The Mattanot Secret of Blessing | Jonathan Cahn Sermon
The Mattanot Secret of Blessing
Message Of The Week – From the offerings and sacrifices of ancient Israel and the words of Leviticus, to Messiah’s atonement – a revelation that affects every part of your life and can change the way you live your life.
Thursday, September 28, 2023 – Following Your own Command
Some husbands quote “Wives be subject to your husbands.” While some wives quote to their husbands “Husbands love your wives.” Both are true and right. But notice that the scripture to wives begins with the wife, and the scripture to husbands begins with the husband. When you focus on what the other person should do, it doesn’t work. But when you focus on what you should do, it fosters an atmosphere of giving and not getting. Spouses are far more likely to love and respect spouses who love and respect them. This is true with everything. When you focus on your needs or what people owe you, you’ll be miserable. But when you focus on what you can give, an atmosphere of giving, blessing, freedom and love is fostered. Forget about what you want and what you think you need from others, and bless. Be free and bless, and see what happens. Because God never commanded you to be loved, served or blessed by others. He commanded you to love, serve and bless others. Do this, and all these other things will be added to you.
The true child of god is not the one with the label.
I’m a Christian, but the one with the presence.
Whose life shines with the presence whose life is different because of the presence, who is known because the presence came into that line.
Remember, Jacob. Jacob was blessed.
Esaw was not really so blessed. Why? Not because of the blesser. It was their dad.
Isaac, he blessed them. He was blind. So he wasn’t partial.
I mean, he wanted Eso to be blessed, but he was blind. So he’s given a blessing. Blinded.
The difference was between he saw Jacob as Jacob did everything in his power.
To receive that blessing, to apprehend it, not to earn it, but to receive it, to get it one way or the other.
If you’re not blessed, We’re not greatly blessed. It’s not because the blessing hasn’t been given to you.
It’s not that in god, it’s not that you’re not blessed. You are greatly blessed.
God, in that sense, god has given it, but meets you’re not receiving it, you gotta focus on receiving it.
God already has blessed you more than you could ever imagine. But you gotta receive it.
If people aren’t safe because they don’t receive it, then why do we do we think that we’re all the blessing why someone’s not blessed in the lord as much as they should be.
Also, as much as you receive, so it shall be.
It’s written by grace you have been saved through faith. What’s the key here?
The key here is through faith. Faith is the key. You know, we’ve heard it.
You know, we’ve heard it you know, theologically, we’re saved by faith, but it’s more than just theological.
It’s practical. The more you receive the blessings of god and the the gift of god through faith, the more it will manifest in your life.
Yes. The Bible says that there was there was healing that didn’t happen because they didn’t have faith.
It says there were miracles that didn’t happen because they didn’t have faith.
Meaning if they had faith, there would have been miracles.
Now I’m not saying as some people preach they go off saying you say whatever you want.
And if you don’t get this, it’s cause you don’t have faith. No. It’s gotta be god’s will first. Right.
But there’s a lot of blessing in god’s will that we’re not we don’t always seek because we are not receiving it.
The more you believe, I’m not not just doctorally, yes, but with your heart, with your mind, with your soul, with your emotions, with your thought life, with everything getting into your life, the more you’re gonna be blessed, the more it’s gonna come.
The one who is best at receiving is the one who will be most blessed in their life.
Now it says we’re saved by what? By grace? We we heard that. But what’s the word?
The word in Greek is the word harris. Try it.
Harris from harris we get the word, charisma or charisma. Harris, what does it mean?
What does grace mean? Actually, grace means the gift. It actually means gift. Free gift.
So we’re saying you could say, you know, we say grace.
It sounds like a lot of different things, but but we are saved by gift. The gift.
The gift faith. The that it so the more faith in the gift, the more blessing So we need to live.
It means that there’s something in your life.
If you were living a gift based life, it means there’s something extra in your life.
There’s a consciousness, then I don’t just have what I did. Uh, there’s some there’s blessing coming to me.
I didn’t deserve it. It surprises me. I it’s a big whole thing.
I mean, I may be I mean, I wanna be pleasing to god, but there’s this other power that that’s bigger than me that allows me that comes in to my life.
That’s a gift consciousness. You don’t expect a gift, really. You shouldn’t expect it. It’s a blessing, extra surprise.
And this gift is not he says god gave the gift to the world.
So it’s not of the world. It’s above the world.
So this gift that’s in your life, the biggest, the most important thing in your life is the gift.
And that gift is not natural. It’s supernatural.
This one, you I don’t no matter how natural you think you are.
The greatest thing in your life is totally supernatural. It’s extra. It’s added. It’s not natural at all.
And it’s good. In the biblical marriage, the bridegroom sends the bride an expression of his love.
You know what it’s called? The the gift. The gift. The gift.
The gift a gift is a manifestation that somebody loves you.
So the fact that we have a gift faith means that somebody really loves you.
A gift is a when somebody gives you a gift, it’s, you know, that you’re if you earned it.
There’s doesn’t have to be any relationship. You could be a slave.
You could be a a boss and employee, but if you get a gift, it means there’s a relationship.
That’s what it’s supposed to.
So it means that that your faith means the gift of heaven means you’ve got you’ve got a relationship of god.
It means the most important thing is not seeking this, this, it’s my relationship.
The gift is the manifestation of that relationship. The gift is not of earth of heaven.
So it’s heavenly. So the most important thing in your life is the heavenly power.
And so this is too radical that your salvation, my salvation is a gift.
It means I didn’t come up with it. You didn’t come up with it.
How many of you planned out that you were gonna be saved and you’d be here today? God did.
God did. That’s the power. It doesn’t matter if you deserve it.
You deserved it because you didn’t, and I didn’t deserve it.
It doesn’t matter if you deserve it now because you don’t, and I don’t either.
And when you realize that, it frees you up. Wow. I don’t deserve it. Praise god, but I got it.
That’s what it’s about. It’s super not it’s always to surprise you.
If it’s not surprising you, it’s not the gift. That’s why it’s called amazing grace, amazing gift.
How sweet the sound that saved a dish like me. What’s another word for gift in English?
The word present. Right. We yes. Yes. They’re so smart, especially that section. It’s present. Interesting.
Well, think about that. Now there’s something there. The word present is linked to the word presence. Presence.
The gift is the presence of god that you actually have something.
It’s not just that you believe something. You have something.
You have the present The most important thing, what we have this treasure in Earthen vessels, we have the that we have this this the presence of god.
And so it means that the the receiving of this prep we don’t just receive a faith.
We receive the presence over and over. We receive more of him That’s where it’s about.
The spirit of god, the spirit of Messiah in you. That’s a gift.
When was it given on the day called Pentecost, which is a translation of Hebrew feast called shavuot.
Do you know what that feast was called in Israel? That the spirit came.
It was called the day of the matan, the day of the gift.
The day of long before the spirit came, It’s called the if the gift, and then it came.
The gift of god is the president.
The true child of god is not the one with the label.
I’m a Christian, but the one with the presence.
Whose life shines with the presence whose life is different because of the presence, who is known because the presence came into that life, whose life is not limited by who they are or who they were, but by the it’s all it’s unlimited by the presence.
It’s not about religion. It’s the presence of god. Your life.
You know, some people talk about people say, well, this This person is so gifted. You are so gifted.
There’s nobody who’s been so gifted as you because you have a gift. It’s everything. Hi.
I’m Jonathan Khan, and I hope you are blessed with the video.
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