“Don’t Be Afraid of Pressure Pt. 2” – Episode 4

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“Don’t Be Afraid of Pressure Pt. 2” – Episode 4

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Coming up next on changing your world. Stop this religious, fable stuff.
Let’s pay attention to Jesus. Let’s grow in him.
Let’s not forget that he’s already cleansed us from our own sins.
Keep beating yourself up from your old sins and rejoice in what Jesus has already done for you.
MatURE, develop, The
highly anticipated change experience tour is back.
Our first stop for the 2024 tour is Los Angeles, California. We’ll be there in February.
And then we’re headed to New York City in April.
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This is your world. Sola’s vow to make it better place.
Say, today.
We are changed.
Look at this. 1st 3 through 9 in NLT.
By his divine power, god has given us everything we need for living a godly life.
And the church said, amen. Amen. God, did you notice past tense?
He has already given us everything that he that we need.
Now there’s something about that that says, if he’s already given me everything that I need, I’m gonna reach out with my faith, and I’m just gonna go ahead and and and and receive it.
I’m gonna take possession of what may not be visibly in view.
But if I can find what his word says and release my faith to take hold of that, He’s already given me whatever I need to live a godly life.
And so I take hold of that by faith in Jesus’ name, and I receive it.
Faith takes hold of what Jesus has made available. Faith takes possession of what grace has made available.
You should be saying to the devil. Devil, don’t let me find this in the word.
Once you find it in the word, you’re like, uh, uh, you’re in trouble now because now I’m taking hold of this with my faith.
He says, we have received all of this by coming to know him. Wow.
Do you know him? Do do do you just know about him?
Do you know him? Do you have a intimate personal daily relationship with the lord Jesus Christ, where you talk to him and he speaks back to you.
Wow. Because if you don’t know him, you’re missing the whole point where Christianity is concerned.
Christianity is about a relationship between you and your heavenly father.
Christianity is not about a bunch of rules and regulations and and, and, and, and, you know, handle this and hold this and, dude, Christianity is about a personal relationship with god, and he then begins to lay out the protocols for you.
That’s what it’s about. It’s it’s awesome to be able to get up in the morning.
And the first thing on your mind is good morning, god.
It’s awesome to get up and and you’re like, father, I thank you for a good nice rest.
I I thank you that my head hit the pillow in peace, and my and my sleep was was sweet lord.
I’m thinking that I’m healed from the crown of my head to the soles of my feet.
I’m thinking, lord, that my day has been ordered and I’m thinking that you’re with me all day to day.
Oh, god. I need you today. I need you I need to hear from you today. God. Oh, god.
Show me how to walk in love today.
Show me how not to, to, to, to, to, to live in my past today.
See, see, god knows all and everything about you, and he wants in on your and he wants a personal relationship with you, it is not just coming to church that makes you a Christian.
It is your one on one personal relationship with god.
And when you have that one on one personal relationship with him, He infuses you on the inside, and you are strengthened for the day.
You are strengthened for the battle. No fear. Praise god. No no condemning yourself, no beating yourself up.
We spend a lot of time condemning ourselves and beating ourselves up, and there’s a personal relationship that god wants to have with you.
Are you are you willing to have that relationship with him?
I tell you, I’m still free. Because of him, I’m free.
I should always be concerned about, you know, who’s in the room and, oh, what do they think about me?
Oh, they friends are full. And, oh, man, there’s greatest, greatest deliverance you can never experience as being delivered from people.
You know? Yeah. Wow.
I know him. I know him.
I know about him, but it’s not enough for me to just know about him.
Knowing about him should eventually lead you to wanna know him.
And they that know their god, they shall do exploits.
If you’ve if you’ve never tried it, step away in a corner somewhere, and just say, God, I wanna know you.
I I’m tired of trying to do stuff by myself.
And just be honest with him, he already knows Any of you just trying to get religious and lie to him?
God, I’m I’m afraid. I’m scared.
God, I’m I’m full of pride. I’m selfish.
You can go to him sometimes. God ain’t no good.
Just be honest with him. God’s not trying to beat you up?
God’s not saying. Amen. You sure ain’t. It’s not doing that.
When he speaks to you.
You’re just driving home. Just thinking about him.
And I don’t know where he just whispers this from your inside, from your spirit up.
Something so simple. I love you.
And you think the god of the whole universe loves me.
A personal relationship.
Aren’t you tired of perfecting phonemes in your life.
Aren’t you tired of phonemes in the body of Christ?
Aren’t you tired of people playing church Aren’t you tired of the circus and the clowns and the owls?
Aren’t you tired of all of that? We’ll get to know him.
And once you get to knowing, you won’t have to make an appointment to come and see me and ask me, is it alright for you to have a ride?
Ask him. You know? You should look how some of these world changes are looking at me right now.
Like, What is it? Ask the lord. I challenge people.
There’s certain things I just don’t answer anymore.
You come ask me, where that scripture went, said, you got a iPhone.
You can ask Siri, and she’ll tell you exactly what that scripture is.
And give you 10 more if you want it. You ain’t got no excuse.
I don’t tell you what no scripture is. Well, you the pastor Yeah.
But I I’m not no dictionary. You you go find your own scripture. That’s spiritual maturity. Right?
By coming to know him, the one who called us to himself by means of his marvelous glory and his marvelous excellence.
Because of his glory and excellence, He has given us great and precious promises.
These are the promises that enable you to share his divine nature and escape and notice, he’s giving you he’s giving you great and precious what he’s giving you promises.
Someone says, but he he hadn’t given me healing. He’s giving you the promise of healing.
Oh, he hadn’t given me a promotion. He’s giving you promotion. He’s giving you the promises of promotion.
Oh, he had given me my house. It’s in the Bible, it didn’t end.
He has given you the promises of that. Can I share that little testimony we had?
Pastakan’s wife and Terry called one time, and she was just wondering.
She was like, you know, I don’t I don’t see any scripture anywhere where it has anything about a house.
How would we ever get a house?
I don’t see what how my what am I gonna stand on in the bible for the house?
I was like, Really? And that was before I decided that I wanna go and show people scripture no more.
Man, I showed her Psalm.
She went and found some more, and I’m telling you in the name of Jesus, not only did she, she get her house, God has called her to help other people get their house.
She knows that through the power of the Holy Spirit, he he may not have given you the house, but he gave you the promise.
He may not have given you the healing, but he gave you the promise.
He may not have given you the promotion, but he’s giving you the promise.
He may not have given you the peace, but he’s giving you the promise.
And he said, through these precious promises this is mister spiritual maturity.
These are the promises that enable you to share his divine nature and escape the world’s corruption and that’s caused by human desires.
Number 5. Verse 5. And in view of all this, make every effort to respond to god’s promises.
How are you responding to god’s promises? How should we respond to god’s promises?
In faith, We’ll see his promise, and we say, praise God. I’ve, I’ve received that right now.
And I hold on to it with everything.
When things happen to tap in on the first thing, first base, Find out what the word has said about it.
Find out what the word has said about it. I don’t wanna hear what anybody else has said about it.
Find out what the word has said about it.
What does the word have to say about this, this, this, this, this sickness.
What does the word have to say about, you know, uh, lack?
What does the word have to say about all of the things that you encounter in life?
What does the word have to say about it?
And you go and find out what the word has to say about it.
And then you, with every effort you have respond in your faith to god’s promises. Respond to it.
What, what will you say about this thing that he has promised you?
Lord, I believe, Lord, I receive it. Praise God. Respond to that promise.
He says, supplement your faith with a generous provision of moral excellence and moral excellence with knowledge and verse 6 and knowledge with self control and self control with patient, uh, endurance and patient endurance with godliness And godliness with brotherly affection and brotherly affection with love for everyone, he says, the more you grow like this, He just gave you a way
to all the things you need to
do to grow. How’s your patience doing? How’s your brotherly love doing?
All of those things that are operating in your life will be evidence of spiritual growth.
He says, the more you grow like this, the more and useful, you will be in your knowledge of our lord Jesus Christ verse 9.
But those who failed to develop I don’t wanna be a Christian and fail to develop.
I don’t wanna go around sin.
I’ve been born again for 30 years, and I have not developed in 30 years.
Oh, I’ve been a member of this church for forty something odd years and still on the bottle.
Stills, drinking milk. I don’t wanna do that.
But a lot of that can be you you can see that with people just how to care themselves.
Their attitude tells you how mature they are.
Bosting, arrogant, prideful, those are symptoms of immaturity.
And we tell a lot about ourselves, not really intending to say those things, by the way, we carry ourselves.
And we got to grow up. Well, how come god couldn’t do that?
How come god couldn’t give me that blessing because you you have matured enough to handle that blessing.
He wants to do some great things for you, but you’re not mature enough for it.
Cause if he did it for you, you become prideful, you become boastful, and you become a bad example of Christian people and how they ought to do it.
Well, why don’t god make me a millionaire?
Cause you throw it in a barn and keep it to yourself when he wants to use you to be a blessing to everybody else.
Says blessed to be a blessing, but you’re not mature enough to know that.
And so when you get blessed, you hold on to it, uh, instead of, uh, god, what do you want me to do with this?
Why’d you put this in my hands? He’s looking for maturity.
And so lots of passes don’t wanna talk about this, because as you can tell, you’re not doing cartwheels while I’m preaching this.
Why? Because I am saying you to accept responsibility to spiritually mature, to responsibility depend on god.
What I’m saying is I depend on god but I accept the responsibility to depend on god to help me where my maturity is.
I’m sorry. Lot of people not a lot of people are not interested in maturing.
They’re interested in the, in the, in the, you know, wham bam. Thank you, ma’am. Slam bam.
Just do it quick. Just quick, quick, quick, quick. I don’t wanna do nothing. Just, you know, oh, oh lord.
Bless me right now. Open your eyes up. Where is it? That’s not how it works.
And then when you don’t see it right away, you get mad at god.
Well, you send a letter saying, uh, I, I, I, I, this, this letter is to inform you that the lord is leading me to another church.
Stop lying. Stop lying. To see, that’s that’s what’s going on in church right now, just lie.
Do you remember that sermon type of priest on lying? Just stop lying.
You’re leaving because you got offended. You’re leaving because you couldn’t get your way.
You’re leaving because you mad at somebody or somebody didn’t speak to you or somebody didn’t call you back or somebody didn’t do that.
It’s amazing. And and let me warn you right now. There are no perfect churches.
Every church in the state gotta issue every church every church.
Every member in the church gotta issue. Every member.
Every member. Every pastor in the pool pit got a issue.
Every pastor. Every pastor.
That’s why we all need Jesus because we all have issues.
But those who fail to develop I don’t wanna go to heaven and recognize that I failed to develop.
I didn’t wanna grow. I didn’t wanna mature.
I just Just wanted everything to be easy, and I just wanted what I wanted.
And I got in a self pity. Nobody likes me.
Nobody calls me. Nobody texts me.
Dude, you better you better wake up and smell a coffee because you’re getting older every day.
My wife had told me earlier that she said, you know, people better be careful.
If you want somebody to take care of you better better not be mean to your children.
That’ll be mean to your children.
Don’t try to get them to see your way all the time.
Just say it one time, be quiet, be grown. Alright.
Uh, that’s a word right there.
You can order.
And and you, you know, You might need somebody to help you out a little bit.
You need to be a little nicer. I know I have. She she told me that.
I’m like, oh, Hey, baby. How y’all doing today?
Daddy cooking some some chicken wings over here if you want some come on over here and get them.
Yeah. Some of you parents, I always you need to check yourself, man.
You need to stop, they groan. Quit trying to keep keep going.
And most of it’s just playing on, you know, you feel lonely and sad and get out and do something.
Go for a walk. Go get you some M and M’s.
We gotta learn that god wants us to live life in abundance to the full till it overflows.
He wants us to enjoy life, and he’s given us the grace to do it.
That’s why We need to make a declaration of dependence on him.
Because what matters to god is how we treat one of them.
Yeah. I said, what matters to god is how we treat one of them. That’s maturity.
How are you treating one another? And that’s what I’m learning.
I learn how to speak to folks. Save to unsay.
You’re not Christians our way up in the dead I save. What does that mean?
The goodness of god will cause a person to change their mind.
And a lot of times, they’ll see goodness through your life. Pause and speak to people.
Well, I don’t know them.
You don’t have to know them.
You’re in the grocery store. Just, at least, hello, ma’am. How you doing?
And they may not speak back to you. They happen to be a lot. How how are you doing?
Are you talking to me? She’s had something happen in her life.
She got an issue going on. Amen? Amen.
But those who fail to develop in this way are short sighted or blind.
Forgetting that they have been cleansed from their old sins.
And you’re stuck back in something that he’s already taken care of.
And you’re not developing because you won’t do like the apostle policy is. I’m pressing towards that mark.
I’m pressing towards this place of maturity. Pre pressing towards this place of of perfection.
We’ve always thought that perfection meant you flawless. That ain’t flawless.
You’re not gonna see flawless until you see Jesus? So stop it. That’s why
you know what? So just nuts for you to think that you can sit and point a finger at somebody else’s mistake for you to sit there and point a finger and judge somebody else means that somehow in your you’ve settled that ain’t nothing wrong with ain’t nothing going on with you?
You have to for for you to be so
hard on somebody else’s, for you to say you ain’t got no issues.
And we know there’s a lie Maybe you don’t have a sex issue.
Maybe you don’t have a drug issue.
Maybe you don’t have a, a, a, a, a crumb issue, but you gotta issue somewhere.
You’re not patient with people.
You want what you want right now?
If not, you’ll go off. You’ll you’ll cuss every 9 then.
You gotta You you said you buried the book of cuss, but you you tore off a couple of pages and put it in your back pocket.
That’s what I’m trying to get you to see. Stop.
Stop this religious, fable stuff. Let’s pay attention to Jesus. Let’s grow in him.
Let’s not forget that he’s already cleansed us from our old sins.
Quit beating yourself up from your old sins and rejoice in what Jesus has it done for you.
I’m in?
Okay. Uh, we’re talking about maturing through pressure.
And sometimes the hurt and the pain, Taffe and I on this, um, daily word is I think it was last week, we talked about faith under pressure.
And how the Bible says that’s a gift And I thought, How can that be a gift?
He said, you can use it for development.
What type of pressure are you facing today, or have you faced last week?
You you facing your life. Turn it around and use it for development.
Don’t be afraid of trouble. We started with that.
Just because trouble comes doesn’t mean it has to overcome.
When this service is over with today, regardless of what’s happened, you hold your head up, you put your shoulders back, and you walk, like an overcomer.
Because what kind of overcomer would you be if you didn’t have anything to overcome?
Gotta have something overcome. It’s all it’s almost like, alright.
With double, I gotta overcome something, so I might as well overcome you.
And Jesus has already done it.
And I’m telling you, you can mature in Jesus and find that that maturity in Jesus will begin to spread in other areas of your life.
But you gotta you gotta wanna change. Change isn’t changed until you’ve changed.
You gotta wanna change. And unfortunately, a lot of times, some Christian people don’t wanna change at all.
They want to just dump everything on the Holy Spirit.
And the Holy Spirit, you know, he can only work with what he got.
And so let’s yield to him.
Why do Christians have to go through adversity?
We’ve all asked this before, but have you ever had an acceptable answer?
In the 8 message series, maturity through pressure, creflo dollar gives clarity on the why behind the pressure we face.
These pressures will be allowed to show up in your life to get you to the point where you are no longer depending on you.
That you now will depend on him. There’s nothing that you’re going through. You cannot outlast. Outlast the trial.
Outlast the pressure. Trouble will come, but you will outlast it.
I see this as an experience of hope and victory and development because it got rid of the impurities of dependent on myself.
For only 45 US dollars, for CDs, or 55 US dollars for DVDs, all eight messages can be yours today.
Just visit creflodollarministries.org and click e store.
Scan the QR code or call the number on your screen to get yours today.
World changers. We are forever grateful. Celebrate the everlasting goodness of god with us this Thanksgiving morning.
Join us in the World Dome at 10 am Eastern on Thursday, November 23rd, for a special worship service, sure to remind you of everything you have to be grateful for.
The only way the peace of god is gonna rule in your heart is when you make a decision to be thankful.
In light, we can begin to cultivate an attitude of Thanksgiving regardless of the circle that we stand in.
This Thanksgiving service is not one to miss.
So if you and your family won’t be in the Atlanta area, don’t worry. We’ll be streaming service live.
So make sure to log on to the creflo Dollar Ministries YouTube channel to tune in.
Increased feelings and happiness and well-being comes when you’re thankful.
So praise him and give thanks to him for the goodness that god has allowed to come in your life.
Let’s be forever grateful for the greatest blessing together. See you on Thanksgiving.
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God bless you.
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