Living from the Inside Out Episode 1 – Talking Faith Series
Living from the Inside Out Episode 1 – Talking Faith Series
“Living from the Inside Out” is part of the “Talking Faith” series, where Pastor Winston provided a live teaching on Friday’s hosted on YouTube and Facebook LIVE.
The believer’s won of faith is paid for by Bill Winston ministry partners and viewers.
I just want you to apply faith, application, make application of faith.
Sometimes I think what happens is we um talk about faith but, and sing about it and shout about it.
Uh But if you ask and look at the evidence of people’s lives and say, what do you have to show me that you’ve been living for faith?
You know, don’t, don’t show me something that you could do without faith now because we can, I know how anybody can show you that people who don’t even know God.
But this faith that I’m talking about does see impossible.
It brings for things that are, are impossible for a person to do, you know without it.
And so, um I wanna, I wanna talk about some things here today.
Um And it’s a couple of things we might wanna put as a title to this.
I think one of the good titles is, is living from the inside out.
Let’s go to Romans first in Romans in chapter eight.
He says, here, I’ll start reading here at verse five.
He says for, they that are after the flesh, you mind the things of the flesh, but they that are after the spirit of things of the spirit.
For to be carnally minded or fleshly minded or century minded, the senses, the eyes, ears nose.
So for, for to be carnally minded or sense minded is death.
But to be spiritually minded is life and peace.
Because a carnal mind is enmity that means against it’s an enemy um against God.
For it is not subject to the law of God, the law of faith, neither indeed can be.
So then they that are in the flesh cannot please God powerful, they that are in the flesh cannot please God.
So living from the inside out now, I have two parts of this and I’m gonna talk about today.
Um Maybe I’ll first talk about vision vision right now. What is vision?
And I have a couple of definitions out here for you things that you can say that vision is this is what vision is.
Vision is a strong mental image of the future, a strong mental image of the future vision.
One man says vision next to the Holy Spirit is the most powerful thing.
Uh In the earth vision, vision vision also is a clear picture of conditions that do not currently exist.
A clear picture of conditions that do not currently exist.
It’s a mental picture of your destiny, a mental picture of your destiny.
Now, if you look in Genesis in Genesis chapter 37 you’ll see that um Joseph had a dream and you could say that he had a vision and look what he says here in Genesis chapter 37 he says here in Jacob dwelt into verse one in the land when his father was a stranger in the land of Canon.
And these are the generations of Jacob Joseph being 17 years old and was feeding his flock with his brethren.
And uh the la the lad was with the sons of Bill and the sons of Zil, his father’s wives and Joseph brought onto his father, their evil report.
Now, Israel loved Joseph more than all his Children has come on down here.
He gave him a coat of many colors.
That, that’s, that’s, that’s, that’s, that’s something akin to the body of Christ. All the different ethnic groups coming together.
There’s not some kind of uh movement that’s going on out there.
It’s just different people coming, coming together and look what it says here.
And when his brothers saw that their father loved him more than all his brethren, they hated him.
So here this jealousy builds up because the father favored Joseph. OK.
Now, verse five, and Joseph dreamed a dream and he told it to his brethren and he said unto them and gave them and described the dream that he had.
Well, he said that you were bowing down to me and so forth and so on.
And then uh verse nine, it says, and Joseph bring a dream again and you’ll find that the clearer the vision, the faster the acceleration towards that goal, things will happen.
So here’s this vision that he dreamed.
And now the vision is, is, is told to his father and his father rebuked him.
He said, what his dream you’ve dreamed. Well, what Joseph had dreamed?
He had dreamed really that he is gonna be a key ingredient or component or person used by God to provide for Israel during a time of great famine that he was gonna be used to get provisions, uh covenant provisions to God’s people and that Joseph was gonna be used to that.
So you can sometimes, you know, look at young people and God has a big plan for, for young people.
A lot of times we think young people, well, they’re getting in trouble, so forth and so on.
Uh, it’s 17 years old and this look at this big vision and uh so forth.
Well, because of his brothers hitting him and so forth, then, uh what happened was they, um, took him in, in and put him in a pit first and, and then they decided, well, they decided to kill him first but they decided not to kill him and, and, and to put him in a pit and, and, and then they sold him and they sold him to a traveling ban of, of uh I elites that were traveling, they were business people and they were traveling and of course, doing business like the world because it was buying and selling people as well.
That’s, that’s um that’s, that’s called slavery and, and that’s, that’s not a part of, of God’s plan for us.
And so what they did and he, you know, went on down to Egypt and they sold him down here in Egypt in um the Genesis Chapter uh 39.
And he worked and was sold to a man named and began to work for him.
Now, all this vision that I’m talking about here, but the reason why I’m bringing this up is that there are some things that were consistently working in Joseph that if you want to bring forth a vision, they’re gonna have to work in you.
And so the first thing I said here is that Joseph received God’s thoughts, received God’s thoughts.
Now, that’s the first thing that has to happen if you remember over in Jeremiah chapter 29 verse 11, he says, I know the plans that I have for you, ok?
And the thoughts that I have for you, he, he said that and why?
Because there are plans that God has for you that only God can give to you.
And so you gotta be open to receive God’s thoughts.
And I’m connecting this together with the second part that I’m gonna read here because um God because you’ve been born again, God has made you His righteousness.
And this righteousness, consciousness is something that you have to have to receive from God.
You’ll find that people feel guilty, shame.
So for all of this kind of stuff, it’s very difficult for them to receive from God.
Um One night I said this before, when I was preparing a message, I was in Minnesota and this was when uh we had had gone.
We, what happened is, is we had started a church in Minnesota before we started church here in, in Chicago.
I was with I B M before that.
And I knew Minnesota because that’s where I was last stationed with I B M and, or, or employed.
And so I did so we started a church there.
But one night, Saturday night, I was praying for a message, Lord give me a message.
People need a message so forth and so on. And his voice said, I heard it very clearly.
What are you doing? I said, I’m trying to get a message. He said, how do you come to me?
Well, I was trying to come to God as a beggar or as a victim and none of those can receive won’t receive and you’ll find that it’s coming out of line with God’s covenant and that won’t work with God.
You, you’ve got to uh agree with God and what he said about you.
Now, we’re gonna cover some of that, hopefully today, but you’re gonna have to agree with God and what he said about you, for you to allow God to be able to download things in your life.
Because all unrighteousness, he said in first John chapter five is sin and unrighteousness is unworthy, um sin conscious, um feeling inferior, all that is sin.
And what does sin do? It separates you from God. It doesn’t draw you near to God.
And so that, that will, that will help you.
And so I’m, I’m trying to get God to move out of line with His word and he’s not gonna do it.
So, what are you doing? I said, well, you, you, you, um, you know, he said, how do you, how does the Bible say come before me?
Because all of it is written, I said, say, come boldly to the.
He said, well, why don’t you do that? I mean, I’m hearing all this playing out in my mind.
I said, well, in the name of Jesus, I said, you come to work, they’ll come to work.
And so I’m saying here that all of this God had for me, but I had to get in into the position to receive it.
And I was out of place and, and to get this into my, my heart so forth and so on and so forth.
And I did and, and, and that sermon was it, I mean, it was a powerful sermon, but it just roll right through me.
So the first thing you gotta do is receive from God jealousy, backbiting all of that that cuts you out from the voice of God.
You can’t hear with all of that.
Get, get, get come on back, humble yourself under the mighty hand of God that somebody has, has done something to you, forgive them or whatever.
Have you put yourself in the place to receive? All right.
So the first thing here, uh I said here is that um Joseph had to uh receive this vision.
Now, there’s a couple of things that I want to show you here.
Uh If you will, let’s go to Nehemiah.
Now, I’m talking about still receiving from God verse 12 of chapter two.
And he says, there’s, and I rose in the night.
I and some few men with me and neither told I any man what my God had placed or put in my heart.
Notice God puts it in there and that something.
So in this vision, God puts it in there and he puts it in there.
Um so that you can carry this out.
So the first thing is a thought, boom gives a thought and you gotta hang on to that thought.
You gotta hang on to that thought. See if it’s too big. You people just, just brush it off.
You know, what is that? You know, you know, I just had a thought that uh get out of here, you know, no, there was God because he’s given you a thought that he has to bring the past.
He’s not giving you a thought of something you can do with the human ability.
He says, not by might not by power but by my spirit.
He’s saying by the Holy Spirit, the power of God, are you gonna be able to bring his thoughts to fruition?
So you need to be open to fool his thoughts. And that’s what I was.
I had to open up to some thoughts that I’ve never thought before and open up.
And he’s speaking folks, it’s just like the sun shining, it never stopped shining.
The earth just rotates out of a place where in America or Africa or wherever you’re listening to me, it just rotates in a place where the sun is not shining on that side of the earth, but the sun is shining.
God is always communicating, always, always communicating.
And um so Jeremiah 29 11, I know the plans I have for you also in Isaiah 55 verse eight, my thoughts are not your thoughts either my ways, your way sayeth the Lord for the heavens are higher than the earth.
So are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.
So you gotta get ready for some big thoughts.
Now, I got a feeling God wants to do some big things, but he’s dealing with small minded people. Ok?
We’ll go to that bears and gentlemen.
But, but my point here is we gotta expand and, and be able and be willing to receive uh thoughts that are bigger than any thoughts we thought, thought before, bigger than anything we could do.
So, a lot of times people don’t receive it because they look at money as you were.
You know, this, that is not, no, no, no, no, whatever God, however God guides he provides, right?
And then also in Philippians chapter four and eight, he tell you what to think. He says.
Now I want you to think on these things whatsoever.
Things are good and pure and perfect and lovely and true and so forth. Think on those things.
Don’t think you’re gonna catch something that is not the right thought.
And what that enemy does, he comes in with impure thoughts because He knows that you receive things through thoughts.
It’s a seed, but it’s a thought and he knows your seed.
So he’ll try to come in with another thought that people will think.
Well, we catch this something like that and so forth.
The next thing you know, they, they take that thought and they incubate it.
And next thing you know, that thought becomes a thing. All right.
So uh Isaiah um 45 1, my tongue is the pin of a ready writer.
So notice what Joseph started doing. He started talking about this thought, he starts talking about this.
So the next step is idea, the thought becomes an idea. It’s, now it’s getting bigger.
Now it’s, it’s getting, getting some, some uh strength to it. Now it becomes an idea.
And I put here an idea as a concept of a thought. It’s the concept of a thought.
A concept is something uh which uh anything is, is contained in such as a vessel or something like that.
The, the, it, it’s, it’s, it’s, it’s a, a concept in, in and you, you, you say, hey, let me, let me just let me explain to you the concept and maybe you can give me the word for it, but let me give you the concept of it and that’s what you do and you conceptualize a house or conceptualize uh how you can strategize and get more business.
So uh it’s, it’s, it’s, it’s, it moves on to this, this idea of the, of the idea of the I praise God.
So you want an idea. So you’re moving it through to, into the, the reality realm.
Now you’re moving it to the reality realm now, before something becomes reality outside, it must become reality inside.
Now, let me show you that and that’s found over here in Mark’s Gospel, right?
And Mark chapter four, here’s Jesus teaching on the.
So, so the word that’s verse 14 and then in verse 26 he said, so is the Kingdom of God as if a man should gas seed into the ground that he’d sleep and rise night and day and the seed should spring and grow up.
You know, it’s not how all this is the way a vision comes to pass.
Now, how making dreams come true and look what he said in verse 28 for the earth bringing forth of uh fruit of herself.
First the blade, then the ear and then the full corner of the ear.
So if you meditate a thought too long, it’ll come forth as something.
And I don’t care what it is, you’re just made like that.
But see, you were never made and designed to receive or have an evil thought.
See that that didn’t happen until Adam sinned in the garden.
Now the enemy is competing for your thoughts and then trying to, then Eve took a wrong thought.
She took a thought that God was holding back something from her in, in Adam and she didn’t do it, you know, maliciously, the Bible says she was deceived but she ate them out of house and home.
I mean, both of them did and got put out of the garden and why?
Because now they’re open up, up, open themselves up to good and evil and it was only to be good.
And look at the next verse here.
And he says in verse 29 but when the fruit is brought forth, immediately put it in the sickle because the harvest has come.
So when the food is first brought forth on the inside, on the inside of you living from the inside out now.
So it’s brought forth first on the inside, you could see it, you could see it when you could see it like that.
And when I saw the fact that I wasn’t gonna go broke by leaving I B M and going into ministry, I left.
You see what I’m saying?
And see how their vision is so powerful that when you could really see things, uh you’ll move on things that people will say.
I mean, the people around me, I’m telling you, they, some of them didn’t speak to me when I said I was leaving, some of them warned me that you were leaving at the wrong time.
The economy is down right now. Oh oh, Bill, you’re leaving me at the wrong time.
The economy is down so forth.
But hey, what I saw was bigger than what they could say, you know what I mean?
They, it was, it was huge and when you can see it, right? See.
And that’s why he says I’ll get it on down here.
But he said, he said, you know, um uh when, when you says write the vision make a plane, he said, wait for it and guess what he’s saying?
See, it’ll surely come. He said, wait for it. See and something people try to jump, jump out on assumption.
Um And it’s not real, real um uh believing. All right. So the next thing, so first is a thought.
Next is an idea. And then the next is imagination. Imagination.
Now this is where, uh, the enemy really comes, is trying to come because he knows this is probably the last stop that he’s gonna have a chance to get this thing out of you, which is growing inside of you.
But it, it becomes imagination. Now, if you look at, uh, second Corinthians chapter 10, verse three for the, for, for, for though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh.
For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds, casting down imaginations and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God and bringing into captivity, every thought to the obedience of Christ.
So the enemy is competing for your thought life, you know, even try to come in on your dreams and make your dream something some crazy dream.
And so, well, he, he knows sometimes the, the, the mind and the imagination is unprotected at that time.
And so sometimes we go to bed just plead the blood of Jesus over your mind, you know, and uh, and so forth.
But, but here this imagination, so we’ve got to cast down every thought that is not, not of God and, and, and the thoughts of God bring peace.
I mean, it may be something that seems to be un un un undoable in the natural but there’s something about it that brings peace, the wisdom of God brings peace with it.
And, and so as we just conceive this, conceptualize it, move towards the uh what we call the mental reality, first mental reality first in our spirit.
And then, and now this thought which changes ideas into a plan, it changes ideas into a plan, this imagination.
So now we are changing this thing into a plan.
We get a plan now, uh of how we’re gonna do this, this is a plan of how we’re gonna do this.
Chapter two, verse two and three, he said, write the vision, OK? Make it plain.
And so we’re gonna write it with a pin of a ready writer our tongue so we can first write it that way.
Then we’re gonna take a piece of paper and we’re gonna write down what’s inside of it.
Everything is created twice, no matter what it is.
And so we’re gonna write it down on a piece of paper.
We’re gonna write this vision and so forth now and now we’re gonna make it plain.
He said, make it plain that those that read it can run with it because you have employees or whatever have, you should have a visionary statement about your business or a ministry should have a visionary statement about it.
And it’d be good to have all your employees to memorize it and so forth and so on.
What are they doing? They’re coming in line with your vision, this is not their ministry.
God called you the head of that ministry of that business or whatever have you and understand that you, you have the overall vision.
So you’re the one that keeps everybody on course.
In other words, somebody strays off course, you’re the one can detect it, they may not detect it, you can detect it and be able to bring them back on course and so forth like that.
So they have pieces of the vision. You have the whole vision, right?
And then, uh, also, and for your household too, a vision of what you wanna do.
A lot of people don’t have a plan so they don’t get anywhere.
It’s like Alice in Wonderland, you know, any road will get you there.
So this old cat that was, I remember that cat that was up the Cheshire cat, I guess it was, it was up in the tree.
It’s, it’s kind of an interesting, it’s kind of an interesting story though.
It really and so, um, what you wanna do is is start of course, uh, speaking that vision declaring these things now and so forth.
And, uh, um, also it says, wait for it, for it will not tear, it will surely come.
So to come. So this writing it down and so forth.
So after you’ve gone through first, you’ve got to, um, you know, receive that vision or get a thought right here comes a thought.
Now you got to get an idea from that thought. You hold on to that thought.
You know, he said over in, uh, in Matthew’s Gospel, uh, chapter six, he said, take no anxious thought.
So you can take a thought or you can let it go, you can take it or let it go and you can take an anxious thought of a person who is able to do that.
And that’s a thought that will start to make him fearful.
And so what you can take that, but also he wants you to take his thoughts. So grab it.
I’m up there preaching sometimes that thought come by me so fast.
I grab a pinch and ho hold on, I’ll tell the congregation hold every day. Let me write that down.
I don’t know why it doesn’t stop. I have no idea.
I, I’ll, I’ll, I’ll review that to me on earth or I’ll get it when I get to heaven.
But those thoughts, I mean, they, they come through and if you look at a boat of lightning, it’s kind of like that.
You, you, you see it and so forth and, and now you don’t, you know, but you gotta catch it and now you gotta take it and suspend it.
You gotta hold on to that thought.
And that thought, if you do that, you start thinking about it and pondering it. It turns to idea.
All right. And then the idea turns into the imagination.
And now this imagination will move you just like you’re in the bed and get a dream and you dream a nightmare and you wake up and sweating.
Well, you never went anywhere, did you? But your imagination told you that you did.
And as a result of that is so strong it can, you know, in the last days, men’s hearts will fail them because of fear.
But they talk, this imagination takes over next thing, you know, it is a fear is a force, it will stop the heart.
And so people will die because of that. So it’s just kind of interesting how this thing plays out.
And then um there are two phases uh to every implementing every dream and that is one, the phase of the planning and then the phase of the execution.
So planning and execution and usually the planning phase takes a little bit longer.
A lot of people don’t like to, to do this phase because this phase takes the most thought time and you gotta stay in this phase a little longer and you got to really plan it and take a few days.
I mean, thoughts will come to, you gotta wake up and more, you get another thought to that or another that and so forth and so on, you have to sit still.
Uh a lot of times the TV S take the way people are ability to really think.
But um what happens is because it’s television is trying to tell you somebody else’s vision.
God has got you with the vic.
He put it, Nehemiah’s heart with the thing over in uh act accepted 26.
Uh Paul said I was not disobedient to the heavenly vision. There’s a vision from heaven. All right.
So next thing you know, execution and this is the time that you do what is, is done there and, and how you do it.
Usually we call it selectivity is, is where um there there are different ways that it can be done.
God gives you the way that this is gonna be done and so forth and so on and then you’re executed, you have to make this dream a reality and we got everything to help us.
We got things that the world doesn’t have. The world does not have angels to help you.
The world does not have the Holy Spirit to help you.
The world does not have the gifts of the spirit to help you so forth. He’s got all these things.
Why? Because you’re gonna plan by faith and not by time today’s message was from our Facebook live series.
Talking Faith. The full message is available in its entirety free of charge on our youtube channel at Doctor Bill Winston.
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One more content related to today’s message to build your faith order, putting faith to work in these times.
Developing your faith is vitally important. When faith is fully developed, you begin to talk, think and act like God.
If you treat your faith like a seed, you plant it and you plan it by saying it.
Once you speak it, the soil of your heart grabs it. This is putting faith to work.
You can’t say what you see. You got to say what he said.
When you say what he said, he can watch over his word and make it good.
Now speak the word only faith is your servant.
I put him to work, open your spiritual eyes and allow God to excite your imagination to see your greatest destiny in pastor Winston’s dynamic teaching, putting faith to work to order on CD or DVD, contact us at Bill Winston dot org or by phone at 1 to 807 119327.
Faith is the key to the Kingdom of God that opens the door of your unlimited potential order.
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The believer’s walk of faith is paid for by Bill Winston Ministry partners and viewers.
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This is Bill Winston. I love you and keep walking by faith.
I just want you to apply faith, application, make application of faith.
Sometimes I think what happens is we um talk about faith but, and sing about it and shout about it.
Uh But if you ask and look at the evidence of people’s lives and say, what do you have to show me that you’ve been living for faith?
You know, don’t, don’t show me something that you could do without faith now because we can, I know how anybody can show you that people who don’t even know God.
But this faith that I’m talking about does see impossible.
It brings for things that are, are impossible for a person to do, you know without it.
And so, um I wanna, I wanna talk about some things here today.
Um And it’s a couple of things we might wanna put as a title to this.
I think one of the good titles is, is living from the inside out.
Let’s go to Romans first in Romans in chapter eight.
He says, here, I’ll start reading here at verse five.
He says for, they that are after the flesh, you mind the things of the flesh, but they that are after the spirit of things of the spirit.
For to be carnally minded or fleshly minded or century minded, the senses, the eyes, ears nose.
So for, for to be carnally minded or sense minded is death.
But to be spiritually minded is life and peace.
Because a carnal mind is enmity that means against it’s an enemy um against God.
For it is not subject to the law of God, the law of faith, neither indeed can be.
So then they that are in the flesh cannot please God powerful, they that are in the flesh cannot please God.
So living from the inside out now, I have two parts of this and I’m gonna talk about today.
Um Maybe I’ll first talk about vision vision right now. What is vision?
And I have a couple of definitions out here for you things that you can say that vision is this is what vision is.
Vision is a strong mental image of the future, a strong mental image of the future vision.
One man says vision next to the Holy Spirit is the most powerful thing.
Uh In the earth vision, vision vision also is a clear picture of conditions that do not currently exist.
A clear picture of conditions that do not currently exist.
It’s a mental picture of your destiny, a mental picture of your destiny.
Now, if you look in Genesis in Genesis chapter 37 you’ll see that um Joseph had a dream and you could say that he had a vision and look what he says here in Genesis chapter 37 he says here in Jacob dwelt into verse one in the land when his father was a stranger in the land of Canon.
And these are the generations of Jacob Joseph being 17 years old and was feeding his flock with his brethren.
And uh the la the lad was with the sons of Bill and the sons of Zil, his father’s wives and Joseph brought onto his father, their evil report.
Now, Israel loved Joseph more than all his Children has come on down here.
He gave him a coat of many colors.
That, that’s, that’s, that’s, that’s, that’s something akin to the body of Christ. All the different ethnic groups coming together.
There’s not some kind of uh movement that’s going on out there.
It’s just different people coming, coming together and look what it says here.
And when his brothers saw that their father loved him more than all his brethren, they hated him.
So here this jealousy builds up because the father favored Joseph. OK.
Now, verse five, and Joseph dreamed a dream and he told it to his brethren and he said unto them and gave them and described the dream that he had.
Well, he said that you were bowing down to me and so forth and so on.
And then uh verse nine, it says, and Joseph bring a dream again and you’ll find that the clearer the vision, the faster the acceleration towards that goal, things will happen.
So here’s this vision that he dreamed.
And now the vision is, is, is told to his father and his father rebuked him.
He said, what his dream you’ve dreamed. Well, what Joseph had dreamed?
He had dreamed really that he is gonna be a key ingredient or component or person used by God to provide for Israel during a time of great famine that he was gonna be used to get provisions, uh covenant provisions to God’s people and that Joseph was gonna be used to that.
So you can sometimes, you know, look at young people and God has a big plan for, for young people.
A lot of times we think young people, well, they’re getting in trouble, so forth and so on.
Uh, it’s 17 years old and this look at this big vision and uh so forth.
Well, because of his brothers hitting him and so forth, then, uh what happened was they, um, took him in, in and put him in a pit first and, and then they decided, well, they decided to kill him first but they decided not to kill him and, and, and to put him in a pit and, and, and then they sold him and they sold him to a traveling ban of, of uh I elites that were traveling, they were business people and they were traveling and of course, doing business like the world because it was buying and selling people as well.
That’s, that’s um that’s, that’s called slavery and, and that’s, that’s not a part of, of God’s plan for us.
And so what they did and he, you know, went on down to Egypt and they sold him down here in Egypt in um the Genesis Chapter uh 39.
And he worked and was sold to a man named and began to work for him.
Now, all this vision that I’m talking about here, but the reason why I’m bringing this up is that there are some things that were consistently working in Joseph that if you want to bring forth a vision, they’re gonna have to work in you.
And so the first thing I said here is that Joseph received God’s thoughts, received God’s thoughts.
Now, that’s the first thing that has to happen if you remember over in Jeremiah chapter 29 verse 11, he says, I know the plans that I have for you, ok?
And the thoughts that I have for you, he, he said that and why?
Because there are plans that God has for you that only God can give to you.
And so you gotta be open to receive God’s thoughts.
And I’m connecting this together with the second part that I’m gonna read here because um God because you’ve been born again, God has made you His righteousness.
And this righteousness, consciousness is something that you have to have to receive from God.
You’ll find that people feel guilty, shame.
So for all of this kind of stuff, it’s very difficult for them to receive from God.
Um One night I said this before, when I was preparing a message, I was in Minnesota and this was when uh we had had gone.
We, what happened is, is we had started a church in Minnesota before we started church here in, in Chicago.
I was with I B M before that.
And I knew Minnesota because that’s where I was last stationed with I B M and, or, or employed.
And so I did so we started a church there.
But one night, Saturday night, I was praying for a message, Lord give me a message.
People need a message so forth and so on. And his voice said, I heard it very clearly.
What are you doing? I said, I’m trying to get a message. He said, how do you come to me?
Well, I was trying to come to God as a beggar or as a victim and none of those can receive won’t receive and you’ll find that it’s coming out of line with God’s covenant and that won’t work with God.
You, you’ve got to uh agree with God and what he said about you.
Now, we’re gonna cover some of that, hopefully today, but you’re gonna have to agree with God and what he said about you, for you to allow God to be able to download things in your life.
Because all unrighteousness, he said in first John chapter five is sin and unrighteousness is unworthy, um sin conscious, um feeling inferior, all that is sin.
And what does sin do? It separates you from God. It doesn’t draw you near to God.
And so that, that will, that will help you.
And so I’m, I’m trying to get God to move out of line with His word and he’s not gonna do it.
So, what are you doing? I said, well, you, you, you, um, you know, he said, how do you, how does the Bible say come before me?
Because all of it is written, I said, say, come boldly to the.
He said, well, why don’t you do that? I mean, I’m hearing all this playing out in my mind.
I said, well, in the name of Jesus, I said, you come to work, they’ll come to work.
And so I’m saying here that all of this God had for me, but I had to get in into the position to receive it.
And I was out of place and, and to get this into my, my heart so forth and so on and so forth.
And I did and, and, and that sermon was it, I mean, it was a powerful sermon, but it just roll right through me.
So the first thing you gotta do is receive from God jealousy, backbiting all of that that cuts you out from the voice of God.
You can’t hear with all of that.
Get, get, get come on back, humble yourself under the mighty hand of God that somebody has, has done something to you, forgive them or whatever.
Have you put yourself in the place to receive? All right.
So the first thing here, uh I said here is that um Joseph had to uh receive this vision.
Now, there’s a couple of things that I want to show you here.
Uh If you will, let’s go to Nehemiah.
Now, I’m talking about still receiving from God verse 12 of chapter two.
And he says, there’s, and I rose in the night.
I and some few men with me and neither told I any man what my God had placed or put in my heart.
Notice God puts it in there and that something.
So in this vision, God puts it in there and he puts it in there.
Um so that you can carry this out.
So the first thing is a thought, boom gives a thought and you gotta hang on to that thought.
You gotta hang on to that thought. See if it’s too big. You people just, just brush it off.
You know, what is that? You know, you know, I just had a thought that uh get out of here, you know, no, there was God because he’s given you a thought that he has to bring the past.
He’s not giving you a thought of something you can do with the human ability.
He says, not by might not by power but by my spirit.
He’s saying by the Holy Spirit, the power of God, are you gonna be able to bring his thoughts to fruition?
So you need to be open to fool his thoughts. And that’s what I was.
I had to open up to some thoughts that I’ve never thought before and open up.
And he’s speaking folks, it’s just like the sun shining, it never stopped shining.
The earth just rotates out of a place where in America or Africa or wherever you’re listening to me, it just rotates in a place where the sun is not shining on that side of the earth, but the sun is shining.
God is always communicating, always, always communicating.
And um so Jeremiah 29 11, I know the plans I have for you also in Isaiah 55 verse eight, my thoughts are not your thoughts either my ways, your way sayeth the Lord for the heavens are higher than the earth.
So are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.
So you gotta get ready for some big thoughts.
Now, I got a feeling God wants to do some big things, but he’s dealing with small minded people. Ok?
We’ll go to that bears and gentlemen.
But, but my point here is we gotta expand and, and be able and be willing to receive uh thoughts that are bigger than any thoughts we thought, thought before, bigger than anything we could do.
So, a lot of times people don’t receive it because they look at money as you were.
You know, this, that is not, no, no, no, no, whatever God, however God guides he provides, right?
And then also in Philippians chapter four and eight, he tell you what to think. He says.
Now I want you to think on these things whatsoever.
Things are good and pure and perfect and lovely and true and so forth. Think on those things.
Don’t think you’re gonna catch something that is not the right thought.
And what that enemy does, he comes in with impure thoughts because He knows that you receive things through thoughts.
It’s a seed, but it’s a thought and he knows your seed.
So he’ll try to come in with another thought that people will think.
Well, we catch this something like that and so forth.
The next thing you know, they, they take that thought and they incubate it.
And next thing you know, that thought becomes a thing. All right.
So uh Isaiah um 45 1, my tongue is the pin of a ready writer.
So notice what Joseph started doing. He started talking about this thought, he starts talking about this.
So the next step is idea, the thought becomes an idea. It’s, now it’s getting bigger.
Now it’s, it’s getting, getting some, some uh strength to it. Now it becomes an idea.
And I put here an idea as a concept of a thought. It’s the concept of a thought.
A concept is something uh which uh anything is, is contained in such as a vessel or something like that.
The, the, it, it’s, it’s, it’s, it’s a, a concept in, in and you, you, you say, hey, let me, let me just let me explain to you the concept and maybe you can give me the word for it, but let me give you the concept of it and that’s what you do and you conceptualize a house or conceptualize uh how you can strategize and get more business.
So uh it’s, it’s, it’s, it’s, it moves on to this, this idea of the, of the idea of the I praise God.
So you want an idea. So you’re moving it through to, into the, the reality realm.
Now you’re moving it to the reality realm now, before something becomes reality outside, it must become reality inside.
Now, let me show you that and that’s found over here in Mark’s Gospel, right?
And Mark chapter four, here’s Jesus teaching on the.
So, so the word that’s verse 14 and then in verse 26 he said, so is the Kingdom of God as if a man should gas seed into the ground that he’d sleep and rise night and day and the seed should spring and grow up.
You know, it’s not how all this is the way a vision comes to pass.
Now, how making dreams come true and look what he said in verse 28 for the earth bringing forth of uh fruit of herself.
First the blade, then the ear and then the full corner of the ear.
So if you meditate a thought too long, it’ll come forth as something.
And I don’t care what it is, you’re just made like that.
But see, you were never made and designed to receive or have an evil thought.
See that that didn’t happen until Adam sinned in the garden.
Now the enemy is competing for your thoughts and then trying to, then Eve took a wrong thought.
She took a thought that God was holding back something from her in, in Adam and she didn’t do it, you know, maliciously, the Bible says she was deceived but she ate them out of house and home.
I mean, both of them did and got put out of the garden and why?
Because now they’re open up, up, open themselves up to good and evil and it was only to be good.
And look at the next verse here.
And he says in verse 29 but when the fruit is brought forth, immediately put it in the sickle because the harvest has come.
So when the food is first brought forth on the inside, on the inside of you living from the inside out now.
So it’s brought forth first on the inside, you could see it, you could see it when you could see it like that.
And when I saw the fact that I wasn’t gonna go broke by leaving I B M and going into ministry, I left.
You see what I’m saying?
And see how their vision is so powerful that when you could really see things, uh you’ll move on things that people will say.
I mean, the people around me, I’m telling you, they, some of them didn’t speak to me when I said I was leaving, some of them warned me that you were leaving at the wrong time.
The economy is down right now. Oh oh, Bill, you’re leaving me at the wrong time.
The economy is down so forth.
But hey, what I saw was bigger than what they could say, you know what I mean?
They, it was, it was huge and when you can see it, right? See.
And that’s why he says I’ll get it on down here.
But he said, he said, you know, um uh when, when you says write the vision make a plane, he said, wait for it and guess what he’s saying?
See, it’ll surely come. He said, wait for it. See and something people try to jump, jump out on assumption.
Um And it’s not real, real um uh believing. All right. So the next thing, so first is a thought.
Next is an idea. And then the next is imagination. Imagination.
Now this is where, uh, the enemy really comes, is trying to come because he knows this is probably the last stop that he’s gonna have a chance to get this thing out of you, which is growing inside of you.
But it, it becomes imagination. Now, if you look at, uh, second Corinthians chapter 10, verse three for the, for, for, for though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh.
For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds, casting down imaginations and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God and bringing into captivity, every thought to the obedience of Christ.
So the enemy is competing for your thought life, you know, even try to come in on your dreams and make your dream something some crazy dream.
And so, well, he, he knows sometimes the, the, the mind and the imagination is unprotected at that time.
And so sometimes we go to bed just plead the blood of Jesus over your mind, you know, and uh, and so forth.
But, but here this imagination, so we’ve got to cast down every thought that is not, not of God and, and, and the thoughts of God bring peace.
I mean, it may be something that seems to be un un un undoable in the natural but there’s something about it that brings peace, the wisdom of God brings peace with it.
And, and so as we just conceive this, conceptualize it, move towards the uh what we call the mental reality, first mental reality first in our spirit.
And then, and now this thought which changes ideas into a plan, it changes ideas into a plan, this imagination.
So now we are changing this thing into a plan.
We get a plan now, uh of how we’re gonna do this, this is a plan of how we’re gonna do this.
Chapter two, verse two and three, he said, write the vision, OK? Make it plain.
And so we’re gonna write it with a pin of a ready writer our tongue so we can first write it that way.
Then we’re gonna take a piece of paper and we’re gonna write down what’s inside of it.
Everything is created twice, no matter what it is.
And so we’re gonna write it down on a piece of paper.
We’re gonna write this vision and so forth now and now we’re gonna make it plain.
He said, make it plain that those that read it can run with it because you have employees or whatever have, you should have a visionary statement about your business or a ministry should have a visionary statement about it.
And it’d be good to have all your employees to memorize it and so forth and so on.
What are they doing? They’re coming in line with your vision, this is not their ministry.
God called you the head of that ministry of that business or whatever have you and understand that you, you have the overall vision.
So you’re the one that keeps everybody on course.
In other words, somebody strays off course, you’re the one can detect it, they may not detect it, you can detect it and be able to bring them back on course and so forth like that.
So they have pieces of the vision. You have the whole vision, right?
And then, uh, also, and for your household too, a vision of what you wanna do.
A lot of people don’t have a plan so they don’t get anywhere.
It’s like Alice in Wonderland, you know, any road will get you there.
So this old cat that was, I remember that cat that was up the Cheshire cat, I guess it was, it was up in the tree.
It’s, it’s kind of an interesting, it’s kind of an interesting story though.
It really and so, um, what you wanna do is is start of course, uh, speaking that vision declaring these things now and so forth.
And, uh, um, also it says, wait for it, for it will not tear, it will surely come.
So to come. So this writing it down and so forth.
So after you’ve gone through first, you’ve got to, um, you know, receive that vision or get a thought right here comes a thought.
Now you got to get an idea from that thought. You hold on to that thought.
You know, he said over in, uh, in Matthew’s Gospel, uh, chapter six, he said, take no anxious thought.
So you can take a thought or you can let it go, you can take it or let it go and you can take an anxious thought of a person who is able to do that.
And that’s a thought that will start to make him fearful.
And so what you can take that, but also he wants you to take his thoughts. So grab it.
I’m up there preaching sometimes that thought come by me so fast.
I grab a pinch and ho hold on, I’ll tell the congregation hold every day. Let me write that down.
I don’t know why it doesn’t stop. I have no idea.
I, I’ll, I’ll, I’ll review that to me on earth or I’ll get it when I get to heaven.
But those thoughts, I mean, they, they come through and if you look at a boat of lightning, it’s kind of like that.
You, you, you see it and so forth and, and now you don’t, you know, but you gotta catch it and now you gotta take it and suspend it.
You gotta hold on to that thought.
And that thought, if you do that, you start thinking about it and pondering it. It turns to idea.
All right. And then the idea turns into the imagination.
And now this imagination will move you just like you’re in the bed and get a dream and you dream a nightmare and you wake up and sweating.
Well, you never went anywhere, did you? But your imagination told you that you did.
And as a result of that is so strong it can, you know, in the last days, men’s hearts will fail them because of fear.
But they talk, this imagination takes over next thing, you know, it is a fear is a force, it will stop the heart.
And so people will die because of that. So it’s just kind of interesting how this thing plays out.
And then um there are two phases uh to every implementing every dream and that is one, the phase of the planning and then the phase of the execution.
So planning and execution and usually the planning phase takes a little bit longer.
A lot of people don’t like to, to do this phase because this phase takes the most thought time and you gotta stay in this phase a little longer and you got to really plan it and take a few days.
I mean, thoughts will come to, you gotta wake up and more, you get another thought to that or another that and so forth and so on, you have to sit still.
Uh a lot of times the TV S take the way people are ability to really think.
But um what happens is because it’s television is trying to tell you somebody else’s vision.
God has got you with the vic.
He put it, Nehemiah’s heart with the thing over in uh act accepted 26.
Uh Paul said I was not disobedient to the heavenly vision. There’s a vision from heaven. All right.
So next thing you know, execution and this is the time that you do what is, is done there and, and how you do it.
Usually we call it selectivity is, is where um there there are different ways that it can be done.
God gives you the way that this is gonna be done and so forth and so on and then you’re executed, you have to make this dream a reality and we got everything to help us.
We got things that the world doesn’t have. The world does not have angels to help you.
The world does not have the Holy Spirit to help you.
The world does not have the gifts of the spirit to help you so forth. He’s got all these things.
Why? Because you’re gonna plan by faith and not by time today’s message was from our Facebook live series.
Talking Faith. The full message is available in its entirety free of charge on our youtube channel at Doctor Bill Winston.
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One more content related to today’s message to build your faith order, putting faith to work in these times.
Developing your faith is vitally important. When faith is fully developed, you begin to talk, think and act like God.
If you treat your faith like a seed, you plant it and you plan it by saying it.
Once you speak it, the soil of your heart grabs it. This is putting faith to work.
You can’t say what you see. You got to say what he said.
When you say what he said, he can watch over his word and make it good.
Now speak the word only faith is your servant.
I put him to work, open your spiritual eyes and allow God to excite your imagination to see your greatest destiny in pastor Winston’s dynamic teaching, putting faith to work to order on CD or DVD, contact us at Bill Winston dot org or by phone at 1 to 807 119327.
Faith is the key to the Kingdom of God that opens the door of your unlimited potential order.
Putting faith to work today, the mission of Bill Winston ministries is to preach the gospel of the kingdom throughout the world.
This broadcast has been made available to you through the faithful support of Bill Winston ministry partners and friends.
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The believer’s walk of faith is paid for by Bill Winston Ministry partners and viewers.
Now, remember you need faith to get to your destiny.
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This is Bill Winston. I love you and keep walking by faith.
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