Who Are Those Who Can Never Be Saved: Part 2
Who Are Those Who Can Never Be Saved: Part 2
So church to the screens hebrews Chapter six.
Remember we started this one of the most controversial portions of the entire Bible.
It ought not to be that way, but it is uh it shouldn’t be, but denominational influence has really influenced so many in the way that this is interpreted.
So as we read this, remember context in bible studies king context, always read in context.
Therefore leaving the discussion of the elementary principles of christ the basics.
Let us go on to completion or perfection, not laying again the foundation of repentance from dead works and of faith toward God.
Mhm. Fantastic.
And this we will do if God permits and have tasted the good word of God and the powers of the age to come powerful father.
We pray now for your presence.
God, we just love the fact that here we are in the middle of the week having the freedom to gather, we cherish that we no longer take that for granted and Lord, we just pray now that you would be our teacher.
We ask in jesus name, Amen you may be seated church.
So we’re looking at a message that the last time we were uh together on this one. It’s quite interesting.
We looked at uh this message through this portion of scripture.
Listen carefully uh that is titled who are those who can never be saved.
And that’s a weird thing to say can’t can’t everybody or anybody be saved.
Well the answer is yes, but the challenge that’s before us as the author of the book of Hebrews just stated to us is that there is a person, there is an individual, those who have gone through the process of being associated with the things of faith, being associated with the things of God.
Um having a bible, let’s just put it this way, they’ve got a bible, they’ve gone to church, um they did that for some length of time and um they’ve come to the conclusion that it’s not enough, jesus is not enough.
That what they really need to experience is maybe what they had before, some form of liturgical setting.
Maybe it was candles and icons and uh a procedure. Yeah, yeah. That’s what we need.
We need to go back to that.
Or in this case the letter to the book of Hebrews written to Hebrews who came out of man made Judaism into a knowledge of jesus christ.
But the author is warning them about going back.
If you leave and go back to what you came out of, there’s nothing left for you.
There’s no other place to go. If that makes some sense to you, right?
If you if you depart from this and go to that, having studied all that you’ve studied as a jew and you’ve looked at the old testament prophets and you’ve concluded yes, it is jesus and you make that natural listen, it’s not a jump, it’s a natural progression out of the old testament into the new to do, to discern, to discover that jesus is the fulfillment of those prophetic scriptures, that when David talked about the messiah, it turned out to be jesus, when Daniel talked about the messiah turned out to be jesus, when, when moses talked about the messiah turned out, you know what I’m saying, the fulfillment of the prophets, that’s why Jesus christ himself on resurrection afternoon In Luke chapter 24.
You can read it later. It’s awesome, it’s so fun that as two disciples were heading home that evening on resurrection day, now it’s night and they got to get back home, it’s getting dark and they’re walking to imus on that road that jesus suddenly appears with them and walks with them and he begins to question them about why are you so bumped out, What’s going on?
Don’t aren’t you aware of what, what’s happened? And Jesus says to them, what’s going on, what happened?
And they began to say, it’s all about jesus, he did this, he was mighty before God and man.
And uh he had taught us the way he had performed miracles and he did all of these things, he was betrayed and crucified and you know, there was a rumor that three days later he’d rise from the dead.
But you know, now it’s sunday night and here we are, we’re heading home and we had hopes that he was the messiah now all hopes are dashed and they’re all bummed out.
And jesus says to them, you foolish ones and slow of heart to believe all that.
The scriptures and the prophets foretold.
And the bible there says that jesus began to open up to them from the old testament and the prophets that he was in fact the messiah.
It’s the bible that announces who jesus christ is, not man, not us. We repeat what we learn.
It’s the bible, I love that.
It’s the bible that announces to you and I that God would send us his only glorified son that it would be jesus who would die in our place for our sins.
It would be Jesus who would be resurrected from the dead.
And that fact of that gospel and the power of that gospel.
Well, it’s what we’ve been learning on Sundays that there is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in christ and the answer of the scripture is fulfilled in jesus christ.
That’s why as a believer, when we research the bible, it’s a funny thing.
We get satisfied with the scriptures, but at the same time we get hungry for more.
Remember when jesus said, if you eat of what I give you, you won’t be hungry anymore.
That is true, but it’s not true. It’s true.
But what he gives, I want more, right he gives and you’re satisfied. But you want more of him.
What he meant by that was is that the bread that I give it will so satisfy your soul.
You’ll have no need to look anywhere else.
So somebody might say, I’m gonna study all of the world religions and I’m gonna include Christianity in that group.
Go ahead, knock yourself out. But can I say it this way, there’s no better deal in town than what jesus christ offers.
And so when we look at this portion of scripture, this is what we know so far.
This is what we’ve studied. We looked in verse four last time that those who put themselves in an impossible situation are those who can never be saved, meaning this verse four, chapter six.
For it is impossible for those who were once enlightened and have tasted of the heavenly gift and have become part takers of the holy spirit, meaning this that these hebrews understood the scriptures and came over to or experienced the fulfillment of understood in the enlightenment of the word they recognized.
Yeah, this is jesus, yes, this is the messiah.
And so when we look at what is being declared notice in verse four that they’ve been enlightened, they’ve tasted, they were part takers.
They sampled everything that you and I sample as believers, but for them as paul or the author, I think it’s paul doesn’t matter.
It’s irrelevant. Whoever the author of the book of Hebrews is warned earlier that you better mix what you believe with faith, what you hear, Mix it with faith what you’re studying?
Mix it with faith. They, this group, whoever they are failed to do that and there’s a warning being issued here of great power.
We saw this, that they were looking back to the past.
That’s why he announces it’s impossible if you’ve been once enlightened. Listen, there’s no more light to turn on.
You’ve heard the truth. So for example, you know, people who do not believe in jesus, they really don’t.
They might say they do. They know the Gospel. They can repeat it back to you.
But does the gospel govern their life? Yeah, they just, they’re very familiar with the things of jesus.
They’ve been enlightened meaning. They’ve become knowledgeable.
They’ve heard that he is the way the truth and the life or that he is the one and only savior.
They know this. They can tell you this, but has it doesn’t affect their lives.
So they they began to gravitate backward. We learned last time also that they were able to know the difference.
They understood that there was a difference in the life of, of being religious versus relationship. They witnessed it.
They saw it, they knew that whatever was going on regarding this christ and his followers, that it’s deeper and it’s more real than any religious regime that you could be under the influence of or or give allegiance to.
They knew this, but it didn’t change their lives. They knew the difference.
And then last time we saw also that they were familiar with what we would call church life.
This is a new testament stuff here.
Church, the Book of Hebrews notices in your new testament, they saw the church born.
These were believers who they knew about Pentecost.
They knew about the movement of the Holy Spirit, who will talk about tonight, but they tasted of the heavenly Gift is the announcement that’s made.
So they had the answers today.
It’s a very scary thing to be able to have all the answers.
Listen, this is a we’re in a very critical state as a church in the world and that is when we can have seminaries that discredit the word of God, I have a dear friend who’s well, it’s been years actually since we talked, it’s just the whole experience of going to I’m not gonna mention the name of the school, but somebody talked to him, you gotta go, no one’s gonna listen to you unless you get a doctorate.
And the guy was pastoring the church of thousands of people, God’s God’s hand was on him.
But somebody got to him, he let somebody into his life who said to him, you need to keep doing what you’re doing.
But you got to get a doctorate, if you’re really gonna move on in your ministry life to really be a success.
So he went to a major christian seminary and wound up being taught by professors who discredited the book of Isaiah.
They began to teach that genesis was poetic is Israel an actual viable nation.
These are the things that he was telling me that he was learning and you would say, but he was strong, right with, with all of he was strong and he made it through right answer.
No, did not. We need to be so careful in the days in which we’re in right now.
Days. D az the days in which we’re in right now because there’s nothing that can replace the authenticity and the fact and the truth of God’s word, but everything else dresses itself up so fanciful and so attractive with all of the what and it begins to pull you away from the truth of God’s word.
Be very, very careful about that. We saw in closing last time that they were content to be an outsider.
It said that they had become part takers of the Holy Spirit.
We saw that the word partake er in the greek language means to share in or to be companions with others along the way.
Imagine that for a moment, imagine a journey and there’s others with you um that they were witnesses of the same things that you have been, that they saw the same things, the same things were presented to them.
They heard the same music, they heard the same message.
But what happened was they were okay, listen, with a question mark that was in their heart, I believe by the Holy Spirit saying you need to make sure that you are a true follower.
I think God speaks like that to all people.
You need to make sure you’re, you’re following me.
You need to make sure check, check yourself against the word.
The bible tells us for us to examine ourselves to determine whether we are in the faith or not.
Did you know that That’s a good thing. That’s a strong thing.
So we’ll pick it up now churches verse five and it’s this those who sample the influence of the Holy Spirit, who are those who can never be saved.
They’ve sampled the Holy Spirit, but they’ve never taken in of the Holy Spirit.
The bible tells us here in verse five, just very few words and we’ll go off from here and that as they and the group that were speaking of have tasted, they didn’t consume, they tasted, it’s like going down the aisle at Costco.
At least you used to do, they still do it anymore.
I gave up on cost when they stopped giving away free food.
Um it used to be where you could go to Costco and basically get lunch for free going down the aisles, you got listen, you got a slice of pizza, it was that big, you got a little cup of juice, right?
But if you kept going down each and every aisle eventually you get filled up, but you didn’t get a lot of what was there, They had this issue or at least the Apostle is warning them about sampling Now, how would that manifest itself today in our lives, how would we sample the things of the Holy Spirit and not actually be a true follower of christ, you know, we could sample things of the Holy Spirit by um by what excites us that we follow every type of service that’s going on or around because it’s very thrilling, imagine right now if people really, and I think God’s grace is just holding this back, but people are at a level of fear and of boredom that if if satan were to launch as is promised in the bible, as jesus warned us the days of deceiving spirits and spirits and doctrines of demons, false teachers, imagine the manifestation of people who would do really tremendous things, very charismatic, doing miraculous types of things and you could easily mistake it for the work of God, I understand that I’m a
human too, that we have this need and this person coming through town is is preaching and teaching the lights and the crowds, but their doctrine is a little off, but you’ll overlook that because listen to him or listen to her watch, look at that, did you see that that guy’s, you know, he was blind and now he can see or his arm grew or whatever, I don’t know, but listen if if if pharaoh’s magicians can do miracles that’s under the power of satan, how will you ever know, but by the knowledge of the word of God And so we’re coming up on days that I pray that at least you at this church are ready to take on because when you’re really hurting and somebody offers you the answer to your pain, but they are a little off on jesus.
But you look this way and you look that way and you just go for what they’re offering.
That’s no different than peter denying jesus around that fire as jesus had been betrayed.
No, Listen, the group that’s in trouble here are those who sample the Holy Spirit, The Holy Spirit doesn’t have a hold of them.
Look at verse five, we learned this, that they never moved on further with jesus, that’s built in the entire structure of the, of the verb age that’s presented here, that they have tasted and so that they’ve never moved further along with jesus, they’ve never grown, they never put themselves in that place.
Somebody we were talking recently about the power of the Holy Spirit and how bad you and I need the power of the Holy Spirit.
But I have to qualify that statement when we talk about the Power of the Holy Spirit and also make sure that this is clear, don’t raise your hand, Oh, it’s okay, raise your hand if you’re if you’re a christian, If you’re a christ follower, raise your hand, okay, so put your hand down by you, by you saying.
So you’re you’re communicating to us? Yes, I’ve accepted christ, I understand what you’re saying.
He died on the cross for my sins. Yes, I made him the Lord of my life. He’s my savior.
That’s what we assume by your hand going up.
We just did that collectively for a moment in that moment that you did accept christ whenever that moment was according to the bible, the Holy Spirit moved inside of you by the way.
Listen, you may or may not have felt anything in that moment. Most people don’t.
Some people say they do great for them. That’s awesome. I didn’t feel anything. Most people don’t.
Some people, you know they’re like oh whatever, I don’t know.
But when you accept Christ, the Bible makes it very clear in first Corinthians 12 that that’s a one time event he moves in, he doesn’t move in to move out to move back in to move out to move back in.
Some people think that they have to get saved every week. No, you don’t.
That just tells us that you had a really rough week.
No, that happens once he comes inside never to leave you.
In fact, it’s beautiful technically it’s his job to stay inside of you and to present you to jesus either at death or at the rapture.
The Holy Spirit will deposit you into the hands of christ at the coming of the Lord boy.
That’d be awesome. Tonight would be a great night for that.
I’m sure it’s warmer in heaven than it is here tonight.
But they didn’t move on. They didn’t move on.
They tasted, they weren’t serious about the things of God.
The Holy Spirit to live inside of you is to seal you into the day of redemption.
It’s beautiful. He’s not gonna leave you. You can try all.
You want to run away from him and you’re not gonna succeed. You’re just gonna wear yourself out.
Get a bloody nose. It’s a brutal life. Don’t do it. Just cooperate. He’s, he knows exactly what he’s doing.
He saved you. You’re going to heaven and uh, he wants to use you now.
Here’s the part that’s awesome regarding moving on. These people never did this.
The warning goes out to those who never do what I’m about to say.
They were never saved.
The Spirit of God was never in them for the next thing to happen, which must happen for us is that the Holy Spirit comes upon us for power, you can call it whatever term you want.
It goes by many terms. The baptism of the Holy Spirit notice the baptism of the Holy Spirit.
I have to say it that way because the bible tells us it is the Holy Spirit Who baptized us into the body of Christ First Corinthians 12.
But when we talk about the coming upon for power again, it’s loosely used as oh, they were baptized in this Spirit, we need to be careful with the terminology.
The spirit came upon them. Okay. Book of Acts. Clearly uh Ephesians many places. Absolutely.
Uh whatever term, listen, we’re talking about in the greek, what is E. P. I. M. P.
The moment you were saved. That’s the greek word spelled E. N. That means to dwell inside.
You cannot have the Holy Spirit come upon you. E. P. I.
Unless you have first been E. N. Dwelt within by the Holy Spirit.
Once you’re a believer, the next thing is the power of God to come upon you.
But the power of God is not gonna come upon you unless you need power.
If you’re gonna follow jesus at a distance, listen, you make your you’re going to heaven.
But if you don’t plan on serving God, listen, there’s there’s no reason to put gasoline in the car if you’re not gonna drive it.
Amen. You see, Well, Jack, I want to serve the Lord.
I remember this as as as clear as today.
It’s pastor chuck said so many years ago, if you want to see the power of God move, you’ve got and you and and and he said, look at it like a like a car as a car goes, try to turn the wheel of a car when it’s not moving well, gosh, you know what everybody’s got power steering, but I have a 67 Volkswagen, it’s old and it does not have power steering.
It’s a little tiny car. It’s super light of four guys can pick it up, but here’s the deal when it’s sitting uh just static, it’s a little car, but try to turn the steering wheel without it moving, you can’t do it if you want God to use you then present yourself to him christian and get ready for an amazing life.
Why? Because that’s where you’ve placed yourself in the atmosphere of needing to be used by God.
So we only either choose listen dependence upon God and will see his power come down in that thing that he’s called us to do.
We step out in faith as soon as the car starts moving, you can control it, but as long as it’s parked, you can’t turn the wheel if you’re willing.
The spirit of God comes upon you to use you and what he is stirring up in your heart to do.
But listen, Christianity never works. If you’re gonna decide to be a spectator, it never works well, Christianity, I don’t get it because listen, you never presented yourself to him.
Are you gonna go to heaven?
Yeah, but are you gonna be bored all along the way until you get there sadly. Yes.
Why live like that? He wants to empower you.
These here tasted they just took a little sample like at the end of Costco ill and that was fine for them and they never went on any further and we know people like this, we just don’t want to be people like this, make sure you’re not secondly under this, they never took in deeper the word of jesus look at verse five, it says that they tasted the bible says that they have tasted the good word of God, what does that mean?
It means they actually sat and they listened to the word of God being taught and they said, wow, that was, that was powerful, that was very instructive, that was very meaningful.
Or maybe they even memorized a certain category of scriptures for whatever reasons, it didn’t take root.
It was more recreational or it was more, this is what we do.
It’s like, well I come from a long line of religious people and I’m sure I’m gonna raise my kids the same way that I was raised, the way my parents were raised and that’s what we do, that’s scary and dangerous.
Watch out for that. No, they listen, they did not go deeper with jesus and that is something that is absolutely remarkable and beautiful.
Um, so lisa and I were just talking the other day about how, because there’s a lot of talk these days about revival, you see it all over the place right now, we look back to our days at calvary Chapel Costa Mesa with pastor chuck smith and the jesus movement revival and all that stuff and if you go back and listen to sermons because they’re available, they’re so simple, they’re just so simple and You listen to chuck and, and now I pray because of your devotion to the word you’ve grown, we’ve all grown.
But when you go back to a message that was delivered by him 30 years ago, you’re listening and it goes, it’s beautiful, but it’s so simple and I actually love that when we get in a, in a culture of entertainment, we want some bells and whistles and rockets to go off.
You gotta remember pastor chuck smith. This was the move of God.
And if it wasn’t chuck smith, God would have used the donkey.
He was gonna move God was gonna move.
The culture had reached a place where young people were dying and the nation was coming apart.
Somebody must have been praying or God leaned back and called up the prayers of previous saints, but he began to move its a sovereign move of God, nobody causes it to happen.
I’m gonna step on some toes right now but get them out there, just let me jump on them.
Have you ever driven by a church and on the marquee of the church?
It says revival next sunday night, you can’t do that.
I mean you can put a, you can put that on a marquee but you can’t cause a revival to happen.
You can be willing to whatever, whatever God wants you to do to be willing to do.
But you can’t say there’s gonna be a revival next sunday night.
It’s the work of the holy spirit of God and he does that beautifully by interruption, he just interrupts, we’ve got our plan.
God laughs at our plans, this is the way we’ve always done it.
And God says that’s why I’m gonna shake it up.
And so you see such a simple clear gospel preached that the religionists would listen to and say that’s so simple.
That’s, that’s kind of ridiculous.
But God had a plan and all of these hippies and all of these outcasts gathered and like we’re seeing in the news today, it was quickly labeled as a revival, There’s a revival.
Um, what’s interesting about that is technically if you study the actual discipline of revival in scripture, um that’s actually not really what happened chuck smith taught the bible and the lost, the lost got saved.
That’s not a revival that’s called an awakening. The church gets revived.
It was very interesting. So people got saved.
And it was a simple gospel fast forward.
If you listen to sermons that pastor chuck preached before he went to heaven, they were deep, They were way deeper than what he preached 40 years ago.
Are you hearing me what happened?
Nothing happened except this, where they started, you’ve got a, you’ve got, well, I mean, look in light of teenage hippies, he was an old man and I mean, he was an old man.
So first of all, that’s a work of God when an old man is speaking to young people and they’re listening, you can’t get that happen at home, it’s an act of God and and he didn’t jump or he didn’t pace on the stage back and forth and he didn’t, it was he sat there, he sat there on a stool And he read the book.
Let’s let’s turn to, let’s turn to Matthew chapter one.
And people just sat there and he would read the bible in those days, he would read the bible and then he would start talking and he had almost quoted verbatim without expository on it.
And then he’d move on to the next chapter. That’s how they started.
But that’s not how they finished what happened. He grew as they grew. Why?
Because both the pastor and the flock were following the same messiah, right?
And by the end of the story, I’ll put it that way. They had grown and he had grown.
And the beautiful thing about it being a real actual revival eventually is that those people that God saved grew and from their growth, others were added to the church and went deep, this is important church, we’ve got to move further on with jesus and we’ve got to get deeper in the word with jesus, he will unlock to you.
Listen, some of you young people who are bored with life.
I get it, I get it, you look around at all the stuff that’s being offered this that I mean seriously and you’re tired and you’re thinking, man, there’s nothing, there’s just nothing to live for anymore.
I want to announce to you, I’m so happy to announce you, You have no idea what you’re talking about.
There’s a whole life to live.
You just don’t know about it yet because the God that made heaven and earth made you.
And he’s got a plan for your life. And you’ve never experienced that plan.
And when you do open yourself up to his plan, finally, after all of these decades, your life begins.
You might say pastor, I’m 26 years old.
I’m tired and I don’t see any purpose to go on any longer. Great, good. That’s fantastic.
Now God can go to work with you because you’ve tried everything else and you’ve come up empty.
You’ve searched for everything else and it’s dead hallelujah.
Now he says, okay, let’s let’s do it my way now.
And he goes about putting his word into you and he unlocks things.
Isn’t it amazing that you could read, you could read one chapter of the bible every day for 30 days.
One chapter, let’s just say, let’s say it’s it’s proverbs three. You read proverbs three every day for one month.
That’s all you do every day. You read it, you’ll get something completely different out of it?
I mean, you can even do that with a verse. You guys all know that.
How does it do that? How does that?
You could get 10 pastors to teach on the same verse and all their sermons would be different, every single one of them different.
How is that possible? Holy Spirit taking the word and taking us deeper.
It’s what he does. Absolutely spectacular how he does that.
And of course Jesus says that when the Holy Spirit comes to you, he will unlock to you the word of God.
He will teach you about things to come, wow.
And then finally, before we prepare for communion, it’s this verse five teaches us that they never looked to the finish line.
That is to jesus, It tells us there in verse five, that in that tasting mode they sampled the powers of the age to come, wow.
Think of that. They actually contemplated listen. They thought they knew they heard christ is coming back.
There’s an eternity, There’s a hell and there’s a heaven.
I know all these things. I can answer all of the questions on the exam.
If I were quizzed, I could give you the answers right.
The problem is, is that they never looked to the finish line?
So the warning goes out to them, it’s impossible to renew you back again.
To repentance. He said. Well, pastor, did, did they lose their salvation?
No, that’s the beauty of this passage.
What so many people have struggled with is that Oh, see this, see this collection of verses here in hebrews six.
It teaches that you can lose your salvation. No, it doesn’t.
It announces to us that there there are those who have salvation and there are those who don’t.
And if you are a faithful practicing hebrew in the context of our book and you have your animal sacrifice and then you hear the message and you hear christ and you jesus, my goodness what the prophets?
Yes. And you say all that was pointing to him, he’s here and you embrace him as Lord and savior.
But watch in due time over the course of whatever goes on in life, you wind up becoming a little complacent with them.
It’s not that big of a deal really.
And I felt more at home offering animal blood sacrifices and doing my rituals and lighting my candles and in doing I felt more if I need to touch that, I’m gonna go back to that.
The author of this book would say, number one, this proves that you were never saved.
But you only sipped and tasted of these heavenly things. You were almost a christian.
But in the course of time, you went back to something even after you were enlightened, that means you understood he’s the fulfillment.
But you go back, it’s like this and I’ll wrap it up.
It’s like you, you’re in love with someone, you’re you’re you’re married or you’re engaged or you’re you hope you get engaged, but you love, you love that person and you have a picture of them.
And let’s say, you’re you’re you’re traveling, you travel and you’re gonna be away from them for a month and you have a picture of them, every hotel room on your uh company trip.
You you put the picture of them in there, in the, the mirror at the hotel, then you call them up on the phone and you’re talking to them and and then you get back home and you you land and you say, I’ll meet you at Starbucks or no, that’s some of the meat, you can brew the christian coffee company down the street and and uh I’ll meet you there and uh so I’m a guy, so I’m gonna use my analogy, you make up your own butt.
So I get there and I’ve had lisa’s picture with me for a month and I get there and she’s sitting there at a table with her latte and I run into the building and I pull out the picture and I kiss it and I look at her over there and I just kissed the picture and I hold it to my heart, listen, I would be an absolute lunatic if I did that.
Do you want to know why the real deal is sitting right there at the table.
You’re not gonna look at a picture, a shadow of what is to come.
The bible says about jesus, that the old testament painted us a picture and paul the apostle himself said to the colossians, what was written in all of those things where it was actually a shadow, an indicator of what was to come in, christ and the fulfillment of it all is in him.
I wouldn’t reach for the picture, I would reach for lisa. Do you understand?
So once listen, if I reach for lisa and then go back instead to the picture you said.
That’s insane. Exactly. It means that my affection was not true to be applied to her.
That I’ve got something wrong where I will embrace a picture.
If you embrace the shadow, you’re grabbing nothing that can fulfill.
When christ is here, take hold of them grab onto him.
He’s doing he’s going like this to you.
He’s saying, come to me, come to me, he’s calling you.
But you you stand there and you look at a picture of him, he would drop the picture and jump into his arms.
All right, If you get out of his arms and say, I don’t need you anymore.
I have this picture then the announcement is made.
You do know that there’s nothing there’s nothing left that can save you.
If you’re rejecting him, then where you gonna go?
It’s gonna you can’t find it’s impossible for you to find repentance and forgiveness somewhere else. He’s here.
You hear this. See the christian doesn’t go the christian may backslide and get into trouble.
But the christians very aware of backsliding backsliding christians are saved. You can tell by how miserable they are.
No, you’re not going to lose your salvation because your backslide, it’s not smart but you’re not gonna lose your salvation.
If God has saved you. He sent his holy spirit in you.
That’s not gonna change. Just make sure you have him, make sure he has, you be yielded to him.
Let him take hold of you. Then what?
Then you’re gonna cry out to him and say I need your power for what you’re calling me to do right now.
I think it’s quite thrilling.
I thought will enter your mind to pray for that sick person.
You see at the store, maybe some friend, you know, and you have this something strikes you in the heart and you know it’s unique.
You know, it’s not you and then you get terrified. Let’s all be honest.
We get terrified in that instant.
What do I do ask for the power of the spirit to come upon?
You don’t be satisfied with tasting sipping and sampling.
Let him take you completely.
It’s amazing that he’s invisible right now to us.
But not, you know, this whole thing is so spectacular.
You know, we’re living right now.
We’re doing what we do for him in some way, shape or form all of us as believers, but we’re always aware and conscious of of the invisible and the eternal in that at some point in time, our physical lives will be over.
And when that happens, we get to go to his world, his house, his element as it were, the realm of the spirit and so you and I often think the realm of the spirit, you know what?
I’m convinced now from the bible, it’s more real than this world is.
Scientists will tell us that everything physical that you and I see that there’s more air space in between the molecules that make up the stuff that we can see Than the actual physical properties.
This podium is probably probably about three ft tall, are 3″ tall.
If you remove the space in between the atoms that make this pulpit up, did you know that the wood isn’t that weird?
So what are you nuts? I see the wood, it’s solid. I see you can hit it.
Listen, physics says what I’m hitting are the are the molecules of the wood, but in between the molecules is space is air.
That if you were to remove that portion of the equation, this this podium would be like 3″ tall And it would be really, really heavy, but 3″ tall.
He said That’s weird. Yeah, it is.
But throughout God’s creation, he’s been flirting with our minds all along the way.
You and I deal with invisible things all the time.
We can’t see them with our naked eye doesn’t mean they’re not there, It’s amazing.
I don’t know where you were today, but um it was crazy today, here at church.
It’s the snow melted before it hit the ground but it snowed here today and I don’t know where you were at but people were sending us pictures, it’s snowing at my house, it’s snowing and but you think about that, that’s really weird because that was just water just floating down in a solid form.
But by the time it hit the ground or when it did hit the ground it went away.
Where’d it go? I just saw it a moment ago.
You tell your friends come outside, it’s snowing and then they all run outside and there’s nothing going on anymore.
And they think what are you nuts? There’s no evidence here. Mm Sure.
Think of. Think of think of the world that you and I are living in both now and the one that we are going to inherit the real part, the real part will be realized and it’s perfect Totality and its completion.
So tonight when we prepare our hearts for communion and worship, I listen, I want to invite you to meet jesus tonight.
If you’ve never met him, You said what? What? How can that happen?
I just told you some things are invisible, technically.
He wants to meet the invisible you right now. The inside of you.
He wants to meet you on the inside. How’s that? We meet people on the outside.
But what about the inside? It shouldn’t be strange to us.
We meet a lot of people but the people that mean the most to us are the people that get inside of us and we get inside of them.
You know what I mean? That’s to know someone me meet a lot of people, but you don’t know many people, the people, you know, are the people who have you discovered who they are on the inside, that’s you and that you is who jesus wants to meet tonight.
He’s awesome.
And this we will do if God permits and have tasted the good word of God and the powers of the age to come powerful father.
We pray now for your presence.
God, we just love the fact that here we are in the middle of the week having the freedom to gather, we cherish that we no longer take that for granted and Lord, we just pray now that you would be our teacher.
We ask in jesus name, Amen you may be seated church.
So we’re looking at a message that the last time we were uh together on this one. It’s quite interesting.
We looked at uh this message through this portion of scripture.
Listen carefully uh that is titled who are those who can never be saved.
And that’s a weird thing to say can’t can’t everybody or anybody be saved.
Well the answer is yes, but the challenge that’s before us as the author of the book of Hebrews just stated to us is that there is a person, there is an individual, those who have gone through the process of being associated with the things of faith, being associated with the things of God.
Um having a bible, let’s just put it this way, they’ve got a bible, they’ve gone to church, um they did that for some length of time and um they’ve come to the conclusion that it’s not enough, jesus is not enough.
That what they really need to experience is maybe what they had before, some form of liturgical setting.
Maybe it was candles and icons and uh a procedure. Yeah, yeah. That’s what we need.
We need to go back to that.
Or in this case the letter to the book of Hebrews written to Hebrews who came out of man made Judaism into a knowledge of jesus christ.
But the author is warning them about going back.
If you leave and go back to what you came out of, there’s nothing left for you.
There’s no other place to go. If that makes some sense to you, right?
If you if you depart from this and go to that, having studied all that you’ve studied as a jew and you’ve looked at the old testament prophets and you’ve concluded yes, it is jesus and you make that natural listen, it’s not a jump, it’s a natural progression out of the old testament into the new to do, to discern, to discover that jesus is the fulfillment of those prophetic scriptures, that when David talked about the messiah, it turned out to be jesus, when Daniel talked about the messiah turned out to be jesus, when, when moses talked about the messiah turned out, you know what I’m saying, the fulfillment of the prophets, that’s why Jesus christ himself on resurrection afternoon In Luke chapter 24.
You can read it later. It’s awesome, it’s so fun that as two disciples were heading home that evening on resurrection day, now it’s night and they got to get back home, it’s getting dark and they’re walking to imus on that road that jesus suddenly appears with them and walks with them and he begins to question them about why are you so bumped out, What’s going on?
Don’t aren’t you aware of what, what’s happened? And Jesus says to them, what’s going on, what happened?
And they began to say, it’s all about jesus, he did this, he was mighty before God and man.
And uh he had taught us the way he had performed miracles and he did all of these things, he was betrayed and crucified and you know, there was a rumor that three days later he’d rise from the dead.
But you know, now it’s sunday night and here we are, we’re heading home and we had hopes that he was the messiah now all hopes are dashed and they’re all bummed out.
And jesus says to them, you foolish ones and slow of heart to believe all that.
The scriptures and the prophets foretold.
And the bible there says that jesus began to open up to them from the old testament and the prophets that he was in fact the messiah.
It’s the bible that announces who jesus christ is, not man, not us. We repeat what we learn.
It’s the bible, I love that.
It’s the bible that announces to you and I that God would send us his only glorified son that it would be jesus who would die in our place for our sins.
It would be Jesus who would be resurrected from the dead.
And that fact of that gospel and the power of that gospel.
Well, it’s what we’ve been learning on Sundays that there is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in christ and the answer of the scripture is fulfilled in jesus christ.
That’s why as a believer, when we research the bible, it’s a funny thing.
We get satisfied with the scriptures, but at the same time we get hungry for more.
Remember when jesus said, if you eat of what I give you, you won’t be hungry anymore.
That is true, but it’s not true. It’s true.
But what he gives, I want more, right he gives and you’re satisfied. But you want more of him.
What he meant by that was is that the bread that I give it will so satisfy your soul.
You’ll have no need to look anywhere else.
So somebody might say, I’m gonna study all of the world religions and I’m gonna include Christianity in that group.
Go ahead, knock yourself out. But can I say it this way, there’s no better deal in town than what jesus christ offers.
And so when we look at this portion of scripture, this is what we know so far.
This is what we’ve studied. We looked in verse four last time that those who put themselves in an impossible situation are those who can never be saved, meaning this verse four, chapter six.
For it is impossible for those who were once enlightened and have tasted of the heavenly gift and have become part takers of the holy spirit, meaning this that these hebrews understood the scriptures and came over to or experienced the fulfillment of understood in the enlightenment of the word they recognized.
Yeah, this is jesus, yes, this is the messiah.
And so when we look at what is being declared notice in verse four that they’ve been enlightened, they’ve tasted, they were part takers.
They sampled everything that you and I sample as believers, but for them as paul or the author, I think it’s paul doesn’t matter.
It’s irrelevant. Whoever the author of the book of Hebrews is warned earlier that you better mix what you believe with faith, what you hear, Mix it with faith what you’re studying?
Mix it with faith. They, this group, whoever they are failed to do that and there’s a warning being issued here of great power.
We saw this, that they were looking back to the past.
That’s why he announces it’s impossible if you’ve been once enlightened. Listen, there’s no more light to turn on.
You’ve heard the truth. So for example, you know, people who do not believe in jesus, they really don’t.
They might say they do. They know the Gospel. They can repeat it back to you.
But does the gospel govern their life? Yeah, they just, they’re very familiar with the things of jesus.
They’ve been enlightened meaning. They’ve become knowledgeable.
They’ve heard that he is the way the truth and the life or that he is the one and only savior.
They know this. They can tell you this, but has it doesn’t affect their lives.
So they they began to gravitate backward. We learned last time also that they were able to know the difference.
They understood that there was a difference in the life of, of being religious versus relationship. They witnessed it.
They saw it, they knew that whatever was going on regarding this christ and his followers, that it’s deeper and it’s more real than any religious regime that you could be under the influence of or or give allegiance to.
They knew this, but it didn’t change their lives. They knew the difference.
And then last time we saw also that they were familiar with what we would call church life.
This is a new testament stuff here.
Church, the Book of Hebrews notices in your new testament, they saw the church born.
These were believers who they knew about Pentecost.
They knew about the movement of the Holy Spirit, who will talk about tonight, but they tasted of the heavenly Gift is the announcement that’s made.
So they had the answers today.
It’s a very scary thing to be able to have all the answers.
Listen, this is a we’re in a very critical state as a church in the world and that is when we can have seminaries that discredit the word of God, I have a dear friend who’s well, it’s been years actually since we talked, it’s just the whole experience of going to I’m not gonna mention the name of the school, but somebody talked to him, you gotta go, no one’s gonna listen to you unless you get a doctorate.
And the guy was pastoring the church of thousands of people, God’s God’s hand was on him.
But somebody got to him, he let somebody into his life who said to him, you need to keep doing what you’re doing.
But you got to get a doctorate, if you’re really gonna move on in your ministry life to really be a success.
So he went to a major christian seminary and wound up being taught by professors who discredited the book of Isaiah.
They began to teach that genesis was poetic is Israel an actual viable nation.
These are the things that he was telling me that he was learning and you would say, but he was strong, right with, with all of he was strong and he made it through right answer.
No, did not. We need to be so careful in the days in which we’re in right now.
Days. D az the days in which we’re in right now because there’s nothing that can replace the authenticity and the fact and the truth of God’s word, but everything else dresses itself up so fanciful and so attractive with all of the what and it begins to pull you away from the truth of God’s word.
Be very, very careful about that. We saw in closing last time that they were content to be an outsider.
It said that they had become part takers of the Holy Spirit.
We saw that the word partake er in the greek language means to share in or to be companions with others along the way.
Imagine that for a moment, imagine a journey and there’s others with you um that they were witnesses of the same things that you have been, that they saw the same things, the same things were presented to them.
They heard the same music, they heard the same message.
But what happened was they were okay, listen, with a question mark that was in their heart, I believe by the Holy Spirit saying you need to make sure that you are a true follower.
I think God speaks like that to all people.
You need to make sure you’re, you’re following me.
You need to make sure check, check yourself against the word.
The bible tells us for us to examine ourselves to determine whether we are in the faith or not.
Did you know that That’s a good thing. That’s a strong thing.
So we’ll pick it up now churches verse five and it’s this those who sample the influence of the Holy Spirit, who are those who can never be saved.
They’ve sampled the Holy Spirit, but they’ve never taken in of the Holy Spirit.
The bible tells us here in verse five, just very few words and we’ll go off from here and that as they and the group that were speaking of have tasted, they didn’t consume, they tasted, it’s like going down the aisle at Costco.
At least you used to do, they still do it anymore.
I gave up on cost when they stopped giving away free food.
Um it used to be where you could go to Costco and basically get lunch for free going down the aisles, you got listen, you got a slice of pizza, it was that big, you got a little cup of juice, right?
But if you kept going down each and every aisle eventually you get filled up, but you didn’t get a lot of what was there, They had this issue or at least the Apostle is warning them about sampling Now, how would that manifest itself today in our lives, how would we sample the things of the Holy Spirit and not actually be a true follower of christ, you know, we could sample things of the Holy Spirit by um by what excites us that we follow every type of service that’s going on or around because it’s very thrilling, imagine right now if people really, and I think God’s grace is just holding this back, but people are at a level of fear and of boredom that if if satan were to launch as is promised in the bible, as jesus warned us the days of deceiving spirits and spirits and doctrines of demons, false teachers, imagine the manifestation of people who would do really tremendous things, very charismatic, doing miraculous types of things and you could easily mistake it for the work of God, I understand that I’m a
human too, that we have this need and this person coming through town is is preaching and teaching the lights and the crowds, but their doctrine is a little off, but you’ll overlook that because listen to him or listen to her watch, look at that, did you see that that guy’s, you know, he was blind and now he can see or his arm grew or whatever, I don’t know, but listen if if if pharaoh’s magicians can do miracles that’s under the power of satan, how will you ever know, but by the knowledge of the word of God And so we’re coming up on days that I pray that at least you at this church are ready to take on because when you’re really hurting and somebody offers you the answer to your pain, but they are a little off on jesus.
But you look this way and you look that way and you just go for what they’re offering.
That’s no different than peter denying jesus around that fire as jesus had been betrayed.
No, Listen, the group that’s in trouble here are those who sample the Holy Spirit, The Holy Spirit doesn’t have a hold of them.
Look at verse five, we learned this, that they never moved on further with jesus, that’s built in the entire structure of the, of the verb age that’s presented here, that they have tasted and so that they’ve never moved further along with jesus, they’ve never grown, they never put themselves in that place.
Somebody we were talking recently about the power of the Holy Spirit and how bad you and I need the power of the Holy Spirit.
But I have to qualify that statement when we talk about the Power of the Holy Spirit and also make sure that this is clear, don’t raise your hand, Oh, it’s okay, raise your hand if you’re if you’re a christian, If you’re a christ follower, raise your hand, okay, so put your hand down by you, by you saying.
So you’re you’re communicating to us? Yes, I’ve accepted christ, I understand what you’re saying.
He died on the cross for my sins. Yes, I made him the Lord of my life. He’s my savior.
That’s what we assume by your hand going up.
We just did that collectively for a moment in that moment that you did accept christ whenever that moment was according to the bible, the Holy Spirit moved inside of you by the way.
Listen, you may or may not have felt anything in that moment. Most people don’t.
Some people say they do great for them. That’s awesome. I didn’t feel anything. Most people don’t.
Some people, you know they’re like oh whatever, I don’t know.
But when you accept Christ, the Bible makes it very clear in first Corinthians 12 that that’s a one time event he moves in, he doesn’t move in to move out to move back in to move out to move back in.
Some people think that they have to get saved every week. No, you don’t.
That just tells us that you had a really rough week.
No, that happens once he comes inside never to leave you.
In fact, it’s beautiful technically it’s his job to stay inside of you and to present you to jesus either at death or at the rapture.
The Holy Spirit will deposit you into the hands of christ at the coming of the Lord boy.
That’d be awesome. Tonight would be a great night for that.
I’m sure it’s warmer in heaven than it is here tonight.
But they didn’t move on. They didn’t move on.
They tasted, they weren’t serious about the things of God.
The Holy Spirit to live inside of you is to seal you into the day of redemption.
It’s beautiful. He’s not gonna leave you. You can try all.
You want to run away from him and you’re not gonna succeed. You’re just gonna wear yourself out.
Get a bloody nose. It’s a brutal life. Don’t do it. Just cooperate. He’s, he knows exactly what he’s doing.
He saved you. You’re going to heaven and uh, he wants to use you now.
Here’s the part that’s awesome regarding moving on. These people never did this.
The warning goes out to those who never do what I’m about to say.
They were never saved.
The Spirit of God was never in them for the next thing to happen, which must happen for us is that the Holy Spirit comes upon us for power, you can call it whatever term you want.
It goes by many terms. The baptism of the Holy Spirit notice the baptism of the Holy Spirit.
I have to say it that way because the bible tells us it is the Holy Spirit Who baptized us into the body of Christ First Corinthians 12.
But when we talk about the coming upon for power again, it’s loosely used as oh, they were baptized in this Spirit, we need to be careful with the terminology.
The spirit came upon them. Okay. Book of Acts. Clearly uh Ephesians many places. Absolutely.
Uh whatever term, listen, we’re talking about in the greek, what is E. P. I. M. P.
The moment you were saved. That’s the greek word spelled E. N. That means to dwell inside.
You cannot have the Holy Spirit come upon you. E. P. I.
Unless you have first been E. N. Dwelt within by the Holy Spirit.
Once you’re a believer, the next thing is the power of God to come upon you.
But the power of God is not gonna come upon you unless you need power.
If you’re gonna follow jesus at a distance, listen, you make your you’re going to heaven.
But if you don’t plan on serving God, listen, there’s there’s no reason to put gasoline in the car if you’re not gonna drive it.
Amen. You see, Well, Jack, I want to serve the Lord.
I remember this as as as clear as today.
It’s pastor chuck said so many years ago, if you want to see the power of God move, you’ve got and you and and and he said, look at it like a like a car as a car goes, try to turn the wheel of a car when it’s not moving well, gosh, you know what everybody’s got power steering, but I have a 67 Volkswagen, it’s old and it does not have power steering.
It’s a little tiny car. It’s super light of four guys can pick it up, but here’s the deal when it’s sitting uh just static, it’s a little car, but try to turn the steering wheel without it moving, you can’t do it if you want God to use you then present yourself to him christian and get ready for an amazing life.
Why? Because that’s where you’ve placed yourself in the atmosphere of needing to be used by God.
So we only either choose listen dependence upon God and will see his power come down in that thing that he’s called us to do.
We step out in faith as soon as the car starts moving, you can control it, but as long as it’s parked, you can’t turn the wheel if you’re willing.
The spirit of God comes upon you to use you and what he is stirring up in your heart to do.
But listen, Christianity never works. If you’re gonna decide to be a spectator, it never works well, Christianity, I don’t get it because listen, you never presented yourself to him.
Are you gonna go to heaven?
Yeah, but are you gonna be bored all along the way until you get there sadly. Yes.
Why live like that? He wants to empower you.
These here tasted they just took a little sample like at the end of Costco ill and that was fine for them and they never went on any further and we know people like this, we just don’t want to be people like this, make sure you’re not secondly under this, they never took in deeper the word of jesus look at verse five, it says that they tasted the bible says that they have tasted the good word of God, what does that mean?
It means they actually sat and they listened to the word of God being taught and they said, wow, that was, that was powerful, that was very instructive, that was very meaningful.
Or maybe they even memorized a certain category of scriptures for whatever reasons, it didn’t take root.
It was more recreational or it was more, this is what we do.
It’s like, well I come from a long line of religious people and I’m sure I’m gonna raise my kids the same way that I was raised, the way my parents were raised and that’s what we do, that’s scary and dangerous.
Watch out for that. No, they listen, they did not go deeper with jesus and that is something that is absolutely remarkable and beautiful.
Um, so lisa and I were just talking the other day about how, because there’s a lot of talk these days about revival, you see it all over the place right now, we look back to our days at calvary Chapel Costa Mesa with pastor chuck smith and the jesus movement revival and all that stuff and if you go back and listen to sermons because they’re available, they’re so simple, they’re just so simple and You listen to chuck and, and now I pray because of your devotion to the word you’ve grown, we’ve all grown.
But when you go back to a message that was delivered by him 30 years ago, you’re listening and it goes, it’s beautiful, but it’s so simple and I actually love that when we get in a, in a culture of entertainment, we want some bells and whistles and rockets to go off.
You gotta remember pastor chuck smith. This was the move of God.
And if it wasn’t chuck smith, God would have used the donkey.
He was gonna move God was gonna move.
The culture had reached a place where young people were dying and the nation was coming apart.
Somebody must have been praying or God leaned back and called up the prayers of previous saints, but he began to move its a sovereign move of God, nobody causes it to happen.
I’m gonna step on some toes right now but get them out there, just let me jump on them.
Have you ever driven by a church and on the marquee of the church?
It says revival next sunday night, you can’t do that.
I mean you can put a, you can put that on a marquee but you can’t cause a revival to happen.
You can be willing to whatever, whatever God wants you to do to be willing to do.
But you can’t say there’s gonna be a revival next sunday night.
It’s the work of the holy spirit of God and he does that beautifully by interruption, he just interrupts, we’ve got our plan.
God laughs at our plans, this is the way we’ve always done it.
And God says that’s why I’m gonna shake it up.
And so you see such a simple clear gospel preached that the religionists would listen to and say that’s so simple.
That’s, that’s kind of ridiculous.
But God had a plan and all of these hippies and all of these outcasts gathered and like we’re seeing in the news today, it was quickly labeled as a revival, There’s a revival.
Um, what’s interesting about that is technically if you study the actual discipline of revival in scripture, um that’s actually not really what happened chuck smith taught the bible and the lost, the lost got saved.
That’s not a revival that’s called an awakening. The church gets revived.
It was very interesting. So people got saved.
And it was a simple gospel fast forward.
If you listen to sermons that pastor chuck preached before he went to heaven, they were deep, They were way deeper than what he preached 40 years ago.
Are you hearing me what happened?
Nothing happened except this, where they started, you’ve got a, you’ve got, well, I mean, look in light of teenage hippies, he was an old man and I mean, he was an old man.
So first of all, that’s a work of God when an old man is speaking to young people and they’re listening, you can’t get that happen at home, it’s an act of God and and he didn’t jump or he didn’t pace on the stage back and forth and he didn’t, it was he sat there, he sat there on a stool And he read the book.
Let’s let’s turn to, let’s turn to Matthew chapter one.
And people just sat there and he would read the bible in those days, he would read the bible and then he would start talking and he had almost quoted verbatim without expository on it.
And then he’d move on to the next chapter. That’s how they started.
But that’s not how they finished what happened. He grew as they grew. Why?
Because both the pastor and the flock were following the same messiah, right?
And by the end of the story, I’ll put it that way. They had grown and he had grown.
And the beautiful thing about it being a real actual revival eventually is that those people that God saved grew and from their growth, others were added to the church and went deep, this is important church, we’ve got to move further on with jesus and we’ve got to get deeper in the word with jesus, he will unlock to you.
Listen, some of you young people who are bored with life.
I get it, I get it, you look around at all the stuff that’s being offered this that I mean seriously and you’re tired and you’re thinking, man, there’s nothing, there’s just nothing to live for anymore.
I want to announce to you, I’m so happy to announce you, You have no idea what you’re talking about.
There’s a whole life to live.
You just don’t know about it yet because the God that made heaven and earth made you.
And he’s got a plan for your life. And you’ve never experienced that plan.
And when you do open yourself up to his plan, finally, after all of these decades, your life begins.
You might say pastor, I’m 26 years old.
I’m tired and I don’t see any purpose to go on any longer. Great, good. That’s fantastic.
Now God can go to work with you because you’ve tried everything else and you’ve come up empty.
You’ve searched for everything else and it’s dead hallelujah.
Now he says, okay, let’s let’s do it my way now.
And he goes about putting his word into you and he unlocks things.
Isn’t it amazing that you could read, you could read one chapter of the bible every day for 30 days.
One chapter, let’s just say, let’s say it’s it’s proverbs three. You read proverbs three every day for one month.
That’s all you do every day. You read it, you’ll get something completely different out of it?
I mean, you can even do that with a verse. You guys all know that.
How does it do that? How does that?
You could get 10 pastors to teach on the same verse and all their sermons would be different, every single one of them different.
How is that possible? Holy Spirit taking the word and taking us deeper.
It’s what he does. Absolutely spectacular how he does that.
And of course Jesus says that when the Holy Spirit comes to you, he will unlock to you the word of God.
He will teach you about things to come, wow.
And then finally, before we prepare for communion, it’s this verse five teaches us that they never looked to the finish line.
That is to jesus, It tells us there in verse five, that in that tasting mode they sampled the powers of the age to come, wow.
Think of that. They actually contemplated listen. They thought they knew they heard christ is coming back.
There’s an eternity, There’s a hell and there’s a heaven.
I know all these things. I can answer all of the questions on the exam.
If I were quizzed, I could give you the answers right.
The problem is, is that they never looked to the finish line?
So the warning goes out to them, it’s impossible to renew you back again.
To repentance. He said. Well, pastor, did, did they lose their salvation?
No, that’s the beauty of this passage.
What so many people have struggled with is that Oh, see this, see this collection of verses here in hebrews six.
It teaches that you can lose your salvation. No, it doesn’t.
It announces to us that there there are those who have salvation and there are those who don’t.
And if you are a faithful practicing hebrew in the context of our book and you have your animal sacrifice and then you hear the message and you hear christ and you jesus, my goodness what the prophets?
Yes. And you say all that was pointing to him, he’s here and you embrace him as Lord and savior.
But watch in due time over the course of whatever goes on in life, you wind up becoming a little complacent with them.
It’s not that big of a deal really.
And I felt more at home offering animal blood sacrifices and doing my rituals and lighting my candles and in doing I felt more if I need to touch that, I’m gonna go back to that.
The author of this book would say, number one, this proves that you were never saved.
But you only sipped and tasted of these heavenly things. You were almost a christian.
But in the course of time, you went back to something even after you were enlightened, that means you understood he’s the fulfillment.
But you go back, it’s like this and I’ll wrap it up.
It’s like you, you’re in love with someone, you’re you’re you’re married or you’re engaged or you’re you hope you get engaged, but you love, you love that person and you have a picture of them.
And let’s say, you’re you’re you’re traveling, you travel and you’re gonna be away from them for a month and you have a picture of them, every hotel room on your uh company trip.
You you put the picture of them in there, in the, the mirror at the hotel, then you call them up on the phone and you’re talking to them and and then you get back home and you you land and you say, I’ll meet you at Starbucks or no, that’s some of the meat, you can brew the christian coffee company down the street and and uh I’ll meet you there and uh so I’m a guy, so I’m gonna use my analogy, you make up your own butt.
So I get there and I’ve had lisa’s picture with me for a month and I get there and she’s sitting there at a table with her latte and I run into the building and I pull out the picture and I kiss it and I look at her over there and I just kissed the picture and I hold it to my heart, listen, I would be an absolute lunatic if I did that.
Do you want to know why the real deal is sitting right there at the table.
You’re not gonna look at a picture, a shadow of what is to come.
The bible says about jesus, that the old testament painted us a picture and paul the apostle himself said to the colossians, what was written in all of those things where it was actually a shadow, an indicator of what was to come in, christ and the fulfillment of it all is in him.
I wouldn’t reach for the picture, I would reach for lisa. Do you understand?
So once listen, if I reach for lisa and then go back instead to the picture you said.
That’s insane. Exactly. It means that my affection was not true to be applied to her.
That I’ve got something wrong where I will embrace a picture.
If you embrace the shadow, you’re grabbing nothing that can fulfill.
When christ is here, take hold of them grab onto him.
He’s doing he’s going like this to you.
He’s saying, come to me, come to me, he’s calling you.
But you you stand there and you look at a picture of him, he would drop the picture and jump into his arms.
All right, If you get out of his arms and say, I don’t need you anymore.
I have this picture then the announcement is made.
You do know that there’s nothing there’s nothing left that can save you.
If you’re rejecting him, then where you gonna go?
It’s gonna you can’t find it’s impossible for you to find repentance and forgiveness somewhere else. He’s here.
You hear this. See the christian doesn’t go the christian may backslide and get into trouble.
But the christians very aware of backsliding backsliding christians are saved. You can tell by how miserable they are.
No, you’re not going to lose your salvation because your backslide, it’s not smart but you’re not gonna lose your salvation.
If God has saved you. He sent his holy spirit in you.
That’s not gonna change. Just make sure you have him, make sure he has, you be yielded to him.
Let him take hold of you. Then what?
Then you’re gonna cry out to him and say I need your power for what you’re calling me to do right now.
I think it’s quite thrilling.
I thought will enter your mind to pray for that sick person.
You see at the store, maybe some friend, you know, and you have this something strikes you in the heart and you know it’s unique.
You know, it’s not you and then you get terrified. Let’s all be honest.
We get terrified in that instant.
What do I do ask for the power of the spirit to come upon?
You don’t be satisfied with tasting sipping and sampling.
Let him take you completely.
It’s amazing that he’s invisible right now to us.
But not, you know, this whole thing is so spectacular.
You know, we’re living right now.
We’re doing what we do for him in some way, shape or form all of us as believers, but we’re always aware and conscious of of the invisible and the eternal in that at some point in time, our physical lives will be over.
And when that happens, we get to go to his world, his house, his element as it were, the realm of the spirit and so you and I often think the realm of the spirit, you know what?
I’m convinced now from the bible, it’s more real than this world is.
Scientists will tell us that everything physical that you and I see that there’s more air space in between the molecules that make up the stuff that we can see Than the actual physical properties.
This podium is probably probably about three ft tall, are 3″ tall.
If you remove the space in between the atoms that make this pulpit up, did you know that the wood isn’t that weird?
So what are you nuts? I see the wood, it’s solid. I see you can hit it.
Listen, physics says what I’m hitting are the are the molecules of the wood, but in between the molecules is space is air.
That if you were to remove that portion of the equation, this this podium would be like 3″ tall And it would be really, really heavy, but 3″ tall.
He said That’s weird. Yeah, it is.
But throughout God’s creation, he’s been flirting with our minds all along the way.
You and I deal with invisible things all the time.
We can’t see them with our naked eye doesn’t mean they’re not there, It’s amazing.
I don’t know where you were today, but um it was crazy today, here at church.
It’s the snow melted before it hit the ground but it snowed here today and I don’t know where you were at but people were sending us pictures, it’s snowing at my house, it’s snowing and but you think about that, that’s really weird because that was just water just floating down in a solid form.
But by the time it hit the ground or when it did hit the ground it went away.
Where’d it go? I just saw it a moment ago.
You tell your friends come outside, it’s snowing and then they all run outside and there’s nothing going on anymore.
And they think what are you nuts? There’s no evidence here. Mm Sure.
Think of. Think of think of the world that you and I are living in both now and the one that we are going to inherit the real part, the real part will be realized and it’s perfect Totality and its completion.
So tonight when we prepare our hearts for communion and worship, I listen, I want to invite you to meet jesus tonight.
If you’ve never met him, You said what? What? How can that happen?
I just told you some things are invisible, technically.
He wants to meet the invisible you right now. The inside of you.
He wants to meet you on the inside. How’s that? We meet people on the outside.
But what about the inside? It shouldn’t be strange to us.
We meet a lot of people but the people that mean the most to us are the people that get inside of us and we get inside of them.
You know what I mean? That’s to know someone me meet a lot of people, but you don’t know many people, the people, you know, are the people who have you discovered who they are on the inside, that’s you and that you is who jesus wants to meet tonight.
He’s awesome.