GOD’s Way To Correct Your Life – Faith For The Impossible | Dr. Bill Winston Sermon
The believer’s walk of faith is paid for by Bill Winston ministries, partners and viewers.
If you stay with what God said and you don’t change your confession, that word is gonna work for you because it will not return to you.
Tell it like it is, tell it like it, I’m just saying, tell it like it is because it is everything God’s gonna do for you.
He’s already done. So it is faith is the substance of things so far, the evidence of things not seen.
So look what happened.
They come back from spying out the land of Canaan in numbers chapter 4 13 in verse 30.
And here is uh two reports and one report says this let us go up at once and possess it for we are what well able to overcome it.
They’re saying what God said. And then the other said, we be not able to go up against these people for their stronger than we.
And they came up with an evil report. What happened?
Those who came with the evil report that believed that died where in the wilderness, those who came up with a good report and said, what God said, got there.
What inheritance I’m saying? Your inheritance is in Romans and chapter chapter five and verse 12, it says your inheritance is everything.
Come on reading with me. He said, Christ has been, has been given to you. What power, what else?
Wisdom come on. What else now for you to get all of that you’re gonna have to call things.
Come on that be not as though they were now, don’t be concerned about whatever people think about you because they thought that about Jesus.
But Bible says over in John chapter three verse 40 verse 34 it says that Jesus operated with no limits because he spoke the word of God.
If you stay with what God said and you don’t change your confession, that word is gonna work for you because it will not return to you.
Tell it like it is, tell it like it, I’m just saying, tell it like it is because it is everything God’s gonna do for you.
He’s already done. So it is faith is the substance of things so far, the evidence of things not seen.
So look what happened.
They come back from spying out the land of Canaan in numbers chapter 4 13 in verse 30.
And here is uh two reports and one report says this let us go up at once and possess it for we are what well able to overcome it.
They’re saying what God said. And then the other said, we be not able to go up against these people for their stronger than we.
And they came up with an evil report. What happened?
Those who came with the evil report that believed that died where in the wilderness, those who came up with a good report and said, what God said, got there.
What inheritance I’m saying? Your inheritance is in Romans and chapter chapter five and verse 12, it says your inheritance is everything.
Come on reading with me. He said, Christ has been, has been given to you. What power, what else?
Wisdom come on. What else now for you to get all of that you’re gonna have to call things.
Come on that be not as though they were now, don’t be concerned about whatever people think about you because they thought that about Jesus.
But Bible says over in John chapter three verse 40 verse 34 it says that Jesus operated with no limits because he spoke the word of God.

I don’t care how bad it looked. I don’t care what was happening.
Jesus spoke the word of God here was Lazarus graveyard, dead and stinking. Jesus.
Jesus came there and he said this, you know, uh when the disciples told him to go over there that Jesus uh massive, he sleep Than they do with him.
Well, Jesus said plainly, Lazarus had died. That’s John chapter 11. Lazarus. Lazarus is dead.
That’s what it says in the English. That is not what Greek says. That’s not what Jesus said.
Jesus said, he didn’t say Lazarus is dead. That was a different confession. It says the Greek Lazarus died.
There’s a big difference between dead and died.
He said died because he was gonna raise him up.
So if you don’t want it don’t speak it.
I said, if you don’t want it, don’t speak it. Loose lips, sink ships.
Now, where did I get that from? In Mark Chapter 4?
They’re going over to the other side as they’re going over to the other side.
Uh, you know, here comes a storm and they cried out to Jesus.
You know, master, don’t you care that we’re about to die?
Jesus guy got up and said, peace be choked to the wind and said peace be still.
And there was a great calm and, and uh, and uh next thing you know, he turned to them and said to them, how is it that you’re so fearful?
How is it that you have no faith?
And they said, what matter of man is it that even the wind and the sea obey him?
Jesus was a sample son, safe sample son Jesus was doing things that he wanted you and me to do and they had enough faith to stop that storm then say amen to that.
Alright. Now, I just want to really zero in on the fact that for us to get this thing accomplished in the last days, we’re gonna have to say what God says.
Unless we say what God says, we can’t do what God wants us to do.
So somebody might argue with me on the fact that words are the most powerful things that exist, not money.
So this saying, wait a minute. Now I can do some things with money.
Yeah, that’s right. But words of the controlling factor on the earth because when my wife start confessing that a plant business moved from Denmark in Europe to the location that she geographically spoke in her confession so she could move a business that fit the criteria of her confession from one place on the earth.
Come on, help me to another.
Now you see why Satan wants to keep you from words.
Take away and keep away the revelation of the power of words.
Now a parent can speak but he don’t believe it.
You’re the only ones that can believe and speak. Exactly.
Now notice what happened. She wanted the job because she needed some moolah.
Y’all know what mula is, Mary, what else you’d call it? Yeah, whatever money.
Praise God. But notice he didn’t just grab a bag of money.
He brought the source for her having the money.
Si si I know we can say money coming to us and Angel might show up that night and put something in your mailbox.
I know that I know they said tomorrow about this time is gonna be plenty.
It’s gonna be cheap. You remember that? And I mean they got rich overnight say amen to that.
But God can also not just give you the cash, but he can move an apartment building into your portfolio going to God that came from God boy, y’all ought to receive that.
He can move an apartment building. He can move the John Hancock into your portfolio bag.
Boy, you know you’re allowed to receive that.
God gave me that by revelation.
He said you tell him that I got something that can continue to make money for one time deal.
Say amen Over in Genesis chapter 26 starting at verse 12 Genesis 26.
In the message translation, Kim. Come on now in the message translation. Come on.
I got Kim on board with me tonight. In the message translation. Come on, Kim.
Let, let him have it that right there.
Come on now, Richard and Richard.
What part of your inheritance is that God’s gonna make you? I’ll try it again.
Part of your inheritance is that God has made you one more time.
Part of your inheritance is that God has made you.
When you say money, come, He might send you a factory, he might send you. Come on.
He might send you a building, he might send you real estate.
He might send you one way or the other.
He’s gonna make you and you are rich right now. That’s true.
God said, ask you what you’re waiting on, get busy with your walking and talking.
Nobody in the kingdom is supposed to be broke.
I’m gonna say it right now and I decree it.
Nobody in the kingdom of God is gonna be broke from this day forward.
I decree a thing everybody in the sound of my voice.
This is the last week you’re going through Brokenness.
Money coming to you.
See, you got to get violent because of violent.
Come on, don’t take it. You’re gonna have to take this.
You won’t be trying to sneak up on the devil and talk nice. Don’t talk nice to him.
Snatch everything he’s got. Sit down.
Yes, sir. No, no, it’s done.
I said it’s done. Part of my job is to decree it. Say amen to that.
So see people, some people think God’s gonna drop money out of the sky.
He ain’t got no money in the sky. So there ain’t no money out there.
Money is down here and it’s in the wrong hands and I don’t know about you but I want two.
Now tomorrow see we gotta stop playing with this thing because we’re kind of fearful that other people might think we’re too religious or whatever happens.
Don’t know that. Where were you? Where were they when you was broke?
Now, I don’t know who I’m talking to, but you better stop hanging around with him because if you’re hanging around with him, you’re talking like God.
That’s another thing. But if you hang around with them, either they’re gonna change or you’re gonna change.
I’m telling you folks, you gotta, you gotta get wild for Jesus.
You gotta stop trying to actual purity and show union and praise the Lord.
Praise the Lord, give me my money. That’s so praise the Lord.
We’re gonna both praise the Lord when you give me my money.
See, I don’t care if you want to, don’t like what I’m saying, you know they can turn me off.
I hope you don’t. But I’m just saying, I’m not gonna stop saying what I’m saying.
Cause loose lips sink ships. Somebody’s gonna have to be both.
It’s too much, it’s too much weakness in the body of Christ.
We got to get all that out. Say we have to get all of that out.
Be strong in the Lord and in the power of his might.
God moved that company from Denmark into 10 minutes from the house just like we had it on the card and then that company would spit out money so she could get it.
And I’m telling you if you believe this, you can be in the worst place in the planet, the most poverty stricken place.
And if that be the case, you can use words, you can use words and rearrange the earth.
Say amen. You could bring Microsoft’s to Haiti. Did you hear?
Yeah, I’m preaching now.
You better get what I’m saying.
Come on now, if you know the value of your words, you can do it.
You are put here to rearrange this earth because right now, Satan’s got it where he wants it.
We’re gonna fix that. We’re gonna fix that. I said you gonna fix that.
Say amen to this.
Oh Here is Jesus constantly speaking the words of God.
God gave him the spirit without limit.
See if you can control things in the spirit, the natural will obey you.
Yeah. What am I saying? I’m saying?
This teaching on words was something that I believe is the master key to the body of Christ in the last days to take over this earth.
Say men and make it produce what God had planned for, to produce.
say, words say from now on words are gonna be what I’m gonna speak.
I’m gonna confess the word and believe what I say is gonna come to pass and I’m gonna have what I say.
Now, the devil tried to teach you how to talk because he knew that uh if you had, well, look at, look at this, he calls it perverse speech over in Proverbs chapter four and down at verse 24 perverse lips.
These are, these are that speech that’s against God and that, that speech will get you in trouble.
Same into that job said over in job chapter six.
And then verse 23 through 24 oh, deliver me from the enemy’s hand and teach me and I’ll hold my tongue and show me where I’ve error.
And that’s, that’s the scripture that I needed when every time we’d go and we’d uh me and Keith or somebody would go in on mission trips, we go into places and we’d fly in there, you know, and, and we used to say this, I gotta pray to get in and I gotta pray to get out.
And we’re down in the Philippines, man, they had a rain of monsoon come in there and we were gonna land and we were the last plane they let land and, and I man, every time I got to pray to get in and I got to pray to get out.
And I was starting, that came up to the, they had to sit on the, on the tarmac for about four or five hours.
And then they finally moved up to the terminal and the water was still eight ft high up at the terminal.
Then we went in the terminal and because the water had flooded everything, it went and flooded all the equipment in the basement in the terminal and the lights went out.
Well, when the lights went out, they put everybody out and they put everybody out.
The problem with that, it was raining like I don’t know what out there people with babies and all that put us all out.
And next thing God said, God, what is this? He said, watch your words.
I said, I’m just saying, I got to pray to get in and pray to get out.
He said, is that what I said? I thought a minute. I said, no, sir.
You said, I’m blessed going in and I’m less coming up.
And ever since I’ve said that we’ve been easy. Going in and easy coming out.
And I think my mouth flooded the whole place flooded the whole play.
Put everybody out of the terminal one, loose lip Thomas.
You might be messing with your family. Jesus.
You trace things all the way back in your life and you will end up at words, you correct those words and you’ll correct your life.
So just don’t forget that they’re going over to the other side and they cried out.
We’re about to die. Don’t you care? Well, loose lips, sink ships.
Think it’s speaking the wrong thing, no matter how bad it got, you could never get Jesus to say anything that the father didn’t say.
I’m saying. I believe tonight we’re rooting out a tree in your life.
Do you hear what I’m saying?
We’re getting a tree out of your life.
There’s been a tree in there and it’s been causing the fruit of that tree to come forth, which has been also hindering your inheritance and getting what God has for you.
But now we’re gonna run it out because he said in Matthew chapter 15 and verse 13 that every plant or tree in you that the heavenly father did not plant shall be.
It’s got, say it’s got to go in the name of Jesus.
I remember remember what I told you at the same meeting Peter was attending with Jesus and let Jesus use his boat.
He got a huge catch. AM I right about that at the same meeting so God can deliver you and turn your situation around within 24 hours.
Why? Because you’re in the time of acceleration.
Amos 9 13 said things about to happen so fast.
No, I’d better come over here for this.
Things about to happen so fast. I better come back.
Things about to happen so fast in your life.
It’s gonna make your head swim, sit down.
See all I got to do is say what God said.
He said, my word shall not return to me, but it shall accomplish.
Word’s gonna do the work.
I said the word is gonna do the Yeah, I don’t care how somebody’s acting, especially in your family.
Them, them kids just put the word on if they act too bad.
Tell them they’re gonna be a preacher. Watch this and that settles it in jesus’ name.
Put the word on, let the word do the work.
Jesus spoke that tree and said, no man eat food of year after forever.
And the disciples heard it and they went up there and went to sleep and while they were asleep, the word was at work and they came back the next morning and Peter quarter minutes had mastered the fig tree which you cursed is withered away.
Jesus said, have faith in God for verily I said to you that whosoever say I’m a, whosoever shall say to this mountain, this thing that is impossible.
Be thou removed, be thou cast into the sea and shall not doubt where his heart, but shall believe that those things that he says shall come to pass.
What is he gonna have? Therefore, I say unto you what things so ever you desire.
When you pray what you gonna do, you’ve received gone can move a company in your backyard.
You just, you just specify on your request that you want to walk to work.
No, y’all don’t get it over here.
You just, you just specify on your little request, what denominational bills you want.
Well, I’m going too far now. I’m going too far right with God.
Well, praise the Lord.
I trusted you enjoyed that teaching again. That’s from this teaching of faith for the impossible.
It was doing a faith refresher.
We have it in the winter months just to refresh the saints faith because faith needs to be fed.
Faith is a servant. Got to eat. You gotta feed the word of God.
Now, this whole idea of faith for the impossible. If you don’t want it, don’t speak it.
If you don’t want it, don’t speak it. I remember when I used to be confessing.
When you’re going on mission trips, you gotta pray to get in and pray to get out.
And I used to say that they could have all spiritual and so forth.
But what happened is every time I went in, I had to pray to get out.
I had to pray to. It was tough getting past immigration and all of that.
And God said, what are you saying?
I said, we gotta pray to get in, pray to get out. He said that that’s what I said.
I said, no, sir. He said, what did, what did I say?
I said, you got your blessed coming in and blessed going on.
I said praise God once I started saying that we with parents, immigration, all of that with these. No problem.
Ever since I was saying the wrong thing. If you don’t want it, don’t say it got that. Hey man.
Well, this is Bill Winston saying get that teaching is powerful.
We enjoyed bringing it to you and we want to let you know we love you and to keep walking by faith.
If you stay with what God said and you don’t change your confession, that word is gonna work for you because it will not return to you.
Today’s dynamic message.
Faith for the impossible is filled with life changing truths that can turn your circumstances around and bring you into the best life God has for you.
But you’ve only heard a portion of the message to get the series in its entirety on MP three or CD on MP four or DVD order today by calling 1 807 1193 to 7 or go online at Bill Winston dot org.
When you correct your words, you will correct your life, get your copy of this essential teaching faith for the impossible.
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This is Bill Winston. I love you and keep walking by faith.