Israel’s Return, Judgement & The Millennium | Jonathan Cahn Sermon
Israel’s Return, Judgement & The Millennium
Jonathan Cahn shares – Israel’s return, judgement, and the millennium from the mystery of the fig tree parable.
The Fig Tree Revelation
A parable from Messiah and the deep prophetic revelations hidden within it – Israel, the end-times, the harvest, and your life!
Jewish people had to come back to Jerusalem and god fulfills his prophecy, and they come back into the world.
God is not finished with the Jewish people, and you be very glad that he’s not because, number 1, if he was finished, if they if he was finished, Jesus would never come back.
Secondly, if he was, he would that means if he broke his promise to them, you couldn’t trust him with you.
But because he kept his promise to them, you can be sure that he will keep his promise to you.
The victory is for It represents many things, but it’s it particularly represents Israel.
There’s more than a parable here and and more than a than than, uh, incident here.
A tree is a vessel of life. Israel is a is a living thing. A living nation.
A tree is planted by the planter, the owner, god planted Israel, starting with Abraham.
A tree puts forth branches spreads out Israel put forth branches, Abraham, Isaac, then the 12 branches, 12 sons, then each of those branched out to become 12 tribes, and that’s the nation.
It’s a genealogical tree. And Messiah himself is called the the branch Why?
Cause he’s born of the tree and he branches out. Israel was planted to bear the fruit of god.
But when Messiah came, it did not bear that fruit. Now there were many Jewish people.
I said it last week, many Jewish people who came to the lord, 1000 upon thousands of believers.
If they didn’t come, we wouldn’t be here today.
But Israel as a nation, the leadership of the nation, they turned away.
And so the context is judgment.
Now now back to the other tree, before he says about that that parable, he says, but if you don’t repent, you’ll perish.
Now that has spiritual meaning because if we don’t come back to if we don’t come to god, There’s judgment forever.
God is god does everything to save us from that.
But here, there’s also a physical judgment because because what was coming in 70 AD was literally a judgment on the nation.
Rome would come in destroy it. The Jewish will be scattered to the ends of the earth. 70 AD.
Now interesting because the parable didn’t have to give numbers.
He could have just said The tree hasn’t been bearing any fruit. Okay.
Let’s give it a little bit more time. It’s all you need, but he puts numbers in why.
Interesting though, He says 3 years, and then 1 more, 4 years. 4 periods of time.
Messiah died He rose somewhere around the year, 30 AD could have been 3rd up to as far as 33, depending on, but 30 AD.
The gospel came to Israel 3rd around 38.
The fig tree is given 4 years or 4 periods of time interesting because because Israel Gods fig tree was also given 4 periods of time.
It was given 4 decades to come to god. 4 decades for the gospel, 4 decades for Messiah.
During those 4 decades, you have the book of acts. The book of acts is all within the 4.
Paul’s ministry comes to its end as the 4 decades, 40 is coming to an end, so other apostles.
Many thousands came to the lord, but the nation, as a whole, did not.
At the end of the 4th decade, what does that come? You start with around 30 AD.
Where does it get you? 70 AD. For decades, the judgment comes the tree is cut down.
70 AD exact year Roman armies come in. Now notice something else. Interesting.
In the last part of the Powerball, it says in that 4th year, the gardener builds a trench digs a trench around the tree.
Interesting because we know from the history that before it all fell, the Romans built a trench around Jerusalem.
And then came the end. The fig tree is cut down.
The land of Israel is torn up, and actually the trees of Israel start disappearing kind of a symbolic thing.
All the trees of Israel are gone for about 2000 years.
John said the axis already at the roots.
And then the other one, the other fig tree that didn’t bear the fruit that Messiah said, you know, that that where he cursed it.
Interesting. Because for 2000 years, Israel after that beginning didn’t really bear the fruit that god called it to bear spiritually.
It bore other fruit, but not the fruit god called it to.
And so when I grew up in the synagogue, I didn’t see the fruit of the Bible.
I didn’t see the prophets. I didn’t see, you know, I didn’t see the the power of god.
It was tradition. It was liturgy.
Just like many of you grew up in traditional, quote, Christian churches, and that’s what you got.
But I but I didn’t there was in in in the Jewish world, there’s no more prophets, no more apostles, no more messengers to the world, no more words to the to that we’re gonna give life to the world to bring to bring the world to god.
I remember when I was maybe about five years old, a really strange memory.
An older Jewish boy in the neighborhood said a strange thing to me.
He said, do you know why we, meaning the Jewish people, have not had god speak to us for so long.
For 2000 years, we have no prophets for 1000 of years. Why? I said, no.
He said, because no none of us have been righteous enough. Interesting.
But he knew there was a sense that we had not been spoken to anymore. As such.
Rubinical Judaism had the liturgies.
They had they had the prayers, but they did they became devoid of the fruit of god that god called Israel to touch the world.
Now listen to this other revelation.
Uh, there’s another revelation in the fig tree from Mark 13. It says this verse 28.
Now learn the parable of the fig tree.
When her branch is tender and she puts forth leaves, you know, that summer is near.
You know, summer is near.
The 1st believers knew that the kingdom was coming to Israel. Leon knew that.
Here it says, you know, the fig tree tells you that summer is coming.
Well, the fig trees prophetically is gonna tell you that god’s purposes the kingdom is coming. The victory.
The first believers in acts, they knew that was gonna come.
Some of them thought it was gonna come soon, but they knew it was coming.
Messiah would come and he’s gonna reign from Jerusalem. The Bible says that very clear.
Acts 1, they said, is it at the time, you’re gonna you’re gonna restore the kingdom to Israel.
He said it’s not for you to know. He didn’t say you have your theology wrong.
You have your theology right, but it’s not for you to know when. You’ve heard the term Millennialism.
Millennialism is not the study of Millennials.
It’s the stud it’s the belief that the millennial the millennium is coming, meaning the time of god raining on the earth, it’s coming.
Then along with that, you got the the belief of replacement theology.
Replacement theology or super sessionism. Try that one. Super sessionism. What is that?
It means that with the church has replaced Israel.
The church has become the replaced Israel god is finished with Israel or All the blessings that god promised to Israel are now for the church and accept the the Jewish people keep the curses.
And they would even say, well, god has kept the Jewish people. Why aren’t the Jewish people surviving?
Because he’s keeping them as a sign of his judgment. That’s it.
But wiping out all the prophecies that god gave.
That theology actually became the main theology of the organized, established, quote, church through Christendonk, through the middle ages, even into the reformation.
It took a while. And still many old line churches hold to that.
But with the return of the word, when people started turning back to the word, with a reformation, people started reading the Bible more.
Wait a minute. It doesn’t say that. Wait a minute.
And then you have From the reformation, you have the puritans coming out of that, you have the baptists coming out of that, then the methodist, the and then ultimately to our day, in England and America.
I mean, even the puritans, you read the puritans.
They’re amazing because they write about god’s gonna bring Israel back to the world. Their prophets are you.
Way back in the 1600s. Those puritans are saying god is gonna bring back Israel in the world.
God is gonna save his people. God, the kingdom’s coming.
In England, in America, and then the 19th century, even stronger, 20th century, even stronger, that hope from the 1st century which is really biblical, all of a sudden, be was restored, interesting.
It was all coming back just before it was actually fulfilled.
To the point where today among most born again believers, most evangelical real born again believers all over the earth They believe god has restored Israel, god’s kingdom is coming to Jerusalem all over the world.
But it was all there from the beginning. It’s the Bible. The Bible says it. That’s what it is.
Anything else is you’re spiritualizing. You’re doing violence to the word.
God it said clearly in the Bible god’s gonna gather the Jewish people, end of the the age.
He’s gonna gather them back to the land of Israel Israel become a nation again.
And so 1948, it happens. Israel becomes a nation again.
I said, you know, it’s the 75th anniversary of Israel. You know, sounds like it sound okay.
It’s a long time, but it’s really a real short time.
And that that means it was only 75 years ago that it actually all those prophecies happen.
And even less than that, came the second part, and that Jesus, what he said, and what the Bible said re what he said required it, the Jewish people had to come back to Jerusalem.
1967. Days of the summer of love and and the Beatles, the Sergeant Pepper, all that, and god fulfills his prophecy.
And they come back into the world. Apparently, god is not into replacement theology.
God replaced replacement theology with a resurrection of Israel.
God is not finished with the Jewish people, and you should be very glad that he’s not because Number 1, if he was finished, if they if he was finished, Jesus would never come back.
Secondly, if he was, he would that means if he broke his promise to them, you couldn’t trust him with you.
But because he kept his promise to them, you can be sure that he will keep his promise to you.
When god says something, he means it.
When god writes some has something written down, he means it. When god gives a promise, he will keep it.
Amazing. You can tell me, the Bible Zechariah, it says that in that day, the nations will try to move Jerusalem and they will injure themselves.
Well, you know what? The whole nations of the world just a little not far from here in the United Nations are trying, like, every year to do that.
Everything they wanna move Jerusalem. They wanna take it away from Israel, but the Bible says they’re gonna try that, but they’ll injure themselves.
At the same time, the Bible says in the last days, there’ll be a great falling away, a great apostasy.
Well, do you see that? Well, this at the same time, it says the Jewish people will come back to Israel.
So we’re seeing both the major signs of opposite have happened are happening right now.
But it also says the fig tree the fig tree has to blossom.
It didn’t have figs on it, and he cursed it.
And so the rebirth of Israel, is that the blossoming of the fig tree?
Well, It’s the return of the victory, but I don’t know if I would say it’s the blossoming because the blossoming that you had in Israel back then, but it didn’t blossom.
The blossoming is the spiritual fruit of Israel. What is that?
Well, when god spoke to Jeremiah and he spoke about the good figs and the bafics, the good figs and the bafics were actually people of Israel.
The king was a bad fig, and judgment was coming.
But the thing is, so the thing is What it would mean is that Israel, not just coming back, but the nation of Israel will again produce fruit to god, will again produce believers, apostles of Messiah, disciples, and the and then the word and all go forth.
Well, that hadn’t happened pretty much around for for almost 2000 years, but it’s happening again now.
The fig tree is beginning to blossom.
The fig tree after many you know, the the prophet hosea, god said through him, The children of Israel will abide for many days without king or priest.
But in the last days, They will come. They will return to the lord. They will return.
You could say it out the land too, and they will come trembling to the lord and to his goodness and to David, their king, which is which is the biblical way of saying to Messiah.
In the last days, the Jewish people don’t come in the first Well, they there was a first, but their main coming is at the end.
The Jewish people, you know, like, what what’s the what’s the biggest part of the week for the Jewish people?
The end, the Sabbath, the end. They repent. What’s the the time of repentance in the Hebrew year?
What’s the time of repentance? The last part in the auto.
And so the Jewish people, they’re gonna come back to the lord in the end, but we are already seeing the beginning of it.
The fig tree is blossoming. A tree’s branches are a mirror of the tree’s roots.
A tree cannot bear fruit without its roots. So what does that mean?
You can only go up in the lord as much as you go down in the lord.
Your god said, be fruitful, but you can only be fruitful if you’re fruitful.
Your fruitfulness is based on your rootfulness and it’s dependent on it.
Your fruits will not exceed your roots. It’ll equal it. What do I mean? You wanna bear fruit?
You gotta get down. You gotta get deeper. You gotta get in his presence.
You gotta get deeper in god’s presence deeper in his love you’ll bear your fruit.
The more you get deeper in here, the more your roots, the more you’re gonna bear the fruit of your life.
Your life is as a tree.
And the and you are to bear, god called you to bear a life of love, of joy, of gentleness, of peace of goodness, of self control, of faithfulness.
You wanna bear the roots or the fruits of love? Well, I wanna be loving.
I wanna be, but it’s hard to be lord loving.
I they’ll make it very hard for me to love them.
The answer is not trying to be more loving, even though that’s good that you want.
That’s a good start. It’s getting into the you want the fruits of love, you gotta get into the roots of love.
Get more rooted. You got you cannot give what you don’t have.
If you can’t give what you didn’t receive, you can a tree can only give what it received.
You gotta get in god’s presence.
You gotta start soaking up his love, into your whole being, into your emotions, into your into your mind, into your heart, into your hurts, into your past, into your fears into every part of your being, and you’re gonna bear love without even trying.
You wanna bear the the fruits of peace? Get into the peace of god.
Let it soak up, set spend time. Soak up that peace.
You you know, in your emotion, you want you want goodness. You can’t just come up with goodness.
You need god for that. You gotta get into get your roots into his goodness. Soak it up.
Soak up the words. Soak up his presence. Get into words.
Get into Get into praising him, getting into letting it come over your mind and heart in every part of your being.
That’s how you’re gonna be changed.
If you know, if you keep trying without doing that, you’re on your own, you’re never gonna change.
Even self control is a fruit, and it comes from the root being in god’s presence.
And here’s another thing.
Fit trees don’t have to go to school to learn how to bear figs.
They don’t have to take lessons. They don’t have to go to seminars on fig tree bearing, fig bearing.
They don’t have to learn anything. All they have to do is be the tree.
All they have to do is get from their roots, get get the water, get the nutrients, receive it, receive that sunlight, they’re gonna bear the fruit.
That’s how it goes. So that’s the same with you.
It’s not about getting down at beating yourself because you can’t do it Of course, you can’t do it.
I can’t do it. Nobody can do it on their own.
A tree cannot do it on its own, but all you need what you need to do is receive and be the tree.
Let let it happen. But work off, you know, focus on getting from god.
Focus on receiving and get good at it. Get in to it.
Get the 1, you know, does the righteous one, the one who’s like a man planted, like a tree planted by the waters.
And no matter what comes, uh, you know, and it doesn’t matter his leaves aren’t gonna wither because he’s rooted in god.
Hi. I’m Jonathan Khan, and I hope you were blessed with the video.
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- God is a Hugger | Jonathan Cahn SpecialTháng 4 20, 2023