The Titanic and The Voices in the Water | Jonathan Cahn Sermon
The Titanic and The Voices in the Water
SUNDAY, June 4, 2023
What do you think of when you hear the word “apocalyptic?” Most people think of the end of the world, calamity and doom. There’s truth to that picture. But if you’re born again, it’s a whole different issue. In the Hebrew marriage, during the supper, the bride and groom would slip away to the marriage chamber where the bride would “unveil.” In Greek apokalupsis means: an unveiling, uncovering, revealing or revelation. So for us, the bride, the apocalypse is very different. It’s when the bride removes her veil and the two become one. The future for you in the Lord is to be looked forward to, not feared. Apocalyptic means; meeting Him, removing our veil, shining as the bride. There are two outcomes, the apocalypse of judgment and the apocalypse of an unveiling wedding celebration. As His Bride, look at the future with joy, preparing yourself to become beautiful. As it’s written, “We with unveiled face, beholding Him.” It’s apocalyptically good, so rejoice over what’s to come and live your life with hope and expectation for the apocalypse of the bride and the bridegroom.
The voice of the lost is calling from around the world saying save me, save us.
The Macedonians, they save us. They’re all over the world. They’re in a Africa, Asia, Europe, Middle East China.
Say they’re in your town, they’re in your workplace, their, their spirits, they might be in your family.
They’re calling, they might not know it. They don’t say it but in their deepness, the deepness of their soul.
It’s calling, save me. Hi, I’m Jonathan K and I hope you are blessed with the video.
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