Having The Best – Part 1 (Hebrews 1:4-14) | Jack Hibbs Special
Having The Best – Part 1 (Hebrews 1:4-14)
In everything, the book of Hebrews presents Jesus Christ as the all-sufficient and eternal priesthood.
In all things Jesus Christ is better than Moses, then Angels, then the law as being centrality of those ministries.
In all things Jesus Christ is better than Moses, then Angels, then the law as being centrality of those ministries.
Cheers. Let’s stand together and let’s turn in our Bibles to Hebrews chapter one, Hebrews chapter one in our study tonight.
We’re going to the book of Hebrews ever so slowly.
And I’ve been hearing that for some of you newbies that are here.
You’re not used to doing exposition all teaching and you’re asking me if I’m okay.
Uh Pastor, you’re gonna pick it up. What’s, what’s wrong? No, this is about it.
Uh we’ve been doing this for 30 years.
It’s how, you know, the Bible, it’s how you get to know the Bible is you just immerse yourself in it and it’s called exposition of teaching.
And, uh, so here we are tonight.
Uh Hebrews chapter one, I’ll begin in the even numbered verses, beginning with verse four where we’re picking it up and we’ll go all the way out to verse 14.
Don’t get excited, but we’ll go out to verse 14 and see how it goes.
Hebrews chapter one, verse four, having become so much better than the angels as he has by inheritance, obtained a more excellent name than they.
But when he again brings the firstborn, this is Jesus now into the world He says, let all the angels of God worship him, right?
But to the Son, he says, your throne, o God is forever and ever a scepter of righteousness is the scepter of your kingdom.
And you Lord in the beginning laid the foundation of the earth and the heavens are the work of your hands.
Verse 12, like a cloak, you will fold them up and they will be changed, but you are the same and your years will not fail.
We’ll end here.
Verse 14. Are they not all ministering spirits?
Speaking of angels sent forth to minister to those who will inherit salvation? Fathers speak to us.
We pray out of your glorious, wonderful. And as we see here tonight, deep, deep word.
Thank you Lord in Jesus name and all God’s people said, yes, yes, church.
So as we’re looking at this, we begin this portion of scripture where as previously looking at Hebrews written to those believers who had been Jews, they were Hebrews and they came to understand in the first century era, they began to understand from the Old Testament scriptures that Jesus was, in fact the promised Messiah, how they came to that conclusion was that they matched the New Testament Ministry of Jesus Christ up against the Old Testament Revelation of the Scriptures.
And that is what we’re supposed to do, by the way, how does somebody come to the knowledge and the understanding that Jesus Christ is Lord that He is, in fact Christ, that Jesus is worthy of our love and devotion and that He is, in fact the very one who is your key into eternity.
How do you know that if you just read the New Testament, you’ll come to salvation. Yes, of course.
But you’ll never have a deep understanding as to the mechanics and the theology as to why.
Why is Jesus worshiped by us? Why is he the one that is the savior of the world?
Why is he called God? Why do we even say that?
Because the scriptures in the Old Testament and the New are an absolute agreement. The Old Testament announces it.
The New Testament records its fulfillment.
And as we look at this from this area of scripture on, we’re gonna be talking now for many months because it goes from many chapters about how Jesus is better.
Jesus is the best, better than angels, better than Moses, all my Jewish friends right now, just recoiled it better than the prophets, better than the patriarchs.
It’s Jesus Christ. But if you just pause for a moment, pull back, collect yourself and think that when you read those Old Testament scriptures in the Bible, there tells us that the Messiah must be born in Bethlehem, that its verses and chapters that teach that in the Old Testament that many people, many Jews came to the wrong conclusion.
Thinking well, then he must be a human. He’s got to be a human but never divine.
That’s just no, can’t happen. That is a presupposition that they come with that.
It just can’t be that God loves us, but he would never become one of us and they struggle with how he would save us.
And that’s what legalism is.
Something very, very attractive to not only the legal ist but to those who are embracing modern day Judaism is, they don’t see the Messiah as the one who pays for their sins.
They see the Messiah as a political deliverer.
They think that their messiah is gonna come in and free them from the yoke of bad governments.
And that’s nothing new. By the way, you guys remember that you remember when the disciples said to Jesus finally will you now restore the kingdom to Israel.
They thought that he was a political deliverer, but they failed to read the fullness of Isaiah for example.
And the scriptures will see tonight and what Hebrews is talking about that Jesus Christ is the promised messiah and Israel’s political deliver all in one, all in one.
His first coming was all about those passages of scripture regarding him being the sacrifice on the cross for our sin debt.
They read Isaiah and they see the suffering of the Messiah and because they struggle with it, they wind up saying that cannot be about the Messiah because what, what kind of political deliver is gonna get himself beat up like that.
So it must mean. And many of you will know this in a moment that have Jewish friends like I do, they will say that must refer to Israel the one who suffers because we can’t have a suffering Messiah.
You see, they’ve missed the doctrine of resurrection.
Someone used to say maybe Chuck Mr about forever ago, Chuck Mr was used to joke around and say that uh Joseph of Arimathea as family tomb was borrowed for the weekend.
And because Jesus’s body was laid in nearby tomb and uh Joseph of Arimathea had this wonderful family tomb built.
He was a rich man. He was had this great tomb.
And the joke was uh well, this is my family tomb.
And maybe Nicodemus said to him at the, at the burial.
Don’t worry, we he, we just needed for the weekend. It’s just for the weekend.
And uh it’s a cute joke, but it’s accurate.
They didn’t, they didn’t equate that the Messiah would be resurrected from the dead.
And yet the very same theologians of the Jewish belief would agree that Jonas ministry was a type of resurrected Messiah that the announcements are there.
That David speaks about the Messiah who would be crucified with his holes, being put in his hands and his feet.
David said that Isaiah 53 says that God would lay on him the iniquity of us all and that God’s wrath would be appeased when he would see the Messiah bearing the sins of many.
It’s all there. And so tonight, the author of the book of Hebrews is speaking to Jews who listen, had accepted Christ as Savior.
Some of them were Jews who had or were attending church fellowships and they had warmed up to the intellectual thought of who Jesus might be by no means you ought to remember this or write it down by no means is the author of the book of Hebrews writing to Gentile Christians, even though we benefit from it in our study.
This is all about you having a priest named Jesus Christ.
He is priest, he has sacrificed, he is salvation. He is the one that you confessed to.
He is the one that not only was, it’s amazing to me. I love this.
I love the legality of this Jesus not only met all the demands of Messiah requirements, the miracles and all of that.
But listen, then he taught the people of Israel the meaning of the scriptures from the Old Testament.
That’s why they were blown away by saying, who’s this? Who speaks to us with such authority?
Where did he learn such things?
It’s not that they didn’t believe him, that they were shocked that he knew what he was saying.
Did they not even say to him? Isn’t this the carpenter?
They were shocked because as the scripture says, he opened up to them, the scriptures and their hearts burned within them because they saw the truth light up Jesus did that.
Of course, he was the word of God.
He was talking about himself when he opened up the word he was talking about himself. Absolutely awesome.
But if that wasn’t enough, then he tells the disciples and he tells the nation, I’m gonna be arrested, I’m gonna be beaten, I’m gonna be crucified.
But on the third day, be raised from the dead. And that happened.
And so we are grateful because he died for our sin debt, meaning this, that you and I owed a debt to God.
And God’s only way of getting that debt paid, which he actually never, actually never would have gotten it paid.
We could never pay him. So what really happened is our souls, our spirit without Christ filed bankruptcy because you and I cannot pay God back for the wrong.
The things that you and I’ve done in life are thought in life.
The Bible tells us that God had a handwriting of ordinances being written against us because we were living our lives without God.
And it was building up building up, stacking up and we had no way of paying them back.
Jesus not only dies on the cross, he dies because that’s where I was supposed to die.
That’s where you’re supposed to die. And he paid the price right there for you.
And I technically, let’s be honest. So nobody gets any wrong ideas.
Jesus Christ died on the cross for all the sins of all mankind forever. Here’s the problem.
People with sloppy theology or cult like ministries that they belong to think that that’s what if that’s what Jesus did, then everybody gets saved no matter what.
Oh, no, no, that’s not true.
In fact, the very, the very act of Jesus who died on the cross for your sins, he paid the debt for all sin.
That is actually the very justifiable reason why a person who rejects the gift winds up in hell.
Think of it. It’s a double edged sword if you believe it’s salvation for you forever based on what the price that He paid is so amazing.
But the price that he paid, that’s so amazing. If you reject it, there’s nothing left for you.
So he died for all the price has been paid.
But not everyone will benefit themselves from accepting his offer.
That’s how you can have a holy awesome God in all eternity, resurrected from the dead and you and I being indebted to him forever and praise and worship, right?
You think tonight was awesome. Just wait till we get there and then, and then listen, that very same God that paid the salvation for all mankind when rejected.
That’s how you have an absolute no reason to apologize eternal hell for those that are there because he didn’t send them there.
He paid the debt to keep them from going there.
Everyone in hell tonight knows exactly who’s responsible for why they’re there and it’s themselves crazy.
And so tonight we’re going to be starting now in this study, looking at having the best, having the best, having the best is Jesus Christ.
Number one, look at it, start in verse four is the fact that he’s the incarnate omnipotence of God that Jesus Christ is the power of God In his word, in his acts in his ministry in who he is.
Look at Verse four, having become so much better than the angels.
So that’s where we begin as he has by inheritance, obtained a more excellent name than they.
The word name don’t let it throw you the name, uh their means position or authority.
Jesus has now ultimate authority. See, Jack, I thought he always had authority. He’s God.
Yeah, but hang on a second, listen up carefully.
Notice this, notice the title I put on this argument that he is the incarnate omnipotence. My dear friends.
God is omnipotent. He’s all powerful.
The radical awesome difference now about Jesus is that he had been all powerful for all eternity.
But when Jesus came into this world, he came in not like an apparition, not as a spirit.
He could have. He’s God. He could have come as a ghost or an appearance and then he would have faded away.
He would have, he could have come like uh like the force for Luke Skywalker.
He could have come like the force. He didn’t come.
Luke like the force because he wasn’t about power and he wasn’t about all that stuff.
He’s the omnipotence, which is the old power, but he’s the old power to save. Yes, he’s all power.
But honestly, that doesn’t matter to you. And I, if he’s the old power, how does that benefit us?
Because he’s the all, listen, he is the old power, the all omnipotent omnipotent to save.
And so his authority transcends angels and immediately this breaks in upon us the argument as it was then.
So it is today those that are spiritist, those that are interested in the spiritual realm. They’re very spiritual people.
Everyone knows somebody like that. They’re very, very attuned to the spirit of things.
Normally, what they believe is absolutely bonkers, but you gotta give them credit.
They’re spiritually sensitive and so many that adhered to that are very keen on angels.
They got angel necklaces, they got angel uh car stickers, they got angels shirts, they got everything.
She’s angel and, and you know, you can okay listen. The thing is this.
No, this Jesus is better than angels. Angels are awesome but angels are created. They’re not eternal. Angels were created.
Jesus is eternal. It’s all about him coming into this world in human flesh.
Having become, notice the word become, having become so much better than the angels. Please get this. Everybody.
Jesus listen because the cults use this at your door. They’ll use this verse.
Oh, you see the Jesus that you talk about.
He doesn’t exist because look, the Jesus and Hebrews one for he just evolved onward and upward into a greater spiritual creature.
No, he didn’t. That statement in verse four is all about him becoming human. Watch this.
What’s greater God or angels? Yeah. Listen, what’s greater right now right now tonight, what’s greater God?
Angels are humans? God. What? Second? Oh, you’re quiet. This is good.
You are justifiably confused and quiet because watch this in the order of things right now.
Right now, God unrivaled. Obviously, God right now in glory. It’s angels, right?
And then third us, we’re here.
We’re the ones in the struggle were the one in the battle were the ones living out and following in, in this world and waiting and looking for Christ.
But watch this, the Bible will see it in a moment if I get into the message is the fact that we start out down here.
But when we die or when the rapture happens were liberated and the Bible is gonna tell us and you’ll see it in a moment where we will one day be exalted above the angels and we will in fact sit in judgment of them someday when they are judged.
There’s a day of judgment for angels, by the way coming, the Bible teaches us.
That’s why the verse right here says that having become so much better than the angels.
What does that mean? Jesus was born into the, watch God then born into the world as a baby becomes a human, Christ goes through his life, suffers, dies and is resurrected.
Now watch this. The resurrected one. Jesus is God and man, the Christ man.
We talked about that last time Jesus Christ tonight one and only forever.
Nobody else like him is all God and all man at the same time.
And he’s unique and nothing will ever be like him ever that God loved you enough to come down and suffer to communicate to you to tell you, I know what it’s like to be hurt.
I know what it’s like to be maligned. I know what it’s like to be lied about.
I know it’s like to be crucified, tortured, mutilated, misunderstood. I know what it’s like.
I know what it’s like to be abused and cast out.
I know what it’s like so he can communicate that to us. An angel couldn’t do that.
What does an angel know about us honestly, with all due respect to angels? Because they’re amazing.
They don’t know because they’ve never been a human incarnate. Omnipotence.
Power in human flesh is the Lord Jesus Christ.
And when it announces to us that he’s got a greater authority than angels, we’re talking about Christ, the risen Lord that tonight, it’s amazing.
Think about it tonight, seated at the right hand of God, the father is the man Christ. Jesus.
The Bible tells us in Timothy that there’s one mediator between man and God and that is the man Christ Jesus.
Anything you ever feel everything you ever struggle with?
He’s waiting there for you, but he’s better greater and he’s received this by inheritance because of his obedience to the father even to death.
First Corinthians chapter six verse one tells us first Corinthians 61 says, dare any of you having a matter.
He’s talking to Christians. But that church at Corinth, these guys were as carnal and messed up as you can be.
Listen to this. Dare any of you says, Paul having a matter against another.
Go to law before the unrighteous and not before the saints.
They were Christians were suing Christians in that world and they were going to courts ungodly courts to sue their brothers.
And Paul is saying, are you guys sick or you have lost your minds? Can’t you guys?
Your saints for crying out loud? You have the Holy Spirit guiding you. Work it out. Verse two.
Do you not know that the Saints will judge the world? Wow.
Did you know that it’s coming someday? And if the world will be judged by you?
Are you unworthy to judge the smallest matters? Verse three?
Do you not know that we will uh that we shall judge angels?
How much more things that pertain to this life? The Christian listen right now.
Everybody just get this under your belt. It shouldn’t be a shock aru But here’s the deal.
A Christian should be somebody you can go to trust and depend upon and they should speak wisdom to you because they’re a Christian period.
The Christians in the world should be the wisest people wisest. I didn’t say the most intelligent. Listen.
Some people got super brains. But Christians have, you know, you can be a Christian have a super brain, but I’m not talking about knowledge.
I’m talking about wisdom. The world does not have wisdom.
The world’s got a lot of knowledge, but they don’t have wisdom. You can be a country bumpkin.
Never have gone to school in your life board again, believer and have profound wisdom and you can be a Harvard graduate in something or rather and not even know how to work a door knob.
Seriously. You got all the smarts on paper but you don’t have to live life.
You don’t have to do it. You’re a genius, but you can’t figure it out.
And then somebody comes along who’s been touched by the Holy Spirit and they’ve got it, they open their mouth and it’s like, oh my goodness, I could listen to that person talk all day long.
You know, it’s precious you, you know, I don’t know, I used to be true in this region of the world.
Not so much anymore. But do you know anybody who’s of the earth of the soil?
You need farmers growers, dairy men, people who get out there and, and work you know what?
There’s, there is something about people who are exposed to that world that, you know, something I guess call it horse sense.
I think it’s much higher than that. There’s just something about it.
And you think about what it takes, if you think, if you doubt what I’m saying, go to Lowe’s or Home Depot and buy a little pot of tomatoes and try to grow it, try to grow a little garden and a farmer up north from here will grow enough food to feed the entire United States.
How in the world does that happen? They know stuff and they have to rely upon God.
They gotta, they gotta trust God with the weather and they got to trust God for the crop.
They gotta trust God for the harvest. It’s pretty amazing.
And there’s wisdom in that God says, you’ve got wisdom and you’ve got understanding and know this.
We go straight to Jesus because all power is available in Christ, Jesus.
And I’m sure in there somewhere is the wisdom of God. The believer gets to ask God for wisdom.
The unbeliever doesn’t get to do that.
Number two, we look at this is the fact that verse five, that He’s the incarnate, omnipresence.
He’s all powerful omnipotence and omnipresence is everywhere. Jesus, Christ, God, the Holy Spirit, the Godhead is everywhere.
Now, Christ, obviously, when he was on earth was limited in his body, but the Holy Spirit think of it now the Holy Spirit, 3rd Person of the Trinity everywhere.
David said, the Psalms said, I cannot go anywhere. I cannot flee.
I cannot go to the uttermost parts of the ocean or space or down into hell itself without his spirit being there.
Think about that. You want to run away, want to run away from God. You can’t do it.
He’s everywhere. Look at verse five for to which of the angels did he ever say?
You are my son today. I have begotten you.
And again, I will be to him, a father and he shall be to me a son.
This is an amazing statement. Church family write this down because this, this starts to go amazing.
And the, and the verses of from 4 to 14, it’s like a machine gun of Old Testament passages just laid out.
Are you ready to write them down? You want to write it down, you guys. Okay. Everybody okay. Watch this.
This is part of you having the best in Jesus Christ, His omnipresence.
When verse five tells us to which of the angels. This is a challenge. In other words.
Did God ever tell any angels in the Bible? You’re my son today. I have begotten or glorified you.
And again, another passage I will be to him, a father and he shall be to me a son.
Now, everybody think about this, especially our Jewish friends tonight.
That’s an old Testament to Old Testament quotes anywhere in the Old Testament. Church family.
Listen, find me somewhere in the Old Testament when God calls angels, his son and tells them the son, I’m your father.
You’re not gonna find it. Search as you may.
This is one of the greatest arguments from the Old Testament that Jesus Christ is God Almighty.
The Son of God. God says in the word, there’s a day when I announce this is my son today, I have begotten you.
It’s regarding his incarnation, him coming into the world. It’s awesome.
I kind of get goose bumps thinking about it.
I, I am more sure about who Jesus is than I am about the lineage of my last name.
I don’t need to go to ancestry dot com.
I won’t, I won’t believe it or whatever it says.
But this one thing I know Jesus is the son of God and he is the Lord and Savior.
And the evidence to believe that is absolutely overwhelming.
The book of Hebrews, if you don’t know is a new Testament book.
Well, listen to this, remember, this is all regarding verse five, Isaiah chapter six verses one through three.
In the year that King Josiah died.
I saw the Lord sitting on the throne high and lifted up and the train or the glory of his robe filled the temple and above it stood the Seraphim and each one, these angel angelic ranks of angels and each one had six wings with two.
They covered their face with two, they covered their feet and with two, they flew and one cried to another saying, holy, holy, holy is the Lord.
How’s the whole earth is full of his glory?
The whole earth is full of his glory, the omniscience or the under presence I should say of God.
Keep this in mind. Watch this Daniel 10 verse 12 and 13. Daniel 10.
Then he the angel speaking to Daniel said to me, do not fear Daniel.
For from the first day that you set your heart to understand and to humble yourself before God, your words were heard and I have come because of your words.
Notice Daniel prays and an angel is responding.
But the prince of the kingdom of Persia withstood me 21 days and behold Michael, one of the chief princes came to help me for I had been left alone there with the kings of Persia.
This angel is talking about other angelic and demonic powers that are in the atmosphere.
Don’t think the kings of Persia, those are not earthly entities. Is that awesome?
I thought you’d be excited about that. Daniel.
Look, Daniel when you started praying, God sent his answer. But I couldn’t get for 21 days.
I couldn’t get to you. This is an angel talking to him 21 days, I’ve been battling to get you the answer.
But these demonic powers in the atmosphere were fighting against me and Michael had to come and beat him up.
Remember I told you about Michael? You don’t mess with Michael in the Bible. The Great Archangel.
He’s in a fight every time he shows up in the Bible, he’s fighting. He’s awesome. He must be ripped.
He’s gonna be, you’re gonna see him some day. Daniel.
Daniel’s gonna see him later on in, in, in the book of Daniel and Daniel said when he saw him, he was completely sick.
He was absolutely sick. He was sick for many days from looking at Michael. No, seriously, he was sick.
He said he couldn’t had no strength in him for many days.
I want to see an angel. I want to see an angel.
No, apparently you do not want to see an angel man.
Can you imagine that when people die, when people die without Jesus, what they see?
Can I freak you guys out?
I’m not, I’m gonna get in trouble for saying this.
But actually some of you who could Lisa and I went to a movie and many of you were already in the theater when we got there and, and uh we saw this movie called The Quiet Place and don’t see it.
Uh If you don’t know that actually, if you don’t know the Bible, you’re probably fine.
But when this, when this thing showed up from outer space in the guy’s cornfield, uh immediately I knew where to go in the book of Revelation.
John said I saw these things coming and they had bodies like a locust or a scorpion armored their teeth like lions, but they had a face like a man and they had a hair like a woman lion.
Think of, think of the teeth of the lion on the face of a human or a face of a man.
John. John said look at a human but he had teeth like a lion and it was armor coated and it was like a scorpion kind of like a like a uh John’s trying to describe something that comes out of the bowels of hell.
After humans, Hollywood wants to make stuff up that they’re flying saucer things. Now they’re demonic things.
The Bible out, the Bible talked about this 2000 years ago.
It’s demonic and those are fallen creatures. Think of the glory of Michael or Gabriel.
Wow, incredible. But angels are limited. They’re not, they, they’re localized. God is everywhere.
There’s no place where you can be where God is not there.
Ephesians three verse 10, the intent that now the manifold wisdom of God might be made known by the church to the Principalities and powers.
See those words, everybody, Principalities and powers, those are ranks of angelic creatures, Principalities and powers.
So look at verse again, the intent of God is now that the manifold wisdom of God might be made known by the church.
Wow. Listen, God is telling the church stuff and Principalities and powers are learning from it, Principalities and powers in the heavenly places, spirit realms according to the eternal purpose which he accomplished in Christ Jesus, our Lord.
You see the order of things.
There’s God, there’s angels that are somehow highly involved in this playing field of life and of this universe.
And then there’s us created in the loneliness of what we are fallen humans.
And yet there’s this angelic spirit presence. First Corinthians chapter four verse nine.
First Corinthians 49 says for, I think that God has displayed us, said the apostle Paul, the apostles last as men condemned to death for we have been made as spectacle to the world, both to angels and to men.
I wonder what the angels think when they look at the ministry of this life, it’s gotta boggle their minds.
And I wonder what they think about us, doubting God’s word and doubting God at times.
I wonder if they get impatient.
I know, I know that they must get impatient because you remember the angel that was going to kill below.
Um When Ballin was writing his dunking, the angel stood in the way to stop him from going on his bad mission, he decided to go on and the donkey saw the angel standing there but belong, he’s probably looking at his phone or something.
He doesn’t care. He’s looking down and the donkey stops and he kicks the donkey donkey won’t move the donkey.
The bible says the donkey saw the angel.
And this is the greatest, one of the greatest things ever in the Bible.
I’d love to see one of these, this moments Spielberg should do. This balloon gets off.
He starts kicking the donkey, he starts beating the donkey and then he says, you stupid donkey, you and he beat.
And the donkey says the donkey goes, wait a minute, haven’t I been a good donkey to you all these years?
And he’s actually yelling at his donkey.
And the donkey is saying, look and then the angel says, if that donkey wouldn’t have stopped, I was gonna, I was gonna cut you in half.
I just amazing. But Christ is better but he’s better.
Jude chapter one verse nine, Jude 19 yet Michael, the Archangel Michael in contending with the devil, Satan when he disputed about the body of Moses.
That’s creepy. When Moses died, Satan tried to steal Moses physical body.
Satan came to take Moses body.
What did he want Moses body for Michael came and contended with Lucifer over the body of Moses wiggling that the possibility of false doctrine.
Would he would he would he would he have animated the body of Moses? Would he be somehow possessed?
It made it move? Why Moses body?
Nobody knows why we just know that Michael and Lucifer fought over Moses’s body. Wow.
But watch this, Michael dared not bring an accusation against him.
A reviling accusation but said, and this is important. All of us. The Lord rebuke you Christian.
Can I tell you something real fast? Those of you who brought up in Pentecostal leaning theology.
Be very careful, very careful. Nowhere in the Bible. Does it say that you’re to go around rebuking demons?
The Lord, you are to call upon the Lord to rebuke those demons.
See what I’ve got all the power.
You listen, you ain’t got nothing that God listen, God’s got to give it to you.
But if, if Michael, the Archangel said to Lucifer, the Lord rebuke you, we better tread lightly.
People walking around. I’m gonna cast this out and I’m gonna cast that out.
You know what, be careful that is that whatever you and I do, that’s good is by the power of God.
And because of His mercy, goodness and grace, you just need to remember that We have nine minutes to end this right.
Can you do it? Can we do it? And we’ll make, it would be a world record.
If we get to verse 14, we’ve never done that here. Maybe people are praying. I don’t know.
We’ll see song two verse seven.
I will declare the decree the Lord has said to me, you are my son today.
I have begotten you friends. Listen.
Book of Hebrews is quoting Psalm chapter two verse seven, 1000 years Between these two books.
What’s going on here.
The author of Hebrews knows because he must be Hebrew enough that Psalm two verse seven is regarding Jesus Christ.
Listen, everyone, Whoever the author is in the book of hebrews in your Bible knows that Jesus is being spoken of in Psalm 2: verse seven.
That’s a mic drop. That is an earth shaker.
Nobody on earth can claim such authenticity. Confucius can’t happen Buddha.
No way, Mohammed. Nothing. There’s nothing there, no previous writings announcing who you are but Jesus 2nd Samuel 7 13 and 14.
2nd Samuel 7, 13 and 14, he shall build a house for my name.
I will establish the throne of his kingdom.
How long I will be his father and he shall be my son.
And then a third argument versus 6 to 12 is this having the best is having the incarnate omniscience, the omniscience of God that Jesus Christ the incarnate is the all knowing God.
Look at Verse six.
But when he again brings the firstborn, this is Christ, first fruits, firstborn, meaning this one that’s born will never die.
That’s what that means into the world. He says, let all the angels of God worship him.
How many of you know Jehovah witness friends. You have Joe Jehovah witness friends. That’s it.
You need to have more friends.
If you have a Jehovah witness friend, they don’t like this verse I just read because they say that Jesus is an angel.
But the Bible says, and look at this verse six, quoting the Old Testament, Let all the angels of God worship him right down in your margins.
That’s psalm 97 verse seven about Jesus Christ.
That’s why you should have faith in Jesus Christ. This is no accident.
Look at verse seven and of the angels.
He says, quote, who makes his angels spirits and his ministers a flame of fire. Close quote.
That’s Psalm 104 verse four. Psalm 104.
Again, 1000 years before the Hebrew writer wrote this Psalm 104 verse four says, who makes his angels spirits?
His ministers, a flame of fire. People. Do you get, I am I am I the one.
Do you get this? Are you excited about this?
Am I maybe I’m uh listen, you, there’s, I just want to plead with you if you have doubts as to who Jesus is, please listen, you don’t need to doubt anymore.
You just have to apply wisdom, logic, knowledge, understanding and history.
In fact, 1000 years before the author of Hebrews wrote the book, this, these quotations were written down and every Jew would read them in synagogue.
Okay. They had them and then comes along the author of Hebrews and points out understanding it’s all about Jesus.
It’s absolutely awesome. Look at verse seven, are we read verse seven? That someone oh four, verse four.
Corley said, look at verse eight. Verse eight is the quotation of Psalm 45.
Verse six, your throne o God is forever and ever a scepter of righteousness. Is the scepter of your kingdom.
Look at verse nine, verse nine, answers to some 45 verse seven. You love righteousness and hate wickedness.
Therefore, God, your God, that’ll keep you up all night. Figuring that one out.
That’s God saying God to another entity. Well, who was that?
You know his name? Jesus has anointed you with the oil of gladness more than your companions.
It’s a, it’s a relationship between deity and the companions being us. The redeemed verse 10, we’re almost done.
Verse 10 someone 02, verse 25 of old, you laid the foundation of the earth and the heavens are the work of your hands.
Remarkable. Verse 11 is answered in Psalm 102 verse 26 they will perish but you will endure.
Yes, they will all grow old like a garment.
Speaking about the universe and the stars verse 12 Is answered in Psalm 102 verse 26.
The letter end of the verse like a cloak, you will change them and they will be changed man.
I wish we had time to talk about that. God is gonna change this world. The universe. Listen.
Oh, you know how we’ve always read, you know, when the Bible says that he’s going to destroy the, everything’s gonna melt with fervent heat, right?
Uh The heavens are gonna recede like a scroll. It’s all gonna be destroyed. Yes, it’s true.
It’s just, it’s just as true as it was true.
When God said, Noah, get in the boat, I’m going to destroy the earth.
Listen to me because this is very fun because you’ve read portions of scripture where it says that the earth will last forever and then you read verses where he’s going to destroy it.
You ever struggle with that? You don’t need to struggle with that.
Listen, the earth God made and the universe that is when he destroys it doesn’t Peter tell us he’s gonna destroy it with fire, not water.
He says it’s not gonna be with water next time it’s gonna be with fire.
Remember how God destroyed the world that was with water? How do you do it? He flooded it.
He scrubbed the earth with water. Right?
When Christ judges the earth and fire, he’s gonna scrub the earth and fire and he’s gonna scrub Jupiter earth fire.
He’s gonna scrub the moon. He’s gonna scrub pleads. He’s gonna scrub the Galaxies with fire.
He’s gonna screw, he’s gonna clean it, purge it this earth that you’re on right now.
Exactly as the Bible says is gonna last forever. It’s going to last forever.
He’s gonna scrub it with fire just like he said, I’m going to destroy the earth. Noah.
Well, the same earth that Noah stepped on all that time later.
It was the same earth that had been judged by water. Do you hear me?
This is remarkable you think about it?
Isn’t that exactly how our God is, doesn’t he take broken stuff and redeem them?
Now, when you approach scripture, that way, you’ll understand the judgment of God with water, the judgment of God with fire.
Now, it makes sense when you read all those passages about the earth lasting forever, he’s gonna scrub the universe.
It’s gonna make it all new, behold. He makes all things new. It’s gonna be amazing.
We have to end. I don’t want to end. We’re gonna push on for three minutes.
Verse 12, latter end of verse 12 is answers to someone 102, verse 27.
But you are the same and your years will have no end.
Speaking of Christ, and then the fourth argument is verses 13 to 14, having the best is the fact that he the incarnate Christ, Jesus.
He’s the incarnate benevolence. He is the, he’s the incarnate giver. Look at verse 13.
But to which of the angels has he ever said?
Sit at my right hand until I make your enemies your footstool verse 14. Are they not all ministering spirits?
That’s angels. Listen. Everyone sent forth to minister to those who will inherit the salvation.
Listen, don’t raise your hand. But are you a born again believer in Jesus?
According to the book of Hebrews, angels minister to you in this life, how do they do it?
They probably keep us from stepping off of cliffs and I don’t know what they do. Imagine.
Listen, if it’s, if it’s not anything. I don’t know, you can tell some story.
I remember going through an intersection and the car, didn’t you? I don’t know what this is.
I remember almost crashing a plane one time and it had to be, it had to be an angel that saved me.
I was, doesn’t matter, like back in the 1880s, I was flying this little airplane and it was crazy.
I got my feet on the ground and I had, I just thought an angel just saved me.
But be that as it may. What about this? What can we speculate?
How does an angel minister to you, the heir of salvation every day of our lives until we’re in heaven?
They won’t need to minister to us when we’re in heaven.
It’s now the heirs of self, we’re gonna inherit salvation, right?
So they ministered to us and what I think is what they keep from us.
You know how the moon keeps stuff from the earth? You ever looked at the moon?
You ever wonder why so beat up? Just because junk hits it?
That junk hits the moon instead of your backyard.
Did you know that the moon is like, it’s like your appendix or something over there?
It’s all this trash getting stuck to it. Wait, is that the right body part?
Probably not? Was that the right body part? Dan?
I’m looking at you something.
What, what are angels keeping from us in the way of danger.
What, what is, what’s my angel fighting? Right?
When you go to pray, when you go to walk and pray out in front of an abortion clinic and when you go to feed the homeless or minister in some way, shape or form or go to the hospital for a friend that’s dying and you’re gonna go give them the gospel.
What kind of, what kind of entities in the heavenly realm come against you and you don’t even know it.
But your angel, they’re like the moon has taken the hit.
I wonder if I wonder what are angels gonna look like when we get to heaven for standing there?
Wow. Hey, roll high fiving each other and you see that one of those guys over there?
Those are our angels changes over there. Yeah, you should go to meet him.
You should meet him. I wonder, I wonder if there’s gonna be angels?
I hope anyway, my angel is just all beat up. He’s got scars.
He’s, wouldn’t it be great if he’s just like leaning on the sword?
And he says, hey, Jack, dude, you almost killed me, wouldn’t it be great?
I don’t want to show up and my angels, they’re all kind of wimpy, like, because he didn’t have to do anything because I didn’t do anything good.
I’m glad you didn’t do much in this world. I don’t want to get any fights or anything.
I want my angel all dented up. I want his scarred up?
Isn’t it amazing that not only Jesus Christ paid for your salvation at the cross and not only is the Holy Spirit residing in you as a believer that causes your walk to happen every day, but God is so benevolent that he’s dispatched angels to protect us along the way.
And I’m convinced that uh that they’re, they’re mighty entities, they’re powerful things.
That’s how we see them in scripture. And God, God is very, very good to us.
Jesus Christ is the absolute best. Well, hey, thanks for listening and we appreciate you.
And of course, we do in this time and in this age, us being together and linking up together to get the word of God out is actually ministry being fulfilled.
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So listen, keep praying for us. We’re praying for you.
God bless you and we’ll see you back here real soon.
We’re going to the book of Hebrews ever so slowly.
And I’ve been hearing that for some of you newbies that are here.
You’re not used to doing exposition all teaching and you’re asking me if I’m okay.
Uh Pastor, you’re gonna pick it up. What’s, what’s wrong? No, this is about it.
Uh we’ve been doing this for 30 years.
It’s how, you know, the Bible, it’s how you get to know the Bible is you just immerse yourself in it and it’s called exposition of teaching.
And, uh, so here we are tonight.
Uh Hebrews chapter one, I’ll begin in the even numbered verses, beginning with verse four where we’re picking it up and we’ll go all the way out to verse 14.
Don’t get excited, but we’ll go out to verse 14 and see how it goes.
Hebrews chapter one, verse four, having become so much better than the angels as he has by inheritance, obtained a more excellent name than they.
But when he again brings the firstborn, this is Jesus now into the world He says, let all the angels of God worship him, right?
But to the Son, he says, your throne, o God is forever and ever a scepter of righteousness is the scepter of your kingdom.
And you Lord in the beginning laid the foundation of the earth and the heavens are the work of your hands.
Verse 12, like a cloak, you will fold them up and they will be changed, but you are the same and your years will not fail.
We’ll end here.
Verse 14. Are they not all ministering spirits?
Speaking of angels sent forth to minister to those who will inherit salvation? Fathers speak to us.
We pray out of your glorious, wonderful. And as we see here tonight, deep, deep word.
Thank you Lord in Jesus name and all God’s people said, yes, yes, church.
So as we’re looking at this, we begin this portion of scripture where as previously looking at Hebrews written to those believers who had been Jews, they were Hebrews and they came to understand in the first century era, they began to understand from the Old Testament scriptures that Jesus was, in fact the promised Messiah, how they came to that conclusion was that they matched the New Testament Ministry of Jesus Christ up against the Old Testament Revelation of the Scriptures.
And that is what we’re supposed to do, by the way, how does somebody come to the knowledge and the understanding that Jesus Christ is Lord that He is, in fact Christ, that Jesus is worthy of our love and devotion and that He is, in fact the very one who is your key into eternity.
How do you know that if you just read the New Testament, you’ll come to salvation. Yes, of course.
But you’ll never have a deep understanding as to the mechanics and the theology as to why.
Why is Jesus worshiped by us? Why is he the one that is the savior of the world?
Why is he called God? Why do we even say that?
Because the scriptures in the Old Testament and the New are an absolute agreement. The Old Testament announces it.
The New Testament records its fulfillment.
And as we look at this from this area of scripture on, we’re gonna be talking now for many months because it goes from many chapters about how Jesus is better.
Jesus is the best, better than angels, better than Moses, all my Jewish friends right now, just recoiled it better than the prophets, better than the patriarchs.
It’s Jesus Christ. But if you just pause for a moment, pull back, collect yourself and think that when you read those Old Testament scriptures in the Bible, there tells us that the Messiah must be born in Bethlehem, that its verses and chapters that teach that in the Old Testament that many people, many Jews came to the wrong conclusion.
Thinking well, then he must be a human. He’s got to be a human but never divine.
That’s just no, can’t happen. That is a presupposition that they come with that.
It just can’t be that God loves us, but he would never become one of us and they struggle with how he would save us.
And that’s what legalism is.
Something very, very attractive to not only the legal ist but to those who are embracing modern day Judaism is, they don’t see the Messiah as the one who pays for their sins.
They see the Messiah as a political deliverer.
They think that their messiah is gonna come in and free them from the yoke of bad governments.
And that’s nothing new. By the way, you guys remember that you remember when the disciples said to Jesus finally will you now restore the kingdom to Israel.
They thought that he was a political deliverer, but they failed to read the fullness of Isaiah for example.
And the scriptures will see tonight and what Hebrews is talking about that Jesus Christ is the promised messiah and Israel’s political deliver all in one, all in one.
His first coming was all about those passages of scripture regarding him being the sacrifice on the cross for our sin debt.
They read Isaiah and they see the suffering of the Messiah and because they struggle with it, they wind up saying that cannot be about the Messiah because what, what kind of political deliver is gonna get himself beat up like that.
So it must mean. And many of you will know this in a moment that have Jewish friends like I do, they will say that must refer to Israel the one who suffers because we can’t have a suffering Messiah.
You see, they’ve missed the doctrine of resurrection.
Someone used to say maybe Chuck Mr about forever ago, Chuck Mr was used to joke around and say that uh Joseph of Arimathea as family tomb was borrowed for the weekend.
And because Jesus’s body was laid in nearby tomb and uh Joseph of Arimathea had this wonderful family tomb built.
He was a rich man. He was had this great tomb.
And the joke was uh well, this is my family tomb.
And maybe Nicodemus said to him at the, at the burial.
Don’t worry, we he, we just needed for the weekend. It’s just for the weekend.
And uh it’s a cute joke, but it’s accurate.
They didn’t, they didn’t equate that the Messiah would be resurrected from the dead.
And yet the very same theologians of the Jewish belief would agree that Jonas ministry was a type of resurrected Messiah that the announcements are there.
That David speaks about the Messiah who would be crucified with his holes, being put in his hands and his feet.
David said that Isaiah 53 says that God would lay on him the iniquity of us all and that God’s wrath would be appeased when he would see the Messiah bearing the sins of many.
It’s all there. And so tonight, the author of the book of Hebrews is speaking to Jews who listen, had accepted Christ as Savior.
Some of them were Jews who had or were attending church fellowships and they had warmed up to the intellectual thought of who Jesus might be by no means you ought to remember this or write it down by no means is the author of the book of Hebrews writing to Gentile Christians, even though we benefit from it in our study.
This is all about you having a priest named Jesus Christ.
He is priest, he has sacrificed, he is salvation. He is the one that you confessed to.
He is the one that not only was, it’s amazing to me. I love this.
I love the legality of this Jesus not only met all the demands of Messiah requirements, the miracles and all of that.
But listen, then he taught the people of Israel the meaning of the scriptures from the Old Testament.
That’s why they were blown away by saying, who’s this? Who speaks to us with such authority?
Where did he learn such things?
It’s not that they didn’t believe him, that they were shocked that he knew what he was saying.
Did they not even say to him? Isn’t this the carpenter?
They were shocked because as the scripture says, he opened up to them, the scriptures and their hearts burned within them because they saw the truth light up Jesus did that.
Of course, he was the word of God.
He was talking about himself when he opened up the word he was talking about himself. Absolutely awesome.
But if that wasn’t enough, then he tells the disciples and he tells the nation, I’m gonna be arrested, I’m gonna be beaten, I’m gonna be crucified.
But on the third day, be raised from the dead. And that happened.
And so we are grateful because he died for our sin debt, meaning this, that you and I owed a debt to God.
And God’s only way of getting that debt paid, which he actually never, actually never would have gotten it paid.
We could never pay him. So what really happened is our souls, our spirit without Christ filed bankruptcy because you and I cannot pay God back for the wrong.
The things that you and I’ve done in life are thought in life.
The Bible tells us that God had a handwriting of ordinances being written against us because we were living our lives without God.
And it was building up building up, stacking up and we had no way of paying them back.
Jesus not only dies on the cross, he dies because that’s where I was supposed to die.
That’s where you’re supposed to die. And he paid the price right there for you.
And I technically, let’s be honest. So nobody gets any wrong ideas.
Jesus Christ died on the cross for all the sins of all mankind forever. Here’s the problem.
People with sloppy theology or cult like ministries that they belong to think that that’s what if that’s what Jesus did, then everybody gets saved no matter what.
Oh, no, no, that’s not true.
In fact, the very, the very act of Jesus who died on the cross for your sins, he paid the debt for all sin.
That is actually the very justifiable reason why a person who rejects the gift winds up in hell.
Think of it. It’s a double edged sword if you believe it’s salvation for you forever based on what the price that He paid is so amazing.
But the price that he paid, that’s so amazing. If you reject it, there’s nothing left for you.
So he died for all the price has been paid.
But not everyone will benefit themselves from accepting his offer.
That’s how you can have a holy awesome God in all eternity, resurrected from the dead and you and I being indebted to him forever and praise and worship, right?
You think tonight was awesome. Just wait till we get there and then, and then listen, that very same God that paid the salvation for all mankind when rejected.
That’s how you have an absolute no reason to apologize eternal hell for those that are there because he didn’t send them there.
He paid the debt to keep them from going there.
Everyone in hell tonight knows exactly who’s responsible for why they’re there and it’s themselves crazy.
And so tonight we’re going to be starting now in this study, looking at having the best, having the best, having the best is Jesus Christ.
Number one, look at it, start in verse four is the fact that he’s the incarnate omnipotence of God that Jesus Christ is the power of God In his word, in his acts in his ministry in who he is.
Look at Verse four, having become so much better than the angels.
So that’s where we begin as he has by inheritance, obtained a more excellent name than they.
The word name don’t let it throw you the name, uh their means position or authority.
Jesus has now ultimate authority. See, Jack, I thought he always had authority. He’s God.
Yeah, but hang on a second, listen up carefully.
Notice this, notice the title I put on this argument that he is the incarnate omnipotence. My dear friends.
God is omnipotent. He’s all powerful.
The radical awesome difference now about Jesus is that he had been all powerful for all eternity.
But when Jesus came into this world, he came in not like an apparition, not as a spirit.
He could have. He’s God. He could have come as a ghost or an appearance and then he would have faded away.
He would have, he could have come like uh like the force for Luke Skywalker.
He could have come like the force. He didn’t come.
Luke like the force because he wasn’t about power and he wasn’t about all that stuff.
He’s the omnipotence, which is the old power, but he’s the old power to save. Yes, he’s all power.
But honestly, that doesn’t matter to you. And I, if he’s the old power, how does that benefit us?
Because he’s the all, listen, he is the old power, the all omnipotent omnipotent to save.
And so his authority transcends angels and immediately this breaks in upon us the argument as it was then.
So it is today those that are spiritist, those that are interested in the spiritual realm. They’re very spiritual people.
Everyone knows somebody like that. They’re very, very attuned to the spirit of things.
Normally, what they believe is absolutely bonkers, but you gotta give them credit.
They’re spiritually sensitive and so many that adhered to that are very keen on angels.
They got angel necklaces, they got angel uh car stickers, they got angels shirts, they got everything.
She’s angel and, and you know, you can okay listen. The thing is this.
No, this Jesus is better than angels. Angels are awesome but angels are created. They’re not eternal. Angels were created.
Jesus is eternal. It’s all about him coming into this world in human flesh.
Having become, notice the word become, having become so much better than the angels. Please get this. Everybody.
Jesus listen because the cults use this at your door. They’ll use this verse.
Oh, you see the Jesus that you talk about.
He doesn’t exist because look, the Jesus and Hebrews one for he just evolved onward and upward into a greater spiritual creature.
No, he didn’t. That statement in verse four is all about him becoming human. Watch this.
What’s greater God or angels? Yeah. Listen, what’s greater right now right now tonight, what’s greater God?
Angels are humans? God. What? Second? Oh, you’re quiet. This is good.
You are justifiably confused and quiet because watch this in the order of things right now.
Right now, God unrivaled. Obviously, God right now in glory. It’s angels, right?
And then third us, we’re here.
We’re the ones in the struggle were the one in the battle were the ones living out and following in, in this world and waiting and looking for Christ.
But watch this, the Bible will see it in a moment if I get into the message is the fact that we start out down here.
But when we die or when the rapture happens were liberated and the Bible is gonna tell us and you’ll see it in a moment where we will one day be exalted above the angels and we will in fact sit in judgment of them someday when they are judged.
There’s a day of judgment for angels, by the way coming, the Bible teaches us.
That’s why the verse right here says that having become so much better than the angels.
What does that mean? Jesus was born into the, watch God then born into the world as a baby becomes a human, Christ goes through his life, suffers, dies and is resurrected.
Now watch this. The resurrected one. Jesus is God and man, the Christ man.
We talked about that last time Jesus Christ tonight one and only forever.
Nobody else like him is all God and all man at the same time.
And he’s unique and nothing will ever be like him ever that God loved you enough to come down and suffer to communicate to you to tell you, I know what it’s like to be hurt.
I know what it’s like to be maligned. I know what it’s like to be lied about.
I know it’s like to be crucified, tortured, mutilated, misunderstood. I know what it’s like.
I know what it’s like to be abused and cast out.
I know what it’s like so he can communicate that to us. An angel couldn’t do that.
What does an angel know about us honestly, with all due respect to angels? Because they’re amazing.
They don’t know because they’ve never been a human incarnate. Omnipotence.
Power in human flesh is the Lord Jesus Christ.
And when it announces to us that he’s got a greater authority than angels, we’re talking about Christ, the risen Lord that tonight, it’s amazing.
Think about it tonight, seated at the right hand of God, the father is the man Christ. Jesus.
The Bible tells us in Timothy that there’s one mediator between man and God and that is the man Christ Jesus.
Anything you ever feel everything you ever struggle with?
He’s waiting there for you, but he’s better greater and he’s received this by inheritance because of his obedience to the father even to death.
First Corinthians chapter six verse one tells us first Corinthians 61 says, dare any of you having a matter.
He’s talking to Christians. But that church at Corinth, these guys were as carnal and messed up as you can be.
Listen to this. Dare any of you says, Paul having a matter against another.
Go to law before the unrighteous and not before the saints.
They were Christians were suing Christians in that world and they were going to courts ungodly courts to sue their brothers.
And Paul is saying, are you guys sick or you have lost your minds? Can’t you guys?
Your saints for crying out loud? You have the Holy Spirit guiding you. Work it out. Verse two.
Do you not know that the Saints will judge the world? Wow.
Did you know that it’s coming someday? And if the world will be judged by you?
Are you unworthy to judge the smallest matters? Verse three?
Do you not know that we will uh that we shall judge angels?
How much more things that pertain to this life? The Christian listen right now.
Everybody just get this under your belt. It shouldn’t be a shock aru But here’s the deal.
A Christian should be somebody you can go to trust and depend upon and they should speak wisdom to you because they’re a Christian period.
The Christians in the world should be the wisest people wisest. I didn’t say the most intelligent. Listen.
Some people got super brains. But Christians have, you know, you can be a Christian have a super brain, but I’m not talking about knowledge.
I’m talking about wisdom. The world does not have wisdom.
The world’s got a lot of knowledge, but they don’t have wisdom. You can be a country bumpkin.
Never have gone to school in your life board again, believer and have profound wisdom and you can be a Harvard graduate in something or rather and not even know how to work a door knob.
Seriously. You got all the smarts on paper but you don’t have to live life.
You don’t have to do it. You’re a genius, but you can’t figure it out.
And then somebody comes along who’s been touched by the Holy Spirit and they’ve got it, they open their mouth and it’s like, oh my goodness, I could listen to that person talk all day long.
You know, it’s precious you, you know, I don’t know, I used to be true in this region of the world.
Not so much anymore. But do you know anybody who’s of the earth of the soil?
You need farmers growers, dairy men, people who get out there and, and work you know what?
There’s, there is something about people who are exposed to that world that, you know, something I guess call it horse sense.
I think it’s much higher than that. There’s just something about it.
And you think about what it takes, if you think, if you doubt what I’m saying, go to Lowe’s or Home Depot and buy a little pot of tomatoes and try to grow it, try to grow a little garden and a farmer up north from here will grow enough food to feed the entire United States.
How in the world does that happen? They know stuff and they have to rely upon God.
They gotta, they gotta trust God with the weather and they got to trust God for the crop.
They gotta trust God for the harvest. It’s pretty amazing.
And there’s wisdom in that God says, you’ve got wisdom and you’ve got understanding and know this.
We go straight to Jesus because all power is available in Christ, Jesus.
And I’m sure in there somewhere is the wisdom of God. The believer gets to ask God for wisdom.
The unbeliever doesn’t get to do that.
Number two, we look at this is the fact that verse five, that He’s the incarnate, omnipresence.
He’s all powerful omnipotence and omnipresence is everywhere. Jesus, Christ, God, the Holy Spirit, the Godhead is everywhere.
Now, Christ, obviously, when he was on earth was limited in his body, but the Holy Spirit think of it now the Holy Spirit, 3rd Person of the Trinity everywhere.
David said, the Psalms said, I cannot go anywhere. I cannot flee.
I cannot go to the uttermost parts of the ocean or space or down into hell itself without his spirit being there.
Think about that. You want to run away, want to run away from God. You can’t do it.
He’s everywhere. Look at verse five for to which of the angels did he ever say?
You are my son today. I have begotten you.
And again, I will be to him, a father and he shall be to me a son.
This is an amazing statement. Church family write this down because this, this starts to go amazing.
And the, and the verses of from 4 to 14, it’s like a machine gun of Old Testament passages just laid out.
Are you ready to write them down? You want to write it down, you guys. Okay. Everybody okay. Watch this.
This is part of you having the best in Jesus Christ, His omnipresence.
When verse five tells us to which of the angels. This is a challenge. In other words.
Did God ever tell any angels in the Bible? You’re my son today. I have begotten or glorified you.
And again, another passage I will be to him, a father and he shall be to me a son.
Now, everybody think about this, especially our Jewish friends tonight.
That’s an old Testament to Old Testament quotes anywhere in the Old Testament. Church family.
Listen, find me somewhere in the Old Testament when God calls angels, his son and tells them the son, I’m your father.
You’re not gonna find it. Search as you may.
This is one of the greatest arguments from the Old Testament that Jesus Christ is God Almighty.
The Son of God. God says in the word, there’s a day when I announce this is my son today, I have begotten you.
It’s regarding his incarnation, him coming into the world. It’s awesome.
I kind of get goose bumps thinking about it.
I, I am more sure about who Jesus is than I am about the lineage of my last name.
I don’t need to go to ancestry dot com.
I won’t, I won’t believe it or whatever it says.
But this one thing I know Jesus is the son of God and he is the Lord and Savior.
And the evidence to believe that is absolutely overwhelming.
The book of Hebrews, if you don’t know is a new Testament book.
Well, listen to this, remember, this is all regarding verse five, Isaiah chapter six verses one through three.
In the year that King Josiah died.
I saw the Lord sitting on the throne high and lifted up and the train or the glory of his robe filled the temple and above it stood the Seraphim and each one, these angel angelic ranks of angels and each one had six wings with two.
They covered their face with two, they covered their feet and with two, they flew and one cried to another saying, holy, holy, holy is the Lord.
How’s the whole earth is full of his glory?
The whole earth is full of his glory, the omniscience or the under presence I should say of God.
Keep this in mind. Watch this Daniel 10 verse 12 and 13. Daniel 10.
Then he the angel speaking to Daniel said to me, do not fear Daniel.
For from the first day that you set your heart to understand and to humble yourself before God, your words were heard and I have come because of your words.
Notice Daniel prays and an angel is responding.
But the prince of the kingdom of Persia withstood me 21 days and behold Michael, one of the chief princes came to help me for I had been left alone there with the kings of Persia.
This angel is talking about other angelic and demonic powers that are in the atmosphere.
Don’t think the kings of Persia, those are not earthly entities. Is that awesome?
I thought you’d be excited about that. Daniel.
Look, Daniel when you started praying, God sent his answer. But I couldn’t get for 21 days.
I couldn’t get to you. This is an angel talking to him 21 days, I’ve been battling to get you the answer.
But these demonic powers in the atmosphere were fighting against me and Michael had to come and beat him up.
Remember I told you about Michael? You don’t mess with Michael in the Bible. The Great Archangel.
He’s in a fight every time he shows up in the Bible, he’s fighting. He’s awesome. He must be ripped.
He’s gonna be, you’re gonna see him some day. Daniel.
Daniel’s gonna see him later on in, in, in the book of Daniel and Daniel said when he saw him, he was completely sick.
He was absolutely sick. He was sick for many days from looking at Michael. No, seriously, he was sick.
He said he couldn’t had no strength in him for many days.
I want to see an angel. I want to see an angel.
No, apparently you do not want to see an angel man.
Can you imagine that when people die, when people die without Jesus, what they see?
Can I freak you guys out?
I’m not, I’m gonna get in trouble for saying this.
But actually some of you who could Lisa and I went to a movie and many of you were already in the theater when we got there and, and uh we saw this movie called The Quiet Place and don’t see it.
Uh If you don’t know that actually, if you don’t know the Bible, you’re probably fine.
But when this, when this thing showed up from outer space in the guy’s cornfield, uh immediately I knew where to go in the book of Revelation.
John said I saw these things coming and they had bodies like a locust or a scorpion armored their teeth like lions, but they had a face like a man and they had a hair like a woman lion.
Think of, think of the teeth of the lion on the face of a human or a face of a man.
John. John said look at a human but he had teeth like a lion and it was armor coated and it was like a scorpion kind of like a like a uh John’s trying to describe something that comes out of the bowels of hell.
After humans, Hollywood wants to make stuff up that they’re flying saucer things. Now they’re demonic things.
The Bible out, the Bible talked about this 2000 years ago.
It’s demonic and those are fallen creatures. Think of the glory of Michael or Gabriel.
Wow, incredible. But angels are limited. They’re not, they, they’re localized. God is everywhere.
There’s no place where you can be where God is not there.
Ephesians three verse 10, the intent that now the manifold wisdom of God might be made known by the church to the Principalities and powers.
See those words, everybody, Principalities and powers, those are ranks of angelic creatures, Principalities and powers.
So look at verse again, the intent of God is now that the manifold wisdom of God might be made known by the church.
Wow. Listen, God is telling the church stuff and Principalities and powers are learning from it, Principalities and powers in the heavenly places, spirit realms according to the eternal purpose which he accomplished in Christ Jesus, our Lord.
You see the order of things.
There’s God, there’s angels that are somehow highly involved in this playing field of life and of this universe.
And then there’s us created in the loneliness of what we are fallen humans.
And yet there’s this angelic spirit presence. First Corinthians chapter four verse nine.
First Corinthians 49 says for, I think that God has displayed us, said the apostle Paul, the apostles last as men condemned to death for we have been made as spectacle to the world, both to angels and to men.
I wonder what the angels think when they look at the ministry of this life, it’s gotta boggle their minds.
And I wonder what they think about us, doubting God’s word and doubting God at times.
I wonder if they get impatient.
I know, I know that they must get impatient because you remember the angel that was going to kill below.
Um When Ballin was writing his dunking, the angel stood in the way to stop him from going on his bad mission, he decided to go on and the donkey saw the angel standing there but belong, he’s probably looking at his phone or something.
He doesn’t care. He’s looking down and the donkey stops and he kicks the donkey donkey won’t move the donkey.
The bible says the donkey saw the angel.
And this is the greatest, one of the greatest things ever in the Bible.
I’d love to see one of these, this moments Spielberg should do. This balloon gets off.
He starts kicking the donkey, he starts beating the donkey and then he says, you stupid donkey, you and he beat.
And the donkey says the donkey goes, wait a minute, haven’t I been a good donkey to you all these years?
And he’s actually yelling at his donkey.
And the donkey is saying, look and then the angel says, if that donkey wouldn’t have stopped, I was gonna, I was gonna cut you in half.
I just amazing. But Christ is better but he’s better.
Jude chapter one verse nine, Jude 19 yet Michael, the Archangel Michael in contending with the devil, Satan when he disputed about the body of Moses.
That’s creepy. When Moses died, Satan tried to steal Moses physical body.
Satan came to take Moses body.
What did he want Moses body for Michael came and contended with Lucifer over the body of Moses wiggling that the possibility of false doctrine.
Would he would he would he would he have animated the body of Moses? Would he be somehow possessed?
It made it move? Why Moses body?
Nobody knows why we just know that Michael and Lucifer fought over Moses’s body. Wow.
But watch this, Michael dared not bring an accusation against him.
A reviling accusation but said, and this is important. All of us. The Lord rebuke you Christian.
Can I tell you something real fast? Those of you who brought up in Pentecostal leaning theology.
Be very careful, very careful. Nowhere in the Bible. Does it say that you’re to go around rebuking demons?
The Lord, you are to call upon the Lord to rebuke those demons.
See what I’ve got all the power.
You listen, you ain’t got nothing that God listen, God’s got to give it to you.
But if, if Michael, the Archangel said to Lucifer, the Lord rebuke you, we better tread lightly.
People walking around. I’m gonna cast this out and I’m gonna cast that out.
You know what, be careful that is that whatever you and I do, that’s good is by the power of God.
And because of His mercy, goodness and grace, you just need to remember that We have nine minutes to end this right.
Can you do it? Can we do it? And we’ll make, it would be a world record.
If we get to verse 14, we’ve never done that here. Maybe people are praying. I don’t know.
We’ll see song two verse seven.
I will declare the decree the Lord has said to me, you are my son today.
I have begotten you friends. Listen.
Book of Hebrews is quoting Psalm chapter two verse seven, 1000 years Between these two books.
What’s going on here.
The author of Hebrews knows because he must be Hebrew enough that Psalm two verse seven is regarding Jesus Christ.
Listen, everyone, Whoever the author is in the book of hebrews in your Bible knows that Jesus is being spoken of in Psalm 2: verse seven.
That’s a mic drop. That is an earth shaker.
Nobody on earth can claim such authenticity. Confucius can’t happen Buddha.
No way, Mohammed. Nothing. There’s nothing there, no previous writings announcing who you are but Jesus 2nd Samuel 7 13 and 14.
2nd Samuel 7, 13 and 14, he shall build a house for my name.
I will establish the throne of his kingdom.
How long I will be his father and he shall be my son.
And then a third argument versus 6 to 12 is this having the best is having the incarnate omniscience, the omniscience of God that Jesus Christ the incarnate is the all knowing God.
Look at Verse six.
But when he again brings the firstborn, this is Christ, first fruits, firstborn, meaning this one that’s born will never die.
That’s what that means into the world. He says, let all the angels of God worship him.
How many of you know Jehovah witness friends. You have Joe Jehovah witness friends. That’s it.
You need to have more friends.
If you have a Jehovah witness friend, they don’t like this verse I just read because they say that Jesus is an angel.
But the Bible says, and look at this verse six, quoting the Old Testament, Let all the angels of God worship him right down in your margins.
That’s psalm 97 verse seven about Jesus Christ.
That’s why you should have faith in Jesus Christ. This is no accident.
Look at verse seven and of the angels.
He says, quote, who makes his angels spirits and his ministers a flame of fire. Close quote.
That’s Psalm 104 verse four. Psalm 104.
Again, 1000 years before the Hebrew writer wrote this Psalm 104 verse four says, who makes his angels spirits?
His ministers, a flame of fire. People. Do you get, I am I am I the one.
Do you get this? Are you excited about this?
Am I maybe I’m uh listen, you, there’s, I just want to plead with you if you have doubts as to who Jesus is, please listen, you don’t need to doubt anymore.
You just have to apply wisdom, logic, knowledge, understanding and history.
In fact, 1000 years before the author of Hebrews wrote the book, this, these quotations were written down and every Jew would read them in synagogue.
Okay. They had them and then comes along the author of Hebrews and points out understanding it’s all about Jesus.
It’s absolutely awesome. Look at verse seven, are we read verse seven? That someone oh four, verse four.
Corley said, look at verse eight. Verse eight is the quotation of Psalm 45.
Verse six, your throne o God is forever and ever a scepter of righteousness. Is the scepter of your kingdom.
Look at verse nine, verse nine, answers to some 45 verse seven. You love righteousness and hate wickedness.
Therefore, God, your God, that’ll keep you up all night. Figuring that one out.
That’s God saying God to another entity. Well, who was that?
You know his name? Jesus has anointed you with the oil of gladness more than your companions.
It’s a, it’s a relationship between deity and the companions being us. The redeemed verse 10, we’re almost done.
Verse 10 someone 02, verse 25 of old, you laid the foundation of the earth and the heavens are the work of your hands.
Remarkable. Verse 11 is answered in Psalm 102 verse 26 they will perish but you will endure.
Yes, they will all grow old like a garment.
Speaking about the universe and the stars verse 12 Is answered in Psalm 102 verse 26.
The letter end of the verse like a cloak, you will change them and they will be changed man.
I wish we had time to talk about that. God is gonna change this world. The universe. Listen.
Oh, you know how we’ve always read, you know, when the Bible says that he’s going to destroy the, everything’s gonna melt with fervent heat, right?
Uh The heavens are gonna recede like a scroll. It’s all gonna be destroyed. Yes, it’s true.
It’s just, it’s just as true as it was true.
When God said, Noah, get in the boat, I’m going to destroy the earth.
Listen to me because this is very fun because you’ve read portions of scripture where it says that the earth will last forever and then you read verses where he’s going to destroy it.
You ever struggle with that? You don’t need to struggle with that.
Listen, the earth God made and the universe that is when he destroys it doesn’t Peter tell us he’s gonna destroy it with fire, not water.
He says it’s not gonna be with water next time it’s gonna be with fire.
Remember how God destroyed the world that was with water? How do you do it? He flooded it.
He scrubbed the earth with water. Right?
When Christ judges the earth and fire, he’s gonna scrub the earth and fire and he’s gonna scrub Jupiter earth fire.
He’s gonna scrub the moon. He’s gonna scrub pleads. He’s gonna scrub the Galaxies with fire.
He’s gonna screw, he’s gonna clean it, purge it this earth that you’re on right now.
Exactly as the Bible says is gonna last forever. It’s going to last forever.
He’s gonna scrub it with fire just like he said, I’m going to destroy the earth. Noah.
Well, the same earth that Noah stepped on all that time later.
It was the same earth that had been judged by water. Do you hear me?
This is remarkable you think about it?
Isn’t that exactly how our God is, doesn’t he take broken stuff and redeem them?
Now, when you approach scripture, that way, you’ll understand the judgment of God with water, the judgment of God with fire.
Now, it makes sense when you read all those passages about the earth lasting forever, he’s gonna scrub the universe.
It’s gonna make it all new, behold. He makes all things new. It’s gonna be amazing.
We have to end. I don’t want to end. We’re gonna push on for three minutes.
Verse 12, latter end of verse 12 is answers to someone 102, verse 27.
But you are the same and your years will have no end.
Speaking of Christ, and then the fourth argument is verses 13 to 14, having the best is the fact that he the incarnate Christ, Jesus.
He’s the incarnate benevolence. He is the, he’s the incarnate giver. Look at verse 13.
But to which of the angels has he ever said?
Sit at my right hand until I make your enemies your footstool verse 14. Are they not all ministering spirits?
That’s angels. Listen. Everyone sent forth to minister to those who will inherit the salvation.
Listen, don’t raise your hand. But are you a born again believer in Jesus?
According to the book of Hebrews, angels minister to you in this life, how do they do it?
They probably keep us from stepping off of cliffs and I don’t know what they do. Imagine.
Listen, if it’s, if it’s not anything. I don’t know, you can tell some story.
I remember going through an intersection and the car, didn’t you? I don’t know what this is.
I remember almost crashing a plane one time and it had to be, it had to be an angel that saved me.
I was, doesn’t matter, like back in the 1880s, I was flying this little airplane and it was crazy.
I got my feet on the ground and I had, I just thought an angel just saved me.
But be that as it may. What about this? What can we speculate?
How does an angel minister to you, the heir of salvation every day of our lives until we’re in heaven?
They won’t need to minister to us when we’re in heaven.
It’s now the heirs of self, we’re gonna inherit salvation, right?
So they ministered to us and what I think is what they keep from us.
You know how the moon keeps stuff from the earth? You ever looked at the moon?
You ever wonder why so beat up? Just because junk hits it?
That junk hits the moon instead of your backyard.
Did you know that the moon is like, it’s like your appendix or something over there?
It’s all this trash getting stuck to it. Wait, is that the right body part?
Probably not? Was that the right body part? Dan?
I’m looking at you something.
What, what are angels keeping from us in the way of danger.
What, what is, what’s my angel fighting? Right?
When you go to pray, when you go to walk and pray out in front of an abortion clinic and when you go to feed the homeless or minister in some way, shape or form or go to the hospital for a friend that’s dying and you’re gonna go give them the gospel.
What kind of, what kind of entities in the heavenly realm come against you and you don’t even know it.
But your angel, they’re like the moon has taken the hit.
I wonder if I wonder what are angels gonna look like when we get to heaven for standing there?
Wow. Hey, roll high fiving each other and you see that one of those guys over there?
Those are our angels changes over there. Yeah, you should go to meet him.
You should meet him. I wonder, I wonder if there’s gonna be angels?
I hope anyway, my angel is just all beat up. He’s got scars.
He’s, wouldn’t it be great if he’s just like leaning on the sword?
And he says, hey, Jack, dude, you almost killed me, wouldn’t it be great?
I don’t want to show up and my angels, they’re all kind of wimpy, like, because he didn’t have to do anything because I didn’t do anything good.
I’m glad you didn’t do much in this world. I don’t want to get any fights or anything.
I want my angel all dented up. I want his scarred up?
Isn’t it amazing that not only Jesus Christ paid for your salvation at the cross and not only is the Holy Spirit residing in you as a believer that causes your walk to happen every day, but God is so benevolent that he’s dispatched angels to protect us along the way.
And I’m convinced that uh that they’re, they’re mighty entities, they’re powerful things.
That’s how we see them in scripture. And God, God is very, very good to us.
Jesus Christ is the absolute best. Well, hey, thanks for listening and we appreciate you.
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