What Do You Think Of Yourself? | Joyce Meyer | Enjoying Everyday Life Teaching

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What Do You Think Of Yourself? | Joyce Meyer | Enjoying Everyday Life Teaching

Ever find yourself focusing on all the things you do wrong? Learn to love yourself and think about yourself the way God does on today’s episode of Enjoying Everyday Life with Joyce Meyer.

Joyce Meyer, one of the world’s leading practical Bible teachers and New York Times best-selling author, shares encouragement and advice to help us enjoy our daily lives.

With a heart to share Christ and love people, Joyce’s messages help people in all walks of life to grow in their faith, learn to study the Bible, find healing from the wounds of life, get answers to life’s questions and encounter the love of God in a powerful way.

I do what I do because I’ve seen god’s power transform my own life, and he will do it for you.
The key to everything is found in god’s word.
I’m Joyce Meyer, and I believe that god can feel you every foyer you heard.
And we can all get that way.
That’s why you gotta remember that the Bible says in mark 4, the measure of thought and study that you give to the truth that you hear is the measure of virtue, which is power and knowledge that will come back to you.
The measure of thought and study that you give to the truth that you hear It is good.
I’m glad you said that. Each time you think a good or a bad thought about yourself, it becomes more and more a part of you.
And what you think is ultimately what comes out of your mouth and it gets into your attitude, and then it gets into your emotion.
And then you begin to portray that to other people.
So you better do some thinking when you go home about how you do feel about yourself.
What do you think of yourself?
Do you believe that with god’s help, you can do whatever you need to do in life?
Or do you believe, well, that’s just too much for me. That’s just too hard. No.
God never gives us anything to do that’s too hard, and that’s our biggest excuse. Well, it’s just too hard.
I tried to study Joyce, and I don’t understand the Bible. Well, then get another translation.
And keep digging until you find one you can’t understand and pray that the Holy Spirit will teach you while you read.
Amen? Do you know they say that insecurity is now like an epidemic.
The world is full of so many insecure people that it’s considered to be like an epidemic of insecurity.
Uh, I used to be so insecure.
I didn’t know I was. I thought I was just like, So you can get a facade on the outside wherein I’m tough and nobody’s gonna walk all over me and yet inside, you’re falling apart.
We have 2 lives.
The one we showed everybody else and the one that we know about inside, and that’s the it’s that inside man that’s gotta be the soul has gotta be healed.
And I remember when if Dave and I didn’t agree about something, I would always get hurt and feel rejected.
Like, he didn’t love me.
And god had to teach me just because he doesn’t agree with your opinion doesn’t mean he doesn’t love you.
So you have to give people the freedom to have a different opinion than yours and not fall apart because they don’t feel exactly the same way you do about something.
Otherwise, we have no freedom. It’s just all controlled. It’s so wonderful.
To like yourself. And, you know, if you get in religious circles, I’m talking about, you know, religious circles.
And you dare say you’d like yourself. I’m in good grief.
I was in Pennsylvania one time, and I said that on a Friday night Saturday, the paper came out and said, Myer says she likes herself.
But, you know, if I would have said, oh, I’m such a miserable worm.
I’m a wretch. I’m a terrible person. Then they would have thought I was good.
I’m telling you what, you you gotta know the difference in religion and having a true relation relationship with Jesus Christ.
Because whatever faith you got religion will suck it right out of you if you don’t know Jesus.
I’m talking about just that old, dead, dry, Pharisee type religion that Jesus himself was so against.
He said you’re like a bunch of white wash tombs for the dead men’s bones.
You tell everybody else what to do and don’t do it yourself.
We desperately need a healthy self image.
You’re never gonna reach your god ordained destiny if you don’t learn how to have a good attitude toward yourself.
That’s why it’s so important to let go of your mistakes and trust god.
Not that we not that we’re not sorry for them. Of course, we’re sorry for them.
It breaks my heart when I do something that I believe god disapproves of.
But I’ve learned by experience, I can’t drag it with me.
You can’t drag yesterday’s mistakes into today because it all becomes too heavy to carry.
You have to let it go.
God’s got a job for you to do, and you can’t do it dragging around a sack of guilt.
Amen? It becomes a heavy burden.
Coming to me all either are weary and overburdened, and I will give you rest.
We cannot go beyond god’s will for us.
You can’t do just anything you want to. But you can do anything he tells you to do.
Anything god gives no matter how crazy it sounds to everybody else.
If you really feel sure that god has spoken to you in your heart, then go for it.
And you know what? If you find out you’re wrong, don’t let that throw you off base either.
Just say, well, I know not to do that again and go on to the next thing.
You know, failure is part of being a success. We fail our way towards success.
I I made mistakes. I tried to go on TV before god called me to go on TV.
You know, sometimes you’ll have something in your heart, and it’s from god, but it’s not the right time.
And that think it’s kinda hard to discern sometimes, especially as a young Christian.
And, you know, a lot of people even in the Bible pay that same mistake.
They just got a little bit ahead of themselves.
And so I thought I I’m a go on television.
So We rented a studio at a cable station in Saint Louis where we live, and I took 4 or 5 of my female employees, and I was gonna have a talk show.
And I was gonna ask them questions and let them answer them, but there was a problem.
I would and I would ask the question that I would answer the question.
Because I’m not a talk show host.
And if you notice, we don’t do a lot of interviews on our TV program, like bringing people in and interviewing them.
Like, I’m going next week to days starting to TV in to do a couple hour interviews for my fall books.
Well, that’s what they do. They have people come in all the time.
They interview them, but I tried that.
And we had people writing letters to us saying, will you please tell Joyce to let the guest talk?
I mean, when they first came and told me that, I was like, I didn’t like that at all because if you’re on my show and you’re not saying the right thing, I’m gonna take over, and we’re gonna get right back on the right track.
So I just said, you know what? That’s not me.
We can only do you can’t just do something because somebody else does it well.
You can only do what god has called you to do. Amen?
And so in 6 months, we got one piece of mail from that TV show.
As I said, this isn’t working.
Well, then when god told us to go on TV, we were, like, shocked.
We don’t know how to do that.
Well, that’s what god was waiting for for us to be humble enough to realize we couldn’t do it by ourselves instead of just thinking we could just go do it because we wanna do it.
Amen? And then something else I feel like I need to share is, you know, sometimes you can be doing something for a long time.
And then all of a sudden, god’s done with it.
And that’s a hard one too because you kinda like what you’re doing.
You’ve gotten good at it. You’re enjoying it.
Then all of a sudden, say, something’s not working. It’s not working.
The anointing just isn’t there. You’re not enjoying it anymore. It’s like, Yeah.
I worked at a church and sent Louis for 5 years. 5 years, I had home bible studies in 5 years.
I worked at this church and I liked my job. I got to do a lot of preaching.
Taught in the Bible School had a huge women’s meeting every Thursday morning of 400, 450 people came.
That’s a decent size congregation.
Did most of the teaching when the pastor was out of town.
Didn’t have to believe from my paycheck. He did. And it was good.
And then but I started just didn’t wanna go to work.
Didn’t wanna go to the meetings, the board, you know, the weekly meetings.
I didn’t know what was wrong with me. I’m like, what’s what’s wrong with me?
Didn’t wanna go to prayer meetings?
We had church every Tuesday night and 1 Tuesday night.
I sat in my seat. Course, you know, I had a seat on the front row with my name on it.
We all love that. That makes us feel important, dummy. I had my own park in
place with my name on it and my
own seat with my name on it. It’s amazing. The things we think are important.
And when we get older, we realize just had no importance at all.
I look back now, and the things that I thought were important when I was 35, I realized now is just nonsense.
The only thing that’s really important is that we live before god the life that he wants us to live.
And so I heard god speak to me.
What are you doing here? And I thought, well, go into churches Tuesday night.
And god actually said I’m finished with you here. Well, I was insulted.
I mean, how are you gonna run the church without me?
Go on. But god god didn’t need me there anymore.
I had done my part. And he wanted me to take the ministry, and he said, go north, southeast, and west.
Well, I won’t get into that whole story because it’s long.
But my point is is I feel like somebody’s here that needs to hear that you may even be good at something, but when god’s done with it, you don’t need to keep trying to push a horse uphill that’s been dead 10 years.
And, you know, I’ve had to give up some things in the last few years.
I used to love to go on our mission trips out of the country.
Three times a year, I’d go out for 3 weeks at a time, and we’d go to 4, 5, 6 countries and be involved in all these outreaches and We had such favor.
I mean, every door was opened to us. It was amazing. And then things started not working out.
Our visas would get canceled, and our the grounds that we ran and would get canceled.
And just stupid. It just wasn’t working.
I mean, if you know what I’m saying, what I’m saying is just not working.
And, It was wearing me out. I was getting too old to be doing that.
I needed to be given myself to things that didn’t take quite as much out of me.
You know, sooner or later, you gotta compare effort to fruit.
You know, are you getting enough fruit out of the effort that you’re putting into something to make it worth doing it.
And I didn’t like giving that up. Now Ginger gets to go, and I don’t get to go.
But thank god she’s there to do it.
You know, we can’t be all full of our self and never let anybody else do anything because if you do, you’ll just get written off period.
So be ready to do something when god says do it, but be ready to let it go when god says let it go.
And then?
And just because you let go of something doesn’t mean that god’s done with you or that you are not valuable.
It just means it’s a new time in your life.
I want you to take a look at yourself and ask yourself what do you think of yourself and how do you talk about yourself?
I said this last night, but I’m gonna say it again today. Do not.
And I repeat. Do not. And I am old enough to tell you what to do.
Do not say bad things about yourself out of your own mouth.
You’d be better off for somebody else to talk bad about you than for you to talk bad about you.
And I remembered last night I started a story and then got off in another and so this is a good place to finish it.
I was talking about when god was teaching me that I was the righteousness of god in him.
That was so hard for me to get through my head.
And one morning, I was feeding my baby and David and I had had an argument and he left for work.
Anybody remember when I started this last night and then finish it?
I’d maybe you didn’t even know I didn’t finish it, but I didn’t.
And so I’m I’m sitting at the table saying, I had to I’m just a jerk.
I’m just Just a total mess up. Everything I do is wrong. It’s always my fault.
It’s always me, always me. You ever And what I’m gonna tell you is the absolute truth, and I’m not saying it to be spooky.
I’m just telling you the truth. There are angels, but there are also demons.
And just because we can’t see them don’t mean they’re not there.
And when I was sitting there saying all these bad things about myself, I felt literally felt an evil force coming across the room at me.
Scared the living tar out of me. I started saying, I am the righteousness of god in Christ.
I am the righteousness of god in Christ. I am the righteousness of god in Christ.
And the more I said that, the more I felt that evil presence backing away.
Come on. Don’t open a door for the devil in your life.
Don’t say bad things about yourself out of your own mouth.
Just say what the Bible says.
Even if you’re not fully living it out right now, it still legally belongs to you bought with the blood of Jesus.
See, I think one of the places where we get confused is there’s a legal side to our redemption, and there’s an experiential side to our redemption.
Legally, I’m holy. But experientially, I don’t always do the Holy thing.
It’s almost like god gives us a coat that’s way too big for us, and gives us time to grow into it.
The important thing is is that you’re growing.
If you’re growing God’s not so concerned as to whether or not you’ve arrived, but are you growing?
Can you look back last year and say I’m different this year than I was last year?
Hopefully, nobody has to say I’m different. I’m worse.
Well, what is a healthy self image?
First of all, you don’t think more highly of yourself than you ought to.
Because the minute you start thinking that you’re really important, you’re gonna automatically start thinking somebody else is unimportant.
And there is nothing.
I don’t think that hurts god’s heart worse than if we treat somebody as if they’re beneath us, are not as good as we are.
And sometimes the people that are the most guilty of that are the ones that are in charge.
So I make it my business when I’m in these arenas.
I talk to everybody sitting back there that I run into, greet them, and thank them and, you know, look look for the person nobody’s paying attention to and talk to them.
Don’t don’t go trying to just get to the most important person in the room.
Look for the person that looks lonely. Well, Joyce, I’d rather hang out with my friends.
Well, Who wouldn’t? Yeah. Let’s just quit being in our little groups.
My little Christian groupie friends, and I don’t talk to anybody else.
The world is so full of hurting people.
And we are not too important I said we are not too important to pay attention to them.
Amen? We’re not even too important to pay attention They don’t have to become your best buddy, but you need to treat them right.
I always say hang out with sinners as long as you’re affecting them and they’re not infecting you.
What do we put our confidence in?
The Bible says put your confidence in nothing but Christ. But what do we put our confidence in?
Our appearance? I don’t misunderstand me.
I think we ought to look as good as we can. Think whatever you got and work with it.
If you’re a little fluffy, just wear black.
That’ll help a lot.
Learn all the tricks. You know?
Based once you reach a certain age, your hair should never be one color.
So get a few highlights if you’re over fifty.
We won’t get into all that, but, you know, there’s a reason why I’m seventy 9 and don’t look at So Did you believe that my next birthday, I’m gonna be 80.
Well, guess what? I don’t feel any.
But, you know, part of why I’m still here, I’ve learned to do what god is anointing me to do now and let other people do the rest of it.
And let me tell y’all you suite 20 and 30 and even forty year olds.
Don’t look at me like poor Joyce. She’s almost 80.
You’re gonna get there someday. Yeah.
I spend 5 hours a week working out with a trainer and getting stretched twice a week.
Now I’ve got somebody now professional that comes and stretches me.
We put our confidence in appearance, social status, what we do, who we know.
Do you know someday if I can’t do what I’m doing, I’m still gonna be Joyce Meyer.
And I don’t wanna hear somebody say, didn’t you used to be Joyce Meyer?
We put our confidence in money.
And how many of you know that could all go away in one day?
Revelation says that Babylon falls in one day and Babylon represents the world’s system.
We don’t know from one second to the next in this volatile world that we live in, what’s gonna happen.
And we better have our trust in god, not in anything else.
Don’t be a name dropper.
If you happen to know anybody important, don’t just make sure that you drop their name in front of everybody so they think you’re important because you know somebody important.
Oh, well, I won’t go there.
When we begin our journey with god, most of our confidences in those outward things.
And it just takes time and letting god work with you to realize, do you realize all of those things are shaky?
The only thing that can’t be shaken is god.
That’s why you wanna have your confidence in him. You know, you’re gonna get hurt by friends.
That’s a given in this life.
And especially if you start putting too much confidence in them, god will be obligated to show you their weaknesses.
And you’re gonna think, well, I would have never thought you would have done that.
Well, Guess what? A cell images out of balance, you could think too highly yourself or if you think too lowly of yourself.
Matter of fact, one very smart woman said, the best thing to do is just not think of yourself at all.
How many of you agree? We just have ourselves on our mind way too much.
I want you to feel good about yourself, but I don’t want you to feel like you’re better than somebody else.
None of us are too good to do anything.
And it’s good for all of us sometimes to purposely put ourselves in a position of serving Just to show that we are not so full of ourselves.
God has created you an amazing awesome creature.
And you can do things that you would not even ever believe that you could do if you’ll just believe in Christ.
And put your confidence in him.
There’s a promised land for you, and its fruit is big.
But there are giants in the land, and you will have to deal with them, but you won’t have to deal with them by yourself.
God’ll be right there with you every step of the way. Come on. Give god a prayer.
Yay. Have
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The biggest thing that we need to do is learn how to think like god thinks, and the only way you can do that is by knowing the of god.
In words to live by Joyce Meyer shares how studying the word of god transformed her life.
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Have you ever been trapped in a never ending frenzy where every passing moment feels like a blur, leaving you gasping for answer pause and catch your breath.
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The mind actually is the battlefield.
That’s where we win or lose the war with Satan. He said all he gets to say.
I love it. Today is mine. You start asking god to heal you and he will restore.
Is the god of all comfort and I am so grateful that I know how to call on god.

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