Day 6 : The mystery of the bride | The Book of Mysteries by Jonathan Cahn’s

The mystery of the bride.

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Day 6 : The mystery of the bride

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On our journey to the city, we stopped on a nearby hill.
Look, said the teacher, pointing to an event at the city’s edge. It looks like a wedding, I replied.
Or the preparation for a wedding.
The bride in a white gown was standing in a garden with her bridesmaids. You’re watching a cosmic mystery.
The shadow of a mystery existence, he said, is a love story or was meant to be a love story.
The bride is a picture of what we each were created to be. I don’t understand.
We were each created to be the bride. That’s why we can never be complete in ourselves.
That’s why, deep down in the center of our being in the deepest part of our heart, we seek to be filled for the bride is made to be married.
So we can never find our completion until we are joined to him. Who is beyond us.
And that is why we go through our lives trying to join ourselves, join ourselves to what to that which we think will fill the longing of our heart’s two people.
Success, possessions, achievements, money, comfort, acceptance, beauty, romance, family power, a movement, a goal. And any multitude of things.
For the bride was created to be married, and she can never rest until she is.
So none of the other things can work. No, none of the other things are the bride groom.
And who is the bride groom? The bride groom is God the one for whom we were created.
So we have to find him more than that, he said. A bride doesn’t just find the bride groom.
She marries him, so it’s not enough to find God. You must marry him, marry God. How?
By joining every part of your life and being your deepest parts your heart, your soul, your wounds, your longings, your desires, everything to God.
Only then can you be complete? Only then can your deepest needs and longings be fulfilled.
For the mystery of our hearts is the mystery of the bride, and the bride can only find her completion in the bride groom and the bridegroom of our souls is God.
The mission put away anything that substitutes for his presence and join all that you are your deepest parts to your bride groom.
Deuteronomy chapter six verse five, Song of Solomon chapter one verse one through four Ephesians.
Chapter five verse 28 through 32.
The Mystery of the Calla Day seven.

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