Where Are We – Jack Hibbs

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Where Are We – Jack Hibbs

Current events are unfolding in the Middle East as tensions escalate between Israel and Iran. Biblical prophecies about the last days may be on the verge of fulfillment. Wars, rumors of wars, famines, earthquakes, and deception are all signs Jesus gives.

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Church we’re going to dive into this there’s no need for you to stand tonight because I’m going to eat up uh the every bit of uh time I have to get through this this evening we have a lot of information to bring to you but obviously uh we’ve invited you to come out tonight on this Wednesday night uh because of all that’s going on in the world around us constant Dynamics changing uh which require vigilence and for us to be very diligent about what we’re seeing and what we’re hearing this is a Time church
family listen up that you need to be careful as to what you’re listening to and who you’re listening to by news sources by Clips or by even uh postings by uh Bible people just have your Bible near at hand know it read it uh and be safe with that because this is a tremendous time and yet that should encourage us because listen up uh Matthew chapter 24 now as you turn there as you look to that Matthew chapter 24 is our launch point tonight in this update and um be advised that in Matthew 24 it’s amazing imagine right now before
you when before I read it a a palet uh an artist in the pallet and the artist is going to have have you guys ever watched that guy Bob Ross you know that guy is he’s more popular today my grand grandkids watch him and he’s doing paintings from like the 70s or 80s he has his own channel the guy’s dead I think he’s dead isn’t he dead Okay so Bob Ross has got a white blank pallet and and he starts doing stuff with his brush and it looks like he doesn’t know what he’s doing you have to admit it doesn’t look
what is he doing and he’s got this orange everything’s orange and then he’s got a black dot over here and by the end of the program he’s got this incredibly beautiful sunset Mountain scene with a cabin you can almost hear the little birds chirping and um it’s just it’s just amazing plus if you have insomnia I met Bob roster in my insomnia years uh cuz they run him all night long and so calming and I thought this guy’s going to do it for me and it didn’t happen I was like fascinated by what he was doing
but um remember as we read this the pallet that Jesus is painting covers a vast period of time and then rapidly covers if you keep reading in Matthew 24 it covers then a very quick period of time specifically 7 years and then three and a half years and then conclusion but leading up to that Matthew ch 24:1 then Jesus went out and departed from the temple and his disciples came up to show him the buildings of the temple why would they do that you say jack isn’t that kind of weird the disciples want to show him the temple doesn’t he know all
about the temple yes he knows all about the temple but Believe It or Not Jesus and the disciples rarely ever spent time in Jerusalem they stayed Jesus stayed mostly in the north he would only come to Jerusalem three times a year during the three required feasts of a Jewish male to go to uh and go to Jerusalem so they wanted to visit the temple they wanted to talk about it with Jesus everything’s normal to that verse two and Jesus said to them I mean he’s just going to really drop a bomb on them uh they’re all excited about how
beautiful the temple was or is at the moment and Jesus says do you not see all of these things assuredly I say to you not one stone shall be left upon another that shall not be thrown down can you see they’re just like look at the temple and then he says it’s all going to fall apart now you got to remember where they’re at Jesus is to them a great prophet he has done Miracles he’s told them that he’s the son of God have they come to the grip of that Bible says they haven’t they will not
come to the understanding of that fully until after the Resurrection the Bible says so then he says to them all of this is going to be torn down listen if you’re Jewish and a prophet says it’s all coming down that’s to say this it would be equivalent to me saying no no not me it’ be equivalent to like um a high ranking political official in America today saying you see the capital you see the White House you see the Pentagon it’s all going to come tumbling down people would say are you crazy
put yourself in their sandals back then this was shocking because this is the building that God built this is his house nothing could happen to this because this is our identity and Jesus is telling them basically well your identity is about ready to have a shift because we’re going to be moving away from the buildings and away from the typology and away from the structures because God after the resurrection is going to wind up moving inside of every believer you’re going to become the Temple and so it’s tremendous
but they don’t know this at that time and so verse three says now as he sat on the Mount of Olives which means he went across the Kidron Valley and then sat on the Mount of Olives with the disciples who came to him privately and they asked him a a three-part question if you can catch it with me number one tell us when will these things be they had to be so shocked number two and what would be the sign of your coming and number three and the end of the world or the End of the Age same difference and Jesus answered and said
to them take heed that no one deceives you for many will come in my name saying I am messiah in other words false religions promising Utopia Heaven narvana some sort of paradise there’s going to be false Messiahs that’s going to increase globally now that’s always been but Jesus is saying it’s going to escalate it’s going to get more so you know you and I are somewhat protected at this moment from this reality because we live in one of the last as weak as it is we live in one of the last remaining
bastions of a judeo-christian influenced culture that’s soon to break that’s soon to vanish when that happens you’re going to see a plethora of Street prophets miracle workers shamans they’re coming if they’re not already here that will be preaching a different way to get to heaven and uh we know from Jesus and other teachings as we know from Paul and Peter as well and John that there’s going to be not only strange doctrines about false Messiahs but they’re also going to be able to do tremendously
powerful Miracles that are powered by Satan think of that a great time of deception is coming and they will notice the term is and will deceive many I find it interesting the English word many but the Greek word here is and they will deceive not a few it means a great amount of people means the B not just some and you will hear of wars and rumors of wars well we know what that’s like Jesus is saying it’s going to increase see that you are not troubled for all these things stop right there church everything I’ve told you up until
this moment everybody Jesus is saying to them all these things must come to pass but the end is not yet that little period at the end of yet is a very important thing because that yet means all of these things going to come you can expect them to come it’s going to be normal that they come but there’s going to reach a point where we in this room who have studied Bible prophecy know of that term quickening now if you are a woman who has given birth or if you’re a a pediatrician or an OBGYN or a a
delivery nurse um you know what that word means Quicken or quickening the quickening is where the the body of the the woman she’s pregnant and her her everything begins now to communicate chemically biologically the body says um we got everything in alignment Now’s the Time to start the quickening and um the body starts to cause certain things to happen for one thing obviously one of the things is the Mother’s or the mom to be what happens her water breaks but there’s a lot of things going on
before that that the body initiates the sequence of the sequence I was going to say it sounds like a rocket ship launch but the sequence of the launch and and that launch being the baby coming out and the Bible uses the exact same term there’s going to be a time in the world where things are going to go on as I have said as Jesus announces that he spoke I told you about these things but there’s going to come a time after the yet that will really get the quickening happening you’re going to go from eight months of
pregnancy to a really quick time that of any moment now where that baby can come and the Very term used quickening is that of pregnant the Earth will be populated with very very many signs of Prophecy pregnancy of events a lot of things are going to be happening and what’s really amazing is you and I now in the just in these last several months if not the last few years where things have been happening and if you’re not rooted in the Bible your head’s been spinning with confusion and fear and whatever listen to what Jesus has to say
indicator for nation will rise against Nation the word is ethnos ethnos will rise up against there will be ethnic Wars the blacks against the Whites Whites against the blacks the Reds against the yellows yellows red yellow white mix it up that’s what he’s saying ethnicities will begin to become segregated and then they’ll war against other colors when this says Nations it doesn’t mean US versus Russia that’s coming in in a moment ethnic groups will begin to break away and they’ll cling
together and they’ll go after other ethnicities is that happening in the world but this is just the beginning but it is happening look if you’re an atheist here tonight you have to agree everything that you’ve just heard so far and seen here in scripture it’s like yeah wow I didn’t know that sure see that going on absolutely Jesus is going to tell us soon there’s going to be more of it he also says that there’s going to be um well he says and you will hear of wars and rumors of wars see that you’re
not troubled all these things must come to pass but the end is not yet for the ethnos will rise against the ethnos and Kingdom this is politics political Powers will war or rage against political Powers there will be famines that’s interesting because the word there will be famines is connected to the political battles I find that interesting it’s not going to be a famine because God doesn’t send rain on the earth God’s faithful in fact look what’s happening right now for real if you’re watching the news
basically constantly right now in Gaza all the Palestinians were down at the Rafa gate where all of the billion dollars of food and water are at medicines that they’ve gone down there to get help so you’ve been watching the news where at gunpoint in some uh areas Hamas is driving the people away from the uh relief Goods back into Central Gaza and they’re confiscating the goods they’re just pimping the people many famines that take place in the world around us today are political famines now look if you want to go and P
your tent in the death in Death Valley and you’re going to try to grow some corn that’s on you knucklehead you should not have done you shouldn’t have picked that piece of land you’re going to have a famine okay but the Earth provides but Jesus hinted to us here there’s going to be people that are starving and it’s going to be for political reasons and that has come and gone throughout the centuries but it’s going to increase everything he’s saying here is going to increase and he goes on to say that
there’s going to be pestilence that’s the word term means incurable diseases sicknesses and earthquakes in various places like today Japan 6.6 but for Japan 6.6 is like that’s like nothing to them but earthquakes are on the increase they tell us but that’s not the point all the things are the beginning of Sorrows then they will deliver you now you think about this for moment how long ago was this written 2,000 years ago they will deliver you he he tells them about prophetic events that are coming and
then he says and implies that as the days go long all of these guys would have would have would have been gone dead by now and you and I were they persecuted yes but it’s interesting that Jesus says right here in you will be delivered up or uh placed in the realm of persecution tribulation and kill you that’s been true for all ages of the believer for 2,000 years and you will be hated by All Nations for my name’s sake that’s an indicator that’s very powerful Jesus is talking to 12 guys and then he’s going
out and are you remember the remember the Bob Ross paint job now he’s going with a broad brush and he’s getting ready to put more structure to the painting and he’s saying as time goes down things will become more clear and these are the things to look at specifically people get caught up and thinking he told that to them then it can’t mean what it means now that can’t be true it’s exactly what it means he told them then about what was going to happen to them and for us all the way out to the end that is is when he comes


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