The Chastening of the Lord – Episode 2

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The Chastening of the Lord – Episode 2

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There’s a training that god has taken us through So, we can enjoy the results of whatever it is.
God loves you. He says, so I’m a I’m a I’m a start exercising you. I’m a start training you.
And it’s gonna be enjoyable for a moment, but he says, you know what?
There’s gonna come a time that you’re gonna have a harvest And you’re gonna be able to see the result of the exercise or the training that comes from this chastening.
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This is your world.
It’s all a I’ll make it a better place.
Let every heart love us, today.
We are changed.
What then are the impurities to be removed by chastening?
Specifically, what are the impurities to be removed by chasing it?
I kinda already told you, but as the purpose of the the, uh, of the discipline that comes by grace, that discipline by grace is to produce godly living And this was seen all throughout the New Testament as complete dependence upon god.
Complete dependence upon god.
So it is the life of a believer that is not dependent upon god.
That’s called impurity. It’s that life that does not depend upon god, that life that does not trust god.
That’s the that’s the impurity that needs to be removed by chastening the life that doesn’t depend upon god.
Now now this is this is how I understand this. It’s like, okay.
We live our lives, and we have come to the point where it’s like, okay, god, I’m not dependent on you.
I’m trusting me. I’m trusting me more than I trust you.
I’m trusting me to do this, and I’m trusting me to get that done. I’m trusting me.
And there is no there’s no dependent on god.
The most important thing that I have learned in this walk of grace is to make my declaration of dependence upon god every day.
God help us. God help us.
And my prayer is lord helped me not to deceive myself. I depend on you.
I depend on you to wake me up in the morning.
I depend on you for my health, my strength.
I depend on you for my promotion.
When there’s some people right now who don’t think that is any need for them to even ask god the best of things.
They get an idea which came from god. All things come with the oh god.
And about own, have we given thee?
And and we don’t even we don’t even feel like it’s it’s necessary to get god to bless it because now we’re smart.
We have a degree. We know people. We got money. What is all that gonna do?
It’s gonna try to distract you from your dependence on him. I trust god.
I and I trust god, and I need to let him know I trust him.
I need I don’t wanna start nothing without without starting, depending on him. I need him.
How’d you do this? Well, you know, I, I, you know, God, I the 5 ways of doing that.
You know, I did that. Now you gotta you gotta work real hard to do. No. No. No. No.
Not me. What time to say this morning? Not by Mike.
Not by your power, but by my spirit, saith the lord. I depend on god.
What’s happening right now? I don’t wanna Listen, I don’t want the church to grow because of my intellect.
I don’t want things to happen, and they give me a a community service award because of my work Whatever is done through the life of creflo dollar and the world changes, we gotta look to the heels from with cometh, our help our strength and our help and our dependence comes from him.
But you have to really open your eyes to see how bad off this is right now.
Listen to people’s testimony. Jesus is not getting the credit no more.
And that is an insecurity that cannot exist in heaven.
Because god has already seen that movie, and he knows how it ends.
You remember the one called Lucifer?
And that impurity is something that that he he he’s gonna burn off So it follows that all in the life of a believer that is not in dependence upon him is an impurity.
Every self centered thing is included.
All dependence upon self all self will, all satisfaction of selfish desire, all, uh, glory for self.
Wow. That causes you to examine yourself. I hope so.
It calls me to examine myself.
I’m thinking like, dude, before I get up and and think I’m just like, Oh, I am just Look at me.
God, I’m awesome. I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I build houses.
I, I I pray for those who need prayer. Yes. I speak in tongues.
Under. I do all.
And then you’ll squeeze in a little quick to the glory of God.
I’m thinking, oh my god, dude. I don’t know.
I I don’t know. I don’t wanna say anything, but I don’t want you to get to heaven and suffer loss and then look back at me like, dude, why didn’t you tell us?
Many humanly admirable things together with all worldly lust and all immorality require the chastening work of god.
The chastening work of god burns off self dependents.
And at times, the chastening work of the lord is a preventive work Sometimes god releases something to stop you from doing something.
Someone said, how that work? What Paul, Paul knows about it. Paul experienced that this this kind of chastening.
And second Corinthians chapter 12 and 7, look at this. 2nd Corinthians chapter 12 and 7. Yeah.
Check check this out.
And, and, and, and he says, unless I should be exalted above measure this is Paul, unless I should be exalted above measure through the abundance of the revelations that was given to me a thorn in the flesh, the message of Satan to buffet me less, I should be exalted above measure.
So this provision of god’s grace was a means to hold and subject the tendency of the flesh to boast.
God allowed this to happen to deal with the tendency of the flesh to one of those.
Can you imagine the Apostle Paul getting this groundbreaking revelation of grace more revelation than any man ever got And he was a form of fantasy, by the way, how tempting he would be to really get arrogant and boastful and eventually say, look at the revelation.
Look at my revelation. And and and I saw this.
The grace of god loves Paul Jesus, loves Paul, so much that a provision of god’s grace wrapped up in a thorn.
To prevent that from happening.
Because men had to see this was a revelation from god almighty.
And Paul was just an instrument where god could flow his love through one man and deliver men from the law into this new testament of grace.
That’s how important it was, that he was not in the way They had to see god, not Paul.
We love picking out our heroes and forgetting that you already have one.
I’m good, bro.
I want nobody admire me like that. And I’m lightening. I’m good, bro.
I’m good being a slave to Christ. I’m good.
I do not want to be going to heaven and and and and god say, you suffer loss because you up here in your self dependence.
No. No. No, lord. No. No. No, lord.
I mean, when I get to the gate, I ain’t got no list about what I did.
They asked me, why should we let you in?
I’m gonna say because of god’s great I am what I am. I am not who I am because of anything about me.
I depend on god, and I depend on god to unlock that gate and let me in.
No other help I know.
If I withdraw myself from me, I don’t even know where to go.
That kind of dependence. And you know what the church has done?
Most of them have declared a declaration of independence from god.
God helps those who helps themselves.
The Bible says that he’ll help those who helped themselves.
And I thought it was scripture until I went to looking for it one day.
And you know what I discovered? God never said that.
God didn’t say he helps those who helps himself. You know what I’m saying?
He said I help those who need help. Amen. Amen.
That’s just an excuse we use to go at it without god.
Well, if you just if you take one step, He’ll do the rest.
So you mean you mean to tell me all of god’s stepping is gonna be based on my one step.
So god’s power is limited to my one step.
Honey, I have had things that happened in my life when I couldn’t take a step, hallelujah, but he started taking a step and start caring me every time he’s stabbed, hallelujah.
That’s the kind of god I serve, a god that’ll pick me up, hallelujah.
And I can depend him to step when I can’t step.
I apologize. I I’m try I’m not trying to to, like, scream on purpose like this because it it it’s really hurt my my boys, but I he is so awesome.
I mean, what a god? Oh, he’s doing all this stuff.
He loves me. And I need him. And I don’t wanna be without him.
That’s why you’ll never hear me say. Thank you, love to bring that back.
You’ll never hear me say. If you don’t have enough faith, don’t come down here.
You know, we’re having to pray of something. I’ll tell you one thing. You gotta have faith.
If you don’t have enough faith, don’t come down here.
Well, now what if you got a whole bunch of folks who well, I ain’t got no faith, but I sure what I’ve been paying.
Here’s what I believe.
Honey, if you ain’t got no faith, come on down here.
We’ll believe god’ll get you something on your way long down here. Come on.
I depend on him to give you whatever you need on the way down here, hallelujah.
Wouldn’t god a little bit too too high strong in church?
Everybody think they know it?
All in the I listen. I just believe what I preach God will fix it all when I get that, glory to god.
I might not have it all like you perfect preachers do.
I just preach what I believe, and I, I preach what I see in my life.
And look at what god has done here, and it it might not be 100% flawless, flawless, but it’ll get you there.
I guarantee you. It’ll get you there.
And he might have to take half my book and just head out and leave me with a paragraph and say, baby, just what you got right.
That that’s alright with me because I’m not there because of the whole bookie toy I I’m there because I totally depend on him, hallelujah.
And you take a breath of all that hollering again.
My god. Alright.
So the one purpose of this purifying work of the father is that we might be partakers of his holiness.
Go to 1st thessalonians 4 and 7. And this is this is about to get really radical.
First, thessalonians 4 and 7. He says, for god has not called us onto uncleanness, but he’s called us onto what?
Holiness, not to uncleanness, but holiness. So that’s number 1.
Number 2, the the second purpose is that it might that it might yield the peaceable fruit of righteousness.
So righteousness is the root, but the fruit of righteousness is the results.
And so he’s talking about chasing us so we can see the fruit of righteousness which is results.
How many are ready to see some results in your life? Amen?
Partakers of his holiness And so we can see some fruit of righteousness.
So the peaceable fruit of righteousness is said to be unto them which are exercise.
Go back to Hebrews 12 and 11. But let let’s let me read this in the NLT.
Hebrews 12 and 11 in NLT peaceable fruit of righteousness is said to be under them, which are exercised by the chastening, exercise by the chastening, the chastening that exercises us, He says this in verse 11, no discipline is enjoyable while it is happening.
How many of your how many ever women in in the exercise room.
You ain’t been there in 2 years, and you’re back in that exercise room.
And you you used to could do, uh, a hundred push ups.
You can’t do, but, uh, half of one. That is not enjoyable while it’s happening.
It’s painful. And you go down, you get sore, and then you start lifting weights up and you’re more sore, and you think, is the soreness ever gonna stop?
It’s painful, but afterwards, there will be a peaceable harvest Here, it’ll be a peaceable harvest of right living.
For those who are trained in this way, for those who are exercised in this chastening, There’s a training that god has taken us through so we can enjoy the results of that training.
And whatever it is you might have been addicted to, drugs, sex, whatever it went, whatever it is, god loves you.
He says, so I’m a I’m a I’m gonna start exercising you. I’m gonna start training you.
And it’s not gonna be enjoyable for a moment.
You’re gonna have to say no to this and No, and lord help me here.
And you, my psychiatrist, uh, praying past 1 hour. I, that boy, shout out.
He but he says, you know what?
There’s gonna come a for those who will exercise in this chastening that you’re gonna have a harvest And you’re gonna be able to see the result of the exercise or the training that comes from this chastening.
You gotta let god train you because here’s gonna be the key to this training.
Yielding. Somebody say yielding.
The clay must yield to the potters exercise.
If it is to become a vessel of beauty.
But gold must yield to the exercise of the fire if it is to become pure.
The drops of water must yield to the exercise of the sun’s rays and the cooler of the night to be formed into the dew drop.
Yield is the keyword in each of these cases.
So the believer is to is is exercised by the chastening only as he yields to the hand of god.
When you’re being corrected in love, disciplined in love, something some affliction happened in your life, but you know god loves you.
Are you willing to take out of that affliction the wisdom necessary to be better?
Don’t be like a dog and return to your bomber.
No fruit. Of righteousness without yielding to the hand of the potter.
So something crazy happens, still dependent on yourself, still dependent on yourself, and then something happens where you got to depend on god.
And so while you were exercising and learning how to depend on god, it ceased And you did too.
And went right back to doing, what do you what you just you you successfully exercised.
You’re in shape You’re bearing the fruit or the result of your righteousness.
As a result of the junk you had to go through, it’s like, dude, I won’t go through that no more.
And you knew in here that God is is trying to get you from doing that.
He tells you, don’t do that.
And then you do it, and then he says, okay, you I see you’re gonna it’s gonna be like this.
Okay. Well, I’m gonna permit this thing gonna happen to you.
And then, you know, something happened till you get something, you, oh, lord Jesus, oh, cry. He says, alright.
And I’m a permit this. He said, because I’m god. And I and I love you.
But I’m trying to get you to see the results of this chastening, and I could fix everything that was messed up in the process.
But it’s not gonna be by your might.
I’m trying to show you how awesome I am in your life.
But you keep going back to yourself, everything.
I I did that when I, I I finished that operation, got those tumors moved out the way, went back in my bathroom and saw those 80 bottles of supplements, And by by by by training, I was getting ready to take them all again, and I just said, No.
No. I will never take all of those.
I, I, I still take some, but not no 80.
I told my doctor that he said, Who who told you to do that?
Now, I was dependent on those things more than I was dependent on god.
I don’t wanna, I don’t wanna go back after I see the fruit of dependent on him.
You know, what, what happens when you didn’t did everything you know to do?
Watch this, and it doesn’t work? Have you ever been there before?
I’ve done everything I know to do and it’s not working. Now, what’s this? Here’s what we say.
I don’t, I don’t know why we don’t get this.
And finally, I said, God, I don’t know what else to do, so I guess I might as well trust you.
And then something awesome happens.
Anybody ever did that before? Over there again. Right?
I don’t look for a job. I didn’t call it. I don’t went on the internet.
I didn’t call it. All the people who promised me didn’t get me a job.
I didn’t get everything I knew to do. Well, lord, I might as well trust you.
And god was like, good. I’ve been trying to get you out of my way for the longest.
I had your job 4 months ago when you first started.
So why didn’t he just give it to you right then?
I’m trying to show you the necessity of trusting me. Not to trust me optimally.
Not an option. No. No. No.
To trust me as a necessity as a life waking up trusting me.
You know, stuff can happen. These days in time, It’s somebody said, well, I don’t wanna get any risk.
Risk everywhere. This damn time, you can go grocery and get shot.
At this damn time, you could be driving.
And and and and something happened, you can you could be on the way home. There ain’t no stone.
Come and turn it or turn your call. This is the entire I gotta trust god.
I gotta I I gotta I gotta trust god.
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Sovation is the beginning of a new life for a believer.
It is from this point that we can move into the fullness of who god has called us to be and see the manifestation of the finished works of Jesus.
It is one of my greatest pleasures to help people, to understand who Christ is and to lead people to Christ.
If you would like salvation today, pray this prayer with me. Very simple prayer.
Heavenly father, I believe in Jesus.
I believe that he died, that he rose again, and that he lives today coming to my life.
Save me. I receive you as my savior. In Jesus’ name, Amen. Listen.
If you prayed there, prayer with me, that’s how simple it is. Welcome to the family of god.
The preceding program was brought to in part by the partners and friends of creflo Dollar Ministries.

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