The Magian Heart | Jonathan Cahn

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The Magian Heart #2312, They are among the most mysterious people in the Bible, a caste of priests of a pagan religion, we know as “the Magi.” Discover their secrets, and the treasures and keys they hold for you right now – how to live a life of blessing, fulfillment, and the attaining of your appointed destiny.

Dear Lord,
Today…….I am asking all my prayer warriors to say a prayer that may help others. So many people are hurting right now. Many are struggling with finances and need jobs. Some are facing foreclosure and don’t even know how they are going to make it from week to week.. Many are lonely. . Many are heartbroken. . Many are facing sickness and health is fading. . Some are dealing with difficult family members. Many have lost HOPE.. Tonight, let us put our prayers and faith together decree and declare breakthrough over our families. Financial miracles WILL take place. Jobs WILL be found. Our Bodies WILL be made whole & sickness WILL flee. Marriages and relationships WILL be restored. Family members WILL find Jesus. Heartbreaks WILL be healed. JOY WILL be restored and HOPE WILL be found. In Jesus Name. Amen!!!!!! Keep God First…….

So the match I come to Jerusalem.
Pagan priests, we don’t know their names for real and yet they will become known throughout the world for ages to come in every land.
They will be celebrated all over the world and they will bear the special honor of in this age of being the first non Jewish people, the first gentiles to believe and worship the Messiah.
God bless them the ma I hold the keys to a blessed life, a life that moves to something great, a life that moves to something glorious, a life that moves to blessing and fulfillment.
Today, we’re going to open the keys at the mad I bore.
And if you receive them, they’re more valuable than the gold and the incense because it can change your life.
First of all, what keys do we see in the magi?
Here they are pagan priest, priest of the paganism into astrology, a cult.
And yet they would be the ones who would be perfectly led to find the messiah.
They’d find Jesus before almost anybody else did think of all the teachers in Israel, all the, the experts in the word and the law and they didn’t find him yet.
These ones did find him why?
Because in the end, more important than having the right knowledge and the right doctrine, which is important is having the right heart.
Those who dwelt in darkness found the answer.
While those who dwelt in the knowledge of the light did not, you know, very important.
Here, there are many people, there are people who have the right doctrine, but they don’t have the right heart.
Even people who use the truth against others, they use the word without love.
It becomes a sword to bring destruction. They have the word of love without the heart of love, that’s dangerous.
And there are others who may not have everything right with their theology.
I mean, you go, we gotta be right on the basics.
We, but they may not have everything right yet their hearts are right and they’re seeking God.
There are ones who are, there are ones who are closer to God who don’t have everything right.
But they’re closer because their heart is right to God. Doctrine is important.
The right knowledge is important, especially the basics, but most important within that is having the right heart.
Many and rabbis in LA in the, in the days of Messiah had disciples and they were, they were, they were scholars and they had their students were like scholars.
Messiahs disciples weren’t scholars, they didn’t have a lot of knowledge, they had all, but they had the heart for God.
That’s why they followed him and they ended up becoming something much greater than all the scholars of Israel.
Joseph wasn’t a scholar, but he knew the law, but he says he was a righteous man and yet he desired to put Mary away privately so that he, she wouldn’t be disgraced or put to death when they thought she committed adultery.
Why? Because he didn’t just know the letter of the law of God. He had the heart of God compassion.
And that’s what God wants you to have.
If you’ve got the knowledge of God, without the heart of God, you’re gonna, you’re gonna, you’re gonna go off.
But if you have the heart of God, you’re gonna be led on.
Even if you don’t know everything God is gonna lead you.
He’s gonna keep leading you like the magi doctor is important. Knowledge is important.
Discernment is important, but the heart of God is the center.
I’ve known people in the Lord who prided themselves on having the right doctrine and yet without the heart, they went off away from life.
And if there are others who aren’t scholars, but they had the heart of God and when something was off, God just let them know that’s not right.
They didn’t know exactly why, but they knew there’s something not right about that teaching, there’s something not right about that, that movement.
There’s something not right because they have the heart of God and So they, they seek the heart of God.
They, it’s like you have, you need to have a, a strong spiritual immune system.
And if you have the heart of God, you will seek the heart of God, seek the presence of God and you’ll be led by God.
And even if you make mistakes, God’s gonna lead you back, the leading of God is going to converge on your seeking just like the magic here.
People who knew nothing really, they knew they, they, they were, they were ignorant of most of the Bible and yet God led them perfectly because their hearts were seeking.
Next key, the ma had their own religion.
They have their own culture, they have their own knowledge, but they weren’t content with it.
They were seeking for something more otherwise they never would have made that journey.
What does it tell you concerning a life that finds the blessing of God? It’s not enough to know God.
You need to be a seeker of God. Early will. I seek the my soul follows hard after you.
It says seek the Lord seek me and then you will find me. When you search with all your heart.
There are many people in the kingdom who simply know God or have known God.
But the true disciple is the one that seeks God.
You got, you have to seek Him every day. You have to seek Him every day.
You’re gonna be seeking Lord. I want to know you more than I knew you yesterday. More.
I want more of the spirit. I want more of your presence.
I want more of your, your truth and your love.
Most people in the world are born in a religion or an ideology or an identity.
Catholic Protestant Muslim Hindu, quote, quote Christian, but that doesn’t mean anything.
The only that means something are those who seek God.
And so it has nothing to do with what you were born as because most of the time you have to some way how leave something of what you were born with in order to find God.
And even if you were born in a Christian home, if you don’t know, except with your own knowledge, you got to seek Him for yourself.
So that you know that religion is, that’s why that has nothing to do with salvation.
Think about Abraham, the father of the faithful born in where called de around the place of the matter.
Babylonia undoubtedly brought up with a, a view that was probably filled with pagan things around him.
But God called him and he sought God and he, he found his destiny as the magi would because he sought God.
The magi were the highest caste or class of their culture.
They were comfortable established, privileged, but they would leave all that their culture and their privilege, everything they had everything they knew to find something that they didn’t know and never saw in a foreign country, foreign culture, enemy kingdom.
So did Abraham, he left everything he knew. So did Moses grows up as a prince of Egypt.
But he puts that all back and away from him to find God to find out how you can receive more of Jonathan’s teachings to receive special free gifts or get in touch.
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