The Shortest Distance Between Two Points | Jonathan Cahn
The Shortest Distance Between Two Points
From a Law of the physical universe, one of the most important simple, deep, spiritual, and practical revelations, strategies, and keys for changing your walk and life in God to one of focus, effectiveness, power and victory.
Saturday, May 6, 2023
Dear Lord,
Today…….I am asking all my prayer warriors to say a prayer that may help others. So many people are hurting right now. Many are struggling with finances and need jobs. Some are facing foreclosure and don’t even know how they are going to make it from week to week.. Many are lonely. . Many are heartbroken. . Many are facing sickness and health is fading. . Some are dealing with difficult family members. Many have lost HOPE.. Tonight, let us put our prayers and faith together decree and declare breakthrough over our families. Financial miracles WILL take place. Jobs WILL be found. Our Bodies WILL be made whole & sickness WILL flee. Marriages and relationships WILL be restored. Family members WILL find Jesus. Heartbreaks WILL be healed. JOY WILL be restored and HOPE WILL be found. In Jesus Name. Amen!!!!!! Keep God First…….
In Hebrew, the word for straight is Yashar triumph.
Yashar means straight. It also means right?
So in Hebrew, straight and righteousness are the are the same thing. It also means prosperous.
So in Hebrew straight path is the path of prosperity. It also means good. It’s the good path.
It also was linked to the word blessed. The blessed path is the straight path.
What did Messiah say the straight enter by the straight? So what does that mean?
What is a straight path? What is a straight path as we said, it’s this, everything lines up.
So what does that mean? Spiritually? Let’s take it into the spiritual realm.
It means your actions line up with your faith. It means your life is consistent.
You what the life you live is consistent with what you know is right?
Your convictions and your life are not wavering their one.
The first thing that will come, the more you walk straight, the more you’re consistent in your life.
What’s gonna happen is there’s gonna be a unity to your life. There’s gonna be a wholeness to your life.
There’s gonna be a oneness to your life. Because what that does is straightness.
Takes away conflict, not, I mean, you may have conflict with other people. That’s, that’s another story.
You may have conflict with the world. That, that’s, but that’s not gonna take away your peace.
If you’re walking right with God and right with your conviction, what you know is right by your faith, you’re gonna have a peace no matter what goes on and it’s gonna take away that conflict when you live that and in that you’re not going to be divided.
You’re not gonna be living back and forth with guilt.
See if you Zig and Zag, you’re always walking against mo, you’re walking against your own motion, inconsistent but a straight life, a straight walk takes away complicated as you see, you know, this is complicated.
This is simple. So straightness spiritually brings simplicity.
Meaning not again, you could be a computer program, you could be a rocket scientist.
That’s not the, it brings simplicity to your heart, simplicity to your spirit. That’s what you want.
You want that it lightens your burden.
It allows you to walk in Shalom which is oneness, which is wholeness and guess what?
Wholeness is linked to wellness and wellness is linked to healing. You want healing, walk in a straight path.
Get straight with God. An inconsistent line doesn’t have focus but a straight line is focused.
Just look at a regular light bulb and look at a laser beam.
The laser beam is focus, it’s straight, it’s a straight beam. And what happens?
The difference of a living straight is like living the difference between like living instead of living, like, you know, just a light bulb, you’re living like a laser beam that’s, that’s powerful or the difference between having a dull life.
A dull knife, which is not focused to a sharp knife. Look how much more work.
If you have a dull knife, you have to do a lot more work.
If you’ve got a, you’ve got a focused sharp knife, you don’t have to work as much.
What happens if you live consistently? What happens?
It will take you less time to get where God wants you to.
He wants to bring you, you’ll reach your goals in God. He will, you’ll get to the place.
God has quicker, maybe half the time. Who knows? You’ll get there.
It’ll take you less time to get there. It will take you less time to overcome.
It’ll take you less time to fulfill your ministry. It’ll also take you less energy to do more.
You won’t be wasting your energy because you, it multiplies your energy, the more focused you are. That’s what happens.
You’ll do more in God in less time.
Two runners running a race, one is fast, the other, not so much but one is running the fast one.
The champion is running a race that is, is going like this and like this and like this, the other one is not as fast, but they run straight, even though the second runner is slower, he’s gonna win the race because he’s running straight.
It takes a much less time to reach his destination.
So you, you may not consider yourself a spiritual giant, but walk straight, run straight, run straight and you’ll live as if you were, you’ll have victory.
That’s the champion. When you do that. It’s wisdom. I mean, it’s, it’s a secret.
You will live like a champion because you’re going straight.
Even if you don’t think you’re powerful, you will be much more powerful because you walk straight, you’ll live with power.
Because when you eliminate the go all going this way, it all gets focused.
Your power increases in God, the energy and the effort that flows without being obstructed, you’ll have a, you’ll have that flow in your life and that flow allows the Holy Spirit to come through.
Uh You know, you know, if you have a pipe that’s like this, it’s gonna be hard to do anything with it.
You got a pipe that goes like this.
The spirit can go right through it, the water can go right through it.
You eliminate the back and forth, you’re gonna have the power, not that you’re not gonna lose momentum.
It means everything is gonna start building in your life because you’re not cutting it off every time you go back and forth momentum.
Think of that. Think of what needs momentum, a plane to take off needs momentum. Right.
It’s not going to fly. So think about that.
How is that, how is that strip that airfield set up straight?
You know, they might turn around but, you know, when it’s getting ready to go, you’re going straight, you’re not going back and forth, you’re going straight because a straight path builds the momentum because everything increasing, helping the next moment, an Olympic contender goes for a long jump.
What do they need? They got to run, they need momentum. They got to go straight.
That path is always straight. A rocket flies out of space, it’s got to go straight or else it doesn’t build momentum.
So when you start getting your life straight or this is the lining it up, what’s gonna happen is you’re gonna build spiritual momentum.
One victory leads to the next victory. The momentum gets you to the next stage.
Momentum allows you to break through. It allows the rocket to get out of the out of gravity.
It allows the plane to fly. So momentum allows you to take off in your walk.
It allows you to go to a higher level that you maybe never could before.
In fact, momentum gives you power to break through what you could not break through before, to find out how you can receive more of Jonathan’s teachings to receive special free gifts or get in touch.
Go to hope of the world dot org or call toll free 1 800 Yeshua one that’s Hope of the world dot org or call 1 800 Yeshua one that’s 1 809 374821.
You can also get more at Jonathan Khan’s Facebook or write us direct at Hope of the World Box.
1111, Lodi New Jersey, 07644 USA Hope of the world is dedicated to the goal of spreading God’s word and salvation to every land and people who do this by spreading the word throughout the world and sponsoring compassion projects to the most poor and needy around the earth to get in touch or have a part in God’s work.
Just write to Hope of the World box 1111, Lodi New Jersey 07644 USA or go to Hope of the world dot org or call 1 800 Yeshua one that’s 1 809 374821.
- The Power of Your But | Jonathan Cahn SermonTháng bảy 8, 2023