The Ezekiel Prophecy & The Ancient Entity | Jonathan Cahn

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The Ezekiel Prophecy & The Ancient Entity | Jonathan Cahn

Jonathan Cahn shares powerful revelations from Ezekiel 38 & 39 and how they are all connected to current world events.

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Jonathan Cahn has been called the prophetic voice of his generation and is known for unlocking the deep mysteries and revelations of God’s Word. He leads Hope of the World, a worldwide ministry of outreach of God’s Word to all nations, and His love and compassion to the world’s most needy.

A 2 and a half 1000 year old mystery.
There was in the land of Persia a man named Haman who rose to power under the Persian King Ahasueros.
Haman raged against the Jewish people.
He threatened and planned their destruction, but the hand of God turned everything around.
The Jewish people would be saved and destruction would come instead to Haman.
The holiday of Purim celebrates the salvation of the Jewish people from Haman. What is Persia?
It all happened in Persia. In the 19 thirties, Persia changed its name to Iran.
Haman was a Persian or Iranian official who rose to power, raged against the Jews.
Racy was a Persian Iranian official who rose to power and raged against the Jews.
Haman threatened the destruction of the people of Israel. Hase threatened the destruction of the people of Israel.
Haman was the number 2 official in Persia, second in command to the king.
Hazi happened to be also the number 2 official in Persia, the 2nd in command to the supreme leader.
Haman sought to destroy his enemies through hanging them on the gallows.
It’s written that Haman actually built a gallows to hang his enemy Mordechai, a sign of his campaign to wipe out the Jewish people.
Could there be a connection with Reisi? Well, there is. Reisi was called the Butcher of Tehran.
He was a feared man, a hated man. He was responsible for the brutal repressing of Iranian dissidents.
He was a prominent judge on the Iranian death commission.
He sentenced and called for the execution without trial, thousands of innocent Iranians to go to their death.
There have been calls for prosecution against him for crimes against humanity.
Haman built a gallows for those he viewed as his enemies.
How did Resi kill those he saw as his enemies? He killed them by hanging them on the gallows.
Raci sent multitudes to the gallows just as Haman was seeking to do. He was called the hanging judge.
Haman was the hanging antisemite, so was Raci.
Haman was a Persian official, number 2, who raged against Israel, threatened its destruction, linked to the hanging and the gallows.
Racy was a Persian official, number 2 in the government, who raged against Israel, threatened the destruction of Israel, and was linked to hanging in the gallows.
He may be the first person in the history of Persia to meet all those criteria of Haman, Haman, a Persian official especially linked to the gallop and threatening the destruction of Israel.
On top of being the 1st president of Iran to actually launch a strike against Israel.
You know what God said? He said, he who touches Israel touches the apple of my eye.
It is a dangerous thing to do what Racy did. So what was Haman’s fate?
Haman had threatened to destroy the Jewish people. His instrument of destruction were the gallows.
So he was hung, destroyed on his own gallows.
Racy was also linked to the gallows, but the weapon he used to bring destruction to Israel again was airborne, sent through the sky to crash into the soil of Israel.
So it was airborne. His death would come airborne through the sky crashing into Iranian soil that his life would be brought to an end.
The overcoming of Haman brought rejoicing to Israel.
When the news of Racy’s end was known, though some were sad, there was rejoicing throughout Iran.
Fireworks and celebrations for the end of the butcher and hangman of Tehran.
One Iranian said, it was the first crash in history where people were worried that there might be survivors.
Ezekiel’s prophecy. Racy also has a connection to October 7th.
It was Iran’s support and funding and training of Hamas that brought Israel’s worst day since the holocaust.
And Racy was the leader of Iran behind that day.
The prophet Ezekiel foretold that in the last days when Israel is gathered back to the land, the nation called Peras in the Bible, Peras is Persia, Persia is Iran, We’ll come against Israel, will be an enemy of Israel.
After Israel is gathered back in the land, it says that Peras or Persia or Iran will launch a military attack against it.
Now Iran has never launched a direct attack, military attack on Israel ever.
But on April 14th, that all changed. That’s just a little while ago.
The Iranian attack on the land of Israel was a first.
First time Iran ever directly attacked the land of Israel, all aligning with Ezekiel’s prophecy.
In fact, it was the first time that any of the nations cited by Ezekiel in that prophecy that are to attack Israel in the last days actually launched a direct attack on Israel.
How did Ezekiel know all that? God knew it.
It is not yet the fulfillment, the the fullness of that prophecy, but it’s a gigantic step in line with that prophecy.
So Racy was the closest one in fulfilling Ezekiel’s prophecy. And what happened to him?
He crashed into the earth. He crashed into a mountain.
Now listen, in the prophecy of Ezekiel, what happens, what does it say in Ezekiel 38 and 39?
What will happen to the enemies of Israel? This is what it says. Listen closely.
Then I will strike your bow from your left hand and make your arrows drop from your right hand.
Well, the arrows and the missiles of Iran were struck down uh, when they tried to attack Israel, so too now was the leader was struck down.
Now listen what it says. I will bring you to the mountains. Racy was brought to the mountains.
You will fall on the mountains. So Racy fell on the mountains. His helicopter fell on the mountains.
He came crashing down on the mountains. It says, you and all your troops, they will fall on the mountains.
So the leader of Persia has fallen on the mountains.
Now on the day that this is fulfilled according to the prophecy, they will be in Israel and fall on those mountains.
But as Iran’s attack of Israel is a shadow of the attack that is coming, Rhesi fell on the mountains, a shadow of the coming fall.
The ancient entity. A mystery now from the book of Daniel.
To see the the full mystery and more on Ezekiel’s prophecy, check out what we posted the Persian mystery.
But now I’m gonna open up more and share what I did not share before.
But first to set the stage, the prophet Daniel is taken captive from Israel into exile, into the court of Babylon.
While there he receives revelation from God concerning Israel and the end and the last days.
In Daniel 10, it says in the 3rd year of Cyrus king of Persia, Iran, a message was revealed to Daniel whose name was Belteshazzar.
The message was true, but appointed for a longer time or a later time.
And he understood the message and had understanding of the vision.
Now on the 24th day of the 1st month as I was by the side of the great river, that is the Tigris, I lifted up my eyes and behold a certain man clothed in linen, whose waist was girded with gold, the wufas.
So Daniel’s at the side of the Tigris river, he sees an angelic being clothed in white and that being has come to give him a revelation from God.
He says to him, don’t fear Daniel, for from the first day you set your heart to understand and humble yourself before your God.
Your words were heard and I’ve come because of your words, but the tsar, Malchut Paraz, withstood me for 21 days.
Amazing thing. The angel of God is prevented from coming to Daniel because of another entity.
The angel calls him the tsar malhut paras.
The word tsar means prince, head, chief, captain, and ruler, steward, lord, or master. The word means kingdom.
It refers to that kingdom. What kingdom? The word is Paraz, same word used in Ezekiel 3839. It’s Persia.
So the tsarparas, who is the tsarparas? It’s a demonic entity.
Why did the tsarparas try to stop that angel? The angel was coming to give Daniel a revelation.
He says, I will I’ve come to make you understand what will happen to your people in the last days.
For the vision refers to many days yet to come. The last days, it’s an end time prophecy.
It’s your people, that’s Israel, the Jewish people.
The prophecy is gonna focus on the city of Jerusalem, the temple of Jerusalem. It has yet to be built.
It’s gonna link up with the book of Revelation, the antichrist, the end of the age, the return of the Messiah.
So this demonic entity, the Sarparos, is seeking to prevent all that.
He’s against end time prophecy being given.
The end time purposes of God concerning Israel, the Jewish people, In the last days, you’ve got an anti Israel demonic entity.
It happens to be linked to one specific nation, Persia, and Persia is Iran.
The tsar Peras can be translated as the ruler of Iran, a demonic spirit ruling, leading Iran.
It’s the mystery behind all these things.
When Israel comes back into the world in the last days, this entity, the sarparos, is gonna be especially active or activated.
That’s why Iran turned into the most anti Israel nation on earth. What Israel calls its archrival.
That’s why Iran is not normal. That’s why Iran sponsored terrorism around the world, evil.
That’s why Iran was behind Hamas which orchestrated October 7. Behind it all was a demonic spirit.
That’s why Iran is obsessed with Israel and wants to destroy Israel.
That’s why Iran is obsessed with gaining the powers of nuclear destruction.
It is driven by the tsar peras, a demonic spirit.
The entity of Iran, which is obsessed with stopping the purposes of God that are going to come through the nation of Israel in the last days.
If it can destroy Israel, it can stop the purposes of God.
That’s why the nations of this world are try they try to control Iran, but they can’t.
Because you cannot control a demonic spirit with diplomacy.
And as demonic spirits seek to possess and control, so Iran seeks to bring other nations and powers under its control.
So it has a network of terror throughout the Middle East. Hezbollah in Lebanon.
Militias in Iraq and Yemen, in Gaza, Hamas, and beyond all that right now, Iran controls about 4 other nations of the Middle East.
I’m Jonathan Khan, and I hope you were blessed with a video.
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