Where Was Jesus?

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Where Was Jesus?

What does the Bible tell us regarding where Jesus went between His death on the cross and His resurrection? What is Hades, why did Jesus visit there, and what did He do during that time? Be encouraged regarding Jesus’ life on earth and how it relates to our own human experiences.


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[Music] hey where was Jesus when he died on the cross what happened to him what was going on when if he’s dead how did the world stay together if he’s god let’s find out real life presents the Jack hibs podcast with intention and boldness to Proclaim truth equip the Saints and impact our culture today if this podcast lifts you up and encourages you to live a more fulfilled life in Christ then make sure you leave us one of those five-star ratings to us that’s like saying amen or yes then that rating will encourage others
to listen now open your hearts to what God’s word has to say to you here is Jack Hibbs well hey everybody welcome to this podcast and I’m I’m prone to most often say welcome to this special podcast to us they’re all special I hope they’re special to you I hope that they are making a difference in your life because we’re bringing you truth and we’re bringing you um what to live by thus we are called real life and this being the Jack hibs podcast and uh the ministry that um I’m involved in and the
and the parah parah Ministries I’m involved in most of them carry the real life brand name tag to it uh the reason why is because we believe that Christianity uh it’s not that we believe it how about that that’s even the wrong way to say it we know that Christianity uh biblically based Christianity not modern-day man defined Christianity we’re talking about B ible based Christianity is a fact it is the reality and so thus it is real life to live real life is to live out the word of God we take this um uh both from now
in our lives to the grave and into eternity and let’s talk about that for a moment let’s let’s just jump in uh to this um and I’m going to cover too many areas of scripture uh to be turning p back and forth so I’m going to ask you to pay attention and then I’m going to ask you maybe look that up I’ll say something like that you you can look that up here or look that up there but let’s talk about this um let’s talk about the fact that no other Faith um Organization no other uh Faith group can
claim and that is for we as Believers followers of Christ we’re the only ones who can claim uh based on fact that our founder of our faith is none other than God himself meaning this that we start in Genesis 1:1 in the beginning God created the heavens and the Earth and that’s where we begin and we end in Revelation chapter 22 where the Lord says behold I come quickly even so come quickly Lord Jesus and what makes up the entire Bible uh is the truth of God this book does not contain the word of God this book is
the word of God and when I say that I mean that there are not parts of this scripture that you can apply to today’s life that would make you honestly somewhat of a heretic to say well we we believe the New Testament it applies today but not the old or we believe that some of the New Testament applies but not not the rest of it and certainly not the old look it’s equally wrong for someone to say and I have friends who say this only the first five books of the Bible apply the rest of it doesn’t that’s equally wrong God has
preserved for us his entire word and the scripture backs itself up from Deuteronomy for example from Revelation from Matthew uh from Isaiah where Jeremiah where the scriptures warn Proverbs the scriptures warn that you are not to add to the scriptures or take away from the scriptures for if you do the very curses of this word will come upon you you don’t mess with God’s word so coming from that um we want to ask this question regarding the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead no other Faith group can claim this m Muhammad
did not rise from the dead there’s no evidence of Muhammad rising from the dead and there’s no message in Islam that Muhammad did rise from the dead um what about Buddhism what about Hinduism what about taism what about Shintoism all of these things that are Faith positions have no form of Salvation provided to the adherent by the very one in whom they worship I want you to hear that again each of those organizations have a worship system but none of their worship system has its founder being the one who
pays the price for their sins establishes righteousness is resurrected from the dead promising you that you too can now live forever but Jesus Jesus Christ Alone why is that true because there’s only one book in the entire universe that said that’s exactly what he would do and so somebody might say well where does the bible say this where does the bible say that we get that all the time where does the Bible say about um homosexuality throughout the Bible why don’t you read it you want the answer read it well where does the bible say um
stuff about the Rapture in the Bible you should read it uh where does the Bible say about capital or Corporal corporal punishment uh uh that somebody should be put to death for a particular crime the Bible says this throughout there’s there’s the consistency or the um the harmony of the scriptures the expositional constancy of scriptures there is the hermeneutics and the homiletics of the Bible there are laws to the interpretation of the Bible that keep it um intact for us the reader for us the student now let’s talk about this
Jesus Christ uh resurrected from the dead let’s first of all back up Jesus Christ before the Resurrection the Bible tells us that he was God come to Earth in human flesh that’s Old Testament Doctrine and New Testament doctrine that Jesus Christ by being the Messiah when the apostles and disciples for example heard the voice from heaven in the excellent Glory say this is my beloved Son in whom I’m well pleased we often think that that’s a very sweet thing to say about Jesus isn’t that a nicity no it’s not a nicity
it’s beyond all that when God the Father spoke from heaven above to the disciples he when he said this is my my only son in whom I’m well pleased it means this is my one and only manifestation of who I am in person to you Mankind and it is him alone that is acceptable to me there’s no other there’s no other that has ever been there is no other that is and there is no other that shall be it is Christ Alone who is acceptable to the father this is my beloved Son in whom I’m well pleased by the by by the way that’s all
buttoned up in this term this is my begotten son there’s only one begotten son there will not be a second that’s why when you study the deity of Christ now some of you who are uh of Cults maybe Mormonism or Jehovah Witnesses or maybe Islam or maybe Judaism you’re saying uh we don’t believe that he’s the only begotten son we have a problem with the word of God because the word of God tells you in Old and New Testament that there’s only going to be one son of God that is going to be given one son of God provided one
son of God acknowledged as the atonement one son of God resurrected from the dead that’s Old Testament theology that is Psalms 2 Psalm 22 that is Isaiah 7 Isaiah 9 that is proverbs 30 we can go on and on just Old Testament alone on this but let’s talk about Christ being on the cross this is God and human flesh for those 33 and a quar years that he lived at being born from the Virgin Mary Isaiah 7 Christ is born into this world God and human skin he felt everything that you and I feel um he felt cold he felt hungry um
he felt pain he felt felt sorrow in fact I personally believe that he felt it more perfectly than any of us could ever feel anything but what he didn’t have was a sin nature which is a remarkable thing Jesus did not have a sin nature meaning that he didn’t have to fight with what you and I fight with his fight was actually greater see what do you what do you mean Jack Jesus had didn’t have a sin nature because he was God yet 100% man but watch this Jesus Christ in all points was tempted just like us yet
without sin the Bible tells us in the book of Hebrews as an example so was when Christ was tempted was he really tempted yes with intensity yet he didn’t sin you and I have we were born with the nature of sin you and I have that Christ was born without that nature but when Satan tempted him for example in the wilderness of Judea for 40 days those were real legit Temptations those Temptations were so great that you and I are only tempted in those areas by fraction for example when Satan said to Jesus why don’t you just Bow Down and
Worship me and I will give you all the kingdoms of this world that was real Satan may be dangerous but he’s not stupid what Satan said to Jesus was 100% truth Jesus just Bow Down and Worship me and I’ll give it all to you what made that a real Temptation was that Satan was offering something to Jesus that Satan could give him this world right now is under Satan’s domain think of that right now the realm the authority ities of this world are under the principality and the power of the air the ruler of this world the Bible says
Satan Jesus Christ in coming look at it this way he invaded what CS Lewis says he invaded enemy occupied territory when Christ came into this world Jesus invaded enemy occupied territory the enemy is occupying this territory the the world Christ invaded by being born into this world and so when Satan said just Bow Down and Worship me and I’ll give you everything that was a real legitimate Temptation why don’t you turn these Stones you’re starving to death why don’t you turn these stones into bread
you can do that Satan did not deny the power of Jesus Satan came at an opportune moment when Christ was about to die in the physical body body Satan came and said wouldn’t you like to eat right now I know you would remember how good bread taste I’m getting an unknown callar Satan knew exactly what he was doing he knew exactly how to dangle that Temptation in front of him so those temptations that Christ experienced in the wilderness they were more than real to us they were exceedingly difficult when Satan said as he placed Jesus At
The Pinnacle of the temple throw yourself down doesn’t the scripture say that you will not Dash your foot against the stone but the angels of heaven will bear you up Satan misquoted that Psalm trying to trick Jesus up and what did Jesus respond by saying thou sh Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God but listen man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God so when Jesus died on the cross for our sins it was God there dying for us because only God and his death could
atone for our sins not any good man it had to be more than a good man it had to be Christ himself when he died what how did he die watch this is the sound like a trick question I’ll pause for a moment how did Jesus Christ die your normal answer is going to be crucifixion right somebody could say exposure blood loss exhaustion how did Jesus Christ die the Bible tells us after the atmosphere had turned completely dark for the space of three hours God laid on Jesus the iniquity of us all Isaiah 53 Jesus then says toelles it is
finished when his atoning work on the cross was finished for the sins of mankind what what did how did Jesus die the Bible says Jesus dismissed his Spirit you cannot do that I cannot do that only God can do that when Jesus had paid the price for sin’s debt a price that you and I could never pay he paid it for us when he when he finished the job he dismissed himself from his physical body this is where it gets fun his body died the moment Jesus dismissed his Spirit his body died look the moment your spirit leaves your body your body
dies when someone is pronounced dead at the scene of the accident it’s because your spirit has left your body you’re gone we’re we only have your body listen in 1 Thessalonians chapter 5: 23 it says may the Lord may the Lord Jesus Christ sanctify you fully completely Body Soul and Spirit so friends listen when Jesus died on the cross and his body was hanging on the cross where did Jesus go what became of Jesus be careful you want to think this through because some of your friends will tell you how could Jesus be God if
he died the whole universe would have fallen apart right because isn’t he God yes he’s God see your mistake is thinking that his physical body is what’s holding the universe together you need to think bigger friend when Jesus dismissed his Spirit the body dies on the cross Christ his soul and his Spirit never died only his body died so what do we know we know that for 3 Days the body of Christ lay in the Tomb we know that during the time that Christ was laying in the Tomb in his body we know that the book of Hebrews
and the Book of Leviticus requires that for our atonement to be uh secured forever our treasure to be laid up in heaven forever had to be offered up by Jesus Christ if means that Christ would have been conducting his Priestly Ministry before the father who’s in heaven it means that during those hours those days of Christ’s body lying in the Tomb it means that he would have fulfilled the Old Testament promise recorded in the book of Ephesians where it says that he would have gone down and preached to those who were what we refer
to in Abraham’s bosom shol or Hades did you know that before Christ rose again from the dead bodily did you know that when David died for example or Noah died for example did you know that none of them went to heaven nobody had gone to heaven nobody nobody no listen even the thief on the cross what did Jesus say to the thief on the cross he said today you’ll be with me in Paradise he didn’t say heaven big difference today you’ll be with me in Paradise when Jesus died his body died first and then
later the thief on the cross died what happened Jesus said today you’ll be with me in Paradise when that thief on the cross died his body remained on the tomb but his spirit and his soul went straight to Abraham’s bosom straight to shol or to um Hades it’s referred to in scripture as I’ll I’ll draw it because um I’m it’s easier for me to to explain there’s these we’ll call them two compartments in Hades or shol we know from Luke chapter 15 and Luke chapter 16 there is the place that is called
referred to affectionately as Abraham’s bosom where Abraham Daniel Noah Adam Isaiah the thief on the cross Ezekiel remember when the Old Testament says to for example to Daniel Daniel uh it’s time for you to die you’re going to be gathered to your fathers this it’s this spot it’s this spot right here from so to speak I say so to speak accurately I assume I assume Adam repented of his sin and I assume that Adam was the first guy when he died to enter here and the last guy we don’t know if the thief on the
cross was in fact the last guy doesn’t matter let’s just say that he is for now everyone from Adam to the thief on the cross as an example I’m not saying he was it could have been somebody else but they went to what’s called Abraham’s bosom or paradise and Luke gives you some description that in between this place is a huge Gulf a great canyon uh the verbage is actually a gulf guu LF a Chasm and then over here is torment this is not exactly hell this is also referred to as Hades but listen when Jesus Christ died
on the cross it says that he came and he preached the gospel to those who were captive that’s a great Broad odd statement because it would have also meant that he would have preached the gospel to those that are in we’ll call hell though it’s not technically hell it gets complicated it’s a podcast for some other time but Abraham’s bosom Paradise shol or Hades Hades or shol divided in half Pleasant torturous believer pre-resection Believers unbelievers the wicked when Jesus Christ announced that he was the promised
Messiah he announced that to both camps can I put it this way to these guys he said hey I’m the one you guys knew about I’m the one that you guys trusted in I’m the one that you guys were looking forward to H I’m the one Isaiah I’m the one you talked about hang on a minute hey you know all you guys that rejected everything that Abraham had told you everything that had been preached to you the that nature itself had preached to you everything that you had heard and you rejected I’m the one


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