The God Scandal
The God Scandal
Tuesday, May 23, 2023
Israel was reborn as a nation on May 14, 1948. From that day until now, the issue of Israel has been a continual source of controversy. What is the Arab-Israeli Conflict? The answer is found in Genesis. Abraham had two sons, Isaac and Ishmael. Isaac, the son of promise, received the birthright, but Ishmael lost his inheritance. It’s about the birthright. The children of Isaac returned to their inheritance. The children of Ishmael claimed the land that was given to Isaac. Harboring the bitterness and anger of Ishmael has brought great harm to their lives. When you carry resentment, harbor unforgiveness, feed self-pity, and bitterness, you hurt yourself more than anyone else and bring a curse on all that you do. Messiah said “”Forgive and you shall be forgiven.”” Is there unforgiviness, anger or bitterness in your life? Have you been wronged, mistreated, overlooked? Forget it. God hasn’t treated you wrong or overlooked you. God has treated you better than you ever deserved. Forgive, let go, and move on with your life. Harbor no bitterness, and your life will be free from the curse of Ishmael and covered with the blessing of Isaac.
Uh our oldest son one day, he was upset with us.
He felt that we were being unfair. We were giving more privilege to his younger brother.
El has that ever happened in your families.
So he draws this chart and then he shows us the chart on the chart.
It has and a stick at the bottom above him is Renata, his mother above Renata is me.
His father above me is Donald Trump the head and the ruler and above Donald Trump is his little brother.
And he says that’s what the situation is but got one thing, right?
He was under his father. I commend that, but that’s the thing of the Messiah God, but two positions.
And so the father is under. So the son is under the father. Of course he is, he submits.
That’s what his son does. It’s the father, it’s the son, it’s showing submission, it’s showing love, the son.
That doesn’t mean there’s a different essence.
You see, you know, I was talking to actually my son about this and say, well, well, how could he be the son of God?
And he’s God. Well, listen, I said you are the son of me, you’re the son of flesh and blood.
And so you are flesh and blood.
If He is the son of the Son of God, then he is also God because of the same essence.
The difference is that we are Children of God. He is the son of God, Messiah.
They’ll say also he was a creative being.
It says in the Bible, they’ll argue that he’s the first born of creation. So therefore, he’s creation. Not God.
Well, well, what does that mean? Well, no, not really. He existed before he came into creation.
He became, became a part of creation. That’s right. He became man.
So as much as he became man, he became part of creation in his humanity.
It says, therefore, he was the head, the first fruit. He’s the first born of the resurrection.
So he’s the head, the first born of creation, the first born chief overall.
He but but he is not just that the Bible is very clear that he existed before he was born, even the writings of the rabbis.
And this is not the scripture, but this is the amazing because the writings of the rabbis who don’t accept Jesus, they ancient writings, they speak of Messiah existing before he came into the world.
John 17. He says this clearly verse four says, I glorified you.
He’s praying on earth, have accomplished the work which you have given me to do.
Now, father Abba glorify me together with yourself, with the glory which I had with you before the world existed.
It says he came into the world.
He who was, came into the world and then was born of creation and shared in that with us.
Does the New Testament and you should know these things.
I mean, I don’t mean you should have known it but you need to know it.
Now does the New Testament explicitly say that Yeshua Jesus, the Messiah, the carpenter from Nazareth is God.
Well, first, here’s what it does.
First, the New Testament speaks of Yeshua Jesus using the same words that it, that the Hebrew scriptures speak of God.
It is a, it is a again using the Greek equivalent again and again and again and again, now remember who is writing the New Testament?
Jewish people, Luke. OK, maybe converted. But yeah, Jewish people.
So now that Jewish people you understand are from trained, from you.
These were that there is one God, there is He’s the only, there is nothing, it’s only God.
They were trained more than how sacred God was and how transcendent. He was not like the world.
See around them, everybody’s worshiping idols and worshiping things on the other, the world and, and centuries back, the Jewish people fell into trouble because they did it and they were taken to Babylon.
So they said never again. So they be they actually went too much the other way.
But they said God, you can’t, you basically can’t even say ba basically can’t even say his name.
You know, he’s so holy, so, so much other.
Well, God is other but he’s not just other, but so here, but here are the people who are trained from youth that anything else is blasphemy.
And they are the ones who wrote The New Testament overwhelmingly, you know.
So, you know, they, you know, they act like the Christians, you know, the the these critics they will say, you know, it’s like the Christian something came from another planet and then wrote The New Testament.
These are Jewish people who came, who it would be blaspheming.
So only they are very clear about what they’re saying.
Revelation one verse seven, who is, who was and who is to come, the Almighty talking about Messiah, what do they call him?
The Almighty, the Almighty. There’s only one who was Almighty.
And that is Jehovah, a Ephesians four verse seven and eight.
You might want to note this or get the, get the CD.
The measure of Messiahs is therefore, when he ascended on high, he led captive, a host of captives and he gave gifts to men.
Now, now what’s significant about that? Ephesians is quoting Psalm 68 verse 18. And what’s it speaking about?
It’s speaking about God God, the Lord of Israel. And yet it’s here saying this is what Messiah did.
This is Messiah. Now, let me tell you one of the most overlooked, overlooked things in the entire Bible regarding this.
And that is one word in Greek and the word in Greek is curios. Triumph curios.
What does it mean Lord Laos now?
Or is the Greek translation of two, either one or two?
I mean, it’s one or the other Hebrew words.
It’s throughout the Bible when the, when the, the rabbis translated into Greek, it’s, it represents two Hebrew words.
What are they? Number one, a number two Yahweh Yahweh.
So you can’t always tell which it’s referring to.
But either way ei either the Lord, not just a Lord or your Lord, when the New Testament says, calls Messiah the Lord, the or, or Jehovah, the is the Lord, our God hero is Israel the Lord, our God, the Lord is one, the word that represents those the Lord part is and it’s using this of Jesus again and again to find out how you can receive more of Jonathan’s teachings to receive special free gifts or get in touch.
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