A Return To Acts | ResLife Church | Jonathan Cahn
A Return To Acts | ResLife Church
As we look at our western culture we have to have eyes to see what’s really going on in our society. What’s influencing our culture and bringing these radical changes into our Christian founded nation? There are 3 primary demonic spirits that are at work in the culture and Rabbi Cahn teaches us some of the truth about today’s climate in the US. In the end it there is hope for today, it’s the power and authority of Jesus in and through us to the world around us. Let us step up and walk like the church of acts in spheres of influence we reside in.
Thank you. Thank you so much.
It is a joy to be back at resurrection life, and I am blessed also that you guys well, first of all, you have leadership that does not compromise about the word of god.
And they said, just go for it. Join blessed with pastor Duane and Ginny Great to be back.
Um, and I will write after this service. I’m gonna go over to the book tables. I’ll meet you.
I’ll sign every book I can. I’ll just quickly tell you what they have.
They’re gonna have most of my books since I’ve been here last.
There’s 6 more, um, including the book of mysteries, the harbinger, the return of the gods, which we’ll talk about this morning, the DeSiah manifesto, which I’m gonna touch on tonight.
Most are hard covers. The the newest list for about $30, but they’re gonna make it $16.
If you get 2, 3, it’s gonna keep going down and down until everything’s gonna be $10.
That’s less than a big mac meal at McDonald’s. So you can’t save anybody with a big mac.
So I pray that you give it to other people. Last quick thing is they’re gonna have special resources.
You cannot there’s one special resource you cannot that’s not nowhere else, not Amazon. It’s the return.
It’s actually the Josiah manifesto. We just came out the uncensored ATVD album.
You’ll reveal that it’ll show you prophetic things, and it’s, uh, more than it’s nowhere else on earth.
So that’s special. I only do it where I’m speaking, and that’s it.
Tonight, I’m gonna not only speak about, uh, the mysteries in the Josiah manifesto, but also reveal something.
I have never revealed outside of my congregation how one of the mysteries in the book actually foretold what is happening in Israel right now and down to the exact date.
And it’s a very gigantic thing. So that’s when I invite people out. And let’s are we ready? Alright.
What I’m gonna open up today is the mystery that lies behind everything that is taking place in America Western Civilization, people around you, the transformation of our culture.
In many ways, it’s gonna explain many things that you’re dealing with because you’re all dealing with it.
And is it possible that what the Bible speaks about as the gauze, the false gods are not just mythology, but that there’s something behind them.
And what if these spirits, these things are in the world today? What if we’re dealing with them?
What if they lie behind the changes in our culture? What’s happening to our children? What’s happening to our families?
And is there hope? And what is god saying? That is why I wrote the return of the gods.
And that is what and pastor Duane wanted me to share very importantly, this because it’s for now.
And it’s not only gonna reveal, but it’s to arm you and strengthen you and empower you.
And this is because it affects every one of you.
If you’re in a fight and you don’t know what you’re fighting, your chances are you’re not gonna win, or if you don’t know the power you have, Now if you came here this morning to hear a politically correct message, you came to the wrong place, the wrong service, and the wrong speaker.
I’m not here to share political records.
I’m here to share truth because that’s the only thing that’s gonna matter in the end. What were the gods?
In ancient times, the world was filled with the gods, every nation, every culture, every land worshiped the gods.
And the Bible gives us the first clue to this mystery that many believers missed.
In the book of deuteronomy, it says that those who worship the gods worship something called the Shaddim in Hebrew.
Shaddim is the Hebrew word. It doesn’t mean mythology. It means spirits. Entities, with consciousness, with will.
In the Psalms, it says the people sacrificed their children to the Shaddim.
Now when the ancient Jewish tribes translated that word into Greek, it went into the new testament as the word dotimmonia, we get the word demon or demonic from it.
Paul in first Corinthians says that the pagans are worshiping gods and idols, they’re actually worshiping the the the the spirit.
So beyond the gods were entities, dark entities, So the myths of man follow this.
They the the entities play on it.
Now the next piece of this mystery If the gods represented spirits and the pagan world was given to the gods, then they were given to the spirits.
They were indwelt by them. Pagan culture has all the signs of a possessed culture.
It’s amazing when you look at Pagan culture, In ancient times, you look at the the the high priest, the oracles, the worshipers, all have the signs of demonic possession.
And so this was all over the world. So what happened? What happened to the gods?
What happened to all this? Jesus happened. Messiah happened. God came into the world.
He sent his word into the world. The land of the gods. Now you have the power of god.
And there came a clash of civilization.
And that’s why Christians were thrown to the lions, ultimately, because it was a spiritual war.
It was ultimately a war, but in the end, the gospel of messiah prevailed, triumphed.
The temples of Zeus became empty. The shrines of diet us were abandoned. It was the twilight of the gods.
The gods were gone, but if behind the gods were spirits, Then it wasn’t just the departure of the gods.
It was the greatest mass exorcism in human history.
And that’s why western civilization has been so unique because it the one civilization that was exercised, but spirits don’t die.
So what happened to them? And have a final clue to unlock this victory comes from the parable given by Messiah.
He said if a spirit comes out of a man, It goes wandering the earth, looking for a place to dwell, finds none, says I will return to the house from which I came.
So it goes back to the man and finds it says it finds the house swept, clean, empty.
Then it says I’m gonna go back and take 7 other spirits, and they come back to the house or the man and repossess him.
And then now the repossession is eight times worse.
So Messiah says, that the ladder state is worse than the 1st day.
And now we hear this, and we think it’s talking about a man while it is, but it’s more than that.
Because at the end of the power ball, The lord says, so it will be with this generation.
This generation, not just individuals, but entire cultures can be oppressed, can be possessed, can be under the influence, can be delivered, and can be repossessed.
And now taking what he said to its most global application, we have a warning to the modern world, to the west, and to America.
And the warning is this. Any culture, any nation, any civilization that has known god.
That’s been delivered by god. Cleansed by god of these things.
If it should ever turn away from god, if it should ever empty itself of the spirit of the gospel of the power, of the faith that cleansed it, then those spirits that were cast out of it will come back into it.
The same ancient spirits, the same ancient quote, gods will return.
The Shaddim, the Daymonia will come back to the house, to inhabit it, to repossess it, Pagan Gods will come back to a house that’s been cleansed a Judeo Christian civilization, and they will seek to turn that culture into a pagan one.
They will begin a process of paganization, and we will watch. We wanna understand what’s been happening to America.
In the last half century or so, the increasingly dark, bizarre, irrational changes that are happening in our culture.
This is what’s happening. We are witnessing a repossession.
And remember what the lord said, the last state will be worse than the 1st state.
So it means if America ever turns away from god, the last state will be worse than it was in pagan culture.
You see, Pagan culture could produce a neuro. But a post Christian culture produces a Hitler or an antichrist.
Now which gauze? Which principalities? Will lead in this return.
When Israel turned away from god, it turned to other gods, became subject to them. There were 3 in particular.
In the return of the gods, I call them the dark trinity.
The same dark trinity of gods are what we are witnessing or spirits in our midst.
The first was called the possessor. That’s what his name meant in Hebrew.
Possessor, the master the lord, the owner. In Hebrew, he was called we call him bail.
In ancient times, it was this spirit that came into the land is the spirit that turns a nation that wants new god into a basically pagan nation.
How would it happen? We would have to have opened the door.
We’d have to begin emptying ourselves of god, and that’s exactly what happened.
When you look at the early sixties, America, and the west begins emptying itself of god, removes prayer from the school.
Then from the then the Bible from the children thought it was no big deal. No.
It was a real big deal. Because when you take god from the children, you’re taking god from the future.
And the mass the warning of Messiah of Jesus, is that the house will not stay empty.
If you take god out of the schools, something else will come into the schools.
You take god from the children, something else will come into the children.
And that’s all that was needed for the spirit of the possessor. What did he do?
What this spirit do it ancient times.
He drove god out of Israel’s culture, out of the out of the public square, out of the marketplace.
Well, that’s exactly what’s been happening to America.
In ancient times, the spirit of bail caused Israel to turn away from the commandments of god overturn them.
Well, that’s exactly what has happened to America. Overturning god’s ways one after the other.
The Bible says bail caused Israel to forget god.
So the spirit of bail returned has caused America to forget god, to forget that it ever knew god.
Think of the America that was before the 19 sixties where the nations the nation’s teachers led the children in the lord’s prayer all across America.
That that America we can barely remember, and that America could not have imagined this America. What has happened?
It is a phenomenon of paganization. What came in as a new morality was actually a pagan morality.
The spirit of this possessor is actually behind all sorts of things that we don’t even think about.
It’s behind wokeism. You see when there’s one god, there’s one truth.
But in paganism, there are many gods, so there are many truths.
That’s why our culture has been taken over by this spirit that says there’s no real truth.
Everybody has their own authentic truth. If a man says he’s not a man, he’s a cat.
Well, then that’s his authentic truth. There’s one sign of bail above all others in ancient times.
You know what it was? It was a sign of a bull aimed specifically a molten bronze bull.
Could that sign appear in America? Well, it already has.
Come to New York City, not far from ground 0 where the harbingers are.
You’ll see an image a massive bronze bolton bull, the ancient sign in the Bible of the possessor or of a nation that once new god and turned away.
They had no idea, but they did it.
Now there was another sign of bail that actually manifested in New York City where they actually erected, and I was there to to film it, to witness it where they actually erected an an object of bail, and it and it had a ceremony around it, but this is a real thing.
Now when you look back at the Bible, you see that the that bail is always mentioned first among the gods.
And then The next thing, there’s another one that’s often number 2, and that is a she.
And that is the next of the dark trinity. It’s a goddess And she was called in the book.
She’s called the enchantress. It says bail and this one Ash Torah in the Bible.
Ash Torah Now Osh Torah was the wife or the consort of bail, but she appears all over.
In Babylon, she was called ishtar. In Sumer Inanna. In Phanesha, she was called a start in Greece.
She was called Afrodite. She’s the goddess of unbridled sexuality. She was a prostitute, a Harley goddess.
In ancient times, she sexualized pagan culture. And and the bice the Bible says, bam, and then Osh Torah.
So the same thing happened in the return. First, we began turning away from god and then what happened?
What would we expect to happen? We’d expect the realm of sexuality to be overturned. That’s exactly what happened.
Right after we begin turning from god, we have the sexual revolution, which is the transformation of sexuality from a Judeo Christian groundwork to a pagan one.
It’s the work of this principality.
And that is to overturn a nation, paganize it through the realm of sexuality of marriage, of ultimately gender.
A prostitute takes sexuality out of marriage. It brings it into the culture. In ancient times, that’s what she did.
It was all the temple. Sexuality was everywhere. So what happens to America?
Sexuality was taken out of marriage, put into the culture, put into the marketplace. She sexualized our culture.
She’s sexualizing our children. And that’s ex it’s happening to this day.
And when she a prostitute also weakens marriage, So that’s exactly what we we see at the same time.
It’s no accident because we’ve watched the weakening of marriage, the weakening of family, the breaking of marriage in America.
In ancient times, in Greek, she was called the sacred prostitute.
From we and and but in Greek, the word for her for prostitute was the word Porne from which we get the word Porne or pornography, no accident, The first pornography in the world was the literature of this goddess.
She was the inventor of it and and she so this is one who seduces a culture.
Now there’s so much more to it.
We can’t get into in the time we have, but just to mention, it’s no accident.
She was also the goddess of the occult or casting spells.
At the same time, in the sixties, you have the sexual revolution. You have a revival of the occult.
To the part, to the point right now in America, there are more witches in America than there are Presbyterian.
The revival. She is also linked to drugs and linked to linked to intoxication.
We won’t go into it. We gotta move on to the next of the dark trinity.
This one in the book is called the destroyer.
This is the principality that causes parents to offer up their own children as sacrifices.
The pagan world was filled with human sacrifice, child sacrifice.
If you were a child in pagan times, it was not safe to be a child.
They would be they would be abused. They would be sexualized.
They would be enslaved, and they would be offered up.
When Israel turned away from god, they begin offering up their own children.
And the only thing that ended child sacrifice in the world, you know what it was?
It was the gospel. It was the name of Jesus. That tells you how right your faith is.
But the ancient warning is if a nation ever turns away from god, the spirits will come back And so the destroyer known in Hebrew as Molech, he returns and comes into our culture, comes to America, like clockwork, First, the possessor, the turning away.
Numb secondly, the the the enchantress sexual revolution.
3rd, it leads to the destroyer at the end of the of the 19 sixties, America begins offering up its own children.
This is the most pagan of acts. It’s the crown of paganization.
Israel offered up thousands of its children to the gods. America has offered up millions of its children.
We won’t go into it, but in the book, I looked at the ancient elements of child sacrifice, the rituals, And you can see them manifest in abortion today.
I’ll mention one just one thing.
It was the children of the poor more than any other that were lifted up to this god.
And that’s why today, it’s the children of the poor that is that are lifted up and killed in their mothers will more than any other.
And this is the sin that brought judgment and destruction to Israel. What will it do to America?
But now we have to go deeper.
As I looked at the inscriptions from mesopotamia concerning this goddess, the goddess, the enchantress, I found something strange.
She says, I am a woman, and then she says, I am a man.
1 of her hymns praises her say, you are the 1 who turns a man into a woman and turns a woman into a man.
You understand what’s really happening in our culture? It goes back to this. This is her deeper work.
Shouldn’t do it at the beginning because it’s too radical to have done it decades, but as the culture gets poses as she becomes intranentrenched in the culture.
This is the deeper work that begins manifesting and so it has.
This is a spirit that confuses gender that that re that replace the gender merges, blends, male, and female, boy, and girl is gonna enter the culture and so it has.
1 of the ancient inscriptions of this goddess says she grinds away the masculinity of men.
So a spirit has entered our culture.
We all know the spirit that that seeks to emasculate men rages against them as did the goddess, remove them from their calling as fathers, as husbands, as protectors, as manhood and seeks to emasculate them or feminize them.
At the same time, the goddess, it says turns women into men.
So we have a spirit in our culture that is seeking to transform women, defeminized women, masculine, take them away from womenhood, take them away from marriage, take them away from life, from motherhood.
See, the goddess was female, but with masculine characteristics, So she seeks she seeks to make women in her image and ultimately destroy women.
That’s why there’s even a movement now to remove the word woman.
But her power her power actually went deeper. The goddess had a mysterious priesthood.
They were men who walked around her temples, filled her temples, who dressed in women’s clothing.
Parents would take their children to see these men in women’s clothing perform.
If you see that happening again in your culture, know it’s a sign that this is that something very dark is possessing the culture.
And remember what Messiah said. When the spirits come back, they come back worse in ancient times.
She possessed her priesthood. But now she is seeking to possess an entire generation of children.
The gods are always after the children.
Because if you can get the children, you can possess the nation and you can possess the future of that nation.
It began by taking prayer out of school separating children from god, but you take god out.
Something else will come in and look what has now come into the schools.
Look what has now come into the children. It is not an accident, but it goes even further.
The god is seeks men to become as women in the realm of sexuality, but also she it says she turns a man into a woman, a woman into a man.
One of the things the goddess or their spirit did to the priesthood is she would have them listen surgically transitioned.
Even from men to women.
I’ve been found an ancient inscription from Mesopotamia that says that speaks about the transition men dancing before the god is holding scalpels up as if to celebrate their transition And now adults are doing this to children.
And even even liberals, people are saying one on earth would possess an adult to do that to a child.
Well, this would possess them. Now there was one event that began the entire movement that has altered sexuality and gender in America.
It happened to the end of the 19 sixties with an uprising in New York City called concerning a same sex bar called Stonewall.
From that has come the entire movement called pride, the altering of sexuality, the altering of marriage.
On the night that the riots began, The ancient mystery manifested.
Now we don’t have time to go into it, but but I put this in the book, and that is except to say this.
The signs of the goddess actually manifested on the streets of New York City.
It included even the something called the Dance of Ishtar was done on the streets of New York linked to the Goddess.
Even the timing of when it happened was all even the name Stonewall is in the mythology of the goddess, but the work of this principality has been taking over the culture.
Let me show you some of the things. And once you see it, you’re not gonna unsee it.
Let me some of the mysteries here.
And the ancient inscriptions reveal that god is oversaw ancient pagan parades that she made people parade before her, it says.
Each year, she with the goddess or the spirit would cause men to parade through the city streets as women, women parading as men, in in parades of great color and the bending of gender and sexual life consciousness.
Well, they’re back. They’re back. In the ancient world and the ancient calendar, the god has had there was 1 month that was claimed by the god is to actually possess the culture.
Or spirit, which would would be in the rituals, would be in the in the parades.
What month was it? I looked back at the writings of the 1st Christians Saint Jerome identified it.
He calls it the month in Latin of, or we know it translates the month of June.
June would become the month of this.
See, when you turn away from god, everything goes back and the spirits go back to the house they once had.
So now June had been the month, and now they now June has become possessed as this month.
You know, the goddess with the goddess of pride. And so we have an entire month called pride.
And so the spirit returns to the house.
And by the way, I wanna tell you, such where some of you don’t wherever you’re from, god loves all of you equally.
But we have to also stand at the same time. The goddess was linked to a sign.
Do you know what the sign was? It was a sign of the rainbow.
The mystery of the rainbow, why is the rainbow taking over our culture really replacing the cross?
It’s the mystery wine. In her mythology, she was known. You’ll see the rainbow doesn’t belong to the god.
It doesn’t belong to man. Doesn’t belong to the rainbow belongs to god.
But in her in her mythology, she was known as the one who steals what belongs to other gods and use it for herself.
And so the people who use it, they have no idea.
But if they realize what this was, because and and there’s a mystery to every color of what that sign that they use.
They would have second thoughts. It’s a link to possession. Could a mystery even lie behind the Supreme Court?
Well, the time that the goddess especially claimed, I said, was June.
But also was particularly the end of June, the time of the summer solstice.
Now there were 3 supreme court decisions. That altered sexuality and marriage as we know it.
I won’t go into detail except to say that every one of them took place in June.
Every one of them took place at the end of June.
Every one of them took place by the summer solstice every one of them took place by the days of the god is every one of them took place on the exact same day, but 12 years apart.
And on one of those days, marriage, as we have known it, was struck down and altered.
And that night when the White House was lit up with the colors of the rainbow, a sign from the goddess that she possess she’s possessing a nation that night on the ancient calendar was the 10th of Tavuz.
That was the day that it was legalized a man to marry a man or a woman, a woman, on the ancient Babylonian calendar, which is also the Bible’s calendar, but the Babylonian writings, what I found, it was that day was actually ordained to cast a spell to cause a man to love a man.
That was the day that the supreme court did it. What is the agenda? What is the end game here?
They have come back. These spirits have come back with a vengeance.
You see, they were cast out of the ancient world by the word of god.
So they are trying to cast out the word of god from our culture. They were encroached by the gospel.
Their worship ended because of the gospel. So they have a target set on believers.
That’s why there’s a rising hostility to god in this country and to believers to you, toward the gospel, and religious freedom.
Their temples and shrines were closed down by the by ultimately the power of god.
So they’re seeking to encroach on houses of god.
As they were once cast out in the name of Jesus, yes, Shua, they are now seeking to cast his name totally out of culture.
And they were driven to the margins by believers. They are seeking to, uh, to target you a believer.
When these spirits first come in, they do so step by step in the name of tolerance.
That’s how they came in. But once they get in, And once they get established and empowered, everything changes.
Then the gods move where the spirits move to cancel every voice of opposition.
From a culture of toleration and and to a culture of consolation.
They they move to that every knee shall bow to them Every tongue shall confess.
They will seek to force everyone to go along to celebrate them and anyone in opposition Whether that be a believer or someone who’s conservative or traditional, they will seek to silence that voice.
Anyone who stands in their way they will seek to cancel.
The age began with the war of the gods, the 1st Christians and the Roman empire.
Well, that war is back. And this goes right into end time prophecy.
What does it say of the last days? What does it say?
It says it’ll be a time of deceiving spirits. Where men become lovers of self, immorality increases.
People will be without natural affection, and they will persecute the people of god.
Well, this is the mystery behind all that that we’re dealing with.
And by the way, the word of god also says that in the last days, the nation of Israel will be back in the world and the world will focus on it.
You can know with all that’s happening, pray, but know that your god is real. Your god is here.
The word is true. All this I mean, the Bible said in the last days, you’ll have Israel.
You’ll have this controversy It also says there’ll be a great falling away, and we’re all there.
The Bible so be encouraged because of what the Bible said is coming true.
This is the mystery of you on how we we were able to just I’m able to just touch on some of the mysteries here to give you a taste of this this morning.
But first thing, how do we we take this home?
First, it has everything to do with you because everyone here, every issue is affecting you or people in your life.
Some of these things are hitting even closer to some of you. What do you do?
Remember Gideon, he had a stand against the gods.
In order to do the great and mighty things that he was called to do, he had to first do something.
He had it turns out there was an altar of bail in his backyard.
He had to go there and break that altar of bail. Then god used him mildly so for you.
If you’re gonna stand in these days, we’re gonna talk more about standing in the end times tonight.
But if you’re gonna stem and prevail in this hour, you have to do the same thing.
If there’s anything in your life, any stronghold of the of these things, anything, whether it’s an idol, whether it’s a the the idol of money, whether it’s pornography, whether it’s a habit indulgence.
Whatever stronghold, that’s an altar. You have to break it.
If we need to re if you want revival, you gotta repent.
Break it off once and for all, and god will use you mightily.
We’re all dealing with this what’s happening in the culture. Believers have been under this barrage for years.
And on the defensive, afraid to stand, afraid to compromise the or actually compromising their stand, but afraid of that even Pasters across this land are becoming silent, not here, but across this land.
Listen, we are not the first to deal with this.
In fact, for most of human history and most of bible history, the gods and the spirits have been the rule.
This has been the exception, but now it’s back.
The people of god are called to stand strong against the gods of their age.
Moses stood against the gods of Egypt. Elijah stood against bail and the Gods of Canaan.
Daniel stood against the Gods of Babylon.
Jeremiah stood against the god Molech The Macabees stood against Zeus and Paul and the first Christians stood against the Gods of Rome.
Now it’s our term. Now it’s your term. If you’re born again, you gotta stand as they stood.
If you’re a because you are born again, you are a child of Israel is what the Bible says.
And it’s your heritage to stand against the gods and idols and sacred cows of this age.
And if the dark is getting darker, that it’s time for you, the lights of god, to shine even brighter.
Yes. You see, these are the days when the grays are disappearing.
And if the dark is removing the gray to become even darker, it’s time for you, the light to remove any gray from your life to become even brighter.
You see in the book of acts and the days of the Bible, they didn’t have a Christian culture.
They had an anti Christian culture. Well, that is where we are now.
In the days of great evil, they are the days that will man FS great good for the one who will stand.
When evil goes from bad to worse, it is time for the good to go from good to great.
These are the days that produce greatness.
The light that shines in the darkness is the light that lights up the world.
You know, before we said we had a Christian culture.
Well, yeah, the light it’s like a light in the daytime, but now you’re the light in the dark.
But that is the light that will light up the night. Do not fear the end times people.
God called you in existence for such a time as this.
If he caught, you know, if he didn’t want you here in the end times, he would have put you in the middle ages, but he didn’t.
He put you here if he put you that he has appointed you. He will anoint you.
He will empower you to do what you’re called to do.
Some of you have prayed I wish I wish I could live in Bible Times. Congratulations. You’re here.
Welcome to Bible Times. This is round 2.
You know, one of the mysteries I was gonna share, but one of the mysteries, you know, is that everything in the end is gonna return to where it was at the beginning.
And so we mentioned the beginning of the age with Messiah, you had you had an Israel in the world.
You got an Israel back. You had Jewish people in Jerusalem. You got that back.
You had a world culture that was anti Christian and Pagan, well, it’s coming back.
But it and the Bible says it.
But if everything’s going back to where it was at the beginning, it’s time for we, you, the church, the people of god, to go back to where we were in the beginning, which is the book of acts and the power of god.
You see, they dealt with all of it.
And yet, they over they overcame all of it.
You know, we have to stay and live as one who’s in the book of acts because you have something more powerful than all the spirits of the gods.
You have the spirit of the living god.
And if you’ll live by that spirit, you’ll overcome any other spirit in this world.
Live by the spirit, walk by the spirit, rise by the spirit, overcome by the spirit, fight by the spirit, and you will win.
When Israel crossed the Red Sea and the Gods of Egypt were judged, Moses sang a Psalm.
He said who is like you, lord, among the gods.
There is no one like you, it said. There’s no god.
And the thing is there’s no god like our god.
Our god is god and stronger than all the gods of the earth.
And the name of yeshua Jesus is stronger than the gods.
By that name, the gods of the ancient world were cast out the gods of an entire civilization by the name of yeshua Jesus, and you have that name.
And that name is in you. There’s no god like our god.
There’s no king like our king, and there is no savior like our savior.
Jesus said, you’ve got the honor of standing for him.
You know, it doesn’t, you know, it doesn’t mean a lot when everybody says they gives lip service to Jesus.
But when the world does not, now it means a lot When you stand for him, when it’s hard to stand for him, that is glorious.
It says the spirit of glory is on you. Your god is so much stronger.
That you, all of us, everyone, have to not be in to stop being intimidated by the darkness of our culture.
And stop when the world tells you to shut up, you gotta stay. You gotta shout louder.
This is our day. This is our time. We wanted it. You know what I wish I could show it.
Well, you got the chance now. You got the power, the name of Messiah.
Jesus not only cast out gods in the world, it cow it costs out any spirit in your life.
You’ve got the power over that darkness. Use the power.
And if these are the days of bail and Ash Torah and Molak, then these must surely be the days of Elijah.
If the gods have returned, it’s time for the Elijah’s of god to return.
It’s time for you and me to become the elijas of our day.
You know, I don’t know if you’ve seen, you know, these are the days of elijah.
Become the elijah’s of the day.
It’s time to take our stand and be bold and courageous and confident empower against all the darkness.
So that’s why we have the honor of living to be able to do that.
It’s time also to take your stand against that god, that spirit, that sin in your life.
That’s tried to intimidate you or that spirit that’s tried to harass you.
Discourage you, defile you, seduce you, compromise you, make you bow down to it.
It’s time to stand against that darkness, that habit, that thing, that spirit, that fear, whatever, and say, no.
No more. I will not bow down my knee to you again.
I will not bow down to your bondage, to your temptation. I will not bow down to you.
I will only bow down my knee to the god of Abraham Isaac and Jacob and the name of yeshua Jesus.
You have no authority for greater is he and me than you are in the land.
Get off of my land. Get out of my nation. Get out of my house. Get out of my life.
Get your help. Out of my life. For greater is the god of my salvation.
Thus says the lord, your god, arise and shine for your light has come and the glory of the lord has risen upon you in the name above every name by his name.
The name of Jesus Yashua, the anointed, the king above all kings, the lord above all lords, and the god above all God, amen.
- Surviving Our Present Culture – Dr. Charles StanleyTháng 3 25, 2023