The Super Computer vs Charles Spurgeon | Jonathan Cahn Sermon

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The Super Computer vs Charles Spurgeon

“The prophet spoke of the Harbingers as symbols. That was a clue. The World Trade Center was a symbol of America’s global financial and economic power. So what would such a fall foreshadow? “An economic…fall?” “As in a financial and economic collapse.” “The collapse that began the Great Recession?” “Yes.” “The collapse of the American and global economy is connected to 9/11?” “Yes.” “But how?” “It all goes back to the prophecy…everything—the collapse of Wall Street, the rise and fall of the credit market, the war in Iraq, the collapse of the housing market, the foreclosures, the defaults, the bankruptcies, the government takeovers—everything—politics, foreign policy, world history—everything that happened after. It all goes back to the prophecy and to the ancient mystery.”
― Jonathan Cahn, The Harbinger: The Ancient Mystery that Holds the Secret of America’s Future

Not even all the supercomputers of the world can predict human history, even two years in advance.
And then here this one who did with, what kind of supernatural power can you do that?
I mean, he’s a Baptist. So he’s not saying I’m speaking in tongues.
I’m, I’m doing this with a, with a gift of the spirit, but he did nevertheless prophecy of what would happen.
And it has, how’d he do it? He simply did one thing.
He simply took this word as the word of the living God.
He took it at its full strength, didn’t doubt it didn’t waver, didn’t justify it, didn’t water it down today.
CNN is attacking Israel. They’re not a great friend of Israel or of believers, but CNN wasn’t around back then when he was and if it had been, they would have no idea of what he was talking about MSNBC, tax Israel.
But they would have no idea if they were back then.
But Charles Spurgeon knew the real story more than they do Because he believed the word of God.
You know the news that you see on the television, on the Internet. It’s out of date.
The next day, most of it. But the word of God is never out of date.
It was up to date 150 years ago and it’s up to date now.
In fact, it was more than up to date because it was talking about things before they became up to date.
Charles Spurgeon didn’t go by what it looked like if he did, he never would have said what he said.
But there’s a risk to say that it was impossible. Impossible.
There’s nothing happening there for 2000 years and it’s hopeless and the people should be, there are across the ends of the Earth.
The land is wasteland. Nobody wants it. And it’s under the rule of the enemies of the Jewish people.
But he didn’t go by what it looked like because it was impossible.
It didn’t matter though what it looked like to him.
It didn’t matter what the situation was, didn’t matter if it was impossible because he had one thing, he had the word of God and the word of God says with God, nothing shall be impossible.
Didn’t matter how far from reality, didn’t matter if he went by what he saw, he never would have said it.
He simply trusted in the word regardless of what he saw when it was hard to trust.
But it was hard because it didn’t look realistic, but he was proven right.
He spoke with a power that he could never have known it was beyond his knowledge, beyond his wisdom, beyond way beyond.
Because the word of God does that he was able to speak with more power than any supercomputer today because they can’t figure it out.
But this figured it out simply by going by God’s word.
And precisely because it seemed so unrealistic that it is today, so powerful to hear what he said.
Hi, I’m Jonathan Cahn. Thanks for checking out my youtube channel. I hope you were blessed with the video.
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