The Stance of the Believer Pt. 2 – Episode 3
The Stance of the Believer Pt. 2 – Episode 3
God’s Messages
Dear Lord,
Today…….I am asking all my prayer warriors to say a prayer that may help others. So many people are hurting right now. Many are struggling with finances and need jobs. Some are facing foreclosure and don’t even know how they are going to make it from week to week..
Many are lonely. . Many are heartbroken. . Many are facing sickness and health is fading. . Some are dealing with difficult family members. Many have lost HOPE.. Tonight, let us put our prayers and faith together decree and declare breakthrough over our families. Financial miracles WILL take place. Jobs WILL be found. Our Bodies WILL be made whole & sickness WILL flee. Marriages and relationships WILL be restored. Family members WILL find Jesus. Heartbreaks WILL be healed. JOY WILL be restored and HOPE WILL be found. In Jesus Name. Amen!!!!!! Keep God First…….
This program is brought to you in part by the partners and friends of Creflo Dollar Ministries coming up next on changing your world.
See, the devil wants to get you to the point where you don’t recognize, you know, this whole stance in God.
I’m not standing in myself no more. I’m standing in God. Hallelujah. This is how he sees me.
Praise God the devil busy trying to impact your walk and trying to impact your state.
But what keeps you just bouncing back is for you to realize.
All right, the wall looking shaking, but the stance is right on time. The stance is standing right.
It’s doing what it needs to do. Charlotte North Carolina.
Are you ready for change? Experience? 2023.
Join Creflo Dollar and the world Changers Nation live on Friday, June 9th to get Psalm 91 equipped.
Come worship with us and hear the life changing message of grace in person seating is limited register.
Now, text change 2023 251555. Scan the QR code or visit Creflo dollar ministries dot org.
This is your world.
So is vow, make it a better place I is the, oh, the wind breaks, we are changed.
Ephesians chapter two verses eight and nine in the N L T and Philippians 2, 12.
We’ve been talking about over the last three weeks. When will I be what God says? I am.
When will I be what God says? I am?
Is it something that I have to accomplish and really work hard in order to see it come to pass?
Or does God have another plan in mind?
Well, we have to deal with the contradictions of the word.
And I think for such a long time Christian people, we, we either we either ignored it or didn’t recognize that there was a contradiction, but God wants to show us some things here.
So you’ll notice this in Ephesians two verses eight through nine.
He says, God saved you by his grace when you believed, when did He save you when you believed?
And you can’t take credit for this.
So He saved you by His grace when you believed and you didn’t do anything to earn it or deserved it.
So you can’t take credit for it. It is a gift from God.
It is a gift from God and our society. You know, it’s become so warp.
We, we don’t even know how to receive gifts.
We, we even think when somebody gives us gifts, then I need to now give them a gift because they gave me a gift and, and, and that’s not how gifts are supposed to work.
Gifts are given without you having to earn it or work for it or deserve it.
That’s what a gift is.
And so verse nine, he says, salvation is not a reward for the good things we have done.
So you’re, you’re, you’re not safe because you, you, you’re so awesome and you’ve done so many good things that he decided to reward you with salvation.
He says that’s not what it is.
He says, uh it’s not a, a reward for the good things we’ve done.
So none of us can boast about it. And so God, God says, I’m doing something.
I did something with you that you can’t boast about because you didn’t have anything to do with it except believe it, you didn’t have anything to do with it.
My grace made this available to you and you didn’t have anything to do with it.
So you are saved already because of what God did.
You are saved and a gift given to you because of what God did.
And right there, it’s like something that has been accomplished by God. It has already been accomplished by him.
Now, here’s the contradiction Philippians chapter two verse 12.
Let’s look at the King James and then in the, in uh N L T he says, where for my beloved as you have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and dribbling what I thought.
I thought it’s done. I thought it’s something that’s already accomplished.
And yet you go over here and it says, now you need to work it out and you can imagine what happens in the pulpits of America.
One guy’s preaching, you need to work it out and another guy’s preaching that it’s already worked out.
That’s why we’ve got to resolve these contradictions.
And then in the N L T Philippians two, he says, dear friends, you always follow my instructions when I was with you.
And now that I am away, it is even more important.
Work hard to show the results of your salvation with, with uh obeying God with deep reverence and fear.
So you see on one hand that uh you know, one verse speaks of a, of a thing as being fully accomplished.
While another uh verse refers to it as in the process of being completed.
You can’t, you see how vital it is to resolve that contradiction.
And so we, we see where the Bible says, you know, you have been made righteous.
And then on the other hand, people are trying to do things to become righteous.
On one hand, righteousness is, is already accomplished.
And then you’ll find some other scriptures that on the other hand, you need to be working on your righteousness and we need to resolve this contradiction because we’ve been fighting a little bit too long in church Well, that ain’t what my pastor said or that ain’t what the Bible tells me.
Well, you know, let’s, let’s, let’s put it together and see what it actually is saying.
So, this contradiction leaves when you understand that one refers to the believer’s stance or standing in Christ, I’ve been made righteous.
That’s my standing in Christ. I am already saved.
That’s my standing in Christ or that’s my position uh before Christ.
And in the other case, it refers to the believer’s life on the earth, which is called his walk or his state.
It is something that still needs to be accomplished in his life.
And so you have on one hand, the stance I am redeemed. I am righteous. I am saved. Already accomplished.
Nothing else needs to be done.
And then on the other hand, you have the state or your life itself, although it is already done in your stance in Christ in your very life is still something that is being accomplished.
It is still something that you’re, you’re, you’re, you’re having to see worked out in, in your life.
Well, well, how is this thing gonna actually be worked out?
Well, let’s go to Philippians chapter one and six in the N L T Philippians one and six and N L T.
So here’s the promise with this. There’s nothing you can do or offer where your stance is concerned.
You’re righteous because of what Jesus accomplished, you’re saved because of what Jesus accomplished.
You’re, you’re deliberate because of what Jesus accomplished. But then we take a look at your actual walk.
It’s not accomplished in your life.
But you need the stance in order for the state your walk to come up to the level of your stance.
Well, how’s that gonna work? Well, look at verse six, Philippians 16 and I am certain that God who began to work within, you will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns.
Now this is awesome. He said, God began the work in you and has accepted the responsibility to continue his work in you and said that He promises that it’ll be finished on the day when Jesus returns.
I, I don’t know about you, but I needed to know that because I’m tired of sweating like a sinner trying to get some work done that God has already accepted responsibility for.
He really needs me to believe.
You remember the scripture I shared um when we talked about and I, and I think it may be worth looking at because people, they really don’t understand how, how, how important this is.
Uh if you go to John chapter 6 28 and 29.
And um in the N L T when, when, when I talk about, you know, the major work and I know that, you know, love produces us doing good works and things to people and all that stuff.
That’s the only works Jesus receives really is, is, is works that are born out of love. But what works?
Are he talking about here? Verse 28 he says, uh you know, they saw the miracle of the bread and the wine and these guys follow Jesus and say, we wanna, we wanna do the works uh that, that, that, that yields miracles and blessings too.
And they replied, we want to perform God’s work too. What should we do?
So, they’re looking for something to do and look at how he answered this in verse 29 Jesus told them this is the only work God wants from you, believe in the one.
He has sent a a and we belittle the, the, the area of belief so much because we’re looking for something to do.
And he says, here’s what I want you to do, believe and, and basically what God is saying in a nice way, believe and stay out of my way because I’m going to do the work.
I’m gonna do the work in you. I started the work in you. You’re born again because of me.
I’m gonna do the work. I’m gonna change your desires.
I’m gonna take away your, your, your, your, your desire to want things.
Look at the scripture, I, I know we keep going over this every week, but this is, is pretty good.
Philippians chapter two verse 13 in N L T.
Philippians 2 13 in N L T God’s like I am gonna do the work. I am.
I committed myself to do the work in you say out loud. God is working in me right now.
My goodness. Look what he says in verse and uh you’re there yet. Uh Yeah, verse 13.
He says for God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases him.
So God is working in you. So you know, you’re working real hard to discipline yourself into the desire.
And God said no, I got this, I got this.
I mean, you know, God knows how to get you to have a bad taste for something that you use, that used to taste good to you.
You know how to snatch that taste completely out of your mouth.
In fact, you can look at your life right now.
Some things maybe 20 years ago you had a desire to do after experiencing life and God in it, you don’t want to do that no more.
God knows how to do it.
And some of us think that God really needs us to do some of the stuff that He does.
And God says I want you to understand that I’m working in you say out loud, God’s working in me.
What is he doing? He’s working on your desires.
He’s working on the things you desire, the stuff you’ve been wanting and desiring and you haven’t even paid him no attention.
God knows how to snatch that taste out of your mouth.
That’s why I say that tribulations are supposed to happen in our life. That’s how we get spiritually mature.
I don’t believe that Christians ought to have no tribulation.
Something must be wrong with your faith if you go through hard times.
Well, you, the Bible says they, that live Godly. Come on. Come on. What?
So why is it that they, that live Godly for persecution?
Because persecution knows how to get rid of that filthy position of self, righteousness, move that selfishness out of the way.
Get you out of that circle. So you can see things a little differently. God is working on your desires.
He gonna give you a desire and the power to do what pleases him, honey, you might not wanna please Him right now because Nadine, you know you wanna please Nadine or Nadine.
Nay. You wanna please Nadine more more than you want to please God. But he working on that right now.
Woman, you’re trying to, you’re trying to, you’re trying to, to please, you know, uh uh uh uh Franco more than you than you pleasing God.
But he working on that right now. There’s coming a time in your life.
I don’t know when that day is gonna be, but you’re gonna wake up one day and all you gonna want is God, all you wanna do is please God.
All you wanna do is, is believe God. He knows how to do that. And you gotta believe he does.
I’m in, you got to believe that he does.
And so the state your life, your walk is out of harmony with your standing.
The state of your righteousness is out of harmony with your standing in righteousness.
I stand in righteousness because of what Jesus has accomplished.
I’m actually going through the process of seeing that righteousness in my walk. That’s my state.
And so the purpose of the discipline of grace is to harmonize the state, your life, your walk with your standing, and your standing is perfect and your standing is unchangeable.
But your state I, I, I is not on the level with your stance. Now it makes sense.
Now it makes sense when you read the Bible and say the Bible says you are perfect and you saw last night you weren’t perfect at all, but you’re still, you’re still walking and you’re still working and God still producing it and, and, and you’re better now than you were 20 years ago.
And, and, and there are things now that you don’t desire that you used to desire 20 years ago.
What’s happening? God is causing your walk, your state to catch up with your standing.
Are, are you listening to me now?
He, he here, here’s what I want to do this morning.
Uh I want to show you that you keep trying to settle what has already been settled.
My righteousness is settled. My redemption is settled.
Me going to heaven settled, it’s settled.
You keep reevaluating those based on your walk and you think you’ll walk is gonna be strong enough to change your stance.
Lord Jesus, I just say, keep standing in righteousness.
Regardless of how you walk up here, your walk may not look like your stance.
But if you, if you find yourself walking crooked one day, hop back in your stance.
Oh my God. Get back in your stance because your stance is settled.
You, your, your stance is what’s gonna determine after you leave your, your Bible.
That’s why you gotta believe your stance.
Even though your walk, try to talk you out of your stance, even though your state tries to talk you out of your stance.
Don’t let go of what’s already finished.
Oh God, don’t let go of what is already finished.
And that’s what the, the, the devil is operating in your walk.
The devil is there trying to interrupt your, your state. A A AAA.
And what he wants you to do is to see that, see that he wants to condemn you.
He wants to say, listen, here you going around talking about you righteous.
Well, what, what you said last night wasn’t real righteous. You ought to respond to him. Yeah, that’s my walk.
But I’m still standing in righteousness, man. This, this.
So I, I wanna run through some scriptures. I wanna do it pretty, pretty quickly guys.
If you have those scriptures in the back, I I may not turn to all of them, but all of these accomplished items are, are effective and they were effective.
The moment you believed the moment you believe they, they became effective at that moment, you believe, kinda like when you buy an insurance policy, they tell you that it’ll become, it’ll become effective at this particular point.
And I, and I’m saying, oh, glory to God.
I’m getting excited, man because I know where I’m going with this.
I’m saying that what I’m about to show you heaven, you going to heaven became effective the day you believed it.
So, and there ain’t no, you you going home talking about.
Well, I might not make it in because my walt wasn’t right today.
I’m gonna show you where the Holy Ghost sealed it.
Let’s go Galatians chapter four and five uh in Galatians four and five.
He says to redeem them that were under the law.
So uh so here’s what happened and, and you might wanna write some stuff down so you can look at it a little later just for time’s sake, man.
This is like, you know, I’m gonna call it like 21 scriptures.
I don’t have time to go through all of them.
I, I do this so you’ll know it’s in the Bible.
So if you get home or you go, you go start talking to some weirdo and they’re telling you no none of that ain’t true.
At least you’ll have some to sit your uncle down and say, oh look at this and then he’ll look at it, he’ll see it 21 times and say yeah it might be in the Bible but I still know you know whatever you know.
Alright, so Galatians four and five uh he he settles this.
I am redeemed Galatians 3 13. I am redeemed. First Peter chapter 1 18 and 19.
I’m redeemed is finished. So that, that the day I believe I’m redeemed, I’m redeemed.
So my redemption is over, I’m not gonna be redeemed. I’m I’m I’m I’m redeemed in my stance.
I’m working it out in my state. Alright. Romans eight and one says no condemnation.
So there’s no condemnation. God’s not condemning you.
There is no more condemnation to people who are in Christ Jesus.
So if you’re born in Christ Jesus, by fact that you’re in Christ Jesus, no condemnation.
Ephesians 17 and eight, you’re redeemed, you’re redeemed in 17 and eight says you’re already redeemed in whom we have redemption through his blood.
Hebrews chapter one and three. He talks about how your sins have been purged. Your sins already purged already right.
Now, the day you believed Romans 3 24 you’ve been justified just as if you never sinned, that’s already done.
That’s already done. First Peter chapter 2 24 you’re healed.
I don’t care what you feel like in your wall you’re healed, you’re healed right now.
When I was going through all that stuff for the last three years, I kept saying I’m healed.
When I saw the cancerous tumors on the inside.
I was tempted to say, well, I can’t be healed because, but I knew I had to keep saying I’m healed.
I, I went back to my stance when my state was contradicting.
See, the devil wanted me to say no, you’re not.
I’m not gonna disagree with what’s already been accomplished. Glory be to God.
Second Corinthians 5 21 says, I’m I’m I’m righteous. So that’s settled. Righteousness is settled.
Second Corinthians five and and, and 21 John Saint John 1 12 and 13 says I’m a son of God.
I am a son of God right now. I’m not a son of God.
When I get to heaven, I’m a son of God. The day I believe my son ship became effective.
The day I believed Saint John chapter 3 36 I have everlasting life.
I have everlasting life right now. Glory be to God. I have it right now. It’s not timing.
I have Jesus praise God. Romans 6 28 I have eternal life.
Romans 6 28 I have eternal, excuse me. 6 23 I have eternal life.
The wedges of sin is death. The gift of God. The gift of God is eternal life. It’s a gift.
I have nothing to do with it. I have it right now, it’s affected the day. I believe it.
Somebody say, I believe it. Romans 11 29 the gifts and callings of God in 29 for the gifts and callings of God are without repentance.
In other words, when God gives you a, oh my God, let me talk about this a little bit.
When God gives you a gift, uh a ministry gift or a calling, he doesn’t change his mind about it.
So that both shock. So if he calls you as a prophet, you a prophet where you’re a drunk prophet or hormonal prop, you still got it.
He’s not going. I mean some of you try to run away from it by just running in the sin.
He says I gave you the gift I gave you the calling. It will be there.
When I finish working on all that other stuff you’ve got in your life.
I’m gonna change your, I’m gonna change your mind about mad dog. 2020 red lady, 21 brass monkey.
I’m changing your mind. So when I can change your mind about that, the gift and the calling I gave you will still be there.
I give it without repentance. Man. That’s powerful, that’s powerful, that’s powerful.
You think the, the the gift is not what it used to be. Somebody said one time.
Well, I, I used to have the gift of singing. You still do.
It’s just being hindered by all that other stuff. You got, that’s why God working on your desire.
But he didn’t change his mind about the gift.
Clear your throat up and quit using it for cussing and start singing and the gift to still do what they need to do.
Let it do what it do.
You know if He gave you a gift and calling to preach, you go preach whether you had a, you had a bar drunk preaching to somebody, you go preach, you preach to your dog, your fish, you go preach, you’re gonna preach because he put it on the inside or you praise the Lord glory.
Be to God, my goodness. And that is in effect the day. You believe it.
Uh You are an heir, Galatians four and seven. You are an heir.
Therefore thou are no more a servant but a son.
And if you’re a son, then an heir of God through Christ Jesus, that’s effective right now.
I am an heir. I don’t need to be written in. I’m already an heir. I’m already in the will.
It is effective. I believe it. It is, I am an heir.
I’m a see the devil wants to get you to the point where you don’t recognize, you know, this whole stance in God.
I’m not standing in myself no more. I’m standing in God. Hallelujah. This is how he sees me.
Praise God the devil. Busy trying to impact your walk and trying to impact your state.
But what keeps you just bouncing back is for you to realize all right, the walk looking shaking, but the stance is right on time.
The stance is standing, right is doing what it needs to do.
Is there a difference between who God says you are and what you see in yourself every day?
Don’t worry, God’s not done with you yet.
Creflo dollar uncovers how God works to line up your stance and your state in his series.
When will I be what God says? I am, I am the righteousness of God.
That’s my stance in Christ, but my state, my actual walk may not look so righteous.
Your state won’t change your stance, but your stance is working to change your state because you’re not responsible for this progression.
God is all four messages of this revealing series can be yours today for a love gift of $25 for C DS or $35 for DVD S.
Get yours by calling the number on your screen, scanning the QR code or visiting Creflo dollar ministries dot org and clicking E store today.
Are you ready for Grace’s life? Homecoming?
We are, we’re lining up exclusive in person experiences at the World Dome on July 13th through the 15th.
We’re calling on the entire world changers, family members, partners and friends to show up and show out for Grace Life conference 2023.
Joining Creflo and Taffy Dollar in our lineup of speakers are Clarence mcclendon Gregory de Cou Michael Smith and more with musical performances by Trip it, William Murphy and other surprise guests.
We’re bringing back the teen conference and children’s ministry to make this homecoming a real family affair.
You don’t want to miss this free three day experience register right now and get travel discounts.
Text grace life to 51555. Scan the QR code on your screen visit world changers dot org or call 866 477 76 83.
Today, everything in God’s Kingdom works by faith.
Now, I remember when Taffy and I started giving, it was a painful thing to give because we didn’t have much at all financially.
However, we made a decision to be givers and one of the most quoted scriptures in the Bible is John 3 16, God so loved the world that he gave.
Therefore, as Christians, we give our giving is an expression of our love.
And when you support Creflo dollar ministries financially, you are giving to our efforts to spread the gospel all over the world.
And in addition to helping millions who are hurting and have vital physical needs, pray about what God would have you to show at this time.
And we wanna thank you and thanks for your support, to support the vision of this ministry, to reach the world with the gospel of grace.
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The preceding program was brought to you in part by the partners and friends of Creflo dollar Ministries.
- A Time For Courage – Dr. Charles StanleyTháng 4 8, 2023