The Attractiveness of God’s Grace

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The Attractiveness of God’s Grace

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This program is brought to you in part by the partners and friends of Prepflow Dollar Ministries.
Coming up next on changing your world.
Sometimes it’s knowing the joy that’s ahead of you that can help you go through certain things in life.
Sometimes it’s the pain that you experience here, and you think about the things that are above, you think about the things that are for you, the things that you’re coming to.
Jesus says, for the joy that was set before him, he endured the cross.
Reunite and ignite with your world changer’s family at Crays Life Conference 2024.
Join us at the World Doman College Park Georgia, July 11th through 13th for a 3 day celebration packed with surprises with guest speakers, Gregory Dicow.
Andrea Rayton, Inke Johnson Bishop, Clarence McLendon, and Michael Smith, prepare to receive life changing revelation.
Don’t miss Seoul stirring worship with Hesakiah Walker Brian Courtney Wilson.
Text Grace Life, one word of 51555, and get ready for the reunion.
This is your world.
Let every heart than me used to know.
You love a city say.
Uh, If you have your Bibles, Open your bibles up with me to the book of Saint John chapter 8 versus 3 through 11.
We’ve been talking about god’s way versus man’s way.
And there are some things that I believe you’ll get a hold of today that that will be life changing.
Verse 3, Saint John chapter 8, verse 3, he says, and Described and Pharisees brought onto him a woman taken in adultery.
And when they had set her in the mist, they say unto him, master this woman was taken in adultery in the very act.
Now Moses in the law commanded us that such should be stoned, but what saith thou, And this, they say, tempting him, that they might have to accuse him.
But Jesus stooped down and with his finger wrote on the ground as though he heard them not.
So when they continued in him, he lifted up himself and said unto them, he that is without sin among you let him first cast a stone at her.
And again, he stooped down and wrote on the ground.
And they, which heard it be being convicted by their own conscience, went out one by one, beginning at the elders, even unto the last, and Jesus was left alone, and the woman standing in the mist.
And when Jesus had lifted up themselves and saw none, but the woman, he said, under her woman, where are those thine accusers?
Hath no man condemned thee? She said, no man, lord.
And Jesus said, under her, neither do I condemned the go and sin no more.
Now under the law, which Jesus was a priest operating on, It would have been absolutely according to the law to take this woman and to have her to be stoned to death.
But Jesus said, I don’t condemn you, go knowing that I don’t condemn you.
Go knowing that I don’t condemn you And with this gift of no condemnation, sin no more.
Now that’s god’s way of do of dealing with this under the new covenant.
It’s certainly not man’s way.
The law was something that god bought down on man’s level.
Man’s way is equivalent to the law. But Jesus said that’s not my way.
I know what the law said, and I know what you were caught doing.
But where everybody else that was caught doing something? Why they didn’t throw the stone?
Jesus said, now it is going to be possible for you to carry out this appeal.
Go and send no more because where there is no condemnation, there is now the power to be able to recom what overcame you.
Now look at what Jesus said, in the book of John 3 17, because while god is very concerned about keeping the lives of his people free from worldly things,
Yeah. There’s nothing in there’s nothing about what I just said that gave you an unlicensed to
go and just just do some some crazy.
Uh, there’s there’s nothing about what I just said that said, adultery is right. Nothing.
God is very concerned about keeping the lives of his people free from worldly things, but his
approach is way different from condemnation.
Look what Jesus said in John 3 verse 17.
He said, this, for god sent not his son into the world to condemn the world.
But that the world through him might be saved.
So there are unsaved people doing all kinds of crazy stuff.
And the Bible says, Jesus was not sent to condemn all these unsaved people.
And yet, church people love sitting back condemned people who are not born again and people who are born again.
You, you, you think that that’s the thing God has called you to do.
And he has not called you to condemn the world.
Jesus says, I didn’t come to this world to condemn it.
I didn’t come to this world to judge all of the stupid crazes that’s going on.
Well, they’ve already tried that before time.
There’s a new way of doing this, and he says, I didn’t come to condemn the world but that the world through me might be saved without condemnation.
If you ain’t no good, you know you ain’t no good.
You don’t need me to tell you how no good you’re not.
Your conscience takes care of that.
But he said for god sent not his sons of the world to condemn the world, but that the world through him might be saved.
Now this is gonna be very interesting now because we’re gonna talk about the new and living way.
Alright. If we don’t beat people up, then how are they gonna change?
If we don’t convict people of their sins, how they’re gonna change?
God never called us to convict people of our sins. He gave us the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit is the one that will not only convict. I like this word.
He convinces you that that that’s probably what you don’t need to be doing.
I mean, by the time you called your wife stupid, and then she didn’t got a gun You’re convinced.
I probably don’t need to call her stupid no more.
So listen to me carefully now.
This is this is interesting.
There are 2 methods that the lord uses to draw the hearts of man away from this present world.
Two methods that he uses to draw the hearts of man from worldly things.
Here’s the first method.
By setting before man, the attractiveness and the stability of things that are above.
He says, I can change a man by making
my ways so attractive. Not by beating him up as showing him the
beauty that comes by seeking the things that are above.
We have not done a very good job
of teaching the attractiveness of the things that are above.
We spent a lot of time with the condemning people But folk don’t talk about
heaven like they’re used to.
The attractiveness of what is to come once you leave this world The attractiveness of the grace of god, the attractiveness of seeking those things that are above, seeking eternal things the attractiveness.
You just don’t see that. And and I sat and and thought about this.
I’m like, just start thinking about the attractiveness of the things that exist that you don’t experience right now.
A heaven where there’s no more crying there.
Yes. Glory to god.
A heaven where you have a body, but it’s been renovated.
A place where you have stepped out of time into eternity.
A place where there are no more tears.
And and the greatest thing, the greatest thing about what we have to look forward to is that we’re going where Jesus is.
We’re going where god The greatest thing for you to recognize is one day you’re gonna be done down here, and you’re gonna be absent from the body and present with the Lord and all of the stuff.
No more stress. No more stressing out over the comment sections of the Facebook.
No more stress not over this, no more worried, no more gossiping, no more backbiting, no more hurt, no more pain, nobody else dying with you, no more none of that is over with.
We have lost the attractiveness of what is to come.
Seek those things that are above.
And not the things that are on the earth And I tell you, we have we have been inundated with doing everything we can to be successful here.
Oh my goodness.
One day, you gonna you gonna slip out of this body, and you’re gonna walk in a new glory fied body that Jesus demonstrated when he was resurrected from the dead.
And the Bible says he walked through the door, the door being shut Yeah.
And then he sat down at 8.
Some might ask me, will we eat anything in heaven? Yeah. Jesus ate in his glorified body.
He ate some fish and honeycomb. Somebody asks, will we know one another when we get to heaven?
Well, will you know one another when you get
to Texas?
You’ll still have your soul with you. Hallelujah. You gotta understand.
You’re gonna be in an atmosphere.
You’re gonna find out the power and the impact of real pure genuine love.
Oh, glory to god.
Well, we we we we have clothes. You won’t have artificial clothes.
You’re gonna slip out of your last outfit, the day you die, whatever you had on that day, you’re gonna slip out that because you will never again need artificial clothing.
Where’d you get that from?
Adam and Eve, before they said they were covered, but not with artificial clothing.
They were covered with the glory of god.
Now this is something I can tell you about because I saw it.
I don’t care if you believe what I just said.
That truck turned over 20 something years ago, and those angels went by me and they were not exposed.
They were clothed. That, uh, but the only way I can describe it, their their clothes and their skin was like it was, 1, they were clothed in light.
It’s that’s the best way I could, uh, look, I say, they had facial
eyes and
and and and and characteristics, but it was when you look there, you you there was no exposure a a body, it was clothe in glory.
That’s exactly what Adam and Eve were closed in. They were covered in glory.
But the day that they sin, they lost their glory coat and had to go and try to cover themselves with fig leaves, when you leave and go to heaven, you will be covered with the glory.
Ain’t no more Hugo balls ain’t no mold.
Uh, none of the stuff, but brands, you got you got the greatest brand that nobody on this planet can manufacture It’s the glory of god.
Now I tell you, I gotta be careful talking about this because some of you walk out here, like, I’m ready to go.
See the things that are above.
You keep looking and allowing the stuff that you’re going through now to govern your life and you forget about the better that is to come, the greatest that is to come.
Oh my goodness, praise the lord.
And there will be times where you will meet family members that you hadn’t even heard about yet.
There will be a great gathering in heaven praise the lord.
As we come together and to worship the only one that is war that is worthy to be worship It is the lamb of god.
The lamb of god will step in that room, and everybody will fall down and begin to declare glory.
Glory, glory to the highest glory to the lamb of god.
Somebody said, well, that sounds kinda boring.
I don’t know why, because somebody told you there’s not gonna be any work in heaven.
There are several scriptures that talk about the work we have to do in heaven. Yeah. You’re gonna be working.
If you don’t like working here, listen. You don’t wanna go to heaven.
You got you still gonna have a job to do.
Well, I just don’t believe you will when you die.
But I’m trying to tell you now, my God, my my life is all about screaming loud, trying to get you to see, do not by the perceptions
of this world, seek the things that are above.
This stuff here is so minute once you get to the real.
I preached a sermon years ago called, is the physical world really real?
Because you got the understand that everything that’s physical came out of stuff you can’t see.
Their spiritual gave birth to the physical. Lordy god.
You couldn’t have no physical realm if there were not first a spiritual realm.
Everything that exists exists here came out of stuff you can’t see.
Everything that you can see and comprehend in touch here was born out of stuff you can’t see in comprehend and touch.
And everything in this physical world has an expiration Things you can’t see are eternal.
Excuse me. Things you can’t see yeah, our eternal things you can see are temporary.
There are things that used to exist 10000 years ago.
Ain’t no you can’t you didn’t they’re not done no more.
And you’re still trying to gain something that’s temporal.
The thing you ought to be gaining is Christ.
Because everything else you do will disappear.
Only what you will do for Christ will last.
Now let’s look at some scriptures here. Colossians chapter 3 verse 1 through 2.
Presenting the attractiveness and the stability of the things that are above.
Colossians 3 12. If you then be risen with Christ, if you’re born again, and you got up from from your dead state of sin,
seek those things which are above.
Where Christ sitteth on the right hand of god, that’s what I’m seeking.
Every day there’s certain things about this world that are diminishing in my eyes.
Just not
I just don’t see it the way I used to.
I just don’t see it the way I used to.
It matters little to me what you think about me.
I’m not trying to, like, get back with you and nothing like that.
I’m trying to talk like you in your own shoes because too many of you continue to allow it to matter what people think about you.
And that takes up an amazing amount of time in your life.
I’m not seeking only what I can have here.
I’m seeking the thing that’s above where Christ sits on the right hand. Look at verse 2.
Set your affection on things above. Where are your affections? Where are your affections?
Cause most of us just church people, our affections are not on we forget about the thing that’s above.
Our affections not there. He says, don’t set your affections on the things on the earth.
Look at verse 2 in the, uh, NLT.
Don’t set your affections on the things of the earth. Set your affections on the things that are above.
He says, think about the things of heaven. Don’t think about the things of earth. Think about the thing.
Every time you see something in your life that happens, let it move you to think about the things of heaven.
What’s gonna be different in heaven versus what’s going on right now?
There’s one thing I have no doubt about that everybody in here, including me will pass one day.
You gonna die. Not yet.
But how do you plan on handling The reality of heaven, if you have doubted it so much
while you were on the planet.
I can’t deal with that. Death is a part of life.
And I wanna do as much as I can, although not with not not gonna be perfect, not gonna be flawless, but as much as I can, so I can stand before the god and say, lord, I did all I knew to do.
Thank you for the help but you promised me you would finish me,
and I’m looking forward for him finishing me.
And be careful before you pronounce somebody to hell because of the thing they did.
I’m sure
there were many people that that woman who was calling an adulterer, I’m sure many of them said, is she going to hell?
We gotta stop doing that. That person’s going to hell. That person’s going to hell.
That person’s going to hell. Oh, hitting Donpa Hall of the Lodge be quiet.
That’s not what we’re supposed to be doing. Condemming people to hell.
That’s not what we’re supposed to be doing. We seek and think about the things that are above.
It may seem small. It’ll change your it’ll change your daily your daily life as you start thinking about the things that are above.
Look at this scripture.
Uh, well, you know, Matthew 633 Sikie first, the kingdom of god, primary, the kingdom of god, and all these other things shall be added unto you.
We’re seeking the things to be added unto us. He says seek the kingdom first. Sick the kingdom first.
Look at Hebrews chapter 12 and 2 in the NLT. Hebrews chapter 12 and 2 in NLT.
He says, we do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus.
Keeping our eyes on Jesus, the champion who initiates and perfects our faith.
Because of the joy awaiting him, he endured the cross disregarding its shame.
Now he is seated in the place of honor, besides God’s throne, Can you imagine being on the cross after being beat up and and whipped with a cat of nine tails?
Can you imagine you you imagine how how how difficult and where it is to read him, saying for the joy that was set before him, He endured the cross, his motivation for enduring something hard and painful and shameful was what he could see ahead.
The joy that was of ahead of him, Sometimes it’s knowing the joy that’s ahead of you that can help you go through certain things in life.
Sometimes it’s the pain that you experience here and you think about the things that are above, you think about the things that are before you, the things that you’re coming to.
Jesus says, for the joy that was set for him, he endured the cross.
Do you know who god really is?
In creflo dollars, 4 part series, the truth about god’s ways, he highlights who god is and how his unique nature sets us free.
Under grace, god does everything apart from human merit.
Under grace, god first reminds of what he has done in grace.
By grace, you’re already righteous. By grace, you’re already perfect. By grace, you’re already holding.
And now that you can see that it’s available to you by grace, then I’m gonna try to appeal to you to live a life in harmony with what grace has already done.
This 4 message series is available for a love gift of 25 US dollars or more for CDs or 35 US dollar or more for DVDs.
To receive this series and discover god’s loving nature, call the number on your screen, scan the QR code, or visit creflodollarministries Oregon, click eStore today.
The countdown is the on.
The 2024 change experience tour is headed to New York City, and the revival is set to be absolutely legendary with 2 amazing sessions in just one day, fellowship, music, the word.
Bring your friends and family and experience it all on Friday, April 26.
You have to go and experience it live for yourself.
Anytime we’re able to get together corporately and to be able to base into presence of god.
God will have an impartation. It will come on us.
So when we leave here, we won’t leave the way that we can.
Anytime I get a chance to, I mean, listen to all being a service, you know, feeling anointing the god, you just wanna put yourself in that kind of atmosphere.
I’m so grateful for the change experience.
Text change 2024, one word, to 51555.
Visit or scan QR code on your screen to claim your spot today.
Don’t miss out.
Everything in god’s kingdom works by faith.
Now I remember when Taffy and I started giving, it was a painful thing to give because we didn’t have much at all financially.
However, we made a decision to be givers.
And one of the most quoted scriptures in the Bible is John 316, God so loved the world that he gave Therefore, as Christians we give, our giving is an expression of our love.
And when you support creflo dollar ministries financially, you are give to our efforts to spread the gospel all over the world.
And in addition to helping millions who are hurting and have vital physical needs.
Pray about what god would have you to show at this time.
We wanna thank you in advance of your support.
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God bless you.
Look no further for encouragement to walk in the grace of god.
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We never want to assume that all of you are born again Christians.
Being born again is the key to experiencing god’s promises in your life.
It’s the most important decision you can make.
I wanna say a prayer of of salvation with any of you who would like to receive it.
Right now, receive the gift of salvation. Pray with me and just repeat after me, heavenly father.
I believe that Jesus died for my sins.
I believe that Jesus was the payment for my sins, that he was the sin offering, and I receive him as my peace offering.
Jesus, come into my heart, save me, and today by faith, I receive you and declare that I am saved in Jesus’ name.
Amen. Well, if you prayed that prayer with me, I wanna welcome you to the kingdom of god.
Because of you, creflo dollar ministries is providing a new understanding of grace and empowering change in the lives of millions of people every day thank you partners and friends.
Your love and financial support makes it possible to bring this message into millions of homes all across the globe.
The preceding program was brought to you in part by the partners and friends of creflo Dollar Ministries.

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