over the plate. I’m talking about the Holy Ghost is about to beautify the church.
I’m prophesized. Now. They going to my prophet thing now about to beautify the church, whatever is missing, whatever is not right, the holy ghost is gonna make it right.
What whoever’s been harassing you gonna be cut off, who come up. God is about to do some big thing.
He’s about to make joy, come in the church.
Like you’ve never seen him before no longer.
Are we gonna have to try to uh uh talk somebody into the kingdom or, or just persuade them to come in?
They’re gonna see the works. They’re not only gonna see the work, they’re gonna smell a sweet aroma when you come back.
But you’re gonna be a living sacrifice for God.
I got a feeling we’ve got to move into our finest hour now.
I just need somebody to believe. That’s all I need somebody to believe.
Say I believe, praise God, thank God for motivation.
But let it be motivated by the word of God.
See, you gotta be unashamed of this guy that nowhere in that Bible, that logic produced a miracle.
You find it in there. If not in there, God’s gonna tell you to do something that is slightly off the beaten path of the human logic.
I’m not ashamed of it.
I’m talking about we gonna demonstrate the kingdom. All right.
So look at Mark 1123. All right. Mark 1123.
He says, or I say to you that whosoever shall say to this mountain be thou removed, be thou cast into the sea, shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things that He said shall come to pass.
He shall have whatsoever. He said, you cannot say what you have not seen, don’t have mercy and believing is seeing.
And when you see something that other folk can’t see you become unstoppable.
So Mark 1124, what things, so therefore I say to you what things soever you desire, when you pray believe that you what receive them and what will happen, you shall have them.
Do you believe that? Now this is Jesus telling you how you are made.
This is for the impossible, say impossible. All right.
Now notice this verse, it has nothing to do with payment.
It has to do with believing.
And when you believe um we get this right because somebody came up in service and they had a little bit wrong.
God will either give you the thing or what it takes to get.
The thing are y’all with me here.
So the reason why many saints are still without is because they’re trying to figure out how they going to pay for this rather than just believe it.
Say amen to that. I remember when I was young, we used to do something called window shopping.
Y’all ever heard of that before?
We, we go downtown on Sunday afternoon and go through the different shops and look in the windows and my brother and I, you know, we, that’s mine.
Well, no, that’s mine. I claimed that first. That’s mine.
We didn’t have money to pay for none of it, but we used to do window shopping.
Sometimes you need to just get in your car and ride downtown and see what belongs to you.
Yes. So what am I saying?
God is telling us to believe for it?
Say I believe He is telling you what you’re capable of doing.
You’re capable of believing for something that is absolutely impossible. Did he do that with Abraham?
He told him he’s gonna have a baby? He and Sarah. Sarah had never had Children.
Abraham had was now past the age of child bearing. He said, you’re gonna have to have a child.
The Bible says, Abraham believed God say, I believe God.
So your job is to one have a desire and the next to believe, believe for the thing, say thing, things.
So sometimes you have to put a picture up of the thing so you can get this thing in your heart.
All right, last place. Let’s go over to psalm 22, Please. Psalm 22. How are you doing?
Doing OK. All right. So I’m 22.
Now here, the title of this is the Power of prayer and Praise.
Let’s look at Psalm 22 verse three. But thou art holy.
Oh thou that inhabits the praises of Israel.
God inhabits the praises of his people.
I said, God inhabits the praises of his people.
Now Let’s go to acts chapter 13.
Let’s look, starting at verse one.
Now, there were in the church that was at Antioch, certain prophets and teachers as Barnabus and Simian that was called *** and Lucius of Cyrene and many of which had been brought up with Herod, the te truck and Saul.
Now, if you remember Saul was soon called who Paul as they ministered to the Lord and fasted, the holy Ghost said, separate me Barnabus and Saul for the work.
Whereto I have called them. Now, I just underline something as they ministered to the Lord as they ministered to the Lord and fasted.
The holy ghost said, underline, the holy ghost said, OK, separate me bo and soul for the work where until I’ve called him and when they had fasted and prayed and laid hands on them, they sent them away.
So they’re being sent forth by the holy ghost, say sent forth by the Holy Ghost underline that departed to so from and from then they sail to Cyprus.
That’s far as we gotta read right there now, that’s what a lot of people don’t do.
They don’t minister to the Lord.
Now, that’s different from the prayer of faith or petition prayer.
Because when I come to for petition prayer, it’s something I need from God.
It’s like John chapter um what 16 verses 23 and 24, you know, up till now, you’ve asked me nothing but ask you shall receive in my name that uh your may be for very few songs to the Lord.
They usually minister to us and we minister to each other.
But prayer that we’ve had is primarily petitioning God. But this is different.
They’re gonna minister to the Lord. You see God wants fellowship with us.
He lost that. When Adam Adam left, he wants to be with us.
And once they ministered to the Lord, the holy ghost said, so notice as God, as we fellowship with Him, not asking anything from him but ministering to him, then it seems like he starts ministering to us.
So I’m saying here that God can move mightily in our midst if we set up the right atmosphere a year.
So we need to take more time to minister to the Lord.
Now let’s let’s go on down and see some of this. Let’s go to acts chapter 16, please.
In acts chapter 16, this is when Paul and Barnabas or Paul and Silas were there ministering and this woman who had a spirit of divination was delivered.
A lot of people who are making money off with this woman.
Now all of a sudden they got mad at Paul and Silas and end up beating him and put him in jail.
I wanna say something about this first that they were put in jail, but they weren’t put in, put in jail for being out of the will of God.
They were in the perfect will of God.
So notice how the enemy would try to attack you even if you’re in the perfect will of God.
See, and a lot of times what people do. Well, the Lord is testament. No, ain’t testing.
It’s the devil trying to kill you.
And what you need to do is understand you’re in the perfect will of God.
And now all you got to do is stand. Yeah. Say amen to this.
So what did they do? They threw him in prison.
Now, one of the things they didn’t do is they didn’t get down in prison and start griping, complaining, belly aching about what was going on.
But the Bible says at midnight glory to God. Well, I’m about to preach now.
Oh, it is a preach. What that preach? Verse 25.
I’m talking about when your money is funny.
Uh Come on, I’m talking about when the doctor just said something crazy.
I I’m talking about when, when, when some bad report just came in at midnight, Paul and silence.
What prayed and sang praises onto God and the prisoners heard them. See the Bible says in everything, give thanks.
It didn’t say for everything it says in the middle of it. I’m talking about ministering to God.
Now I’m talking about about about when the praises go up.
I I’m talking about he inhabits the praises of his people. Prayer sends angels, praise, sends God.
So the Bible says when Paul and Silas prayed here, they, they, they, they prayed and then sang praises to God.
And this is what he says here and, and, and, and the prisoners heard them not overheard, heard, they heard him, they weren’t being quiet.
This is a night. This is the 11th hour. This is the time.
Hey, I got to get some action here, but they believed in prayer and praise.
I’m talking about, they didn’t have no lawyers to come down there.
They said, God’s gonna let me out. Boy, this thing is powerful man.
And so they prayed and said praises to God and look what happened in verse 26.
And suddenly there was a what not an earthquake. What kind of earthquake was it? A great earthquake?
So the foundation of the prison were shaken and immediately all the doors were open and everybody’s vans were loose.
I’m talking about when you get action in your community, everybody is about to be set free.
I tell you going to be too expensive for the devil to mess with.
Now, I just want you to see something here because it was a midnight hour.
Circumstances looked real bad and here’s Paul and Silas, they are gonna pray.
Now I’m saying they prayed and then they start giving praises to God.
And I think what happens with people’s lives sometimes they pray. But look what happened.
The earthquake didn’t come till some praise showed up.
You just get up off your knees and walk away.
That’s not the right thing to do at the midnight hour. You’re not done yet.
You get up off your knees, raise your hands up and start giving God some praise because it’s already done.
Now, your attitude in the middle of this thing has got a lot to do with the altitude.
You’re about to go to say amen to that.
The Bible says over in James chapter one and verse two, it says, count it all joy.
When you fall into first temptations, see it didn’t say cry about it.
It didn’t say start complaining, start blaming the man. Start looking at the White House, the government, the Senate.
I didn’t say nothing about that as far as you’re concerned, you counted all joy.
I said you counted all joy. Now they were in the worst situation in their life.
I’m here to tell you saint you about to be delivered from something you ain’t never been delivered from in your life.
God has heard you. All you had to do is come in here and He Bill Winston.
Tell you that when you get up off your knees, you get your hands up in the air.
Don’t care who hears you and start praising God and watch God take over the battle.
This is about to be the church’s finest hour and that’s what this is a year of praise.
We about to have some praise services.
We’re not gonna have to ask for nothing, just come in and praise God and everything gonna be taken care of.
I’m not talking about praising for a minute.
I’m told I give him some serious praise.
See, because that shifts the battle. See, that shifts it. You don’t need to see in second chronicles.
Lord have mercy. Look at second chronicles. Chapter 20 and verse 20. Just put it up on the board.
Please praise God. This is your time and anybody can do this. See, praise makes the devil shut up.
It’s still the avenor and they rolled up early in the morning.
Now they didn’t know what to do because they were outnumbered and went out into the wilderness at Taco.
And as they went forth, Jez stood and said, hear me, oh Israel.
And you inhabitants of Jerusalem believe in the Lord, your God.
So shall you be established if you believe his prophets? So shall you prosper?
And as your prophet right now, I’m telling you when you get in your next situation, just get down and pray to God receiving my faith and get up and start praising Him.
When they had consulted with the people, he appointed singers and to the Lord, he didn’t appoint people with big bayonets and machetes and spears and so forth.
He got some singers. I said he got some singers and that should praise the beauty of holiness as they went out before the army to say, praise the Lord for his mercy, endure forever and watch what happened as a result of that.
And when they begin to sing and praise the Lord, the Lord is an ambush against the Children of Ammon Mo Mo which were come against Judah and they were smitten, watch it and for the Children of Ammon and Mo stood up against the inhabitants of Mount Sear utterly to slay and destroy them.
And when they had made an end of the inhabitants of sr, everyone helped to destroy one another.
They didn’t need to even fight the enemy turned on each other.
I’m saying, I don’t know what you’re going through, but you don’t even need to fight this battle.
This battle don’t belong to you. I said this battle. I, I’m talking about, I’m talk, Lord have mercy.
God’s gonna fight this battle.
We are coming to a time where the church is going to be a praise unto God.
You follow what I’m saying.
So I’m saying in your life right now know this, that whatever you’re going through.
God considers it now midnight and now it’s time for you to give God some serious praise it up on the board, please.
And when Judah came towards the watch tower and the wilderness and they looked into the multitude and behold, they were all dead bodies falling to the earth and none escaped.
And he said, and when Joseph and His people came to take away the spoil of them, they found among them in abundance, both riches, property houses, swimming pools, cars, they stripped off for themselves more than they could carry away and they were three days gathering the spoil.
It was so much folks.
I know you got people in here that don’t believe the word of God, but the Bible says one thing, let God be true and every man be a liar.
Listen, God is no respecter of who person.
If He’ll do it for Jehoshaphat, he’ll do it for B W, come on, he’ll do it for, come on.
He’ll do it for Ray. Ray.
I’m here to tell you, God’s about to do it for anybody that’s willing to pray and give him some praise.
Now, give him some praise right now and practice your praise. Practice your praise, practice your praise.
That’s what I just heard. Practice your praise.
I want you from this day.
Don’t you worry more about anything no matter what’s going on, no matter what report you get.
Don’t you worry about anything. If it’s too much for you, let your hands may raise a God and give him some praise.
We’re going to shift the battles in these.
Well, I try to do a bless by that teaching.
Now, this is offering day on the broadcast.
It’s a time that we have those who are listening or partners, whatever to sow a seed into the work that we’re doing.
Now, here’s a scripture that I want to bring to mind. It’s found in Second Kings chapter four.
This is when a woman, uh her Children were about to be taken to put in bondage or to work off a debt that apparently her family owed, they couldn’t pay it.
Well, you may be like that you may have something that you want that debt cancel or you can’t pay these debts or what are you gonna do?
Well, God is a debt canceling God.
And what happened is she cried to the man of God, the man of God began to give her a series of steps that she could do to be able to get enough, accumulate, enough to be able to pay off that debt.
And so what happened? He said, now, what do you have in your house?
She said, well, I don’t have anything except a pot of oil, a little oil.
Now that was burial oil, which is very expensive. They tell me it’s about worth about a year’s wages.
And so she had this oil.
He said, ok, now take that go borrow some vessels, don’t borrow a few, come in and shut the door with you and your sons and pour out.
And the Bible says she did that and went back to the man of God said, what do I do?
Now? He said, go sell the oil and pay your debt and live you and your Children on the rest.
Well, first of all, God is a God of increase psalm 1 15 and verse 14 says, the Lord shall increase you more and more you and your Children.
Now, isn’t it interesting how you put Children in there?
Because she called her kids in, then shut the door and then watched the miracle take place.
So in this offering message. I want you to know that God is a dead canceling God.
Secondly, know that miracles can take place any time.
Meaning that as you put that pressure on that covenant, that miracle will break loose.
And the third thing pass on faith as a legacy, get your kids involved in the things that you’re believing for and watch them grow up operating in faith, just like you.
Praise the Lord. Well, if you have your offering ready, praise God, just think in mine or write out a check or have your, you know, whatever you text or whatever you do have it ready.
Let let me pray over it right now because I’m I’m the prophet right now.
Let me pray over that gift that you sow that seed. I’ll pray over it right now.
Father, I pray in the name of Jesus that those who are sowing.
I pray for a multiplied return increase right now in Jesus name, father, we thank you for it and call it done in Jesus name.
Amen. Glory to God. I wanna thank you so much for your giving.
We are able to do so much because people like you are sowing seed, glory to God.
This is Bill Winston saying we love you.
And until next time, keep walking by faith, where are you going to?
Supernatural is a mandate. Where are you going to? Supernatural is a lifestyle.
God’s gonna make you a praise in the earth.
Praise is more than music.
It is a warfare tool that God gives you so that you can shift the battle over to Him.
He inhabits the praises of His people. Prayer, send angels praise, send God.
You just get up off your knees and walk away.
That’s not the right thing to do at the midnight hours. You’re not done yet.
You get up off your knees, raise your hands up and start giving God some praise because it’s already done.
You are made for worship. Govern the authority of your words, increase the force of your belief and embrace the peace of your worship.
In Pastor Winston’s Life Changing series, The Power of Prayer and Praise volume three to order on CD or MP three on DVD or P four.
Contact us online at Bill Winston dot org. You can also call us at 1 807 119327.
Now, remember you need faith to get to your destiny.
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This is Bill Winston. I love you and keep walking by faith.
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