The Man Who Begged for Change … and Got It | Joel Osteen
The Man Who Begged for Change … and Got It
God is saying to you today:
“Get ready to soar. If you wait on Me, l’ll renew your strength. You will smile again. You and your family will be just fine. I have a plan. Trust Me.
I wonder how many blessings we’re pushing away, how many of the good things God has for us that we’re not receiving. We feel unworthy; we don’t deserve it. Don’t go through life self-sabotaging, receiving the wrong things: the guilt, the doubt, the insecurity, defeating yourself. Every day, receive what God says about you. “I’m loved, I’m valuable, I’m approved, I’m worthy, I’m a masterpiece, I’m blessed, I’m favored, I’m victorious.” It’s the Father’s pleasure to give you the kingdom. He has all the gifts, all these promises He’s spoken to you, dreams He’s whispered in the night. Instead of dismissing it, have a receiving mindset. With that childlike faith, “God, I’m in agreement. I know You can do it; let it happen.”
Acts chapter three, there was a man who had been crippled since birth.
Every morning, people would carry him to the gate of the temple so he could beg.
He’d been doing this for years.
All he had known was to get up, go to the temple, ask people for money.
He was stuck in a negative routine, just going through the motions of life, not expecting anything to change in a sense.
He had an excuse. I’m crippled. I’m at a disadvantage. I didn’t get what other people got.
When someone passed by, he’d hold up his cup. Can you spare some change?
Can you help me out every once in a while? Someone would throw in a few coins?
Next person that went by? Same thing, he’d hold up the cup jiggle around the coins.
This cup was his life. This cup was how he survived all through the day.
Hundreds of times as people entered the temple. He didn’t have to think twice.
He was on autopilot, just put out his cup.
One day, Peter and John were headed up to the temple to pray as they passed through the gate.
There was this man just like he always did. He held up his cup asked him for some money.
Most people just passed on by didn’t pay any attention.
But Peter stopped and looked at the man, the man looked up and thought he was going to get a gift.
But Peter said silver and gold, have I? None?
He was saying, put down your cup because what God is about to do is not going to fit in that cup.
I’m sure at first the man was kind of disappointed. Why did you stop?
Why did you get my hopes up if you’re not gonna do something for me?
Peter went on to say I don’t have any money for you but in the name of Jesus rise and walk, Peter didn’t ask the man for permission.
He didn’t say, would you like to try to walk? I think maybe you were healed.
He took the man by the right hand and pulled him up.
I can see his cup get knocked over the few coins spill out. He doesn’t know what’s going on.
This has never happened. No one has ever spoken faith over him.
No one has ever told him that he could walk his wine skin. His thinking was going tilt, tilt, tilt.
This man, Peter is telling me to get up, doesn’t he know I’m crippled, doesn’t he know I’m limited by this cup that my routine is to beg.
I’m at a disadvantage. I’m dysfunctional.
Why is he telling me to do something that I’m not able to do as he was contemplating it all.
Trying to figure it out. Peter pulled him up instantly his legs were healed. His bones and ankles became strong.
He couldn’t believe it. He started walking. Then he took off running, jumping, dancing. Thanking God.
It’s significant that he had to put his cup down before he could receive the miracle.
He was hoping to get a few coins, but God had a blessing where he had never have to use the cup again.
He was thinking maybe he could get enough change to get some new crutches.
But God was thinking, I have a new set of legs. I’m gonna do something you’ve never seen.
I’m gonna show you far and beyond favor. How many of us like this man have our cup.
We may not be crippled. We’re not begging, but we’re in a negative routine, stuck in a rut, not expecting things to change.
We’ve gone through disappointments had setbacks. Now, we’ve lowered our expectations, watered down our dreams.
We let what hasn’t worked out be an excuse to settle where we are.
I can’t have a blessed year, Joel. We’re in a pandemic. I’m just trying to survive the medical reports.
Not good. I’m just learning to live with this sickness. I can’t break this addiction.
Everyone in my family has it. God is saying, get rid of your cup.
I hope you enjoyed watching this clip. You can watch the full message here on our youtube channel.
We’d love to hear your prayer request and how the ministry has impacted your life.
You can leave a comment below. Make sure to subscribe to our channel to stay inspired all throughout the week.
We’ll see you next time.
Every morning, people would carry him to the gate of the temple so he could beg.
He’d been doing this for years.
All he had known was to get up, go to the temple, ask people for money.
He was stuck in a negative routine, just going through the motions of life, not expecting anything to change in a sense.
He had an excuse. I’m crippled. I’m at a disadvantage. I didn’t get what other people got.
When someone passed by, he’d hold up his cup. Can you spare some change?
Can you help me out every once in a while? Someone would throw in a few coins?
Next person that went by? Same thing, he’d hold up the cup jiggle around the coins.
This cup was his life. This cup was how he survived all through the day.
Hundreds of times as people entered the temple. He didn’t have to think twice.
He was on autopilot, just put out his cup.
One day, Peter and John were headed up to the temple to pray as they passed through the gate.
There was this man just like he always did. He held up his cup asked him for some money.
Most people just passed on by didn’t pay any attention.
But Peter stopped and looked at the man, the man looked up and thought he was going to get a gift.
But Peter said silver and gold, have I? None?
He was saying, put down your cup because what God is about to do is not going to fit in that cup.
I’m sure at first the man was kind of disappointed. Why did you stop?
Why did you get my hopes up if you’re not gonna do something for me?
Peter went on to say I don’t have any money for you but in the name of Jesus rise and walk, Peter didn’t ask the man for permission.
He didn’t say, would you like to try to walk? I think maybe you were healed.
He took the man by the right hand and pulled him up.
I can see his cup get knocked over the few coins spill out. He doesn’t know what’s going on.
This has never happened. No one has ever spoken faith over him.
No one has ever told him that he could walk his wine skin. His thinking was going tilt, tilt, tilt.
This man, Peter is telling me to get up, doesn’t he know I’m crippled, doesn’t he know I’m limited by this cup that my routine is to beg.
I’m at a disadvantage. I’m dysfunctional.
Why is he telling me to do something that I’m not able to do as he was contemplating it all.
Trying to figure it out. Peter pulled him up instantly his legs were healed. His bones and ankles became strong.
He couldn’t believe it. He started walking. Then he took off running, jumping, dancing. Thanking God.
It’s significant that he had to put his cup down before he could receive the miracle.
He was hoping to get a few coins, but God had a blessing where he had never have to use the cup again.
He was thinking maybe he could get enough change to get some new crutches.
But God was thinking, I have a new set of legs. I’m gonna do something you’ve never seen.
I’m gonna show you far and beyond favor. How many of us like this man have our cup.
We may not be crippled. We’re not begging, but we’re in a negative routine, stuck in a rut, not expecting things to change.
We’ve gone through disappointments had setbacks. Now, we’ve lowered our expectations, watered down our dreams.
We let what hasn’t worked out be an excuse to settle where we are.
I can’t have a blessed year, Joel. We’re in a pandemic. I’m just trying to survive the medical reports.
Not good. I’m just learning to live with this sickness. I can’t break this addiction.
Everyone in my family has it. God is saying, get rid of your cup.
I hope you enjoyed watching this clip. You can watch the full message here on our youtube channel.
We’d love to hear your prayer request and how the ministry has impacted your life.
You can leave a comment below. Make sure to subscribe to our channel to stay inspired all throughout the week.
We’ll see you next time.